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Kiss of Death: Jeb Bush endorses Cruz.

Posted: Mar 23, 2016

This is not the political season when I would want an endorsement from an obvious GOP insider - and especially one that was such a crashing loser. 

Come to think of it, most of Cruz' endorsers have been losers - Romney, Fiorina, Bush, and worst of all - Glenn Beck.



This is not the season endorsements count - especially from establishment politicians

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Not sure if Cruz has a chance against Trump unless there is a brokered decision. In that case, Hillary wins (if she is not in prison) because Trump supporters will not vote.

What a wild and crazy election this is going to be.

Not so fast, just talking with my Latino - housekeeper this morning

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The first time I have talked with her about the elections but she tells me she has many, many friends/family who are becoming naturalized to vote against the Donald. You can lose a few but then you can gain a few also.

My Hispanic neighbors are pro Trump because - illegals make them look bad

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They are successful people who have a great Mexican restaurant and realize it's not about protecting illegal Hispanic but rather the expertise in achieving goals and good character to be a proud American That is why they are Trump supporters. They are not into protecting illegals who make them look bad and do not come to America the "hard" (legal) way like they did.

Frankly, your statement just does not hold - water

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I cannot in any way, shape or form think a Latino would ever support someone who is totally against their country just because. As far as proud Americans, that is just what the housekeeper is saying this morning, so many becoming naturalized because of how he has talked against them, mostly because of their color, I suppose.

When you are talking about someone making you look bad, the first person who comes to mind for me is Trump. I hate what other countries must think of America right now, with his getting down in the gutter not every other day but every day with his rants against, Mexicans, women, Cruz's wife (latest), Elizabeth Warren, disabled people, the list just grows by the day.
Your Trump hatred has distracted you from subject - All Hispanic people are not the same
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I would not make up something such as my Hispanic neighbors being Trump supporters.

They appreciate success and respect in the community but when illegals do something wrong a lot of people will lump all Hispanic together, just as they lump together all black people when a black person does something wrong or a white cop does something wrong and suddenly all cops are bad.

If you pay close attention Trump is not against Mexico, he is against illegal immigration from Mexico. But it seems the sound bites from liberal media is what you believe.

So good for your "housekeeper" and her friends. Are you and she aware that Trump won Arizona which has a huge Hispanic population.
I am aware of his winning Arizona but noticed - Trump came out 2 more delegates
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in his winning Idaho and Utah, not that I am voting for him but just comparing your statement.

Listening this morning to a republican run radio station and the numbers the host was giving out in terms of who would not vote for Trump was unreal. I was surprised when he gave the numbers run and said no way could Trump get to the White House. The majority of people he gave who would not vote for him were college educated, the blacks would not vote for him, the millennials would not vote, as much as 69% were against Trump, the Latinos. This is definitely not a democratic show I listened to today so sort of taken aback when the host said that.

You said my hatred for Trump. I do not hate but I have totally disliked him since the 80s, yes way back then, when he appeared on the Larry King Show and was so rude and disrespectful to tell the host on live TV that his breath smelled, could not wait until a break because that is the type of person he is. I have not liked him since that time but hate, no one do I hate.
Big error on my previous post- that should be Cruz - won 2 more delegates than Trump
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last night. I was up really late watching all the news happening around this world.
Cruz won 40 (Utah), Trump won 58 (Arizona). You have - strange math.
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Your Latino housekeeper - how can you not see how just that sentence - anon

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paints you as someone who is contributing to the problem of illegal immigration?

Unbelievable. You paint all Latinos as illegals? - Maybe informing yourself more

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might be of help, I know I can always learn more.

You paint all Latinos as sticking together - protecting illegals.
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Same concept and WHY my neighbors support Trump because they do not want to be associated with law breaking Hispanics.
Putting words in my mouth, I said she had many - did not say the entire community
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but what she was telling me is all over the news now about how Latinos are becoming naturalized just to vote against the Don.

^Don't believe you.^ - sm

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Trying to stir the pot,that's all you are doing.

Don't believe you have a Latino housekeeper. - sm

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You would have said "Latina" or stated her country of origin. You had to make a point, though, about her race. Why not hire a white housekeeper? Cheaper wages, perhaps for an immigrant? You also have time to be on this board but not time to clean your own house? You make so much as an MT to have a housekeeper? bwahahaha Secondly, it does not matter what country you come from, there is no way in Hades between now and November anybody can become "naturalized" to vote. You know nothing on how slow immigration process is-and it shows.
My Latino housekeeper is paid $20.00 per hour - so as far as cheaper?
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You see, I work only part-time and I do not like to clean house but I like a clean house. As far as my income, with my part-time, SS income and retirement check I can well afford a housekeeper and so I do. I pay her that because she only works for me every other week and I think that is reasonable salary.

