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Clinton: "I could have killed bin Laden but 'I didn't."
Posted: Jul 31, 2014
The video will air on Fox at 5 p.m. Eastern.
I remember talking about that in the 90s. I think - twice he could have killed
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him, but didn't want to deal with it after the bombing of World Trace Center in NYC in 1993.
This is not new information. - sm
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"I nearly got him. And I could have killed him, but I would have to destroy a little town called Kandahar in Afghanistan and kill 300 innocent women and children, and then I would have been no better than him."
Had Clinton taken out Bin Laden in Kandahar and killed 300 women and children, the cons would have screamed at the top of their lungs saying "wag the dog," and they know it. It wouldn't have been the first time. (see link) Even the Fox News anchors here are saying that this is judging Clinton in hindsight and that had Bin Laden been killed when Clinton bombed him before that Clinton would have been criticized for doing it, and they're correct. (again, see link below where Clinton was criticized for bombing Bin Laden). One of the Fox News anchors even suggested that Obama may have already taken out many Bin Ladens with drone strikes, and he's nevertheless criticized. We'll never know what Obama prevented. I agree with that assessment. Only one of them faults Clinton for not bombing Kandahar and calls the 300 innocent women and children "collateral damage."
It doesn't seem to bother Republicans a bit that Bush called off the bombers from Tora Bora where Bin Laden was cornered in order to prolong his war and pursue his nation building exercise and the deaths of an estimated half a million innocent civilians in Iraq. Bush ignored the intelligence from the Clinton administration. At least Clinton tried and was criticized for it at the time.
More cognitive dissonance and hypocrisy. Yawn.
If Clinton knew OBL was in and around - Kandahar, it seems logical
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to assume he would have known when he was away from town and populated areas and sent in someone terminate him.
I mean, if he really wanted to...
I know in one case Clinton stopped a planned cruise missile strike on OBL because he was encamped in the desert with some Saudi royals and Clinton was afraid of killing Saudi VIP’s.
No kidding. You should have read the article. - sm
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What IS new is that the audio file was just uncovered. If you're sleepy or not thinking clearly, maybe a nap would help.
Incorrect. I have heard this audio before, and - sm
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Bill Clinton has also spoken on the subject many times. Nowhere in the article does it state that the audio was "just uncovered." I have heard it before. If the people living in the Fox News bubble haven't heard it until now, that is out of the realm of my concern.
If you think you know me and have decided I'm sleepy versus bored beyond belief by this bit of approximately 13-year-old "news," perhaps a reality check would help.
Maybe you're special? - sm
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This is from the article cited:
"Until now, Clinton's eerie words had not been made public. But a businessman who had access to the nearly 13-year-old recording handed it over to Sky News Australia, which broadcast it in a report Monday."
If you're bored, why bother with posting? If there is something on here that doesn't pique my interest, I just ignore it. I don't feel the compulsion to post on EVERY topic.
Maybe you're special? - sm
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Maybe you're under the mistaken impression that you actually know about my posting habits or that I actually concern myself with yours? 
Then why even post a reply if it didn't "pique" - your interest? NM
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I believe - SM
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She was pointing out an untruth as the audio had NOT been made public previously.
The way I remember it, he was golfing and - couldn't be bothered,
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even though aides told him it was a narrow opportunity window.
That's from Buzz Peterson's book Dereliction of Duty.
I just had a flashback of Sandy Berger stealing - classified documents from
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the National Archives during the 1990s
Did he add the phrase, "Now watch this drive!"? - sm
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See link below.
Not a fan of Bill, but hindsight is a wonderful thing. - Abby
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Nobody should be saying anything about killing anyone - It's also kind of tough
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to kill someone who was already dead.
And his wife should not be laughing about killing other countries leaders.
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