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GOP is nuts-maybe in spare time after adopting

Posted: May 15, 2015

as they obviously feel that the poor cannot make any decisions for themselves and that they are higher and mightier than all, let them figure out how to take care of the children and feed the families. Scott Walker is shooting himself in the foot, thank goodness he is doing it early and often. http://www.addictinginfo.org/2015/05/15/wisconsin-gop-passes-bill-banning-poor-people-from-buying-shellfish-potatoes-and-ketchup/;

It's all part of the GOP's plan to stay out of our lives. - NOT NOT NOT NOT

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What a bunch of hypocrites. They are whining about the government's efforts to make school lunches more nutritious, but they feel perfectly fine with this crap?

Newsflash GOP: Helloooooooooooooooooooo! My uterus is very much part of my life, and I am what I eat......... so again, what I put in my body is part of my life.

How can these idiots keep claiming to want government out of my life when they want government to tell me who I can love and what I can eat and blah, blah, blah, blah!!!!!!!!!!!!?

Well, thank the Lord he has blessed me with lots of money. If this crap actually comes to fruition, I will coordinate efforts to make sure lots of cash gets in the hands of affected people so that they may purchase whatever shellfish their hearts desire and stop trying to run people's lives. Gag! Retch.

And now I am off to Red Lobster. Suddenly I am wanting a shrimp cocktail with some fava beans and a nice chianti.

Nope, no big government or increased government spending there - penny wise, pound foolish - JS

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I was hoping this was a joke post, but this is actually true - it passed the state assembly and goes now to the state senate.


It cost us so much already to implement the EBT system, and now to have to overhaul new programs at grocery stores? That would costs millions. And the drug testing for food stamp recipients and those in job-training programs and to receive unemployment could reach into the billions.

But that's not targeting the poor, no. Because I'm sure their next step will be to test the insurance company execs participating in marketplace too for cocaine or overuse/illegal use of narcotics, right? ;)

See, this is what I meant earlier regarding what I've seen thus far from the Tea Party/far-right extremist politicians, their words do not seem to match their actions - saying they want small government and less spending, but laws like these INCREASE government spending and government power exponentially.

I really wish I could unread that, but thanks for the info lol.

One last thing, hope you don't get mad at me for saying this but...the title line...not everyone in the GOP is "nuts", right?

"Nuts" is a pretty inflammatory term. There's a difference between thinking a person in the party is nuts or a line of thinking is nuts VS calling everyone in the party nuts, when we know people belonging to that party are in the room reading, right?

Don't get me wrong, God knows we've all seen inflammatory titles like that from the other side and insulted in self-defense. And sometimes we've all let insulting things slip when frustrated here, myself included, so no shame.

I guess I'm just saying, what do you all think about us making a more concerted effort, going forward, to NOT catch that disease or stoop to that level, especially if not in self-defense? Feel free to remind me too, if I forget, because it's not easy sometimes, especially when we feel like it's been done to us. But somebody needs to end it, right?

Just a thought...

PS - I realize I was guilty of this myself earlier today, btw;) - JS

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... in my rant about Rand Paul. Mentioning the Kool-Aid Party thing crossed the same line :/

I guess I was just was thinking tonight about what it was like for us to read new posts like that is all.

There was an article here earlier in the week about - obesity in food stamp recipients,

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I have a better idea. How about eliminating the EBT and buy food in bulk and then deliver it. The added benefit would be to buy at wholesale prices and in volume. What food producer wouldn't welcome a government contract? The govt can use the same purchasing center for school lunch programs, military PX's, VA hospitals, etc..

Thomas Sowell made a brilliant comment about this, - he said that if you were

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destined to be poor for the rest of your life, what country would you choose to be poor in?

The USA is the only country where the poor people have cell phones, cars, TV, etc.

There's a lot of fraud in the food stamp program. We've always had a safety net but there needs to be balance.

