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We still use bayonets...tweeted by a Marine during the debate

Posted: Oct 22, 2012

Guess Obama doesn't know as much as he THINKS he knows. 



I loves me some Marines, but to be fair... - (see message)

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...that's not what the president said. He didn't say they DON'T use them at all. From Fox News Insider, this:

DEBATE QUOTE: Obama on the Changing Nature of the Military – “We Have Fewer Horses and Bayonets” Than We Did in 1916.

I'd say that's pretty accurate...we have fewer horses and bayonets than we did in 1916. Not true?

OK-loves me some Marines... - Liberty

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You are right on the quote. I still think Obama thinks the military doesn't use bayonets. Obama made numerous snarky comments tonight and that was one of many. DID NOT look presidential at all. Romney, again, was respectful and presidential and he won on the facts.

Except he lied through his teeth about past policy statements - and took

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not one single discernible stand on foreign policy. He was nothing more than a basket full of rehearsed talking points and buzz words, no depth and zero understanding of what he was talking about.

Obama doesn't have to LOOK presidential. He IS the president. Romney was obviously sweating bullets trying to get the evening over with. His hair was so wet it looked greasy, as though he had just stepped out of a Look Magazine Brylcream ad from the 1950s. I agree with an earlier poster. He was definitely out of his league. BTW, the undecided staw polls are giving Obama double-digit leads over Romney, one of them more than 30 points.
Your insults are not helping Obama. Most of us - see through him now, and he will lose.nm
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Most of US? You mean low-information - voters? SM
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evangelicals, stuck in the 50s voters, no respect for women voters, gung-ho Bush foreign policy voters, pro offshore voters, belief in legitimate rape voters, pro unequal pay for women voters, etc.? Those voters? As the country moves forward, more and more eligible voters will go against all of this, guaranteed. Oh, and I forgot one. Those who think it's fine to suppress the vote of those that might vote for the other guy, something to be so proud of.
Your math doesn't add up, dear. - On the road to 270
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all Romney's gonna see is detours and dead ends. He'll never reach the destination and will end up going down in history as the loser he's shown us throughout this campaign he really is.
name calling - xx
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Is it necessary to call the next president of the United States a loser?
Sorry, I thought I was pretty clear. I called the next president the president and - the loser the loser.
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I guess you missed the part where Mittens flubbed THAT line too, when he said "if" he were president, then quickly changed it to "when." That correction was not necessary. He was right the first time. He's never gonna see the inside of the White House unless he and Ann decide to come there as tourists.
I think the voters will prove you wrong - JC
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Obama is not invincible, even though you and he think he is.
Your presumption ignores 270. - Not happening for Mitt.
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Not now. Not ever.
That is only your opinion - JC
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Let the voters decide.
No, it's math. Show us realistically - how Romney can get there. nm
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Can I have spome of that hallucinogen you took? - The Sarge - sm
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You got the lib buzzwords down pretty good. I'll give you 10 points for that.

However, I take away 20 points because you just stooped to not talking about issues, but about what someone looks like.

Then I take 10 more points for the insults, and finally I take away 50 points for the outright lie that Obama is leading. The 30 point lie I'll give you 10 point for imagination and the ability to make us laugh.
Hey, hadn't you heard? The GOP set that low bar. - No substance needed. The only goal
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was for their pathetically foreign-policy challenged candidate to give the APPEARANCE of having a presidential "demeanor." In fact, he was prepped to be downright meek, weak and complicit (and desperate at times to see his 2 minutes expire) whenever the subject came up.

He repeatedly ENDORSED Obama's policies and decisions, except when he was saying he would do them sooner, louder and somehow better. While agreeing with him and saying he would have done the same thing, Mitt's severely conservative alter personality emerged long enough to pronounce what a failure those same policies and decisions had been.

With not a smidgeon of substance in sight from the challenger (unless we count Mitt's newly announced 2014 Afghanistan policy), I will return to the critique at hand, filtered through the lenses of the GOP's STATED objectives as described above. Mitt Romney cracked under the pressure of his own foreign policy ignorance, DESPITE how cast in stone his facial expression appeared in front of the camera. Candidate wet head was the clear winner of Brylcream's retroactive search for their 2013 banner spokesman.

