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The real story is

Posted: Nov 18, 2012

This is a great article.  It's titled:  Sure, our ambassador was murdered and the Obama administration is lying about it, but the real story is that McCain is a grouch"

The article is 100% accurate.



Sure, our ambassador was murdered and the Obama administration is lying about it, but the real story is that McCain is a grouch

Read more: http://dailycaller.com/2012/11/16/sure-our-ambassador-was-murdered-and-the-obama-administration-is-lying-about-it-but-the-real-story-is-that-mccain-is-a-grouch/#ixzz2CZCYR8Dd
Sure, our ambassador was murdered and the Obama administration is lying about it, but the real story is that McCain is a grouch

Read more: http://dailycaller.com/2012/11/16/sure-our-ambassador-was-murdered-and-the-obama-administration-is-lying-about-it-but-the-real-story-is-that-mccain-is-a-grouch/#ixzz2CZCYR8Dd
Sure, our ambassador was murdered and the Obama administration is lying about it, but the real story is that McCain is a grouch

Read more: http://dailycaller.com/2012/11/16/sure-our-ambassador-was-murdered-and-the-obama-administration-is-lying-about-it-but-the-real-story-is-that-mccain-is-a-grouch/#ixzz2CZCYR8
Sure, our ambassador was murdered and the Obama administration is lying about it, but the real story is that McCain is a grouch

Read more: http://dailycaller.com/2012/11/16/sure-our-ambassador-was-murdered-and-the-obama-administration-is-lying-about-it-but-the-real-story-is-that-mccain-is-a-grouch/#ixzz2CZCYR8Dd
Sure, our ambassador was murdered and the Obama administration is lying about it, but the real story is that McCain is a grouch

Read more: http://dailycaller.com/2012/11/16/sure-our-ambassador-was-murdered-and-the-obama-administration-is-lying-about-it-but-the-real-story-is-that-mccain-is-a-grouch/#ixzz2CZCYR8Dd
Sure, our ambassador was murdered and the Obama administration is lying about it, but the real story is that McCain is a grouch

Read more: http://dailycaller.com/2012/11/16/sure-our-ambassador-was-murdered-and-the-obama-administration-is-lying-about-it-but-the-real-story-is-that-mccain-is-a-grouch/#ixzz2CZCYR8Dd

That's it in a nutshell - cory

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Perfect description of the way the media is covering current events.

I will agree with that... - Gramps McCain is

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a grouch and Lindsey Graham is a prissy, petulant little queen trying to use the ambassador's death to help get herself re-elected.

That's the story, but the libs hate that messenger, - so they will discount out of hand.

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