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DOJ collecting your "ring wing" social media posts

Posted: Jun 2, 2015

yesterday evening, of Establishment Republicans and Democrats in defense of the NSA's massive data collection program, was that the program was not only free from abuse (something we know is not true), but that it's ultimately useful in targeting real threats to the American people; maybe not yesterday, maybe not today, but perhaps some day in the future it will ensnare an entire sleeper sell of Jihadists mid-phone call to Iran, giving an unsecured credit card number to their yellowcake suppliers. The data collection, you see, is done only on those whose backgrounds demand it. If you've done nothing wrong? Then why worry that your cell phone data records are stored on a massive supercomputer in Utah, where they can be routinely downloaded and searched? One thing they forgot to mention? The Obama Administration, which has greatly expanded warrantless wiretapping, has a very interesting definition of who constitutes a threat. They haven't been entirely forthcoming (or maybe they have, really) in who they focus on when it comes to things like "lone-wolf terrorist" or "threats to the very nature of our social fabric." And that's because, when they use the terms, they don't really mean the homegrown groups of Jihadists that Lindsey Graham or Dan Coats envisions, plotting to put a dirty bomb in a shopping mall or release anthrax into Congress's air ducts. The Department of Justice is concentrating on “far-right” groups in a new study of social media usage aimed at combatting violent extremism. The Justice Department’s National Institute of Justice (NIJ) awarded Michigan State University $585,719 for the study, which was praised by Eric Holder, the former attorney general, earlier this year. “There is currently limited knowledge of the role of technology and computer mediated communications (CMCs), such as Facebook and Twitter, in the dissemination of messages that promote extremist agendas and radicalize individuals to violence,” according to the NIJ grant. “The proposed study will address this gap through a series of qualitative and quantitative analyses of posts from various forms of CMC used by members of both the far-right and Islamic extremist movements.” The study draws more upon right-wing forums than upon the corners of the web inhabited by Islamist extremists. We will collect posts made in four active forums used by members of the far-right and three from the Islamic Extremist community, as well as posts made in Facebook, LiveJournal, Twitter, YouTube, and Pastebin accounts used by members of each movement,” the grant said. The good news is, the results will be analyzed and compiled into a report that will then be disseminated in a public webinar. So, if you're Tweeting or posting on Facebook about the government today, perhaps one day, you can look forward to grabbing your few minutes of international fame in a DOJ missive on how you're undermining the authority of the Federal government. ;

"Far right" is described as the Tea Party, a group who believes in - limited govt and founding principles,

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Conservatives are a "threat" and communists and socialists are the establishment.

Think I'll go underground.

The Tea Party is the left's boogie man, and talking about - the social and physical

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consequences of behavior has become taboo.

the article clear speaks of "Establishment Republicans AND Democrats" - sm

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i.e., those in defense of the NSA's massive data collection program.

The article does NOT depict only liberals as the establishment.

Please note that the opposite of conservative is liberal - NOT communist. NOT socialist.

I think we have had incrementalism towards socialism pretty much - since the beginning of the 20th

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century, but ramped up since the 60s, full blown since the 90s.

Socialism...ruling class versus citizen specifically. - Remember the Communist Manifesto

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first chapter opens with these words...

The history of all hitherto existing society is the history of class struggles.

Marx built his entire house of cards on that false premise. Sound familiar, rich unfair, lottery winners, blah blah blah.

Have you ever seen the movie The Lives of Others? It's - about East Germany in the 1980s

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and how they spied on their citizens. Good movie if you don't mind reading subtitles.

I look at it as the canary in the coal mine...if you done nothing but talk politics and they start messing with you....then they proved all the suspicion.

We know what "far right" is code word for. - Tea Party.

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I've noticed that meme in the MSM that republicans are "extremists" - when in reality it's the left that has

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moved center left since McGovern.

Conservatism just means limited government and personal responsibility. How is that extreme?
It is what limited government and personal - responsibility promotes
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lack of social conscious laws and responsibility to society.
Our laws come from the Bible. I know it's not popular to say - that here. Our country was founded on
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Judeo-Christian principles. Otherwise, we would have arbitrary laws based on who is in charge.
The 10 commandments put in place how to treat our fellow - man, and the Bill of Rights put a limit
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on what the government can do. Regardless of all of the hype and hysteria that those DC, we are a better country when those rights and laws are maintained.
God is embedded all throughout our history, but there is - an attempt to remove that
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The founding fathers are in on it! LOL - sm
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The link leads to yet another Michelle Malkin rant about school curriculum and has absolutely nothing whatsoever to do with God being "embedded all throughout our history."

The linked article has something in common with the United States Constitution as written by our founding fathers, as the word "God" does not appear in the Michelle Malkin rant either.
Social responsibilty comes from the Bible, not government. - Our rights don't come from govt,
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I know this is not the religious board, but our rights come from God. If the govt can give you rights, then it can take them away.
"We have the best government money can buy!" - Mark Twain - We have come to
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except our politicians to be self serving and dishonest, and therefore, we are never surprised or disappointed. We are only surprised when we find one that isn’t self serving. We need term limits.

Harry Truman who once said “No honest man ever got rich in politics.” His only government income after leaving office was his $112/month pension for his service as a colonel in WWI. He apparently did not view government service as a way to get rich.

How we have changed.

Once a person jumps off a cliff, there is no way of - going but down. America jumped! xx

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Except America is not a person. LOL - State the obvious - nm

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I guess some people have no imagination. - NM

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I guess that's true if one actually sees America as a mere "person." - Person you responded to.
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Do I have no imagination if I don't see America as a "person"? I disagree. America and her inhabitants for hundreds and hundreds of years didn't get where she is today by having a defeatist attitude or an image of herself as mere "mortal."

In my imagination, America can jump off a cliff and be just fine, moving in any direction she so chooses. My America has not just legs that jump but also extremely keen vision and an uncanny sense of direction, very much like the eagle that represents her. When my America jumps off a cliff, she has wings that can fly and take her in any direction she wishes.

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