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The hatred on this board is worse than ever!!!!

Posted: Jun 14, 2015

When "opinion" called people pugs, Foxbots, cons, and presidential candidates idiots, I see that the hatred of especially a couple people (seems like only 2), will never subside.  They fail to have discussions with others except their cohorts and fail to give reasons WHY they feel the way they do. They just spew hate and I find it disgusting.

On that note, I'm gone and hopefully, for good this time. I had hoped this board would change. I had seen a couple down-to-earth discussions from some who really wanted answers, but all they got was nasty answers in return. I don't see them on here anymore...and I'm leaving too because I am tired of it all. I'll let the liberal progressives have the crappy conversations. No sense making my BP go up because they refuse to READ the whole story before the nasty comments start. I can't deal with mentally incapacitated people.



Agreed! - NPC

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The ignorance is surpassed only by the hatefulness. I've not been here much either lately for the reasons you cite. There are other forums out there where people can have civil discourse.

I agree with Truthhurts. - ProMT

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When I read comments on this political board, I feel sad for people who have so much hate in their hearts. I guess this is a way to vent their anger and frustration in life, but it is not fruitful or attractive. Debating an issue is one thing, but downright bullying others is something which I will never condone. This board reeally does not provide any intellectual stimulus for me, either.

I rarely come here anymore because like you said, (sm) - Abby

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you can't have a rational conversation anymore. I check back now and again, but it never changes, so that's it for me too. Maybe we'll meet up somewhere else where there are people of all political persuasions that can discuss topics rationally.

There's that old saying - Mrs. Tingles - sm

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"You can't fix _____". I heard that for years. It's true. People are not interested in having a conversation or finding out the truth. There are some paid trolls on this board who's purpose is to come and disrupt and insult. That's why you don't see me here anymore. I come every once in awhile but the posts are so far gone that it actually hurts to think some people actually believe what they write.

Got too much going on in my life including a fantastic new job, a loving husband to do things with and my kitties, gardening, and also research, read and watch the politics (that is the real politics) that I don't find here.

Liberals have been screaming for years now they want their own board. Now they can all have their fantasy conversations. It's too bad, about 7 or so years ago there used to be some really good conversations on the board. That's all changed now with the communists in control.

I find it funny that apparently the conversations - were good when everyone agreed

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or listened to the conservative truth. The realization that there are plenty of people with differing viewpoints makes them "fantasy" and "communist."

I at least understand that there is a mind set different from my own, and I understand from whence it came and I understand that it must be reasoned with to alter it.

Not at all - Mrs. Tingles - sm

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A difference of opinion is a good thing. The world would be a boring place if everyone agreed on everything. I always welcome disagreements. I may not always be right, but at least I can listen to a difference of opinion and say, you know I might have been wrong about that. Something that liberal never ever ever will admit to. I'm directly referring to family members, not anyone here. However, some posters on this board i swear could be my family members.

I enjoy a healthy conversation, but that is not what this board has turned into since this current regime took over. The minute you disagree you are called a racist. You get called a racist, yet they don't like being called a communist. The fantasy I am referring to is just that. People want to believe something that is just not the truth. When I talk about communists I refer to the current regime and politicians.

And since this is a board where we are allowed to give my opinions those are mine.
I find that many on the left suffer from what my rabbi - calls "expertitise" and think
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they are an expert at everything. The news is like watching a Hollywood movie, half fact and half sensationalism.

We try to talk about this with our children in our home, and point out verifiable facts from jumping to conclusions and political bias.
Nicely stated. DemAlinsky's want to tell everyone else - how to live, how to pray, what
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to eat...Their communist policies shooting America down the crapper and they jump for joy. DemAlinsky's nothing but a bunch of gas bags.
And the Pubalinsky's DON'T tell others how to - live? Hmmm. Tell us all -
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once again what your party's stance is on religion in schools, government. About abortion rights. About gun safety. And while you're at it, tell us once again why most of those who vote republican can barely rub 2 cents together, yet they continue to vote FOR Big Business, and against their own better interests. I really want to know what on earth is going on in these people's heads.

Unfortunately that sector can't be reasoned with. - Everything is black or white.

