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Historically, people will look at the birthers with shame.

Posted: Apr 27, 2011

IMHO, all the Pledge-of-Allegiance, Stay-the-Course, flag-pin wearers who took up this "birther" issue should be hanging their heads in shame.


There is a movement starting to get NBC to "Dump Trump" - Write your station and sponsors.

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Can we start a movement to "Dump Obama?" - sign me up! nm

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Yes, dumping OBAMA is more important !!! nm - GetReal

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Yes its called VOTING - ME

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of course, WE THE PEOPLE don't actually elect the president anyway.
Bravo! Someone is awake at the helm - sm
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We can start any group, movement, or whatever we want to, but it all boils down to exactly what you said.
Yep - truth hurts - ME
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So as much I might admire Obama for certain things, I already know he is lockstep with certain unalienable policies, like foreign policy, because you can't be approved for the presidency - by those who actually choose - unless you do.

Sign me up too!!!! - Ang

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In my opinion, anyone who supports a - stonewalling President

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should have hung their heads in shame...problem is, they have none.

Thanks for your contribution.

I do not agree that history will look at "birthers" with shame. I think history will look at this President as the worst ever...or at least running neck and neck with Jimmy Carter.

You think Carter was worse than George W. Bush? - me

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Let's see. George W. Bush got us into two wars and pushed the economy into a depression. Oh, and added $4 TRILLION to the national debt the conservatives are sooo worried about.

And what did Carter do besides be an ineffectual president?

Yes, I think Carter was worse than - George W. Bush.

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Remember the Iran hostage crisis? I rest my case. That was just one of his disasters.

You do remember that Bush had a little thing called 9-11 that had a lot to do with adding to the debt? Obama has added a lot more than that and no national disaster (other than himself) of the scope of 9-11 in sight. Well we did have the GM bailout and cash for clunkers on his watch. Oh, and a treasury secretary who is a tax cheat...oh and lobbyists in his administration...enough said.

Bush got us into 2 wars? Congress got us into 2 wars. Obama has us in the same 2 and has added a third. The Middle East is destabilizing more every day.

Yup, I think Obama has both Jimmy AND George Beat, barely into his second year.

And yes, conservatives ARE worried about the debt, moreso because Obama DOESN'T SEEM TO BE. Nor the Dems in the Senate. Hence a proposed 3+ trillion budget.

Yup..he definitely has Jimmy and George beat as the worst President to date.

In case you hadn't noticed, the economy is pretty darned depressed now, and again...no 9-11 during his term. Oh and...that 4 trillion Bush added...over EIGHT years. Obama has been in office less than 2.

Your argument doesn't hold a lot of water.
I doubt - mbmt
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I doubt if most of the people on here talking about Carter being the worst president ever are even old enough to remember his presidency.

Carter was much worse! no comparison. nm - cb

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Everyone knows that Carter was worse than Bush - Your statements are incorrect

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1. We never went into a depression.

2. Bush didn't start the wars without congress' approval - unlike the current one.

3. Every president adds to the deficit. Yours truly has added more to the debt in the first 19 months than all presidents from George Washington through Ronald Regan.

Carter was one of the worst presidents ever. No matter how much people hate Bush to the bones he was no where near Carter. Obama is but Bush wasn't. No matter how much you hate someone the facts are there. Your question about what Carter did was interesting. I voted for him (it was the first election I was old enough to vote in). I liked him back then, so was curious and did some research.

When Carter took office the inflation rate was 5.22%. Four years later it was 11.83% and during his presidency it actually hit as high as 14.78%

The cost of living adjustments (COLA) when Carter took office was 5.9%. Three years later it was 14.3%.

When Carter took office in interest rates were 6.25% When he left office four years later they were 20.00%

Gas was rationed during his presidency.

He allowed a bunch of thugs to seize our embassy and our citizens.

He supported Philippine dictator Fernando Marcos, Pakistani General Zia al Huq, Saudi King Faud and many other dictators.

He cancelled military pay raises during a time of high inflation and government deficits.

He declared amnesty to Vietname draft dodgers (people like B.C.).

Dennis Miller described high school as being four long, boring years which ultimately meant nothing--like the Carter years. That is an apt description of Carter's presidency. Nothing good happened during those four years.

The first problem with the Carter presidency was that Carter was the wrong person for those years. The country had gone through an oil embargo, high inflation, Watergate and economic stagnation. What the country needed was an inspirational leader. What it got in Jimmy Carter was a former nuclear engineer and technocrat. Like many engineers, Carter was industrious and dedicated. He also lacked charisma. He couldn't inspire the country out of the doldrums. He was too detached and cool to connect to most Americans.

The second problem with the Carter years was a result of Carter's personal style. Being a small town Southern Baptist, Carter seemed very judgmental about things. Carter was perceived as being very judgmental, moralistic and preachy. That made him unpopular and ineffective as a leader, since effective leaders inspire rather than preach.