Why is it okay for Michelle to overhaul school lunch - program but not food stamp

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Good question, actually. - sm
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Most people are griping about government control when they criticize the school lunch program. I think it's incredibly hypocritical for anyone (not saying this poster is at all, just saying anyone) to be okay with government interference and costs to implement government control on certain poor citizens receiving assistance all while complaining about government control in our lives.

In my opinion, it seems to me that conservatives are quite content to have government foot the bill and control our lives as long as it's presented in religious terms and fits their litmus test of religious control or moral superiority control. They will spend millions and millions of dollars in order to legislate their morality into our lives in the form of drug tests for poor people receiving SNAP, all the while at the same time claiming they don't want government controlling our lives. Look at the millions they have spent to deny rights to certain groups throughout our country's history.

As far as the school lunch program, the government has guidelines that require meats, vegetables, fruits, whole grains in certain amounts and seeks to limit salt and sugar that our children are consuming. They put out these guidelines, and local schools are free to NOT take the federal funding. The local schools are free to take the guidelines and implement their own menus if they want to participate in the federal funding. Parents are also free to send their children to school with their lunch of choice. Local schools doing a poor job of implementing the guidelines are NOT Michelle Obama's fault. I have seen the guidelines, and they aren't that crazy actually, just certain amounts of decent food in order to receive federal assistance versus letting the kids eat crap subsidized by the government.

Hypothetical question: What if the school lunch program was about the Christian religious teaching that our bodies should be treated as temples? If the program was exactly the same in every aspect yet it happened to be implemented by First Lady Cindy McCain and called the Temples of The Almighty Lord program, TOTAL for short, because we should be teaching our children to treat their bodies as temples unto the Lord, conservatives would be all for it and praising our government for doing something to save our children from Satan's obesity and would be lauding our government for finally doing something good for families and getting our country on the right track for the Lord's imminent return.

As long as the government is controlling who we can love and marry, what we can and cannot eat, and any number of ways they control how we can do any manner of things, as long as it is in furtherance of their religious dogma and fits into their controlling the poor and making them pass moral superiority or religious litmus tests in order to receive assistance, then conservatives are fully on board with it.

It's just hypocritical to me to say you don't want the government controlling our lives when you want the government controlling almost every aspect of our lives to fit your religious beliefs.
This is a states versus federal govt issue. The state - involved is trying to balance their
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I thought the question about the food stamp program was a good question, why okay with one but not the other.

I'm not sure how the topic went from food to religion. Either way, the original purpose of the govt was to protect it's citizens' constitutional rights. That's it. All these other departments should be abolished.
Of course provide for the common defense, - I assumed that would be
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without question, but a modifier just in case.
Once the states started taking federal money, they - lost some of their freedom
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and became beholding to the feds, just like individuals. There are always strings attached. Once the 17th amendment passed and senators were elected rather than being appointed by their states, states' rights were overshadowed by the fed govt.

The religious/marriage issue used to be a state issue. I realize we'll never go back to that, but it's how we ended up here.
With the 17th amendment, the states forfeited a - confederated govt and embraced
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a democratic republic or centralized power, which history has shown to be precursor to anarchy, followed by tyranny. This wasn't evident until FDR's New Deal when senators did his bidding. Now it’s Caesar’s game played by Caesar’s rules.
So let me see if I'm getting what people are saying here straight. - JS
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Some people are criticizing FDR's centralization policies, even though FDR pulled up the country out of the depression in doing so - to include the FDIC and the federal reserve, by the way - and this was a bad thing?

I hope people realize that had we not federally backed our banks, we would've had another bank run and panic in September 2008.

FDR did it right - temporary assistance, then he weaned us from it - except with certain federal programs that were just necessary for the survival of a society anyway.

And do the people singing the "state rights" song realize how many states would've gone bankrupt by 2012, many almost did anyway, if not for federal help? To include Wisconsin, who really is in no shape to be overhauling anything yet that would cost billions.

