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Just my usual comment on all the below.
Posted: Oct 28, 2013

Especially since people toss in stinkbomb threads TO get - attention, right? No need to protect them from
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the satisfaction of inflaming the forum, as they hoped to. Right?
And of course, if a Moderator can be persuaded to inadvertently assist in fanning the flames -- even better. Yet another victim and victory for malice.
Wow, such an insightful and highly political comment. - :/
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By the way, did you see that a federal judge blocked enforcement of the new abortion restrictions in Texas because they are considered unconstitutional?
you were free to weigh in on the post below - sm
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instead, you choose to insult a number of people below who obviously don't think the matter is babyish. What IS babyish is people who report posts denouncing bigotry, and the people who delete same. So please. Don't whine.
just the usual - sm
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"Observe which side resorts to the most vociferous name-calling and you are likely to have identified the side with the weaker argument and they know it.â
- Charles R. Anderson
well... - sm
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apparently, six grown-ups had to email the moderator about the post below. Maybe you should have a word with them. Sounds like they were upset.
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