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What's funny is how quickly certain regular IDs responded to this, claiming they're - "rarely here" :) Julia Sugarbaker

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Now, if someone new showed up here, with even half a brain, who even half-believed that, all they'd need do is to look at the time stamps of the comments - at how quickly all these "different" IDs posted after the OP, as well as how close in proximity they posted to one another - but okay :)

As for me, it appears I'm two days late to this party?

All I can say about this is - wow. I go away for 3 weeks and pop back in and what do I find?

A thread full of name-calling about name-callers lol.

(I'm pretty sure THAT won't escape the attention of new readers either ;)

But to be fair and to the OP's point...

...even though I'm a left-leaner, I will say that I left a few weeks ago because I unexpectedly have a very full plate this summer, but I also must admit I became disheartened by the fact that once libs finally got a fair voice on this board (without certain others finding various underhanded ways to report/get them banned) they ended up using that voice to nasty name-call themselves as provocation, almost as badly as the conservatives had previously done (not quite, let's be honest).

Now, we all can be sarcastic, sarcasm is just...funny. And we all have a moment where we call some public politician an "idiot" or just have a bad day/get frustrated with things, that's not the sort of thing I'm talking about.

I'm talking about mean-spirited comments, using your regular ID or not, calling others in the room not of your same party something nasty (not in self-defense) on a regular basis, just because they don't agree with you. I really wanted to believe that most libs were above that sort of thing, but perhaps a couple aren't.

And IMO, THAT is the essential problem with this country these days, and the second reason why I stepped away from this board - because IMO, both parties are not only polarized more than ever, but party brainwashed as well, and this board is proof of that.

With few exceptions, there's virtually no interest in finding common ground. That is NOT the way the political parties always were in this country. They had their loyalties, but they didn't blind themselves to everything everyone in their party did, nor did they literally hate each other.

Seems to me most here just want to use this board as a place to vent aggression at strangers.

There's so much lack of trust and hatred for the other party that all I can say is - God help us if we ever really need to face a real terrorist threat here in the US.

In fact, if a single self-purported Republican or Democrat (who regularly posted as such) had the guts to ever once critique someone in their own party, I think I'd faint.

And no, Tea Party doesn't count as independent thinking, sorry.

Because IMO, not only have I personally never seen a Tea Party member that knows the difference between "honest critical assessment" and "bashing", but they tend to bash/throw in the communist box anyone that doesn't agree with their extremist viewpoints 100% (which is just about everyone else).

Additionally, IMO, the Tea Party can't even stick to their own "civil liberties" principles about when the government should/should not intervene, contradicting themselves so much on government intervention it makes George W. Bush look good in comparison.

And with that "just-my-perspective" diatribe (which I'm sure will be popular with absolutely no one, and yet I never posted here for popularity), I bid you adieu again, perhaps until debate time, perhaps not.

Until then, if people want honest discussion, here, then perhaps start an honest discussion here, exemplify this yourselves, on a regular basis. We all have an off day or an off moment but - dang.
And by honest discussion, I mean presenting the FULL information from an reputable source, not just a half-butt article found as cyber toilet paper.

But if you don't really want sincere, honest discussion, and this is instead just another ruse excuse to bash the other party and try to get them to react/removed from the board, well, you'll probably get what you give then - trash in, trash out.

As always, just my opinion, met with crickets or not :)

**YAWN** Usual word salad. And some feel the need - to dominate every thread...**YAWN AGAIN**

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**Yawn again** Now, why not drop the "F" bomb because someone disagreed with you and then switch to your other 50,000 IPs. Truth.
I beg your pardon, this is the first time I've commented in 3 weeks - moderator could verify~ JS
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Can we please keep it about the subject matter of the OP rather than personal attacks?

I am not attacking you personally so there's no need to attack me personally or bring up old arguments where things got out of hand on both sides.

I left on my own terms for the reasons I stated 3 weeks ago (as well as I'd pop in later this summer), I was not banned. However, the moderator could verify I've not commented since but I recommend we just keep it about the OP's subject matter and not me please.
Yeaah right! - **Agree with YAWN**
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Yet another example of how juvenile any - conversation with a pub will get.
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Not to mention "yet another example of how juvenile" and deceptive - (and transparent) the DemAlinksy lies
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**YAWN** (your words, not mine). Just - another copycat post in lieu of -
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saying anything intelligent, or even rational.