I'm sorry, but I don't trust my state politicians any more than I do my federal politicians, I'm not sure why anyone else would.

But IMO, both opinions are correct about Welfare AND Michelle Obama's overhaul - the government has no business controlling what people eat.

It's assuming that people can't trust themselves to make good decisions and are poor because of their own choices and that's insulting.

And as far as the drug testing, as long as we're at it, can we drug test all federal and state officials for the presence of cocaine or opiates too please? It would explain a lot ;)

I'm very anti-drug, believe me, but I also realize there are many people with addictions. Let's say drugs are found,then what?

"No soup for you" like soup Nazis and offer them no assistance to get clean?

Might as well just shoot them, then, they're done. And when you get into people's lives this much, you become MORE responsible for them, not less.

All of these things cost money - money that neither the country nor the states have, I'm sorry. But if we're deeming drug addicts as worthless, there are a lot of people in Hollywood, media reporters (Rush Limbaugh?) and politicians gots to go too;)

The law is incredibly "poor shaming", not to mention Scott Walker's state is in no position financially to be doing any of these things yet.

If Scott Walker suddenly has the millions-to-billions to implement these things, I'd like to know where it's coming from, and if it's a precursor of things to come from him, there's no way he's getting my vote
FDR did not end the depression, WWII did. - My father if he had lived
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knew the truth about FDR and wasn't afraid to say it. The vast majority of Americans have no idea the great depression was only “great” in America. Every where else just had a normal recession which they quickly recovered from. While our economy keep getting worse and worse because of FDR's policies. But no one remembers or knows that. All they remember is that FDR gave them a job moving rocks from one spot to another (which he would later designate parks) and paid them just enough to buy a loaf of bread.

FDR was also very anti-Jewish. He was against an Israeli State. Truman did that.

"The economy was poised for a beautiful recovery, but that recovery was stalled by these [FDR] misguided policies."
"Cole and Ohanian calculate that NIRA and its aftermath account for 60 percent of the weak recovery.
Without the policies, they contend that the Depression would have ended in 1936 instead of the year when they believe the slump actually ended: 1943."

Both helped. But what would we have done without the FDIC/Federal Reserve in September 2008? - Julia Sugarbaker
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There would've been a mass panic/run noon back and broken them again, people tried to dump stocks and liquidate enough, which made the problem grow.

As for the link provided, it's to a book we can buy, so we can't respond to that right away.

I actually half agree with you, the policies AND the war helped us regroup. But we can't pretend some of those policies didn't benefit us even to this day.

We also can't forget that it was FDR's "brain trust", comprised of the best minds in each subject from both parties, that came up with these policies and the job corps - smartest thing FDR ever did was to realize he couldn't fix everything himself and that it would take the greatest minds from both parties to do so.

I don't agree he was "anti-Israel" or antisemitic, if that is what is implied. I think it's possible to not take sides or try to help both find peace and not be called "anti" anyone. In fact, I personally believe I shouldn't take sides based on my faith, believe it or not - the bible says God would provide for Hagar's son's legacy, too, and the two nations would always fight as a reminder of of Sarah's lack of faith mistake and to wait in faith. I'm pretty sure it doesn't say a word about us. Who are we to undo God's work?

And helping to create and support Israel cost us a lot of money. It seems to me both Israel and the Palestinian nations want our help but slap us in the face at the same time - one guilt trips into taking their side and the other terrorizes us into it, but neither one actually LIKES us anyway.

Having said that, I do question FDR's prior knowledge of Pearl Harbor, just like I question why George W. Bush, the FBI, and the CIA ignored threats as the 9/11 commission concluded.
You can do a search on the origins of the Federal Reserve - and the gold standard,
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margin calls, JP Morgan, quantum easing.
Forgive me, you're right. But FDIC Banking Act was 1933, made permanent in 1935 - JS
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Federal Reserve was 1913, the FDIC was in 1933 as insurance to bridge flaws - but both were created to insure banks and prevent bank runs.

