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BEST Christmas present ever!!
Posted: Dec 25, 2014

Jan 20, 2017: Hillary Clinton's inauguration day! nm - Rosie
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In your dreams! GOP will take the White - House in 2016.
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Keep fooling yourself that Hilary will sin.
Sure thing - anonie
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I would not vote for her for dog catcher.
Those comments about it not mattering still haunt my mind. Anyone saying that is just plain trying to make light of a horrible situation that she caused.
I don't want another Bush or Clinton in the WH. Let's have someone with brains, a republican, but not Bush and not some of the others. I hope they nominate Ben Carson. He makes sense.
My prediction is that Hillary will not get the nomination. - sm
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Even Fauxcohontas is trying to undermine Chillary. Fauxcohontas is a hoot. It's going to be fun to see her try to defend herself.
Hilly and Billy have too many skeletons in the closet (one of which may be that of Vince Foster).
Ahhh Hillary - The perpetual liar
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Need I say more?
Gee, haven't you heard? The Dems are going through - Truthhurts
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in-fighting like the Republicans did during the 2012 election.
It's too early to say what the outcome is going to be of either party. They say the Reublican party is shaping up but that's only through polls.
I'm not for Ben Carson. He may make a lot of sense but has no experience. We don't need another inexperienced president. We need someone that won't divide this country by race, class, or age, and someone who has military know-how and experience. We need someone who is a LEADER not a follower.
I'm not for anyone yet. Don't know who's running but I need to hear what they stand for. I doubt that if Jeb Bush runs, he will get the nomination just because of his name. The haters and ignorant people will do all they can to attack him and if they don't succeed there, they will attack the other Bush family members.
I just saw today that Bernie Sanders is "thinking about it," but don't know what party he wants to run under.
I agree with your post 100%. Excellent thoughts - Mrs. Tingles - sm
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I think it's way too soon to be declaring victory for anyone.
I would like to see some fresh faces in politics. If they've got experiences and good ideas I want to hear about them. I don't care if it's a man, woman, old, younger, black, white, hispanic, indian, japanese or whatever. I just want someone qualified and who can handle the job without dividing the country like Obama has done.
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