It's the same "I know you are, but what am I?" argument left over from grade school.
Someone who hasn't posted in 3 weeks is dominating "every thread"? - Eyes Wide Open - sm
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You seem fatigued with all that yawning. Clearly, this poster can't be dominating every thread since she hasn't been here in 3 weeks and states she's leaving again until the debates, which begin in August. Popcorn ready! Getting a good night's rest helps with cognitive ability. Just saying.

I like her posts. Her posts aren't word salad just because you disagree with her. LOL. That would be shallow.
So gullible. By her own admission posts under several IPs - different monikers.
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Probably just writing back and forth to herself with other monikers - "I recognize the writing style".

The only thing that surpasses Liberal stupidity and - lack of facts is their

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hatefulness and total lack of tolerance for anyone with a POV. If the LIP Libs on this board is representative, it explains why Liberalism is considered a mental disorder.

The leftist posts are a reflection of why the country has - become what it is, and it will get

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worse. Congress won't stop the abuse of executive power and we have given Iran $150 billion (you know it will be used for their nuclear program). It's one lie after another with this White House and so many people are asleep, and since Hillary embraces Obama's policies I fear we will sink even further down the rabbit hole.

This is the 800th anniversary of the Magna Carta and the rule of law, established the idea that there is a law that even kings and governments must obey, I'll remember the good old days when our U.S. Constitution did the same thing.

We have a president trying to act like a king and a legislature that enables him. So many who are blinded by party can't see that.

I with the rest of you. I don't find much stimulation on this board. Quite the opposite. I bid you farewell.

P.S. RIP America.

One thing I've learned here is how much the - left hates their heritage

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and capitalism.

I'm outa here too.
My "heritage" started in Europe, long before - America ever became a country.
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Capitalism only works if there is no greed or corruption attached to it. Unfortunately, the way it's managed in the US, it's all about greed and corruption, and is annihilating the middle class, which has always been what sustained this country's prior successes.

My country of heritage in Europe is a socialist democracy. They have a king and queen, but they are mainly figureheads. There is a government which the people participate in and vote in. The unemployment rate there is something less than 1%. Healthcare and education up to and including college are FREE. They are a right to all citizens. Compared to most people in the US, even the lower-earning citizens in that country would be considered wealthy by comparison.

So yes, if we had a socialist democracy instead of a greed (oops, I mean capitalist) democracy, maybe the US and its citizens would at least stand a fighting chance.
People embrace socialism without understanding where - socialists get their money, and
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yes capitalism (free market system name changed by Woodrow Wilson because he loved European socialism) only works with a moral people. The idea came from the Bible and the Tower of Babel warns against socialism/communism.

The contempt for capitalism is taught in college now. Capitalism is just a system. Socialism is also a system that is abused and keeps people in power by exploiting jealousy and envy.

I realize the culture has been lost, but I have faith that my grandchildren's generation will restore much of it.

I think I'll stop posting here as well, along with the others. It seems to be a waste of time.
Good post. Too bad those supporting socialsim/communism - are uneducated as to what it actually
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does to the "masses" *HRCs* favorite word, and the loss of control of every aspect of their lives. If they spent 1/2 the time studying as they do posting their hate speech and hate rhetoric attacking anyone with actual facts, they would realize only people like HRC, Obama, Soros benefit under totalitarian rule. It is why they push so hard for it.
And so where do you think capitalists get - THEIR money? From God?
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yada, yada, the Bible says - thought we were looking for critical thinking
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We hate takers, not makers, American values - versus liberalism, behaviors
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with no consequences.

Don't be trapped by the current culture. All economic systems depend on a growing base.
hate should be have - correction
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Pretty sure you meant "hate". It's what - GOPers do best.
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So if we let the rich get even richer, and the - government continue to be owned -
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by them, describe to all of us how that is going to translate into a better country? How will that translate into more jobs? A chance at owning a home? A better chance at getting a decent education? Do you really thing those at the top are going to want those they deem "below" them economically to be worthy or any of those chances? Think again.
They don't get it, they still think they will be - chosen by the upper class
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and spared...that surely if they support the conservative life-style they won't be forgotten. Think again...it is already happening or happened.
I think you're right. Just like they think they'll - be "chosen" if they act like -
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hypocrites, all the while touting what "good", God-fearing, upstanding people they are. All the while using their God's name to try and PLAY God.