Can you imagine how much worse things would've been for private citizens' accounts had we not had those, though, in the crash of September 2008?
Unfortunately by 2008 we were taken off the gold - reserve, so it's probably
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I don't think this is taught, FDR has been immortalized like JFK, - I don't even know if future
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generations will even remember the Holocaust, and anyway why would they care, as North Korea has concentration camps today and right as you read this ISIS is doing it today to Christians and it seems to have lost meaning.
Misguided policies and stalled recovery. Wow, - sounds like today...book suggestion
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is The Forgotten Man: A New History of the Great Depression. You will find Obama's playbook laid out in detail, right down to "you didn't build that."
The lessons of history are forgotten, but - I bet everybody knows about.
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Deflategate or the latest Hollywood scandal.
My family felt the same way about FDR, but - my inlaws are different, I
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guess it's part of my testimony to a lost and dying world. If I pay a high price for telling the truth, so be it. My inlaws and I don't discuss politics too much though. They worship FDR and JFK.

Okay, I will go for, "I question the integrity - and intelligence" of the GOP

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is that better. I admit "nuts" is a bit off hand. I consider it a sort of light hearted comment, particularly in comparison to some of the direct comments towards the President. I've tried the high road before, it just gets pummeled with insults, but if you wish, and others, we can try again.

No worries. Like I said, I did it myself within the Rand Paul post. I slapped my own wrist;) - (edited) - JS

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I think we're both usually better than that. Contagious, though, isn't it?;)

Only way to beat that mentality is to rise above it, lest we become LIKE that - but it's HARD.

As for questioning the party's intelligence, I don't. I think the one's at the top are very smart in accurately assessing the attitudes and motivations of the people in their party and they know how to manipulate them to gain votes for themselves.

But I gotta say, I have to question whether Obama did that too, at this point, with this Asian Free Trade agreement lame-duck kinda stuff.

We have to ask ourselves, why in the world does he want this agreement and the Republicans aren't blocking him on it, only Dems, hm?

What company does he have shares in?

More crazy--hate to start a new thread - sm

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This is about science, which is sort of related to nutrition. Well, science is sort of related to everything.

“You would be giving off more CO2 if you are riding a bike than driving in a car,” he said. However, he said he had not “done any analysis” of the difference in CO2 from a person on a bike compared to the engine of a car (others have).

“You can’t just say that there’s no pollution as a result of riding a bicycle.”

Oh look, he apologized (more likely someone managed him and made him recant. They told him if he ever hoped to have a credible future, perhaps he should enter real life and make intelligent statements.)


This article is misrepresenting the bill. It would - require food stamp recipients

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to use at least two-thirds of their monthly benefits to purchase nutritional foods such as beef, chicken and fresh produce. I’m all for eliminating abuse but trimming the edges of the Welfare State is not quite the same thing as eliminating the need for it.

Once you go down the slippery slope of govt (taxpayers) paying for everything, i.e. food, healthcare, etc. there are always going to be strings attached. I doubt if this bill will pass anyway.

I'm also for having to take a drug test, this is total - fairness. How is it that

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people who work and have money deducted from their wages and pay for the public programs have to take drug tests, but if you’re getting benefits you don’t?

Then you won't mind people on Medicare and Social Security from having to pass a drug test? - sm

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"Total fairness"? I personally don't have to take a drug test to work; where are people having to take drug tests to work? I think "total fairness" sounds like government testing for anybody receiving any kind of government assistance. Otherwise, how would we really have "total fairness"?

Hey, let's also have "rich shaming" as well as "poor shaming." Make all these CEOs running these corporations that are receiving government funding to urinate in a cup and pass a test in order to receive their government funds. Line all those farmers getting subsidies up too while we're at it.

Or do you just want to target certain groups getting a government check but not others?
Social Security is something that a person has already - paid into and Medicare is
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insurance. Neither was intended as temporary assistance.