As far as hiring white and/or black, most do not have the worth ethics of Latino's so that is the reason I hire them.

You might want to read a little on how the Hispanic community is coming together to gain naturalized citizenship. It is all over Google and other places as well but inform yourself and you will see just how long it does not take in this regard.
It takes five months to become naturalized and...sm - VTMT
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it is true that there are campaigns all over the US to get legal immigrants naturalized so they can vote against Trump in November if he is the nominee.
That is the goal. RIght now it takes 2 years. - nm
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The poster ahead of you was right, 5 months - so maybe investigate a little
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more and you will see what has been going on for months now, not just started.
I got my info from US immigration web site. - Not good enough?
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Maybe I should turn on CNN or MSNBC?
No, maybe that is for just now coming here - that is not what this is
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Not going to try explaining further but what you are talking about is not what is happening right now.
Immigration - sm
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There are third and fourth generation Mexican-Americans citizens here right now, a lot of them in the American Southwest. To blanketly state they are all anti-Trump is a huge lie. In 1986 when Reagan gave amnesty to illegals, I personally know of then illegals who got green cards, not because of their love for the USA but because it then gave them a way to bring more relatives across the border off their new green cards and/or citizenship. If you are old enough to remember, this still never stopped illegals from coming across anyway. Those who parents were illegals, who are now in their 30s and 40s with children, are as American as I am, although some of their parents still have their loyalty to the old country and to this day, do not identify themselves as "American" or Mexican-American. They still are Mexicans-in their culture, their heart, and their unwillingness to embrace the country or speak English all these years later, even though this country, not Mexico, gave them, their children and grandchildren a chance at a good life. That, my friend, is the problem. Their parents jumped ahead of legal applicants to bring even more relatives in, and gamed the system, but their children and grandchildren HAVE acclimated as American citizens. Really no different from any other ethnicity immigrating here. The original immigrants have their loyalty to their country of birth, their children have a loyalty also, to their country of birth-the USA! They are also smart enough to know when they are being used for political purposes by the Democrats. It will not take them 100 years to figure it out. The illegals trying to become legal now with a fast track to naturalization over those that have stood in line are simply gaming the system yet again. Rant over.
Interesting comments. Watching one show last night - the broadcaster near the border in Arizona
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I do not remember the name of the town but he said there was a wall there, built years ago and interviewing the people standing in line they really did not like the wall and had less distain for people crossing over. I know some Hispanics and not one has said they felt used by a certain party but they definitely do not care for Trump because they feel he is racist.
You are misinformed. The people now becoming naturalized so they can vote...sm - VTMT
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are people who have been in the US legally and, for one reason or another, have never applied to be citizens even though they were eligible. These are not "illegals" that are being "fast-tracked" to citizenship.
A BIG Thank You. Am tired of trying to get it - thru - if they had checked
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they could find out just what was going on.
Some want their Social Security now that - sm
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they have reached retirement age so they can go live the high life cheaper in Mexico on social security. Others have been sending money their for decades with beautiful second homes. It is not all about politics, it's about how they can get something to benefit themselves. Living in Vermont as opposed to living in the heart of the biggest Hispanic population in the country..... can't explain it to you. Some believe wrongly, without citizenship and only a green card, they will not be able to collect. Others, bring their sick and old relatives into the country for healthcare (that would be FREE healthcare-based on relative having NO papers, hence no immigration status) Sorry, Vermont MT, they don't need Bernie, they already get it for FREE. Come to California, New Mexico, Texas, Nevada, etc. It's not all about voting against Trump-sorry to burst your bubble. Build the wall!!!
Building a wall for 1200 miles is just not realistic. Nm - VTMT
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Ever heard of the Great Wall of China? - nm
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Heard of the Great Wall but did not do - what it was built for, inform yourself
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Huh? Over 5000 miles long, built to keep - out invaders.
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Does that ring any bells? Wikipedia.com
Again, I am saying it did not work in the long - run, read some more
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That was then (centuries ago), this is NOW. - nm
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Then WHY bring it up in the first place if - (centuries ago) ???
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Because you said building a wall was unrealistic. - sm
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I am an optimist. Should we not learn from history and build a better wall? I 100% believe that Trump WILL build that wall if he is elected and it WILL deter illegal immigration immensely and save this country billions of dollars in the long run. As another poster pointed out, illegal also fly into this country regularly. That, too, will be taken care of pronto, and it's about damn time we got our borders and our country back from those invading our country rather than staying in their own countries and trying to make their own country liveable! I don't want to live in a third world shiTTT hole, nor my children or grandchildren and quite frankly on my side of the country, that is exactly what this country is starting to look like.
I guess you have the inside information on how - non-USA citizen gets healthcare
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I wish I knew how that is because I have a dear friend living in the west. She has a leg problem and she tells me she does not have insurance so therefore cannot go to the orthopedist. That is from the mouth of a Hispanic woman. Tell me so I can tell her, how do you get free healthcare if not citizen? She needs it.
Hispanic does not equal illegal. - sm
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I will humor you, but if she is Hispanic, she already knows how. As an example, I type on an account where ILLEGALS are coming into the ER regularly to be admitted overnight for dialysis (because we have "no wall", newly arrived illegals or green card people then bring in their illegal sick parents, cousins, etc. so they can all live together as one happy familia, or are illegal and then become sick while here illegally.) They show up to an emergency room and the physicians dictate that the patient either a) has no legal status and therefore no insurance, or b) the patient is here "visiting" and therefore has no health insurance. So, guess who is paying for that and has been paying for that for over 30 years-you and me in sky high premiums!!! This is not just Hispanics, it's any immigrant. In the community where I live, this happened also and there was an article in the paper about it. One US citizen wrote a letter to the editor asking why she has to pay for her dialysis, but the hospital was "writing off" the expense of the illegal. It is a lot more common than you want to believe. So, for your friend I would sarcastically suggest this-walk into the ER with no ID and say "tengo dolor in my pierna y no habla Ingles, no tengo papeles, ie., I have pain in my leg, I don't speak English and I have no papers. Probably would work best in a "sanctuary city." **Sarcasm*** Like I said, she already knows how, that is why citizens paying for illegal healthcare has to stop. Go TRUMP!