The biggest problem with the Carter years was his inability to do anything about Iran. His gesturing and empty words accomplished nothing, leaving the American diplomats in Iranian hands for over a year.

Those are just some of the things. Unfortunately as I read a lot of articles about why JC was a bad president BO has too many similarities that its just scary.

We need a strong leader to lead the country out of this dark hole we've fallen into. Nobody out there yet is it.
Well, not everyone, I don't - nm
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Well of course you don't. lol. - nm
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OK, was Carter worse than Nixon? - riddle me that
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Nixon was a gangster who played fast and loose with his constitutional powers.
Carter was worse than Nixon. Obama is worse - than Nixon as far as
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playing fast and loose with his constitutional powers. Nobody has matched Obama on that front.

Carter was worse than Nixon because his Presidency was awful from top to bottom. Nixon did a stupid thing and did the right thing and resigned when caught. Would have been nice if Clinton had done the same. He didn't.
Well, you're entitled to your opinion. - me
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But I have trouble believing that poor Carter, with his measly four-year impotent presidency, was worse than Nixon's eight years of running a criminal gang involving wiretaps, spying, and burglary. Carter was many things, but at heart I think he was/is a deeply moral person.

And Nixon resigned because he got caught. Not out of some higher notions of saving the Union.

Oh, and Nixon was a Republican.
Carter's presidency hurt the COUNTRY more - than Nixon's. Quick
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Google search will point that out. Please post something to support that the entire 8 years of Nixon's term involved wiretaps, spying, and burglary. That is news to me.

The post said Nixon resigned because he got caught. Nothing was said about saving the Union. All that was said is that when he got caught he resigned, and that he should have. You read it, right? Okay, burglary and wiretapping are felonies. So is lying under oath (perjury). Clinton actually COMMITTED felony perjury. He also indulged in trying to cover it up. Nixon did not commit the actual felony, but he did attempt to cover it up and had knowledge of it. So, as criminals go, Clinton is a felon. He never resigned. Oh, and Clinton is a Democrat.

I am aware that Nixon was a Republican. You are aware Carter and Obama and Clinton are Democrats, right? Does not matter what party they represented. Bad is bad, some worse than others. Obama will go down as worse than Carter, with the shape he has put the country in. So far nothing criminal...that we know about.
But not as much as Bush - nm
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So wrong again. Obama is Bush on steroids. - Still have the wars and
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one added. Did the troops come home within 180 days after he was elected? No. Is this the most transparent administration in history? ROFLMBO. Has he cut even one program? ROFLMBO. What is his idea of more important things? Being on Oprah and attending fundraisers. ROFLMBO.

And the fact that you toe the party line to the point you find all of these things acceptable....welll....ROFLMBO!!!!
Why do you keep ignoring the facts - see message
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Bush's presidency did not hurt the country more than Carter's or Nixon. Carer was a disaster and failure. Nixon, well I won't go into detail. We all know what Nixon did. Bush was not as bad as either of them and he actually did some really good things while in office.

No matter how much hate people have for Bush you can't ignore the facts.
You are so right - nm
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You are so indoctrinated. nm - nm
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Obama worshippers will be looked at with shame.nm - ugh

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They already are and they have nobody to blame - see message

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but themselves. It's really a sad time in our history that so many worshippers are filled with such animosity and hate (to the bones) for anything/anyone but their side and get such joy out of insulting and cutting down and hurting those who have not been mesmerized. I'm still trying to figure out when all this political turmoil and hatred came about but it's hard. I don't remember it during the Reagan years. It's just sad that we have people like Joy Behr, Bill Mahr, Chris Matthews, Keith Olberman, Rosie O'Donnell. J. Gorofool and many others who have perfected the art of hatred and are proud to openly display it. Instead of wanting everyone to work together they and others take pride in displaying their negative hateful words and unfortunately others believe it's okay to follow the Pied Piper(s) and treat other human beings the way they do, and the worse is they are not ashamed to do it.

I believe history (if anyone decent that is is recording history and not writing it the way they want it to be) is that our children's children will read about the turmoil, hatred, and violence of our times. I hope they can learn a valuable lesson and I hope they will be taught to think for themselves and not follow along without asking questions.

LOL, no more than Bush worshippers were! - sm

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At least Obama is trying, more than I can say for Bush. And then we have the really great people who may run next term like Donald Trump and Sarah Palin. Now that's shameful.

What Obama has done to this country is - shameful. nm

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can you step away from the party line just long enough to see the truth?
Party line has nothing to do with it - sm
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I'm talking about Bush, not the republicans.
The point is....you see the splinter in Bush's - eye but miss the timber
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in Obama's. THAT is the party line toeing. lol.

There are no Bush worshippers - but there are Obama - nm

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Feeling a little silly?

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