More of that - Blanche

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"Liberal stupidity"
"Liberalism is considered a mental disorder"

Hey, look, more examples of the hatred that Truthhurts was talking about!

And "more of that" is all true - Truth.

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Right-wing wishful thinking. - n
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Because DemAlinsky's are so poorly informed, have no - facts/truth, they cannot

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Defend or support their positions; so, they immediately resort to the insults and name calling...It's all they have. They sound like 6 year olds on a playground bullying the other children because they are so hateful no one wants to play with them...same with the Libs on this board. Too many other places were there are actually intelligent posters you can have a discussion with and not go through the hate speech Libs load this board with.

The far left ideology has become mainstream. It's taught - in college. The left doesn't have

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to pretend anymore.

We used to aspire to become more than we are. Now this generation is tearing that down; it's ___ backwards.

Enjoy your lib discussions. I won't.

Education, the root of all evil - Conservative dumbing down of America

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The college I attended taught me to think for myself and read original sources and analyze from those facts. Other than that, one must find respected sources with analysis and statistics to back claims.

The right wing cries "foul" whenever the statistics don't back their claims or they just create their own. Well, in fact, some of their news sources just "wing it" and don't use statistics at all.

It's mainstream for a reason: Because it's - logical. There is no logic - sm

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whatsoever to be found anywhere in the Republican tenet, just outdated ideas and belief that magical imaginary beings should factor into government.
It's mainstream because of mss delusion - resulting from propaganda. xx
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It is really scarey that there are people that - consider education propaganda
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Real brainwashing is being done to a large group of uneducated people in the U.S. to validate their thought processes. Note, that frequently they return those people (particularly women) to non-voting, homemakers, providing for their men and family in the baking sort of way.---Ann Coulter, Jeb Bush, Paul Ryan, right wing media.
It's scary that critical thinking skills are not taught, - but teaching PC is taught.
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That's why I home school.
LOL---Home school==hide in the cave and - hand-picked education
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to further a particular agenda (sounds like PC of your choice).

Best of luck to you. I have toyed with this on occasion myself, but have feared the seclusion from reality.

My son just entered public school from private school at 8th grade and has noted that all of the home schoolers are very far behind socially (even worse than he is with the fear of society Christian education exposure). He is far better educated, in the basics, and also the Bible, not that that matters in public school.

Home schooling is an excellent opportunity to accelerate an education, for the right student/parent combination, but it lacks so much in the way of socialization. I would not pursue it unless I had a significant negative socialization aspect in my public school.
I feel sorry for them. Home-schooled kids - always seem to turn out weird.
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Lack of socialization with their peers, most likely.
Umm, most I have met and I know maybe - 18-20, the parents are "different"
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"Like" to leaving-"Dislike" to namecalling of other posters and hypocrisy. - ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

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^ Ditto! - nmsg

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This is the best post I've read here in a long time! - I'm gone, too. The attacks

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on Christians especially makes my jaw drop to the floor. Some people just don't know their own history. I've had better conversations with my Pizza Hut delivery guy.

It's been nice reading the very few posts from the "ring wing bubble."

Dunno why the right-wingers feel they need to - leave. Most of the lefties are already gone.

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I guess they wanted to have more adult discussions than the endless narrow-minded Fox-spew they were getting here.

He just wanted a tip - xx

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Don't let the door.........well, you know. - nm

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The Democrat Party has moved so far left, we no - longer have love of country in

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common. We all used to have the same goals in common, just different ways to get there. No, they want to "fundamentally change" the whole system and it's working.

Adios America.

Liberals wish that were true. Obama is a moderate. - sm

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The fact that the GOP has taken a hard turn to the right fringe in no way means that Obama has moved to the left. It's kind of obvious that the GOP has moved toward the right fringe, isn't it?

The right-wing rhetoric and propaganda about Obama doesn't exactly match the real Obama. Look at the facts versus the propaganda from the right-wing talking heads with an agenda. Obama is a moderate trying to pass another free trade agreement. How is that "so far left"?

You can't say Obama moved the party "so far left" with Obamacare since Democrats have been trying to get health care for Americans for decades now. Remember that thing called Medicare? That was the Democrats trying to get health care for all Americans and the compromise was not getting it for everyone but just those over 65. So the Democrats wanting health care for Americans is not new or any further left than before. The right-wing rhetoric is off the charts, but that doesn't mean the policy is any further left. You might remember Hillary Clinton trying to pass health care in the 1990s, right? Nothing new.