She is Hispanic, she is not here legally and - I am asking how could she be seen
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but apparently you have told me now because her leg has been hurting for over 3 months now and when I asked her about going to a specialist she told me no insurance. As far as her having to speak Spanish, she is bilingual so she can speak just like you or me. Sorry but I don't know what a sanctuary city is.

Just to let you know, never assume about others because when you do you are usually wrong, as in this case. You said "you and me" have been paying sky high premiums for others, namely immigrants. I do not pay anything on insurance. It is a perk of my husband's job, a freebie to both of us.
Wow! - sm
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You are right. Good for you that you still get a "perk" of employer paid insurance. I wrongly also assumed your Hispanic friend was legal. Now, you say she's illegal and you are not calling immigration on her to turn her in, but rather you wanted to know how she can abuse the system-because it doesn't affect you because you get FREE health care yourself? As far as assumptions, you assumed I knew first hand how she could be seen. Wrong. Am I the only MT typing reports on illegals? I thought every MT knew that. (apparently, another wrong assumption.) Lucky for you, current immigration laws are not enforced and have not been enforced for decades, otherwise she would have no job, no home, no incentive to have ever come here to live and could have stayed home and protested for her "rights" in her own country, filed her taxes there, etc. Those who offer jobs, homes or knowingly help an illegal in any way to stay in this country illegally are guilty of "harboring an illegal alien." Not that anybody has enforced that law in 40 years, just sayin' it is a federal offense. Also, I am aware of lax airport security as a way of illegals entering the country from all over the world, and I am sure Trump knows too.
You went on as to how illegals were getting the - freebies, what a lot of people think (wrongly)
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and I was (sarcastically) asking how she could go about that because she is here illegal and she does not get freebies, has no insurance, and she also pays taxes..I would be willing to say most everyone THINKS non-US citizens are here to take and not give. She is supposedly on the way to becoming a US citizen and is being helped by one of the biggest mega churches we have here in the US, oh my I guess they would be in trouble also for "harboring" if "others" knew. Not only is she being helped by the church to get her citizenship, she is also employed by them!!! Not only does she work for the church, her apartment is free for working for them, 4 bedroom apartment, very nice.
Nice COYA story. - LOL.
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Oh, I see, it was "sarcastically" being asked. Umm huh, yeah, sure it was. Nice back pedaling there.
Your friend knows how to "work" it. - sm
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Technically, there’s no legal protection for migrants taking shelter in churches - and churches aren't exempt from federal law. But churches are treated differently by federal agents, said Peter Nuñez, a former U.S. Attorney in San Diego.

"The simple answer is there is no legal protection, but there is political protection," Nuñez said. "Most jurisdictions, whether it's federal, state or local, they are going to shy away from invading a church, from a public relations perspective."