There is massive fraud in all these programs, billions in the food stamp program alone. If it helps save money for those who really need it, I'm all for it.

Do a google search for food stamp fraud.
I was aware that any post was "poor shaming" just - a suggestion to address
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so much fraud in the program. There's a huge problem with food stamps being traded for drugs, it's even on Craigslist.

The USDA Inspector General, the agency’s watchdog, even testified bout this. There's even something called foodstamp trafficking and thousands of people who are not eligible for food stamps are getting them by lying or using the SS number of dead people.

To address the "rich shaming" the real culprit is government tax policy and so called “free trade” deals that give multinational globalist corporations breaks and incentives to take their manufacturing jobs to other countries, while burdensome regulation, high taxes and Obamacare destroy jobs that would be created by small businesses.

Both parties are to blame. These corporations donate to both parties expecting favors. I'm against corporate welfare too.

Both Parties To Blame - Linda Nitzschke
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Those same big corporations who are donating huge sums of money to both parties...for some STRANGE reason do not support Tea Party candidates at all. Hmmm, since so many think the Tea Party members are such scoundrels, one would think Big Money would support them first, as opposed to not supporting them at all. Just can't figure it out (cough). Gee, they must think Tea Party candidates are too honest and have too much integrity to be bought. What a novel idea.
I agree. Ted Cruz is not an establishment republican - like Jeb Bush or even
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Huckabee. All the bashing here about Jeb is funny because he is in the bottom on a pole of candidates. But I'm sure the establishment will take votes away from Ted and perhaps Scott Walker in a primary.
I think I see now why most of the posts here lean left. - There is not point in
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posting or trying to engage in a conversation. No one cares if a Democrat does anything illegal, only a Republican. No one cares about Hillary's illegal emails or IRS targeting the Tea Party or any of those issues.
I'll add to that statement, based on posts below, that when - a Republican offers a solution
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to slow down the rate of growth on an entitlement, they are characterized as heartless, hate the poor, made fun of all the while the opponents offer no viable solution to the problem. I can draw the conclusion that the Democrats don't want to fix the problem.
Where would conservatives be without their eternal victimhood and persecution complex? - sm
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No one characterized anyone as "heartless." No one said anyone "hated the poor," and no one was "made fun of." Conservatives, in my opinion, are the eternal party of victimhood who are always whining about being persecuted, and I'm not sure where they'd be without their eternal victimhood.

And yet another bunch of straw man arguments and false conclusions that somebody created out of nothing doesn't amount to anything.

It's not as if this is a new issue being debated here for the first time ever, and it doesn't take a rocket scientist to know that paying people a livable wage that removes them off the government rolls is the way to solve a large part of the problem. If companies will pay a livable wage, the government will not have to "in effect" subsidize Americans' wages to make up for the shortfall.

No one working a full-time job in America today should make less than poverty wages.
They control the Justice Dept. That's a big obstacle, - Benghazi documents
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have been a subpoena but you probably won't hear about anything until after the 2016 election. Just like in 2012 when Obamacare facts were hidden.
Hillary's emails are saved on CLOUD by the - hacker Guccifer. nm
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Considering Ted Cruz raised $31 million in SuperPAC money in his first week - I disagree they can't be bought ( see links)
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Two sources, one conservative, one liberal.



Perhaps Tea Party members just like to believe they're more moral than everyone else, but it isn't fact.

~ JS
Not the same thing and go Ted! - apples and oranges
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Exactly the same thing (see link for Oxford definition of SuperPAC). And his wife works - for Goldman-Sachs, too
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From the Oxford Dictionary:


"A type of independent political action committee which may raise unlimited sums of money from corporations, unions, and individuals but is not permitted to contribute to or coordinate directly with parties or candidates:"

Think those they don't want a return on those "indirect" investments?

