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List of Obama's "Green Energy" Failures

Posted: Oct 18, 2012

Read it and weep - all of us.


How do you get over a $billion and still go under?? - Obama picks the losers.

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He also said that we got paid back for Government Motors on the same day that the CBO reported that we lost $24 billion on GM.

Wutta mutt.

He's in over his head - doesn't know what he's doing,

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and doesn't care.

THIS lie again? I smashed it with truth earlier this month - TRUTH WE CAN BE PROUD OF as Americans--

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American innovators. Still on the front lines of technology. And NOT the complete stumblebum idiots you'd make us out to be.

However, not only are we not wasting money on green energy, China is pumping far more money into it and is pulling ahead.

In any case, I just copied this from the earlier post. The link to an honest Christian Science Monitor article--on both what we are doing well and not so well with--is below.

"Of the $90 billion handed out, less than $1 billion has been lost, even counting two other failures Romney didn't mention: Beacon Power and Abound Solar. THAT'S LESS THAN THE $2.4 BILLION CONGRESS HAS SET ASIDE FOR LOSSES, The New York Times points out. If Romney had that kind of record at Bain Capital, he'd be a proud member of the billionaire's club right now."

Others, please note that these are all private endeavors of pioneers, inventors, people--thousands of them, happy and excited--and proud--of what they're working to achieve. Not all of them will succeed, but knowing that doesn't stop them, and those that do succeed will help solve big, big problems and change our world and our lives for the better.

I would rather spend money on people TRYING - RC

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Than sit around scratching my butt, saying "uhhh, we need more oil!"

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