So what other ways has Obama moved the country left? He wants a comprehensive immigration bill passed? So did George W. Bush and so does Jeb Bush. So did Marco Rubio until he flipped on immigration and won't support his own immigration bill passed in the Senate in 2013. Ronald Reagan did pass a comprehensive immigration bill back in the 1980s. Conservatives have gone further to the right on immigration. Liberals actually have not changed their position on that issue at all.

What else? How has Obama changed anything more to the left? He's a bleeding heart moderate. He got 20% of the GOP to vote for him in 2008 and after the right-wing media went after him, he still managed to garner 17% of the GOP vote in 2012. (see link)

I really wish he was as left as the righties make him out to be. The fact that the GOP has moved further to the right has not changed Obama. He's always been a moderate. The Obama administration basically looks like a continuation of the Bush administration to me. Only the soaring right-wing rhetoric is different.

Have a nice day. :)

So, the term "idiot" sent you over the edge - but "crackhead" in reference

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to the SITTING PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES was A-Okay. Double standard, yah think. We weather the Mooch, crackhead, DemAlinsky, communist, socialist, et cetera, you can't take "idiot." Maybe he is an idiot savant--not likely. Definition of "idiot" is a stupid person. He is running a very stupid campaign. Bobby Jindal actually referred to the Republican Party as the "stupid" party. He is actually a respected Governor, well, in some circles anyway

I made the "idiot" comment, and, frankly, he is running a very, very stupid campaign, oh, and wait, he hasn't even declared. He is running a stupid illegal campaign.

I suspect the liberal comments are just making too much sense.

We should simply post using terms like the OP, and that should solve the problem. - sm

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Let's take a look to see what might constitute acceptable verbiage to the OP at the links below.


In the first representative post, the OP refers to Democrats as "Demonrats" and suggests that people are afraid to run against Hillary because of the "Clinton scandals/deaths associated with them."

Okay, so let's stop using the unacceptable word "Cons," which yes I realize is nothing more than shortening the word Conservatives in the same way they use the terms "Dems" or "Dims," but hear me out on this. Since apparently the use of satanic/demonic verbiage is okay, we should probably come up with a similar term to "Demonrats" and stop the use of the "offensive" terms.

To that end, I have chosen to use a Christian demon from the New Testament to prove that I have absolutely nothing against Christians or Christianity. I fully realize that liberals are being accused of attacking Christians and having a "war on Christianity," but the fact is that the majority of liberals are Christians ourselves who simply feel our religion has been hijacked and that the definition of what it means to be a Christian is being perverted by the right-wing fringe politicians who live in a bubble of hypocritical self-righteousness and are merely using religion to garner support and will toss religion off like lint as soon as they perceive it to be a political liability. I see Beelzebub alive and well in the far right, and I hereby dub them "Beelzebublicans," which should be a perfect complement to the totally acceptable term of "Demonrats." Naturally, if anyone else has any other demonic-type monikers that I may have not thought of, please do post them for consideration, as we liberals are a religiously tolerant bunch who are open to all ideas and welcome demon terms of all faiths.

Now then, instead of "idiot," it seems to be perfectly acceptable to suggest that the opposition party is criminal and even that they are murderers. So anything in that vein should be okay, I'm guessing. I won't refer to Jeb or any of the other 20 (?) GOP candidates as an "idiot" and will henceforth refer to them as criminals and murderers.

So, there you go; we liberals should be A-Okay if we follow the lead of the OP in link 1 above, and if "Foxbots" is no good, then "tampon ladies" or some of those other colorful terms should be perfectly acceptable as used by the OP in the second representative post in link 2 above............ problem solved. :)

BuhBye - Blanche

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Complaining of the hatred here, and ending by calling anyone who disagrees with you "mentally incapacitated"? Points for irony, anyway!

I mostly just lurk here, but in the time I've been reading, a great deal of the negativity I've seen has actually come from you in the first place. You are the problem you're complaining about.

My personal prediction is that you won't be able to stand being away, and you'll be back soon, just under a different moniker. You're too addicted to pontificating about how awful anyone who disagrees with you is.

Anyhow, goodbye. I certainly won't miss you. Don't forget to take your sock puppets when you go.