Not sure if things said like this and the above are intentionally designed to mislead or blind faith, but regardless, Tea Party?

Gonna have to do better than these types of argument to gain votes, both here and in the real world.
If only the media had done this much vetting of Obama - and Michelle back in 2008
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Wow! But he got a free ride. Now they want to know everything about Ted, even when he sneezes.

Obama reminds of the evil kid in the movie "The Omen." We don't really know anything about him and nobody asks.
Are you serious? In 2008 the right gave it everything....sm - Alice
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they had to dig up dirt on the Obamas, even to the point of questioning his citizenship/birth and eligibility to be president. All this was to no avail, though it doesn't stop some wackos from continuing to spew their undisguised baseless hate.
Tell it like it is, Alice. - sm
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In what alternate universe or on what planet did Obama get a "free ride"?

Ted Cruz! LOL. Ted Cruz doesn't have a snowball's chance in Hell of becoming the GOP nominee, and I couldn't care less to know anything about when Ted sneezes or even if Ted sneezes. Ted Cruz is a totally irrelevant candidate who will never be president. It would save those Tea Partiers a lot of false hope if they would just recognize that true fact.

I like to think of Canadian born Rafael Eduardo Cruz as the "karma candidate." Ted is exactly the candidate that the birthers and Tea Partiers deserved to get saddled with: An indoctrinated Harvard elitist with daddy issues and no experience whatsoever who was born in a foreign country and sent here by his communist loving Cuban father in a plot to fundamentally transform America into the same communist utopia that his daddy fought alongside Fidel Castro in order to achieve.

:D *laugh* *snicker* *snort* *sneeze*
Vetting should have been done, it's not a right/left issue. - News is information and what is not done
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is just as important as what is. Otherwise it's propaganda.

I guess all this spew about Ted Cruz is just baseline hate from wackos.
They blame GW for everything, they even go back to - Reagan, Nixon and
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Eisenhower. They will NEVER take any responsibility for anything!
And whenever a republican makes a suggestion on how to - cut down on govt fraud
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the left screams "they want to take food away from the poor," no wonder entitlements keep growing. Pretty soon we're going to run out of money.
Wait, what? - sm
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You said: "I was aware that any post was 'poor shaming' just a suggestion to address so much fraud in the program."

Okay, I think you meant that you weren't aware that any post was "poor shaming." How in the world could a post be "poor shaming"? I was, of course, talking about the policy of drug testing being "poor shaming," not your post at all. How many people will even read any of our posts, and who would ever be shamed by a post anyway?

But if "total fairness" is desired and making a bunch of poor people urinate in cups in order to receive their benefits is a good idea in order to prevent fraud, then I say make them all urinate in cups, rich and poor. There's just as much fraud and abuse going on in the one end as there is in the other. :)
A suggestion has been made on how to cut down on FRAUD in a - govt program, and the left
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starts with the hysteria about taking away a benefit from the poor.

And if they test positive, send them to the Betty Ford Clinic too? No. Just - "No soup for you!" - JS

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But when celebrities LIKE Betty Ford - from Washington, Hollywood, politicians or the media commentator (Rush Limbaugh) - have a drug problem, they run to People magazine, we feel sorry for the "poor little rich" junkies (as has been said on here), we excuse them for a multitude of things said and done, and they go to "Promises" rehab 12 times because they can afford to, and that's perfectly okay.

Not the poor, it's their own fault, dangit, and they're just horrible people - "NO SOUP FOR YOU!" (Seinfeld, soup nazi reference;)

(I actually feel sorry for both, to a point - just MAKING a point, there's a double standard.)

So just because wealthy junkies can afford to not sell food stamps for drugs and go to rehab, they get a free pass, but the poor ones get their food taken away and they're done, that's it, they deserve no help?

Once you get into people's personal lives this much, you're MORE responsible for them, not less.