Bayonnets and horse quote is ridiculous - JC

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There are less bayonnets and horses because something has replaced them. We have less hand to hand combat so there is less need for the bayonnets. We now have motorized vehicles to replace the horses. However, what is replacing ships? Air craft carriers are ships too. Navy ships do different things than air force ships. Many navy ships are faster and can get to a conflict faster and have more fire power. The first war we had as a country was with Somali pirates. So many products are shipped to this country and the navy protects our shipping lanes and can get to pirates quicker. Navy seals (not air force seals) are the ones that deal with these pirates.

Leaner, meaner, more efficient ships. - Comparing Navy ships

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from 1917 with those of 2012 is like comparing the Pony Express with Windows 8. Get real. Also, ships have a max speed of 50 MPH while airplanes average 500 MPH. In the event that ships arrive prior to aircraft, it means there has been a carefully calculated and intelligent strategy in place ahead of time, not one designed to deliver the words voters want to hear in an election the candidate cannot win by running ON HIS OWN well publicized and highly unpopular policies. The first war we had as a country did not occur in 1960, when Somalia emerged as an independent nation. Ships were used in those earlier days of military conflict since the airplane had not been invented yet.

No one is trying to minimize the contributions the Navy makes in national security or the roles they play. Bringing up horses and bayonets is an effective reminder of how much a reality check was needed at that particular moment in the debate, when Mitt dragged out an inaccurate and relatively meaningless factoid that fell short of his handlers' expectations.

The US Navy's all-time lowest vessel count was in 2006, when they had a total of 278. Since then, they have added 7 and current rate of acquisition was increased in 2011 to 2 attack submarines per year. You do realize this shows that Obama, in fact, has already addressed the issue. Having helped point this out could have been avoided by the Romney camp had they just taken the time to do their homework before launching an attack that ended up being a big fat dud.
I disagree, having a presence in the shipping lanes is more important - JC
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I think the reference to Somali pirates was that in the 1800's that was the location they came from, what is now Somalia.

Using a fighter jet to combat piracy is like killing a fly with a sledgehammer. We use aircraft in support, not the primary means of fighting.

Technology is great but when it comes down to people being able to board and take over a ship, technology has its limitations. A physical presence has more a deterrent impact than saying "we'll get you with my drones my pretty".

All this tit for tat is ridiculous. Obama has had the exposure to intelligence and military intelligence but he had none in 2008 yet everyone was able to overlook that.

In my opinion, I still think Obama projects weakness to the rest of the world. Regardless of how many drone kills he has.

Did he say how effective they are in the - war on terror?

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The bayonet is used for controlling prisoners and only "as a last resort." My question would be how hard are you trying to miss the modernization of the military point?


Yes, and Obama was SO disrespectul - snooty... ugh.. he is desperate.nm

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not just Obama - CRS

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To be fair, Romney did the same. He seemed kind of out of his league. If this was a debate about foreign policy, why did were domestic issues constantly brought up?

Disagree. Obama seemed condescending. Even - my military cousin got ticked off at him.nm

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You are confusing condescension with confidence - which is highly visible when
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sitting next to a foreign policy know-nothing trying to fake his way through the evening.
LOL ! Unfortunately, Obama's foreign policy - has been a huge failure.nm
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How so? Seriously, how do you come to that - conclusion? NM
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I believe Romney spelled it out quite well. - Texan
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In other words, you can't cite a single point to - support this baseless supposition.
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I understand. The challenger has muddied those waters for ya by agreeing with the president's global policies. When Romney tries to own them, it's tricky business to try to call them a failure at the same time.
Yet you supported Obama in 2008 and he had zero foreign policy experience - JC
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The difference between Obama in 2008 and Romney in 2012 is that Romney will present a better more positive image of the US to foreign countries.

What I don't get about Democrats is that they keep saying other countries hate us because we push our interests. But do you think other countries don't do the same exact thing. The difference between us and other countries is that we come to other countries aid when there are wars and natural disasters. How much foreign money flowed in after Hurricane Katrian compared to the money and aid we give to other countries? There is absolutely zero comparison.

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