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Did you see Obamarama throwing his usual
Posted: Apr 17, 2013

Republicans must stop him from passing any of the big ones. - They must. It's the only hope.
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He represents the over 80% of Americans who want - background checks
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He threw that tantrum for all of us who don't endorse murder.
I'm sorry for the ones who do and that think murder, massacres, suicides, accidental deaths, etc. are a laughing matter. It's really sad.
For your information, Missy, I think all those (sm) - LM
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you listed are aborrhent. I know Obamarama trotted out the Newtown families as props (disgusting, by the way, but if you would be truthful about it, a background check wouldn't have saved them. I am for background checks, but they should be left up to the states, and he needs to keep his big nose out of things. He has control of too much as it is and has made a big enough mess.
I don't think you do - sm
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If you don't see the need for background checks, then you condone any result of gun violence by definition. Background checks are common sense.
What is disgusting is that those people had to be there in the first place. The **reason** they were there is disgusting. They can't do anything about what happened to their children now, but they can be an advocate for prevention of future gun violence.
Stricter gun laws, the ban that was in effect but allowed to expire, would have prevented such a massacre. Again, common sense. Does the average person really need a streetsweeper?
A background check wouldn't have saved the Newtown victims, but I guess you have a crystal ball that says background checks won't save any future lives as a result of gun violence.
All FFLs (just not private sellers) are required by law to do background checks. - AR15 owning MT
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I wish people would look it up. Adam Lanza stole his mom's gun, killed her and then committed horrific murder. Every gun show I have been to, I have had to have a background check when buying from an FFL dealer.
You just admitted that a background check would not have prevented this.
As for the so-called "assault weapons ban," even the DOJ concluded that would be ineffective.
As a law abiding gun owner I'm sick to death of politicians and activists pimping dead children.
Pretty pathetic I get thumbed down when stating FFL facts - AR15 owning MT
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how do you know that's why? - sm
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is there a crystal ball in that AR15?
and btw I accidentally liked this post. My trigger finger was a little too loose.
Haha Ms. Condescending, very funn - AR owner
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Typical lib.
I would ask the DOJ who concluded in that link, do they have a crystal ball in one of their Fast & furious weapons?
It was the "pimping dead children'' - remark that earned
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my thumbs down.
yep. - sm
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it's one of those Poe's law things: Trotting out phrases like "pimping dead children" actually pimps them a second time.
Perhaps I should've stuck with the "prop" comment - Sad day when the children are used for votes
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Yes it was. It's just as sad a president sees them as nothing more than a - boost for his agenda. Sad all around.
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Yes. And other than a few with pathological - obsessions regarding the president,
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It's been my experience in *real* life that most Americans are equally heartbroken and are not taking this as an opportunity to make pot-shots at either the president or the victims' families, but are rather discussing things like gun control in a more rational matter.
I've had conversations with people who are adamantly against any kind of gun control, but who are also above making snarky remarks about the president and calling the parents of Newtown "props."
Thank God this forum does not represent the majority of the country. Neither do any extremes who are frothing at the mouth, on either side.
Nowhere did I make "pot shots" at victims' families - false accusations yet again
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And how did those children end up dead? - sm re buying guns
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Link to video of how an arsenal can be bought at gun shows and why this needs to be fixed.
What do you have against background checks?
I'm sick to death of people hiding behind the 2nd amendment. Strengthening gun laws will prevent potential future massacres, suicides, accidental killing, etc. What do we have to lose?
Because a criminal stole him mom's gun. how do all those Chicago victims get dead? - AR owner
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Where did I ever say I was against background checks? Stop making false accusations. All I did was explain that at a gun show if the dealer is an FFL they have to do a background check. No matter where. EVEN AT GUN SHOWS.
AGAIN WHERE DID I SAY I WAS AGAINST BACKGROUND CHECKS?! James Holmes had one, even though the shrink warned the authorities. Ask the authorities why they didn't do something about him. Same with Jared Loughner.
so you are denying the parents of those poor children - sm
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the right to change things by participating in the political process? How would you propose they try change things? I am sick and tired of money, corporations that profit from guns,and the NRA misleading the ignorant and greedy.
