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My first kiss

Posted: Sep 2, 2012

There are a lot of things you remember forever because they are very important to you.  Most people who are of age remember exactly where they were when President Kennedy was shot, where they were when the Twin Towers were hit. 

I know several people who have ran the full 26 miles in a marathon.  Every one of them remembers their exact performance time.  Every person I have known has trained for a full year, at least,  to ready themselves to complete the 26 miles without looking a fool or dying during the race.  I can see if you have raced professionally or have been in regular competition, you might not remember every marathon time you have ever done.  BUT, When You have raced ONE marathon, you would remember the time you completed it as if it were timestamped on the palm of your hand. 

Paul Ryan said he completed a marathon in under 3 hours.  OK, now that is an absolutely amazing time.  I remember when I ran my first 10-minute mile.  Even if I could run 26 miles, at a 10-minute mile it would take me 4.3 hours--a very good time.  To even qualify to run in the Boston Marathon a young male must have completed a marathon in just over 3 hours (a very big deal in a runners world).   Paul Ryan said he was in the high TWO hours.  Unbelievable!  What a runner he must be.  Wait--someone actually had the audicity to fact check this.  His running time in the 1 marathon he ran was over FOUR hours!  That is a more than 2 hour lie.  This is a HUGE lie.  This is like saying you won a Purple Heart and the most military thing you ever did was be sent to juvenile deliquency camp. 

This is a clincher for me.  I am not an athlete, but I respect the truth.  I will definitely not be voting a Romney/Ryan ticket. 


If he lies about something like running a marathon... - KLG

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...what else is he lying about? It's these kinds of lies that erode trust and make people suspicious.

OMG - OMG - and yet you've listened to Obama - lie for 3-1/2 years (sm)

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and don't care. If this wasn't so sad, it'd be funny. Can't help it, laughing anyway. This is pathetic. Really. And he's out on the campaign trail still lying through his teeth and you're worrying about a MARATHON?? omg

Pathological Lying - Psych MT

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As per Dr. Sanity blogspot, who is a board certified psychiatrist with 35 years of clinical experience.

Pathological lying is one of the hallmark characteristics of a narcissist, who does it out of a need to manipulate and maintain control. For the immature narcissist there is an essential emotional truth: lying is an expression of his (or her) mistrust of others; and his (or Read More... her) need to maintain a fragile sense of self at all costs.

Being honest (and therefore vulnerable) terrifies the narcissist. Since his primary goal is to control others, through projection he constantly fears that others will try to control him. Thus, lying becomes the modus operandi through which he can maintain his superficial presentation of himself and keep people from learning the truth of who he really is. He never allows himself to be "pinned down", or accountable. More lies are always necessary to cover up a previous lie. And typically, he even begins to believe his own lies and become outraged at any suggestion that he may be lying. Thus he becomes sincere in his lying and others may actually believe the lies because of the sincerity. This is why truly pathological liars (such as sociopaths) are so hard to detect in the population. In general, the lack of an ability to feel guilty about the lies, and the perverse sense that he is "entitled to lie" are standard for the political narcissist.

This seems to aptly describe both Ryan and Romney.

Totally agree with this. I have known a few compulsive liars - sm

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Way back in high school there were a few who seemed like they would lie about the littlest things, it was like they could not stop themselves. The would practically stamp their feet and insist they were telling the truth even when caught red-handed. Apparently Paul Ryan is that way, as documented over and over. Amazing what the hard-core T-Partiers will condone to obtain their desires.

This could also apply to Obama. He certainly is no angel - backwards typist

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when it comes to telling the truth.

Obama lied about being a "law professor" lied - ::about "composite" girlfriends

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Lied about Obamacare, lied about taxing the middle class, lied about the deficits. lied about the job he had when he "evolved" into his community organizer job, lied about his faith. Lies about anyone that does bow to Obama.

With OBAMA LYING ABOUT THESE SIMPLE, BASIC TINGS, WHAT ELSE IS BO LYING ABOUT? His bowling score, jump shot - since those things seem more important to you than things that affect the American people. Better get on that right away!! God almight what twisted reasoning people have,..a Marathon for God's sake. Best you can do I guess.

I would like to introduce you to FactCheck.org and Politifact.com, both - sites debunk your accusations. nm

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And I would like to inroduce you to - reality::Obama a LIAR

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I gave you my sources to the truth. - Where are yours? nm
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Sure you post only to incite dear::pages of source - listed below, employ your scroll down key
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You have bipartsan, partisan, liberal, conservative, obscure and maintstreet sources listed. Take your pick - but then, you can't post here trying to insult others because you'd be too busy reading the facts of the King of Kenya.

Since it is clear you only want to incite, have no interest in facts, your osmments are post.

We.know.who.you.are. Derp
We recognize your writing style.
Pretty sure it is 1 poster writing to herself as an anonymoosy. Wow, sure is hard to get all the Libs/Dems mantras down. :)
Only the most insecure partisans would feel this intimidated - by fact "incitement."
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For Pete's sake, get a grip.
Well, because you say it, - I guess that proves it!
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Fact Check is liberal site. Check background. - Texan

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Not true. What about Politifact? What is your favorite - nonpartisan fact checking site? nm
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And you can prove these "lies?"...in particular...sm - JTBB

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I'd really like to see the reasoning behind "lies about anyone that does bow to Obama."

With the handicap below, you guys are still 0 to 12+ (+ being followups).

Lie or misspeak..... - SK1

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Like many other politicians, Ryan says he misspoke.... like Obama's "Polish death camps" and "57 states," "the private sector is doing fine," or mixing up medal of honor recipients' names.

Worth deciding a vote? Not for me.

""Your posts always make sense. Logical sense. - Thanks.

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I agree - Conservative

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Furthermore, I am sure there is not one single poster on this board that has not made in error in relaying a story or information to another individual. It is a real dome scratcher as to why some believe their politician is 100% perfect (impossible) and believing the other guy should be roasted over an open fire. Regardless of which side they may be on.

I agree but think more in terms of it being..sm - VTMT

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human nature to inflate/exaggerate accomplishments, especially in what seems at the time to be minor inconsequential ways. Is this more of a man thing?

Think fish... - SK1

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Ya know how the fish caught gets bigger with each telling? LOL
Yes! Excellent analogy. Now, do fisherwomen also...sm - VTMT
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exaggerate the size of the catch?
Never. - SK1
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Ryan's was deliberate not a slip of tongue. - Insight into character.

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Lack of character, I guess.

I'm no admirer, but I'll give this political prevaricator the benefit. - Too easy to check, no one cares, etc. Kinda

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like Hillary saying an airport tarmac was under fire when she was walking across it. She was obviously remembering something from the past, but with dozens of film crews from around the world filming that particular walk and with every word she says being a news event (a way of life for her for decades), naaa. Just a mistake, naming a wrong airport among many dozens or for Ryan 2 instead of 4. Mistakes happen. :)

On this yes. On other things not so much. nm - VTMT

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