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Political cartoon
Posted: Feb 21, 2010

Written and drawn by a true lib - but they still dont get it (nm)
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Knee jerk reaction by a true repug - but they still dont get it
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and a typical drive-by insult. Whatever.
lame cartoon, and yes, typical -garbage.nm - Fargo
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What insult are you talking about - you mean like the one you just made - see message
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I made no insult. In fact the original insult is the cartoon itself. I simply said and I'll quote "Written and drawn by a true lib - but they still don't get it". There is no insult there - just the truth. First, it was written and drawn by a lib. Second, they don't get it, and I doubt they ever will.
You, however, took the first drive by insult here.
Yeah, whatever!
two points - Anna
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good example of solipsism. Point 2 -the danger of restricting your knowledge of events to slogans and buzz words. If global warming were called climate change maybe more dims (conservatives) would get it.
About global warming.... - see message
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This cartoon was pretty juvenile and shows just how much liberals do not understand about global warming. If they would research just a little bit they might find out the truth, but they don't wish to. They will not listen to the scientists. For them it's all backed by $$$. As people have said gore should return his Nobel prize and Oscar for the biggest lie ever created.
Please provide your list of legit scientists who claim climate change is a hoax . . . - Really?
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Excuse me, but I think I would rather believe the REAL scientists at NASA, and of the calibre of Michio Kaku and even Bill Nye the Science Guy, than any garbage put out by Fox Spews.
This is from Science Magazine:
The Scientific Consensus on Climate Change
Naomi Oreskes
Policy-makers and the public who are not members of the relevant research community have had to form opinions about the reality of global climate change on the basis of often conflicting descriptions provided by the media regarding the level of scientific certainty attached to studies of climate. In this Essay, Oreskes analyzes the existing scientific literature to show that there is a robust consensus that anthropogenic global climate change is occurring. Thus, despite claims sometimes made by some groups that there is not good evidence that Earth's climate is being affected by human activities, the scientific community is in overwhelming agreement that such evidence is clear and persuasive.
Here, here! And nobody in the pocket of the - repug party either
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Just came back to this message - see message
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Just got a break from work (a short one). I will reply later when I have more time.
Global warming and - Climate change
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Interesting article about GB/AGW you might want to peruse. Of course, you could go by the lamestream media accounts (which is probably easier for you to believe) than facts.
Its all about money, BTW where is Al Gore?
So much for your "experts" .... sm - Really?
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Here's a little info on your "Friends of Science Society":
Globe and Mail feature article by Charles Montgomery today has delivered what should be a death blow for the climate change denial and anti-Kyoto attack group, the Friends of Science.
The G&M says that FOS has taken undisclosed sums from Alberta oil and gas interests. The money was funneled through the Calgary Foundation, to the University of Calgary and on to the FOS though something called the “Science Education Fund.”
All this appears to be orchestrated by Stephen Harper’s long-time political confidante and fishing buddy, U. Calgary Prof Dr. Barry Cooper. It seems the FOS has taken a page right out of the US climate change attack group’s playbook: funnel money through foundations and third party groups to “wipe the oil” off the dollars they receive.
This comes as no surprise considering the FOS has been linked to some of the most notorious oil money-backed scientists in the US, including Drs. S. Fred Singer, Sallie Baliunas, Sherwood Idso, Willie Soon, Robert C. Balling and Pat Michaels.
Who's in whose pockets? My advice to you: Do your research . . .
My reply - with links - see message
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First, great post above from Climate change. Excellent link. Thank you.
Okay...my reply is this. I would rather listen to the scientists who have been studying climate change/global warming for years. I don't listen to Gore who knows Jack you know who about climate and global warming. I listen to scientist, physicist, and experts in the field like William Happer who is a physicist (see link below)
I listen to William Kininmonth:
George Kukla, a Professor of Climatology:
There are many more climate experts who have studied this in detail and have written various articles. Those are only a couple.
Bill Nye? I'm sorry but I'll leave him to my children. I haven't read that he's written anything on this subject. I'd rather read the writings and listen to the experts.
