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For animal lovers (especially cats)

Posted: Mar 18, 2013

We have stray cats that come around our neighborhood and we've been feeding them.  I know, I know, a mistake, but they were little kittens at the time mostly and so cute.  Now that mating season is upon us, I think there are about 2 or 3 pregnant ones.  I know I shouldn't have started this, but how do I stop?  I don't know if any of the other neighbors feed them or not, and it will make me sick if I see them starving.  What to do?  Sometimes there are as many as 10 when I throw food out, if more are pregnant, there will soon be 20. 


cats - cs

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Contact info@alleycat.org. It is an organization called Allie's Alleycats that helps stray cats. They have a trap, neuter, and release program. I absolutely love cats too, and I don't want to see anything bad happen to them. Please email them. Also Google it, and you should see more about their group.

Yes, check for feral cat spay-neuter resources - Alley Cat Allies is a good starting point

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And thanks for caring about them. Most of us who get involved in helping feral cats start off making the mistake of feeding only, before we realize we MUST also spay/neuter them -- don't feel bad, just do what needs to be done for them ASAP!

Hopefully there is a low-cost (sometimes even free) clinic for feral cats somewhere within driving distance of you. Often such clinics or rescue groups have humane traps to loan you.

(Just please -- and I don't really think you would do this, but I've heard stories and need to say it -- don't decide that it would be a good idea to "relocate" them once you pick them up from the clinic! Still makes my heart break to think of the stories I've heard of people unthinkingly doing this.)

There is also a very good Yahoo email group - Called feral_cats nm

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It was not a mistake!! - loveanimals

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That is the problem with the lack of low-cost spay/neuter clinics - millions of animals are destroyed each year because the problem is out of control. Please!! call your local humane society if you have one and ask about a program called catch fix and release (i think its CFR) You catch the cats, have them altered and release them. At the very least they will not reproduce. It is NEVER a mistake to feed an abandoned/hungry/sick animal that someone else has apparently turned their back on. See if you can get help from local officials. Email me if I can give you more information.
Thank you for being an animal angel.

I feed about 8-10 stray cats at night too. I did - cat lover too

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capture one of the males and got him neutered. Otherwise, I do feed them but leave them alone. I don't try to tame them because it will be harder on them to survive. They have street smarts now because they are feral. The kittens will be born feral but will learn to survive on the street too. Feral cats have such a knack for dodging cars and dogs, and other dangers. The only thing they really need is food and water. The sad thing is when a domesticated cat gets dumped and they have no idea how to survive on the street.

I do wonder where the feral cats go during the day. They really are nocturnal and always come out very late at night.

Neighborhood cats - Cautious one

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I'm a cat lover too, but be realistic. It is time to call the shelter. Outdoor cats wandering around are prone to many hazards; cars, getting caught in traps set by cat haters (I have seen this happen), altercations with other animals, poison (some have been poisoned by drinking antifreeze because it tastes pleasant to them), etc. You cannot count on your neighbors, you'd be surprised how many people hate cats. 2 or 3 pregnant cats grows exponentially when their babies have babies. I inherited my sweet cat when she was left homeless and I've volunteered at the shelter. Get some help now to avoid problems later.

Stray, feral cats are the first ones to get - cat lover too

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euthanized at the "pound." Call it a shelter, but it really isn't. Cats have survived on the street for centuries. Yes, there are dangers but that is the way it is for animals and people too. It is not a pretty way to die by euthanization either for an animal. Telling an animal lover such as the person who is feeding starving animals to call the shelter on them is not cool. Your cat was lucky but the majority of them do not get homes at the "shelter."

You would be surprised - Cautious one

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...The attitude is changing from shelters who euthanize to shelters who make a concerted effort to find homes for animals, there are many "no kill" shelters out there. Animals can be placed in foster homes until they become socialized and ready to be adopted. I would think food and a warm place to sleep in addition to veterinary care would be preferable to poisoning or getting hit by a vehicle. The OP not only has herself to consider, her neighbors may not appreciate having stray cats roam their yards and gardens and howl when they are in heat. Actually, my Tess was not a shelter cat; her people moved and left her to fend for herself. She came to my house, the rest is history.
No, they don't find homes for feral cats. My - cat lover too
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friend is the director of the humane society here. She described the way they have to "put down" the animals. It is horrid. They then stack the dead animals, dogs and cats, in a freezer like "firewood" as she described it. They suffer terribly when they inject them, especially if they jump and it misses the vein. They fight going into the euthanization room too, as if they smell death. I could go on and on about what she said. I was bawling my eyes out when she told me the details. It is not the animals fault they roam or go into heat and neighbors should be adult enough to realize this. The post who said she spays and neuters the cats and finds home for the kittens is making a difference for these animals and giving them life. The answer is not just throwing them away to the pound.

P.S.--It isn't just feral cats that get euthanized. Older cats especially have trouble being adopted. Everyone thinks, "oh, my pet will get a home," when they take them to the pound but the majority don't get homes.

feral cats - help

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check your local area humane society for advice - I live in rural Utah and my state is great with helping feral cats - I feed 10-12 on a regular basis - over the last 5 years, I have had all of the females spayed but 1 that I cannot catch but have been able to find homes for most of her kittens or at least spay the females I can - and it is usally very low cost or sometimes free. Hopefully you're area/state has something similar - GOOD LUCK

Great post! I agree with everything you said. I - catwoman

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wish more people were like you. Keep up the good work. I hope you catch that 1 cat that is hard to catch. Maybe put some stinky tuna out there and try to catch her!

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