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Funny cartoon
Posted: Dec 10, 2009
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Dictated: ICD-9 code.
Voice recognized as: Psychogenic potatoes!!
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Another ASR FunnyJan 22, 2012ASR transcribed: Follow the penis been discontinued.
Should've been: Felodipine has been discontinued.
ASR FunnyJan 17, 2012Dictated: Unable to assess the penis collapse. Should be: Unable to assess the venous collapse.
Happy Monday!!! ...
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Lexapro beef for his known drug allergies. ...
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VR says "does some 5-pound weights in the evening when he watches meat."
This will keep me giggling all night. ...
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http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CXbCY_yRWOc ...
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As Thanksgiving approaches and the turkeys go from writing their bucket lists to brine buckets, we should all stop and realize that there is a lot to be thankful for. Here is Air America's top ten list of things every progressive should be smiling about.
10) A president who can form a coherent sentence, and answer serious questions without a perpetual smirk.
9) Lou Dobbs running for president, disproving the theory that he is a narcissistic ...
Funny One Nov 30, 2009We had one today that read, The patient appears to be (present) with fetus in cephalic presentation.
This should have read pregnant. We got a good laugh from this one.
VR FunnyFeb 16, 2011VR: ...neuromuscular reeducation with cannabis repositioning. (are they teaching her how to pass it?)
s/b: ...canalith repositioning. ...
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VR output: SKIN: No rashes, lesions, or lacerations of a cat appreciated. ...