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Grover Norquist Owns the Republicans

Posted: Jul 18, 2011

Here is the reason Republicans are being so intransigent in negotiating the debt ceiling:  http://www.atr.org/userfiles/Senate%20Pledge(2).pdf

Nearly every single Republican in the House and Senate has signed a pledge (authored by Grover Norquist) which forbids them from raising taxes EVER.  Furthermore, they cannot even get rid of LOOPHOLES (corporate jets, oil subsidies, etc.) unless they simultaneously lower the tax rate.  This is why the Republican (Paul Ryan) budget guts Medicare.  Because of this plan, they cannot raise taxes to pay for wars, social security, Medicare, Medicaid, etc.  Nothing. 

This is why the Ryan plan does not balance the budget until 2040 and would leave a $338 billion deficit in 10 years.  If the President were to sign the Republican's budget, they would still have to raise the debt ceiling! 

Bottom line:  They don't care about debt or deficit reduction.  If they did, they would certainly take the $4 trillion deficit reduction deal offered by the President.  But that would mean they would have to get rid of loopholes.  So they say:  No deal.

Republicans say:  Cut Medicare/Medicaid?  Yes.  Cut corporate loopholes:  No.


Ridiculous. Pubs are just trying to get real. Obama - lives in lala land...and its not working.nm

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Hit and run much? - nm

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Its just the truth Sorry if it offends you. - We need an actual leader. nm

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Truth be told - sm
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Obama's strategy during the debt ceiling/budget debate has pretty much succeeded in backing the GOP into a corner they don't know how to get themselves out of, since they refused to take yes for an answer. What do ya wanna bet we end up with a fistful of meaningless symbolic votes and a token version of McConnell's debt ceiling surrender that kicks the budget down the road again and leaves the GOP holding an empty bag of spending cuts? Safe to say the powers that be on both sides of the aisle already agree that default is not an option, and the GOP has left room for little else at this point. One thing is crystal clear. Voters disapprove of the way the GOP has been handling this by a 7:1 margin, meaning that supermajority includes a significant number of pubs.
Obama "succeeded in backing GOP into corner". Well, - too bad he cant succeed as a president!.nm
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Have you always had this much difficulty - staying on task?
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Grover Norquist is losing his grip. Your Obama bashes are irrelavant, as usual, just like your posts.
Obamas policies are total failures... cant distract from it anymore.nm - :-)
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We can't blame Obama for Grover's declining influence. - Or can we? Hmmmm.
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It will be a pleasure watching him shuffle on off into his well deserved "Grover who?" obscurity. More importantly, the impotence of these idiotic cast-iron partisan pledges that tend to hogtie an entire party and hold them hostage to self-destructive tpot policies has been exposed and the voters have taken notice. I agree. Can't distract from it anymore, but I am sure you will give it your best shot.
Who cares when the Dem is in charge.. and he is bad - very bad... OBAMA is the one exposed now.nm
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Recent polls , 7-1 want ceiling raised. 1/2+ want tax hikes. - 2/3 blame GOP for stall!nm
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Raising the celing is a temp fix. Really, it just means - we cant pay our debts. sad. Half of Americans dont
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pay taxes. Polls are useless right now. If you go by that, you will see Obama continues to tank too. This country is in a big mess of debt and stimulus spending that solved nothing, just caused more debt. We need a budget and need to cut spending desperately. Those are facts.
Too much time, money & energy spent on elections, - and little spent actually doing anything worthwhil
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It's all become just one big game-show, and we working-class citizens are the losers.

Why so reluctant to address Norquist pledge - now being challenged by more level-headed

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constituents such as Tom Coburn and essentially being nonchalantly ignored by 34 senate pubs who voted to move forward to repeal ethanol subsidies? Whoops! The dictator slippeth after 20 years of Ozdom, yet another sign of fractures widening into fault lines within ultra vs moderate conservative ranks. See first link.

Could it be that Coburn reads the writing on the wall, ie rapidly rising bipartisan public support (which doubled in the past month) for raising the debt ceiling and balancing spending cuts with (gasp!) raising taxes and eliminating loopholes? See second link.

Poor Grover. Nothing is forever.



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