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Obama's Fiscal Cliff Irresponsibility

Posted: Dec 4, 2012

Obama’s Fiscal Cliff Irresponsibility

By Josh Barro Dec 3, 2012 7:35 PM ET

 After the Republicans' counteroffer on the fiscal cliff today, ABC's Jake Tapper tweeted a response from a senior White House official: "if GOP doesnt agree to higher rates for top 2%, we'll go over the cliff and the American people will hold them responsible." This is a hugely irresponsible threat from President Barack Obama's administration.

 As Ezra Klein puts it, the fiscal cliff is really an "austerity crisis" -- without congressional action, automatic forces will bring too much fiscal austerity, too fast.

 So why is President Obama threatening to block any solution to the austerity crisis unless it includes tax rate increases on the top 2 percent of Americans? A high-income tax increase doesn't do anything to solve the austerity crisis; in fact, it's a mild dose of austerity itself.

Usually, liberals defend the high-income tax increases on the grounds that they have a low fiscal multiplier, meaning there will be little short-term economic damage from a tax increase. Indeed, revenue from a high-income tax increase could be used to finance other fiscal stimulus, raising short-term economic growth.

 But this perspective completely misses the politics of the fiscal cliff. The president has a variety of objectives, including avoiding the imposition of most austerity measures, implementing a little bit of additional stimulus and raising tax rates at the top. Republicans have other objectives, including avoiding tax rate increases and imposing near-term austerity.

 As a result, insisting on raising taxes on the wealthy does not create room for other fiscal stimulus. It actually reduces the room for fiscal stimulus: If he holds the line on his tax demand, Obama has less ability to extract concessions from the Republicans on other austerity measures, like the sequesters.

 The fiscal cliff discussions should be heading in the direction Matt Yglesias laid out last week: Obama should cave on his tax demand and Republicans on their austerity demands, leading to the minimum possible amount of austerity in 2013.

 I suspect that is where Obama will end up, and that he is talking up the tax increase for political and tactical reasons. Appearing to be inflexible on the tax issue will motivate Republicans to give up more in order to gain his acquiescence, and tax increases on the rich are more popular than the anti- austerity policies needed to support the recovery in 2013.

 But if that senior official isn't bluffing -- if the White House really is willing to risk an austerity crisis unless it gets its way on an unrelated policy matter -- then the Obama Administration is as irresponsible as it often accuses Republicans of being.


Go to the Senate Budget Committee Act of 2012 (it's online and only 9 pages) and read up on that. This is what the SENATE (Reid) allowed to come to a vote last year and now they're blaming Republicans for the sequestration that may take place if no deal gets worked out by the end of this month. Reid blocked everything but this so if it happens he, too, is to blame.

Can't lay it all on the Republicans especially after yesterday when Obama gave the Republicans "another chance" to submit suggestions and they turned something in an hour later, which Obama immediately trashed, probably without even reading it. He's just playing a game and hopefully, he loses and people wake up and see what we're in for in the next 4 years.


What's Wrong With the Republican Fiscal Cliff Counteroffer - sm...

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Interesting commentary. Thanks for posting. The article was not at all as critical of Obama as the title suggested (to my ear, anyway).

The link below is a piece written by the same author earlier in the day, and provided some perspective for me with respect to where the author is coming from.

Here's another suggestion on the fiscal cliff subject - backwards typist

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A Bipartisan Way to Cap Deductions
By The Editors Dec 3, 2012 6:30 PM ET

The big question in Washington should be how, not if, the U.S. can limit the individual income-tax breaks that cost more than $1 trillion in revenue each year.
Capping deductions is one of the few ideas both parties agree on. House Speaker John Boehner said this week that Republicans would consider proscribing tax breaks for some upper-income individuals. And President Barack Obama’s budget proposals for years have called for tax-deduction ceilings for the rich.
Over the decades, lawmakers have considered limits on popular deductions for mortgage interest, state and local taxes, and charitable giving, only to jettison the proposals out of concern that they would harm the housing market, millions of charities and much of the middle class. This time should be different.
Scaling back tax expenditures, which overwhelmingly benefit the wealthiest, will require sacrifice from many, but it can be achieved in ways that minimize unwanted consequences. What’s more, recent research shows that many of the effects lawmakers have long feared -- and that lobbyists have all too eagerly warned about -- are likely to be minimal.

There's a lot more to read in this link, and I found it interesting.

So, - he

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should just buckle to the pubs? He believes what he wants to do is right and the pubs are whining because their prescious rich are going to have to pitch in more. He is standing on his beliefs and showing leadership, but when he shows leadership, pubs say he can't lead. He just can't win with the pubs.