I think all those monikers are the same person. - They all sound alike.

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Yeah - the Dems are known for writing back and forth - to themselves. Pretty clear all the same 1.

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Another conspiracy theory. LOLOLOL - Why are we not surprised? - nm
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They never give up, do they? - LOL
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Nope - Dems go down in flames, accusing others of their - misconduct. I recognize the writing style
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I'm reasonably sure the OP and those who - posted under her are NOT Dems.
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And those are the ones being referred to. Of course you knew that, and were just making a pathetic attempt to deflect. Right?
Agreed, I recognize the left does it. I recognize the - writing skill. Sometimes an atheist
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Christian hater and sometimes a Christian, but clearly just wants to argue with right wing Christians.
OMG! Conservatives think they know we're one person! - LOL - sm
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Oh, my goodness! This post tells you everything you need to know about conservative reasoning skills.

Yes, sure, whatever you say. LOL. So the atheist and the Christian are the same person because you said so and because you "recognize the writing skill." ROFLMBO

I'm the "Christian" someone accused of attacking them because they claimed I somehow knew they were a Christian and was "challenging" them and suggested that I wouldn't challenge a Muslim (like they could possibly know that). So from a simple post that anyone could have written, be it Christian or Jew or whatever religion, this person accused me of "challenging" them because they were Christian.... like I somehow knew they were Christian.

M'kay! The mere fact that people claim to know things about others that they can't possibly know tells others everything they need to know about the conservative mindset. Almost everything is a conspiracy with conservatives, and they often accuse others of singling them out for persecution and think others somehow know they are Christians from a simple post. LOL.

I'm not the atheist, but I have read his/her posts, and I don't agree with everything he/she posts or with their thoughts on the existence of God, but I don't judge them because of it. Sorry to burst your bubble, but those are two different posters. I know because I'm one of them, but I'm not the other one.

Your recognition powers have clearly failed you here. Have a nice day, though! :)
OMG! The DemAlinksy's think they know we are all one person - LOL - DemAlinksy Sybil brigade
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out and about...LOL is right.
Another intelligent copycat post. - How refreshing...
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How is what you're leaving for any different... - marge

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than calling shots like "liberal progressive have the crappy conversations" or "mentally incapacitated people"? :( I will never understand how people think name calling like this will get them anywhere. I don't agree with it in any context. :( I'm an educated, liberal, business owning, democrat. I actually do take pride in that and don't find myself having any sort of incapacity issues. :(

The endless name-calling of the GOP is why - they dont stand a chance in 2016.

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Is this a late April Fool's joke? - nm

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Oh, oh, you are going to get in trouble! - yeah, right

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Whenever the lefties have talked about this evil board and talked about "leaving" there has been a big old post from the "moderator" about not bothering to tell people you are leaving, etc. and then the post is removed.

As someone else said, buhbye!

And you continue to read it because.......? - Curious

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Professor of Journalism but lies when he says he's peaceable. A few searches shows him to be otherwise but admits he's a liberal progressive and states: " We put the president in the White House. To support the new NRA president's agenda of arming the populace for confrontation with the government is bloody treason. And many invite it gladly as if the African-American president we voted for is somehow infringing on their Constitutional rights  Normally, I am a peaceab ...

Left-Wing Bigotry And Hatred On Full Display After Trump Win Nov 11, 2016
There's nothing like an election to bring out violent hatemongers, the narrow-minded bigots and the just plain intolerant extremists. And no, we are not talking about Trump supporters here, but the legions of left-wingers who are showing off their true colors. According to the current vote tally, Donald Trump secured 60 million votes. Exit polls show that 42% of women cast ballots for the Republican. Nearly half (49%) of independent voters backed Trump. So did 14% of LGBT voters. Trump d ...

What Do You Think Would Be Worse?Nov 16, 2009
To be forced into giving up a child for adoption that you wanted to keep, or to be forced into keeping a child you didn't want?(give it a little thought before you respond) ...

Unemployment Worse, Not BetterDec 03, 2010
http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20101203/ap_on_bi_go_ec_fi/us_economy ...

Do You Think Things Are Worse...Aug 04, 2012
....since the Supreme Court gave corporations the same voice as individuals in supporting political candidates?  I sense that that's made things worse during this campaign.   I think these PACs and Super PACs are creating so much havoc, on both sides, and they're making politics even more confusing and muddled.  It's awful when a PAC comes out with advertising that favors one candidate or the other, and people assume that the campaign itself put out the ad, bu ...