This is opening up a whole other can of worms we can't pay for, state or federal.
How would you handle fraud? - NM
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This is the WIC program..... - for kids

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If Wisconsin is like my state, it is a narrow program that makes sure that pregnant women and small children have access to healthy food - there is a cut-off when the child reaches a certain age - the recipient may or may not, in addition, be on food stamps. The program was set up to give children a healthy early start beginning in the womb. It would be pointless if people were allowed to buy anything, healthy or not, and shellfish? I can't afford that....

The original recipients of food stamps were mainly - children and the elderly.

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Now working age adults make up the majority. In addition, there's public assistance, Medicaid, temporary aid to needy families, earned income tax credit, etc.

I'm just pointing out that massive programs breed massive fraud. Not to mention people get trapped in the system.

What are other alternatives on how to cut down on - fraud? Even the head of the

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USDA testified on the massive organized abuse of food stamps.

EBT is small potatoes of what GOP - wants to eliminate...

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It's no secret that their big prize is the elimination of Social Security and Medicare.

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Okay, so this is nuts. I am looking for a non-MT work-at-home job. I went on a couple of websites, and many of the jobs require that I speak English AND Spanish. REQUIRED. Okay, so I have to learn their language, but they don't have to learn mine? When my grandpa came to this country back when the hard-working immigrants were making this country, nobody catered to his language of Italian. If he didn't learn to speak English, he couldn't survive here. More, unless he took a cou ...

Drives Them NutsMar 23, 2011
This is what drives the Democrats in my state absolutely nuts. Tax credits for business will make their head spin. But, here's how it works in very, very simple terms, since I'm certainly not an economist (and I want to go to bed early tonight)  :-) Here's how it works: -company gets tax break/incententive to invest in the area -company uses money to expand/build/hire employees -employees become tax payers - off unemployment, food stamps, or other gov't assistance ( ...

Soup To Nuts!Jan 29, 2013
Can we assemble a multi-course menu of diseases and symptoms?  (My vote would be preferably withOUT getting scatological, being as I'm pretty sure all of us here are older than 8, or 10, or whatever that age is.) I'll start off the menu with a nice word salad! ...

Apparently There Are A Lot Of Nuts OutJun 14, 2017
Another shooting at UPS office. ...

OMG! Rep. Steve Cohen (D-TN) Is Nuts!!!Sep 28, 2016
He is part of the problem of this country. He's a dyed in the wool Dem and strictly votes via the party. He absolutely spewed hate for the Republicans. He was on Washington Journal this morning and during the question and answer period, he said Benghazi wasn't Clinton's fault....it was Ambassador Steven's fault becuase he went there. IOW, he's blaming the Ambassador for being killed!!!!I'm so glad I don't live in TN. I'd be embarassed with that commen ...

Anyone Who Signs Up For Obamacare Is Truly Nuts. (sm)Dec 07, 2013
Hope we don't see you here whining when someone steals your identity. ...

Political Correctness Is NUTS!!Jul 13, 2015
Pretty soon, the left is going to lead the charge to take all religious interpretations out of names of cities and people. Can you see just about every city in California changing it's name, i.e., San Diego, Santa Barbara, San Francisco, Sacramento, etc. You get my drift. Also, every person with "chris" in their name will be forced to change it. No more Christopher, Christine, Christianne, etc. No more Jesus either. Won't that be a hoot. The ILLEGALS will love that one! ...

Mitt Romney Was Right Again! Yet People Thought He Was NutsJan 19, 2013
So many of you argued that Romney had no foreign policy experience or even knew anything about the rest of the world but he was right again!  So, when do you think Obama will send troops into Africa? Wanna bet it will be soon? Because if he doesn't help France more than what he's doing now, you can bet your bottom dollar that another ally will bite the dust.  Note the date on the below article: Mali Responds To Mitt Romney by Matt Taylor  October 31st, 2012&nbs ...

