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Football so-called "violence" has become political
Posted: Feb 5, 2013
"So Obama would maybe or perhaps not let his imaginary son play football, but he'll send your daughter or son off to combat in Afghanistan or Iraq. Okay.";
Oooh, scandalous. - I'm ever so shocked.
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Why, just look at the hypocrisy. A president wouldn't want his imaginary son to play football, but he is in command of the military!!! Good golly, what have we gotten ourselves into? Why I bet NONE of that lame-stream media has covered this AT ALL!
I'm simply flattened by of all this scandal and shock!
PS, I have no idea who said it and don't really care.
Not a liberal, I'm guessing. - Could you narrow it down?
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BTW, I do agree with the comment.
Serving in the military and risking harm for your country - sm
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is different than participating in a sport and risking harm for money or fun. Whoever said this is an idiot... so it has to be Rush.
Ding, ding, ding, ding, ding, ding! We have a winner, folks!! - mraker (nm)
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HAHAHAhahaha! I've been called a lot of things on this board before - but never a winner!
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Things are looking up!
Never say never. :) - mraker
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Best the committee could manage on such short notice. Congrats!

Wow! Could someone either pinch me or call me a pinko commie dirtbag so I know - I'm not dreaming??!?
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On a side note, maybe I was too harsh calling Rush an idiot and don't deserve this fine award. If a butt sore prevents one from playing football too, there's a chance Rush doesn't know the difference between the dangers of serving in the military and playing football and is simply confused.
On the other hand, he has done and said plenty of idiotic things in the past to actually make me correct, so I'll accept the award graciously.
You like me, you really like me!
The committee rushed right out to get you a practical gift - mraker
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to go with your trophy. L'chaim!! 
Hey, guess what... - mraker
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"Feminazi" should be in lavender or purple, though. Don't know how they missed that.

Even better is the left (how appropriate) side:

Oh, man, my dry spell is over!! - mraker
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Come on, honey, let's do what they say. I don't care if you're male or female, we're just mental mind frakking. ;)
We don't need a room! Liberals = loose morals, remember? - BTW
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I think there's 3 of us in the conversation now. I didn't write the LOL post. Oh the depravity!
OH MY! We better post quick before there's a ban on women being silly - together
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It's just unnatural!
How dast we?!! - mraker
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It's serious bizness, this politikul commentatoring!!!
Really. When can we get back to calling people thugs? - nm
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and keeping in mind who invented these wars - wasn't Obama
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So the statement makes no sense anyhow.
Why should Obama be blasted for sending people to war that was contrived, invented, designed, and obscenely continued illegally by Bush?
That's a great quote - no matter who said it.
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Obama's sticking his arrogant nose in everything - now sports.
Funny how that works - grits
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...with him being the president and all...
President? Then he should act like one. - -
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Not as self-appointed king.
I'm bored of the "king" thing. I think "emperor" - sounds WAY cooler.
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I think Dominar has a certain je ne sais quoi - grits nm
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