Trending Is Worse...Jan 21, 2013
January 20, 2013 By Terence P. Jeffrey The number of Americans age 16 or older who decided not to work or even to seek a job increased by 8,332,000 to a record 88,839,000 in President Barack Obama’s first term, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics. At the same time, the number of retired workers collecting Social Security increased by only 4,234,480. The increase in Americans opting out of the labor force during Obama’s first term resulted in a decrease in the labor fo ...

The Tea Party (disgusting And Full Of Vitrole And Hatred) Are Not The Republican Party HopefullyApr 17, 2011
I hope with everything I have in me that the Tea Party does not represent the Republican Party. This is what the Tea Party stands for. They are full of vitriole and hatred. This is not what the Republican party stands for. See comments by Republican Party of Orange County Chairman Scott Baugh, "It's just highly inappropriate, it's a despicable message, it drips with racism and I think she should step down from the committee," said Baugh. "Davenport, a tea party activist, represents t ...

Things Are Worse Than Ever And I Have No Clue WhyNov 28, 2011
I keep thinking there is hope.  After filing for unemployment, I thought I would get my DD pay today (yes I did the waiting week).  Now I find out it could be TEN DAYS before I get my pay.  I cannot make my children wait 10 days to eat.  I have been to the food pantry here and have no way to get other food.  I know I will be kicked out of my house very soon.  Anyway, I really desperately need prayers.  I guess I do not know why I keep asking for prayers because ...

20 Ways The Economy Has Gotten WorseJul 15, 2011
  20 Ways The Economy Has Gotten Worse Since Barack Obama Became President By almost any measure that you can think of, the U.S. economy has gotten worse since Barack Obama became president.  Unemployment is higher, the cost of food and gas are skyrocketing, the number of Americans living in poverty has spiked dramatically, the housing market is in nightmarish shape and our national debt has absolutely exploded.  Meanwhile, Barack Obama continues to prance around the countr ...

Job Losses Worse Than Predicted.Oct 08, 2010
http://www.ny1.com/content/top_stories/126776/september-u-s--job-losses-worse-than-predicted   Looks like we need some REAL change in November. ...

Bad To Worse For Hillary - Now Being Investigated ForJan 11, 2016
This can hardly come as a surprise to anyone.  The pay-to-play relationship between the Clinton Foundation and certain favors granted, contracts awarded by State, etc. certainly demands investigation. Follow the link.   ...

I Imagine The Insults Are Going To Increase And Get Worse.Sep 26, 2016
It has become abundantly clear today that the lefties are in dire panic mode. Can't say I blame them. They have reason to be. Just wanted to say no matter what vitriol you hurl, it will not penetrate my resolve nor the resolve of other educated, upstanding American patriots who love our country and want to make America great again. ...

WIRE: Obamacare Only Looks Worse Upon Further ReviewAug 03, 2010
Obamacare Only Looks Worse Upon Further Review: Kevin Hassett By Kevin Hassett - Aug 1, 2010 6:00 PM MST Mon Aug 02 01:00:06 UTC 2010 Email Share Business Exchange Twitter Delicious Digg Facebook LinkedIn Newsvine Propeller Yahoo! Buzz Print Bloomberg Opinion Kevin Hassett One of the more illuminating remarks during the health-care debate in Congress came when House Speaker Nancy Pelosi told an audience that Democrats would “pass the bi ...

Anti-American Protests Are Getting WorseSep 14, 2012
On a "breaking news point" this morning, it was stated that protestors stormed a school in the ME. Haven't found anything to verify this yet. One of the worst riots took place in Sudan, where a thousands converged on the German Embassy and set it on fire, a journalist on the scene said. Some managed to get inside and pull down a German flag before police with tear gas forced the crowd to retreat. – Egypt’s influential and well-organized Muslim Brotherhood canceled nationwide p ...

Ban Worse For Business, For Families, For EnvironmentFeb 25, 2013
Bloomberg's ban prohibits 2-liter soda with your pizza and some nightclub mixers The city Health Department last week began sending brochures to businesses that would be affected by the latest ban, including restaurants, bars and any “food service” establishment subject to letter grades. And merchants were shocked to see the broad sweep of the new rules. “It’s not fair. If you’re gonna tell me what to do, it’s no good,” said Steve DiMaggio of Caruso’s in Cobble Hil ...

