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Posted: Aug 9, 2013

Does anyone know of anything out there that helps with fatigue?  I would like to start feeling better.  I am taking antidepressants that are giving me fatigue.  I was wondering if any supplement would help.  TIA.


For mental fatigue I use lots of caffeine! And - for physical energy - bananas! (potassium)

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Bananas make me totally HYPER!

You could try - Rhodiola.

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I took it for a while, but it seems nothing short of crystal meth can overcome the fatigue I get from listening to crappy VR reports all day.

The best thing is... - (you're gonna hate this)...

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EXERCISE! Just a brisk walk a day &, for me anyway, taking off a few pounds. Never felt better than a couple summers back when I did that! Still doesn't make it any easier to do it now, unfortunately.

? why would she hate that? - I like it!

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Have you asked your doctor? - sm

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My husband was on an antidepressant that was making him very tired and his doctor put him on Ritalin as well. You would think they would contradict each other, but he did fine and had more energy. For me, I LOVE the caffeine rush and such and I take Fastin and that stuff gets me jumping. I'm an energy chaser though, love iced coffee, caffeine galore, etc.

Fastin - anon

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I heard Fastin is good, but I am scared to try it. I am afraid it will give me palpitations. Did it for you?

Palpitations - sm

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I have taken it for a couple of years now, so I don't have any, but yes I do believe I did when I first tried it.

Fatigue - OldOldMT

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is a side effect of antidepressants. I would supplement with methylcobalamin, vitamin B12, sublingual.

I take L-taurine and a B-12 complex nm - me again

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Atkins protein drinks are my ticket - Also a caffeine addict

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When I'm feeling fatigued during a long shift, I take 5 minutes and drink an Atkins protein drink. They're relatively low in sugar but packed with good carbs and protein. I drink caffeine (coffee, iced and hot, and cappuccinos) constantly just because I love the taste so I'm immune to a caffeine rush, but those Atkins drinks really give me about 3-4 hours of energy when I drink one. I hear the Atkins bars are a really good source of protein and energy, too.

Tired - Alfalfa caplets, B vitamins, beta carotene

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Have you tried other antidepressants? - side effects vary

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I was on Effexor for a very short period and HATED it. I think I slept through the entire month of December that year. I went off of it cold turkey and never looked back.

Talk to your doc and see if there are other formulations out there that might have a lesser side effect profile for you.

On the natural front, pay very, VERY close attention to your diet. It sounds simplistic, but the old phrase "you are what you eat" is never more true than today.

For a lot of people, myself included, depression leads to comfort eating. Food is my best friend. When I'm happy, sad, bored, tired, angry, frustrated, bored, tired... I eat. When I go for something to eat, I don't go for the veggies and the healthy stuff - I go for the Kettle Chips and the Red Barron breakfast pizzas and their ilk,loaded with processed oils and processed carbohydrates and wheat. When I eat this way, I feel very sluggish and sleepy, then I feel frustrated with myself for eating this way, then I take a nap, then I wake up and still feel sluggish, so I eat more crap to try to make myself feel better again. It's been proven that highly processed food has a pleasure receptor response equivalent to cocaine. We eat it, get a food high, and then crash, and then eat more to get that food high back again.

So, back to my original point (it's 3 am and my night off...)eat as cleanly as possible. Try to avoid anything with an ingredient list, which puts your food focus on meats, veggies, and fruits. Eating that way has helped me lose weight (which you didn't talk about, but it was a nice bonus for me) but the real effect was I have more mental clarity than I ever did and more energy.

If/when you talk to your doc about possible other antidepressants, also ask him for a B12 and folate level in addition to a regular CBC to check for any possible underlying anemia as well.

I'm sending you all the good wishes and positive thinking I can.

energy - anon

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Thank you everyone.

Don't be dehydrated. Drink a lot of water - h20 drinker

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because dehydration is probably the #1 cause of fatigue. I add lemon juice to my water to make it taste better and to flush out toxins in my body.

Exercise for both fatigue and depression - anonymouse

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and low-carb, low-sugar diet for fatigue.

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