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Matt Damon blows your mind, not asking you

Posted: Nov 24, 2013

Yep, revolution/civil war coming.  Even some of the stars are feeling it. 


I agree - and I don't think too much

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less is going to accomplish the very necessary "change" this country so desperately needs!! way to go Matt Damon!

It's Matt Damon reading Howard Zinn - actually

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from "The Zinn Reader."

that does not make it any - less compelling

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he can read someone else's work all he wants...if it's true, it bears repeating.
it also doesn't make it his own words - nm
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A lot of people do readings from other people - sm
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He never said these were his own words. It specifically said it was Damon reading from Zinn.

A lot of times at our library people will go to listen to people read from something they find interesting.

I like Matt Damon's voice. He found Zinn's words to be important enough to read them. More people should listen.

Hat's off to Mr. Damon for reading these, and more so understanding the importance of his words.
that's fine, it's just not Damon doing the mind-blowing - nm
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in this case... - yes, it was.
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what about that do you not understand?
ok - nm
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No less compelling at all. Damon reads other's words - for a living. He's good at it.
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***EVEN*** the stars? LOL. Like their "thinking" is superior because they are stars? Wow. - What would Tom Cruise say!? (nm)

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It's startling as most celebs are liberal drones. (sm) - anon

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Most of these people are as out of touch with the working class reality as the politicians are.

Wonder what Obama would say, but busy in Vegas - with Beyonce than helping Benghazi attack.

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I will never forget what a useless president he was and Clinton too during that attack.

I like the idea of a "declaration of INTERdependence" - between countries.

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I would not call it mind-blowing, but it was interesting.

I also think it's unwise to confuse civil disobedience with civil war.

I disagree. Other countries are having problems - like he said such as Egypt, etc.

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They are having their own war and America too will have a war. After all, our government is so corrupt that it cannot possibly sustain itself much further.

I wonder if you realize Howard Zinn was - a self-declared socialist.

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Think about what he's saying. He is talking about redistributing funds. He's not saying redistribution is bad, he's saying funds should be redistributed differently. He's saying people are in jail for petty crimes (usually this refers to drug crimes) and not for much larger crimes (crimes against humanity? corporate crimes?). He's not talking about civil war. He's not even talking about a revolution. He's talking about civil disobedience, which as a concept is largely nonviolent (think MLK and Ghandi).

Here is a quote from Howard Zinn regarding socialism.

"Let's talk about socialism. I think it's very important to bring back the idea of socialism into the national discussion to where it was at the turn of the [last] century before the Soviet Union gave it a bad name. Socialism had a good name in this country. Socialism had Eugene Debs. It had Clarence Darrow. It had Mother Jones. It had Emma Goldman. It had several million people reading socialist newspapers around the country. Socialism basically said, hey, let's have a kinder, gentler society. Let's share things. Let's have an economic system that produces things not because they're profitable for some corporation, but produces things that people need. People should not be retreating from the word socialism because you have to go beyond capitalism."

I thoroughly doubt it - sm

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some people think they understand what they are hearing and jump on the sound-byte bandwagon in advance of knowing where it's going.

I like how he said our problem is Civil Obedience, not - disobedience, like following Hitler.

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Yep, civil war coming to a city near you.

Keep dreaming. - nm

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No words are more truer - Damon rocks! Kudos to him

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