Well Many are just Bloomberg's robots , so which is it? - AR owner
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I'm not criticizing the victims' families. I'm saying I think it's disgusting to use them as a political tool. I'm sick as a gun owner being collectively blamed for atrocious things I had no hand in. I'll defend my family and home from crime, Pee off if you have a problem with it.
You should really stop trying to explain to anyone here - Truthhurts
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A lot of posters on here think guns should be banned and just don't want to see the truth.
They don't understand how drug dealers, gang members, etc. get their gun. They think all will be hunky dory, peace and happiness will prevail and everything will be coming up roses when all guns are banned and no one will die.
This is the world of unrealism. A few of us live in the real world and it's too bad we can't express OUR opinion and lobby for OUR ideals without being called right wingers, racists (yes, they did it again), or hate mongers.
I beg to differ, Truthhurts. - sm
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A lot of posters here don't think guns should be banned. They think there should be limitations on what types of guns, or they think there should be better background checks. Find me "a lot" of posters here who want guns to be banned, and I'll admit I'm wrong.
We are also not so naive as to think everything will be hunky dory and coming up roses "when all guns are banned and no one will die." Please. We're all adults here, can we be realistic about what we're talking about, here? I am. I don't think you are.
You talk about realism, but your post is so exaggerated, it doesn't even apply to the posters here.
Thank you!! - nail on head
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The concept you describe in your first paragraph has been echoed over and over here and across the country. It's not that hard to comprehend. Thanks for putting it in the nutshell.
You are mostly correct I'm afraid - AR owner
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So many say they're not pro-ban, but want to keep everyone from owning a gun that
A) has had counseling for anything (grief, divorce, etc.)
B) Taken any type meds at any point in their life, regardless of where they are considered cured, nonviolent and mentally stable.
C) Veterans returning from war who aren't 100% hunky-dory perfect, much like B) above.
D) Has a child or relative much like B)
Wants even a background check before someone can inherit a rifle from a deceased relative. And if that particular rifle is ever BANNED *cough* then they're out of luck, government should have it or you're an instant felon.
Did I miss anything?
Just give it time, in 20 years or maybe less knee-jerk politicians and their naive tools will introduce yet more and more "common sense" legislation for even MORE restrictions and then in the next 50 years it will start raining candy because we'll be just like Britain when guns are banned for the most part, and those who do try and defend themselves against home intruders wind up like Tony Martin.
Did you read my post? I am for background checks. - LM
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Please read before rant.
I love how you say what the president "needs to do" - massacre-condoning liberal
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I would love to see you post just once without slurring somebody. You probably think that addressing someone as "missy" is cute, but it's name-calling.
No more than "dear" or "sister" - name-calling is on both sides
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just keeping it real.
Pretty far fetched to accuse anybody but the criminal of endorsing murder - NOBODY considers that a laughing matter and you KN
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That's the most idiotic post I've read all day. So basically everyone who doesn't agree with KILLING HIPAA privacy protection, and doesn't agree with stripping EVERYBODY who has had counseling, anxiety/depression/bipolar etc. treatment in the past of a right to self-defense condones murder?
Yes. Call me an idiot all day long. - sm
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None of those groups should own guns.
Would you feel the same if your family member was gunned down by a manic depressive who legally obtained a gun? A dead human is dead, whether or not the person's gun was legal.
Not the person you replied to, - but - sm
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She didn't call you an idiot. She just stated it's the most idiotic thing she read all day. That's just her opinion.
If a family member of mine was gunned down I wouldn't be thinking about legal or illegal. I'd be addressing why some manic depressive psychotic person didn't get the help he/she needed.
Most of the psychotics are not getting their guns legally so extensive background checks will never stop a horrible tragedy like the one's we've seen.
Here's what would have stopped them.
1. Parents not giving their psychotic kids guns. Guns that the parents obtained legally WITH a background check like the one they are trying to push.
2. School bullies were reported to the authorities and investigations done on them to include a home inspection of any bully's home.
3. Anyone showing abnormal behavior, meaning one day they are fine the next day they've adopted some cult-like behavior.
4. Psychiatrist keeping a closer eye on their patients.
In order words if someone is fine one day and then overnight starts acting not their usual self, do something about it. Call someone or do something. Too many reports I see after a tragey happened at school and the students say things like, he was his usual self and then he started getting tattoos or cutting or went recluse, or started talking about guns would send a big signal not to wait until its too late.