Climate Change: Even Worse Than We FearedMar 14, 2013
to the vested interests who've been funding it. By Climate Desk, The Atlantic March 11, 2013 | 10:23 a.m.   (AP Photo/Charlie Riedel) Back in 1999 Penn State climate scientist Michael Mann released the climate change movement's most potent symbol: The "hockey stick," a line graph of global temperature over the last 1,500 years that shows an unmistakable, massive uptick in the twentieth century when humans began to dump large amounts of greenhouse gases into ...

DNC Betrayal Of Bernie Sanders Even Worse ThanJul 31, 2016
FRAUD, but yet again, NOTHING is going to happen to her. Many of the DNC delegates are lobbyists. ...

The Obama Economy - It Will Get Worse - Get Ready (sm)Jul 28, 2013
How can anyone say this administration is a success?  It is a total, abject FAILURE of epic proportions. *****************. Link ...

Obama: 'There's No Way To Say Race Relations Are Worse'Nov 24, 2014
I beg to differ.     ...

Bad At Math, Worse At Remembering Meds, NowApr 21, 2015
About 2 years ago had cataract surgery, recently returned to have Yag laser because occasionally a film will deposit on the capsule after the first surgery. I thought hooray, the drops are gone. Not so fast now. I have now been told (because of corneal dystrophy) to take 2 different drops every day from here on. I had trouble remembering 3x a day and now this is the issue: First of all, unlike capsules cannot put the drops into a Monday, Tuesday, day of the week container. I have one drop I ...

The Only Thing Worse Than A Gingrich Candidacy Would Be A Bachmann OneMay 17, 2011
We are scraping the bottom of the barrel politivally wise, folks! I'm not making a comment about them personally. ...

Majority Of Voters Believe The Country Is Worse Off TodaySep 05, 2012
Voters say second term for Obama is undeserved, country is worse off. 52% say nation is in "worse condition". 54% say he does not deserve reelection based solely on his job performance. They also strongly suggest Democrats need to convince voters the election should be a choice between Obama and Republican nominee Mitt Romney, rather than a referendum on the president. - http://thehill.com/conventions-2012/dem-convention-charlotte/247263-hill-poll-voters-think-second-term-undeserved ...

Extreme Fatigue (worse Than Normal) Any Ideas?Mar 05, 2013
I know it is the most common complaint doctors hear - and for years I have had the stressed-tired-overworked fatigue - I know how that one feels.  But this has been going on a couple of months.  I am bone tired even after I sleep a lot.  My blood work showed I am hypothyroid so I started on medicine and also some supplements for that.  But nothing seems to be helping.  I have pain/fatigue across the area of my back right at the braline.  My arms and neck feel heavy. ...

The Worse President EVER!!! Sending Pink SlipsJul 11, 2014
http://conservativetribune.com/obama-pink-slip-soldiers/   During a speech Obama delivered at West Point, less than 25% of the cadets rose to their feet when he was introduced to the crowd.   It looks like those cadets, along with every other member of the military has another reason to despise their Commander-in-Chief. Obama sent soldiers serving in Afghanistan their pink slips, saying their “services are no longer needed” by the country. via Red Flag News: In a ...

Former CIA Agent: Bush Made Intelligence Problems WorseJan 09, 2010
By David Edwards and Daniel TencerFriday, January 8th, 2010 -- 1:14 pm A former CIA field officer says the Bush administration's reforms of the intelligence community have made it more difficult to prevent terrorist operations. Speaking to MSNBC's Keith Olbermann, Jack Rice, now an on-air personality at Air America radio, said the creation of the National Counterterrorism Center and the office of the Director of National Intelligence in the years after the 9/11 attacks means that inf ...

Peter Schiff: We're Heading For A Crisis Worse Than 2007Jun 02, 2013
  http://moneymorning.com/ob-article/schiff-washington.php?code=117833 ...

Hillary's ISIS Email Just Leaked. It's Worse Than Anyone Could Have Imagined!Oct 11, 2016
http://www.subjectpolitics.com/election-hillarys-isis-email-just-leaked-worse-anyone-couldve-imagined/ ...