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I honestly don't know how any self-respecting liberal (sm)

Posted: Oct 30, 2012

could watch MSNBC and call it news.  I'm serious about this.  They are now ridiculing Romney for collecting food and supplies for Sandy victims.  Anyone who watches this channel really must have screws loose.  They are all biased one way or the other, but this is just totally ridiculous.  If this is your channel of choice, you should be ashamed of yourself.  And save your breath telling me about Fox.  They would never stoop to this level.


I don't watch any of them. - RC

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I find them all obnoxious. I'm just glad they keep the TV turned down at the gym.

I get my news from NPR, which I feel is well-rounded. Others may not agree, but different strokes and all.

Shame on MSNBC and the local channels. IF they did their job and reported the TRUTH -

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there would not be any votes for Obama. These news channels are not reporting the truth. They are all protecting the president. You all know damn well if this were happening and it was Bush, the news would be all over it. Like I said, if they covered the news and not Obama's *ss, he would be hung for treason.

Anyone who watches TV news to be informed is a self-made - fool, with the exception of PBS. That said,

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I watch a couple of shows for a serving of comfort food--Colbert and Rachel Maddow.

I also turn on one or another of those Fox shows with the aggressive blondes with all the thigh to hear what they're saying. I like the energy that channel has (I'm an aggressive blonde myself) but need to be in a really mellow mood to listen for more than a half hour or so.

Do you really want to post on a public forum that you watch - PBS and Rachel Maddow?

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Reminds me of the geniuses who commit crimes and then brag about it on their Facebook page.
LOLOL - I would be embarrassed.
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Heh, I love Rachel Maddow - grits
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I find her hilarious and refreshing. She is who she is with apologies to nobody, and she doesn't seem to take herself too seriously.

When I have occasion to mistrust her claims, I look them up (I typically have the laptop open or at least within arm's reach when I'm in front of the TV). Sometimes she's right, sometimes she's wrong. But I like her style.

The key when watching any of these slanted shows/networks is to think of them as news-entertainment. Kind of like what WWE wrestling is to sports.
Color me surprised. - nm
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Hey, I own it :D - grits
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I watch PBS and Rachel. Strike me dead - now. LOL NM
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I agree about MSNBC - anon

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The canned food, ah yes, or rather the photo op so Romney could insert himself into the news cycle.

The Red Cross SPECIFICALLY asks that people not collect canned foods, etc., see their website for reasoning.

So what did we learn today, Romney is not just a PATHOLOGICAL LIAR, he is an opportunist who will use a natural disaster to get his ugly face in the news.

Shame shame shame on you. - You don't EVEN want to go down that road

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You should be ashamed of yourself for spreading such hate and lies.

OP is right.

Umm..the canned food was not for the Red Cross. He asked for - DONATIONS to the Red Cross.

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Got knowledge?

You don't want to go down the photo-op road either, believe me.

Didn't but I WILL. How come nobody in his camp had any - experience of donating to the Red Cross? I don

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criticize politicians for campaigning, and I cut the Romney campaign a break for trying to get some of that same news time that the President automatically gets as our national leader in an emergency.

I chalked it up to the usual when they made hundreds of people stand in lines with their burdens until he got there so they could film him behind the table accepting it. How else are they going to do it?

But, when his "Storm Relief" event actually betrays that NOBODY in his camp has made personal donations to the Red Cross, that they're all clueless about what many millions of Americans, including me, who have donated learned in the process? Did no one research how to do one of these thigns? What was going to happen to those mountains of donations? No one thought to contact the Red Cross about it?

Shades of Ryan muscling his way into a surprised soup kitchen to pretend-scrub a pot. This was DUMB.
Dear God. Where do you get this swill?? - nm
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Romney's "ugly face"? Come now. We all wish - we were so ugly.

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Whatever else a Romney-hater might say about him, they can't say that he's ugly.

Agree. "ugly" wrong and completely off point. He'd be a bad president - no matter which of his faces he wore.nm

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But he'll still be a better president than the current one and - all of his faces - nm
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Why do they watch MSNBC? Well, if you're a koolaid addict - you go where you can get a fix.

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That's true. Other poster said it was like 'comfort.' - A fix. That's it. Meanwhile, back (sm)

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at the Red Cross, Obama is saying how he instructed the repair crews to get going. Like they are sitting on their A$$es at home. He is the biggest A$$ of all. He is a despicable human being.

I never save my breath - Fanatical Hypocrite

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MSNBC is liberal propaganda in my opinion. As a liberal, I'm 100% aware of this and don't trust their reporting too much. However, as for Fox News not stooping so low, they have stooped so far below that that they no longer even register as news. If MSNBC were as bad as Fox, they wouldn't be picking on Romney for politicizing the hurricane, they would be accusing him of causing it. They would have commentators on talking about how when he was a child he was mentored by radical meteorologists.

I mean, don't you think it's a little strange that Romney got there so quickly to hand out canned goods? Or was he already there drawing in the storm with his mind? Now, all the facts may not be in and I'm not one to make baseless accusations, but isn't it just possible that he is a witch?

Also, has anyone noticed Romney's name? Take out the R, switch the O and the M and what do you have? That's right, money. I'm not saying that he is some kind of vengeful market spirit given flesh and sent to destroy the country, I just think it's interesting.

To clarify, I'm not saying he's a witch or some kind of revenant, or trying to influence how you vote this election day, but would Jesus or the Founding Fathers really want you to take that chance?


Glenn Cavuto Hannity.

OMG, I love this post!!! Accurately describes - what Fox does. LOL NM

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Seriously. I dang near - grits

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needed a cigarette after that one.


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Anyone who watches either one of these needs a koolaid fix, badly.

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