The word here should be COMPROMISE - backwards typist

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Obama has shown that he doesn't want to compromise with the Republicans, not in any way, shape, or form.

His belief - and he's wrong - is that 2/3rd of the country believes he's right on income distribution and that's why he was re-elected. Totally wrong.

He was re-elected because some people hated Romney and voted for Obama because of it, voted for a 3rd party candidate or didn't vote at all; others voted for him because it would have been his second term and most of the time an incumbent is re-elected to "finish the job started", and still others - and this is not a racist remark - voted for him because of his color. Look at the facts on those statistics.

You say he just can't win with the pubs. Have you watched CSpan speeches/debates? Guess not or else you would have seen the hate that comes from Reid, Pelosi, and others like Hoyer, Schumer, Waters (she pulls the race card all the time), Jackson-Lee, etc. The names I mentioned are the ones who, 9 times out of 10, "scream and pound the table" no matter what issue is up for debate, just because a Republican may have wrote the bill or supported the bill.

So, sorry, but the Republicans aren't whining. They're trying to find a fair solution to the problems. Raising taxes on the rich and then turning around and spending those dollars will not get us out of the hole; only dig it deeper.

You really need to be bipartisan on these issues and look at all sides.

"‘Fiscal cliff’ warnings yet to faze Wall Street" - Tough talk mere posturing from negotiators. sm

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From the Washington Post: "In Washington, debate over the “fiscal cliff” is cloaked in apocalyptic warnings of soaring tax rates and a crashing economy. On Wall Street, the tone is different: All will be fine.

The stock market has been little changed in the past three weeks, with few wild swings. That comes despite the Jan. 1 deadline when tax hikes and spending cuts are to go into effect unless politicians reach a deal to avert them.

“Wall Street and Washington are different worlds and speak in different languages,” said Chris Krueger, a political analyst at Guggenheim Partners.

The markets’ sense of confidence — or, arguably, complacency — is rooted in two strains of thought.

One is that all the tough talk from the negotiators is mere posturing, nothing more than a signal to their allies that they are taking a stand in advance of real dealmaking closer to the deadline. Investors and executives have repeatedly seen brinkmanship out of Washington — including over raising the cap on government borrowing in the summer of 2011 — conclude with an agreement at the last possible moment.

And indeed, both sides in the negotiations have been sending private signals to business leaders that a solution will be found.

But another argument for why there is no need for huge concern is that a short-term voyage off the cliff would do no lasting damage to the economy.

Even if there is no deal on Dec. 31, Treasury Secretary Timothy F. Geithner could order that income tax withholding tables not be adjusted to reflect higher tax rates on Jan. 1, which would mean that Americans would not immediately see smaller paychecks. The government could adjust the timing of payments to defense contractors and others to take the sting out of automatic budget cuts in the initial days of 2013.

Asked in a CNBC interview last week whether he thinks negotiators in Washington will reach a deal, legendary investor Warren Buffett said, “Yeah, I think they will. I’m not sure they’ll do it by December 31st” — showing no evident sense of panic over that possibility."

Whole article in the Washington Post.

So, you don't mind if the President has unlimited power to raise the debt ceiling? - backwards typist

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I'm asking a serious question. Think about it. It would be another blow to the Constitution if he "gets his way." The Republicans don't want to see that happen and there ARE Democrats who don't agree with it. But it's in Obama's "fiscal cliff" plan.

President Obama can do NOTHING and end up with - big money flowing in to pay bills.

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THAT's the bargaining position he's in.

He can allow all tax breaks to expire, THEN ask Congress to restore them ONLY for the middle class. That would be a big lose-lose position for the GOP--damned by the middle class if they refuse, giving Obama what he asked for all along if they accede. That's the position he and they are in right now.

So, the GOP will eventually negotiate--because they have to. A compromise will be reached that displeases people who want it all on both sides. Even though Obama is not actually in a position where he must compromise on anything.

This will happen before or after January 1 after a bunch of posturing--Old Hickory or something like on Obama's Side, GOP alternating between their own Old Hickory impersonations, scandalized virtue, and Chicken Little.
Exactly! There is no "cliff" except in the minds... - sm
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of the 2% whose taxes will go up but they will continue to live a comfortable, unchanged lifestyle. If necessary, an executive order by the president will keep the payroll taxes of the poor and middle class intact. The rich have it good compared to 50 years ago. There actually was a good prosperous middle class back then and a reasonable prospect to achieve middle class status by working hard.

So I say let's take a flying, effing, leap off the cliff.

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