According to a 2011 agency memo, U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement agents are discouraged from conducting enforcement at so-called “sensitive” locations, such as schools or churches, unless certain special circumstances exist.
Oh, my- you think she lives in a church?? - Now this is funny
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I am laughing, really I am. The woman does not live in a church, she works for the church and they in turn furnish her with an apartment for her and her family. I do have to tell you though, this post was a breath of fresh air to me today, so nice to have a chuckle in all that is swirling around us. Thanks.
You're not too bright now, are you? - sm
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I know she isn't living there, but there is nothing funny about this. She works for a church, she is furnished an apartment by the church, so she can bring in $$$ from the Hispanic church goers, no doubt and help them "join". It's a use-use situation. She is a major user. Islamic radicals are using "mosques" to plan terror, because it is not politically correct to raid a place of worship, not that they "live" there. They simply have taken a page out of the play book of Hispanic illegals on how to get around immigration laws in this country and play on people like you-the politically correct crowd. Gawd forbid, you might be called an Islamaphobe or racist for wanting your country to be safe and secure. Your friend is a user, but I am glad, at least you think it's funny. I have an odd feeling you are a user too. Birds of a feather.....
You are assuming she only goes to an Hispanic - church, are you ever wrong
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If I told you the name of the church, most people know it immediately. It is not a fly by night church, it is a HUGE church. I don't shelter her, I don't pay her nor keep her up but if she ever needed my help I would do anything I could to give her assistance. My friend is a user by working and caring for her family, yea I guess you're right. I thought and still think it is so funny someone thinking she was being sheltered in a church when she works for the church. Too funny.
I didn't think that, that is why I said you aren't - too bright.
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Nope. I did not assume that at all. - Let me get you a light bulb.
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Not too bright.
But you said "they" all know how to work - the system, did you not?
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I did. And I stand by that statement. - nm
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I will be sure and tell her that she she can hopefully - work the system and get some
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insurance, maybe some at the church might know how to "work the system." You never know.
She already has insurance. - sm
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She is working, so she has ID and a SS card. Her employer is 30,000 members HUGE, right? Everybody except her working for the church has insurance or nobody has insurance? Which one is it?You don't have to show a green card to get on your employer's health insurance coverage and she obviously got a "job" with them illegally. So, what should I believe? Oh, wait, maybe she's an Independent Contractor and not really an employee with a free apartment? ha ha ha Now there's a perk if she's an IC, which obviously, she is not. She has a family, she has been here a number of years, she possibly has one or more anchor babies, possibly a husband (?) food stamps for the anchor babies/citizens, free apartment, good salary. She is so used to "free" everything, she simply doesn't want to have to pay to buy insurance if she has none. Yes, I'm sure the "church of hiring illegal aliens" can get her a paid doctor appointment.
She lives way over 1000 miles from me - I do know of some things
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Not all. I know she pays taxes. She told me she cannot afford the orthopedic because of no insurance. I do not know if other people who work for the church have insurance. I did not hire her, was not there when she was hired so green card- not known about. She has children who were born here but I think the term anchor baby is rather racist. The US made the rules about people born on their soil being US citizens, were not called anchor babies. Thanks for the response about maybe the church getting her an appointment. I will run that by her the next time we talk on our iPads.
My point. Free apartment, free food via - sm
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her children (food stamps), free, free freeloader. Maybe section 8 housing (free) that the church helped her get. She will find a way to get to the orthopod because the next logical step is for her to get FREE disability!!! I don't think anchor baby is necessarily a racist term. The US made rules about immigration, too, and that didn't stop your friend from coming here illegally anyway. It is an accurate term in that illegals use their citizen children as anchors to keep themselves anchored in this country rather than being rightfully deported or sent to prison for illegally invading/entering this country. Like I said before, users, including using their own children. We have been invaded by a bunch of freeloading users. And the free ride is about to end. Trump Train!! People like your "friend" have ruined it for people who want to enter here legally and have waited years to come here. I am sounding like a broken record, so this is the last post for me-birds of a feather flock together. Si?
No doubt the church couldn't find a citizen. - Sarcasm!
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Being as this church has over 30,000 - members, said mega church
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they have an audience that looks like democratic gatherings, you know white, black, Hispanic, Asian, so I am very, very sure if they had wanted a "citizen" they could find one.
Now, there's MY laugh of the day. - sm
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Republican Presidential candidates included 2 Hispanics, 1 African-American, 1 woman. Democratic candidates (they could only muster 2 candidates versus 17 for the Republicans. Out of the white, black, Hispanic and Asians Democrats we have: 0 black
0 Hispanic
0 Asian
2 whites-1 old WHITE woman and 1 old WHITE man. Diversity my azz.
Not only does she get the free apartment but - being as she works for them
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she gets salary in addition to the free 4 bedroom apartment. She and her family are really doing good here.
Of course. Free is always good. - nm
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Build the wall? My Hispanic friend did not - come over the border
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She came here on a plane. Oops, so much for the big wall.

There are probably more MT's who moonlight - as housekeepers than actually HAVE one!

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Not on this MT's pay, that's for sure!
If I only had my MT pay then I would not - have one but
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not the case here.

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