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Obama approval rating sinks to 38%/
Posted: Mar 5, 2014

I'm waiting for the cheerleaders to spin this one. - Isn't that lower than Jimmy ever got?
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Not only is Obama becoming more and more unpopular in this country, but the world as well sees him as impotent and inept. We have become the joke of the world thanks to B.O.
No, that's the Pub/Cons' Deptartment. They're the ones who think numbers are fixed - and/or skewed
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But you like these, don't you. Reps/Cons set in stone the numbers they like, but if it goes against their opinion, they are fictional, fixed, etc., etc. Thank you for proving Cons only believe what they want to hear.
Oops, hit the dislike by accident - For the records its one more like
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not a dislike.
So... do the Reps ever question a poll taken from what they consider a biased entity? - nm
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As part of that same poll (sm) - me again
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50% of Americans say they are worse off than they were 5 years ago. Hope?? Change? Yeah, we got the change all right.
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