Nobody is saying there is no global warming, however, people like Algore and his friends are making money of of their scheme/hoax....I don't listen to them.
People are saying now that Algore should lose his Oscar and Nobel due to ClimateGate. He made a movie based on lies, and received a Nobel for the same, and I read something about some people calling for his arrest and being sued (I hope that is true, but the article is from last fall).
Mr. Algore - such an environmentalist as he floats around in his gas guzzling SUV (along with a separate one just for his luggage), planes, mansion, etc. His whole career is based on lies. He has no experience and no real knowledge of what is happening to the climate on our planet and the surrounding planets too. He makes the rounds on talk shows, yet he can't even explain his theory in coherent sentences. It is clear he does not know what he's talking about. And he doesn't care to because he is making money off of the scam. And his sheople follow him chanting his name (hmmm...sounds familar).
This is what the liberals and Global Warming Fraudster Algore and his worshippers do not get (and never will).
That's all the links for now.
Thanks, but no thanks on your ultra-conservative links . . . . - Really?
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I'd like to say nice try, but I do my homework . . . American Blogger? Get ral . . . and CPAP? Really?
Oh brother....figures...you give links.... - see message
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to articles that people who know what is going on and have written about it. Scientists, physicist, climate experts and because it doesn't agree with what you want to believe you say nice try? - huh?????
These people who wrote these articles wrote what they know about. What they have studies for some of them over 30 years. But you'll stick with algore and the people who have been lying about this and profiting off of it.
Oh yeah...nice try. One thing for sure is you do not do your homework.
About the experts I mentioned in my post - Looks like you dont do your homework -sm
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If you did your homework you would find:
William Happer - is a physicist who has specialised in the study of optics and spectroscopy. He is the Eugene Higgins professor of physics at Princeton University where he holds the Cyrus Fogg Brackett Chair of Physics.
William Kinonmonth - is a retired Australian meteorologist noted for his views as an opponent of anthropogenic global warming theory and for his frequently writings on the topic of climate change.
George Kukla - is retired professor of climatology at Columbia University and a researcher at the Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory.
Kukla was co-author of a chapter in the book "Natural Climate Variability on Decade to Century Time Scales" published by the National Research Council.
These people write for various publications and magazines.
But go ahead and stick with Algore. Pssst....you should read up about Gore and his ties with Armand Hammer. A real eye opener for sure. On top of that he has no credibility for anything dealing with global warming or the climate as he is a scam artist. But go ahead and you just trust in him. Oh yeah, and that Bill Nye the kids Science guy too.
Sorry...you do not do your homework if you wrote a reply like you did.
No thanks Really? - Please
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Like your article from Desmogblog.com dated 8/12/2006. You get real.
I would like to say nice try and please do your homework, too.
worked for a shrink - ConDLoma
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one thing I learned well was that opinions are changeable with facts but delusions are unshakeable. They Are trying to Kill us and take our Freedom and make Us get Abortions and tatoo Bar Codes on our Foreheads. They Put Their Feet on the president's Desk and Don't Show respect ... in other words, all the facts in the world will not change minds like these.
Wow...great post - Bravo to you! - anony
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You really hit the nail on the head.
Thanks for posting. Kind of puts things in perspective.
Classic! thanks for the laugh - nm - NJ
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Heh, that was truly funny ^^
Oops - just reread your post again - it's late here - anony
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Would you please be so kind to provide links to show that people are saying "they are trying to kill us", "make us get abortions", and "tatoo bar codes on our foreheads", and "they put their feet on the desk". Never heard those before.
I'd delete my other post if I could. It's late here and wrote without reading yours closer and now realized what you are writing.
Sure sounds delusional to me.
You can delete your other post if you want to. It's easy. (nm) - Nikki
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How - it asks for a post password - anony
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I've tried but it's asking for a password.
courtesy - anon
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Thank you for the link - anony
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I had not seen the article before. Well I guess it's his office, his desk, he can do anything he wants. It is disrespectful, however.
However, since there is an article, this is not somebody being delusional as the OP claims. It actually happened.
Thanks for the post.
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