Realistically,I don't see any of that happening - missy
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The mental health field, especially for those financially challenged, does not offer much.
And people just aren't that vigilant or even informed/educated enough to recognize real warning signs or Lanza would be in some mental hospital.
And just look at all the criticism Melissa Harris-Perry got for just saying we need to look out for others' kids as a community. Your suggestion, if offered by a liberal, would be pegged as being a communist.
And gun store/gun show people aren't psychiatrists either.
All of your suggestions would work in a perfect world, but we know this isn't.
Over 90% of Americans want common sense gun safety measures.
But you and the NRA have Congress on your side, so you win, everybody else loses including the next victims.
That 90% is a lie, and the government knows it. - MT
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Here, among others. - sm
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No poll ever approached me. How do you know they didn't just poll in liberal areas?
Yet a few more points to consider - more than just background checks - HIPPA dead in t
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That bill was WAY more than just more background checks.
I never called you an idiot. I said your post was idiotic - ARowner
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What if someone with a clean bill of mental health committed murder against you or your family?
And furthermore YOU are not a psychiatrist so you have no idea about how well treatments work. I'm saying it should be on the doctor's discretion if that person has been stable for a long time. It is not YOUR BUSINESS, as someone uneducated in the mental health field, to say what is and isn't so.
Actually I would blame the person who pulled the trigger. Isn't that why people who do things like that are called criminal? Most mentally ill are NOT violent.
Sorry but discrimination and bigotry towards the mentally ill won't work with me.
well then quit condoning people of endorsing murder - that don't agree with all your views
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*quit accusing people of endorsing murder - who disagree
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No. I saw a president who said EXACTLY what - was already going through my head.
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...the polls showing 90% support for background checks, the disgrace of the umpteenth time another majority vote (54-46) in the Senate didn't count on account of GOP filibuster abuse and dems quaking in their boots at the price they could pay for doing the right thing, the utter gall of NRA and their compadres who had the nerve to characterize families of shooting victims as interfering busy bodies, the stench of NRA big bucks and their corrosive and corruptive influence on our democratic process and the conclusion that the ultimate power lies in the hands of the voters. The only difference between his and my reactions is the the restraint he showed when faced with the injustice of it all and the slap in the face We the People took this evening.
PS: Hats off to the Arizona Maverick.
.....look at Crazy Joe's face on Drudge - his face - is all screwed up - more than usual. LOL
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He was probably thinking about those kids - sm
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that got their heads blown off by a high capacity assault-type weapon.
I bet their faces were a lot more crazy than Joe's.
How is this a laughing matter?
Shameful - mgm
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GOP members applauded while family members of Aurora, Newtown, Littleton and other towns affected by gun violence were in the gallery watching.
After all, they are there to serve the NRA, not citizens. - Mission Accomplished
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beyond shameful and just as shameful is the conservatives come on here with LOLs and smiley faces. Why gloat over death? It translates to LOL, their kids are dead. LOL I'm proud the Republicans worship the NRA. LOL I don't care if other innocent people die. Smiley face.
With 90% of Americans WANTING that bill to - sm
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pass, it's clear that what's going on is taxation WITHOUT representation.
It's definitely time to kick out the nuts who are there now and elect some Republicans who are a little more mature, compassionate, a little less greedy and can work peacefully in a bipartisan manner, instead of the dangerous Eric Cantors, Ron Pauls, Paul Ryans and Mitch McConnells, etc. that are representing lobbyists instead.
Actually the priority list is very low for gun control - MT
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I saw no tantrum... - sm
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in fact, I find it refreshing to hear a president say: "are you serious?"
I admire someone who has the backbone to stand behind what they believe in.
While Biden "shoot through the door" pouted in the background - Poor Obama, didn't get his way
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I thought that advice was rubbish as well - Broke a cardinal rule
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because anybody in their right mind educated in self-defense will tell you, know for SURE before pulling the trigger.
How would this work? Husband left for work, and you hear pounding on the door. Shoot through the door, open it and realize your poor now-dead husband forgot his keys....
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