Obama Calm- How True-- He Drives Them NutsSep 12, 2014
http://www.occupydemocrats.com/watch-bill-maher-go-to-bat-for-pres-obama-he-will-be-treated-in-history-very-kindly/ ...

Imagine That -- They Found Someone To Fill In For Glenn Beck Who's Just As Nuts!!Mar 30, 2010
Tanning Salon Tax Is Racist, Says Doc Thompson, Fill-In Host For Glenn Beck    As the White House stumps nationwide in support of health care reform, they'll talk about how they've stopped insurance companies from dropping patients due to preexisting conditions and how they've "closed the doughnut hole" and how the youngs will be able to stay on their parents' insurance until they're old enough to go on unemploy ...

CNN Host Stuns Media, Says Clinton’s Team Thinks “she’s Nuts!”Oct 27, 2016
http://conservativetribune.com/jaws-drop-when-lib-cnn-host/?utm ...

Our Government, Well, Sucks Big Time. Congress Plays Hooky ALL THE TIME!Oct 16, 2009
I work my butt off for practically pennies and our congress plays hooky? Basically they work 2-1/2 days a week?  FIRE THEM ALL, DANG IT!!!!!  THEY SUCK AT THEIR JOBS!!!! If you call it a job.  Shows a picture of inside congress and guess what?  NOT ONE PERSON AT WORK!  Congress building empty and usually on Thursdays too.  How much do they get paid to work 2-1/2 days a week.  They do not even listen to the PEOPLE.   Congress Plays Hooky on Fridays Despite ...

Tea Party Leader: Obama Hides Birth Cert. To Make Us ânutsâApr 29, 2010
By Andrew McLemoreWednesday, April 28th, 2010 -- 9:42 pm During an appearance on the radio show of Fox News’ Alan Colmes, prominent tea party leader Tom Tancredo made it clear he believes President Obama may not be an American citizen, Think Progress reported. The former GOP congressman responded to questions about a statement he gave to a group of tea partiers: “If his wife says Kenya is his homeland, why don’t we just send him back?” Tancredo was referring to a speec ...

Corporate Profits Just Hit An All-Time High, Wages Just Hit An All Time LowJun 22, 2012
Good ol' United Corporations of America!!   ...

First Time Ever (long-time Voter) Had This ProblemFeb 16, 2016
Every one of them has serious flaws, either of character, personality, world view, experience, or philosophy - and in most cases more than one of these - that I simply cannot stomach. In my experience, it's always a choice between the lesser of two evils, but this election cycle seems to have brought out a spectacularly miserable collection of candidates.  And yes, Sanders and Trump supporters, I mean them too - or perhaps especially them too. It looks like I'll be sitting on my ...

People, It's Time - And Way Past Time - To Get Our Together.Jul 19, 2016
If we haven't learned yet not to be drawn into the power struggl in which the parties seek to make us their political pawns, we must learn it now before it's too late.  It's a more perilous world than we have ever known before, and perverts and liars cannot save this nation. #NEVER_PERVERTS_NEVER_LIARS         ...

What A Waste Of Committee Time And This Isn't The First TimeOct 11, 2013
  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=INRV9Jvlkn8&feature=player_detailpage#t=2 ...

Once Upon A Time...Jan 03, 2012

Use Of TimeJan 17, 2013
What is the longest amount of time you will spend researching a blank before sending to QA??   ...

It's That Time AgainSep 12, 2014
We will never win this game. Russian hackers publish nearly 5 million Gmail passwords Nearly 5 million Gmail passwords were published on a Russian-language bitcoin security forum on Tuesday, according to a report from The Daily Dot. The publisher, known as “tvskit,” claimed 60 percent of the 4,930,000 leaked usernames and passwords are valid. Spanish-, English-, and Russian-language Gmail and Google Plus accounts were targeted, along with user credentials for Russian search en ...

About TimeJul 30, 2017
http://abcnews.go.com/International/us-bombers-fly-korean-peninsula-north-koreas-icbm/story?id=48931633 ...