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Guess he thought he was above the law - LOL
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That'll teach him.
Above what law? The ASSEMBLYMEN stayed in WI. - Guess what that means?
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Walker has not figured out a way to issue warrants on the guys who stayed in Madison though I am sure he is trying to work that angle too. The palace guard attacked a guy who was elected to office and simply trying to go to work. Like I said, welcome to the inner sanctum. And BTW, since when is this an acceptable way for a GOVERNOR to treat his opposition?
You can take your foot out of your mouth anytime now.
The opposition called in bomb threats - WI MT
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The guy was there to retrieve some clothes or something from his office after hours. I am sure the police were on high alert due to the Governor being threatened to be blown up this week and all.
Such high alert that they do not recognize a rep - who has worked there since 2008 and whose
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name is on the door to his office? The bomb threat call that produced no bomb and resulted in the guy's release? Does that sound like a high-alert imminent threat to you?
Uh-huh. Nice try.
watch again - WI MT
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They got him at the capitol door, not by his office. He said he was getting clothes or something. Wasn't the capitol on lockdown after a certain time? Should he have even been there after hours? Police don't just tackle people to the ground for no reason, especially after they let the union supporters stay instead of kicking them out like they were told too. This video isn't showing the whole story.
You and I have no idea what kind of threats the union thugs have made towards Walker but I am sure the police have increased protection for him and his family which includes at the capitol.
Threatening an elected leader is against the law, whether a bomb was found or not. Don't defend this. I certainly would not want to say that he and I were on the same side of an issue.
You mean the lockdown in violation of the restraining order? - This happened today.
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What I am saying is that Milroy is not a newcomer to the capitol. He has been there since 2008, has an established office, is a familiar face, etc. He very clearly identifies himself as "part of the state assembly." In fact, it does not appear that he was even given a chance to show an ID (checks being made IN VIOLATION OF A COURT RESTRAINING ORDER). This video would tend to totally discount your claim that they would not be attacking for no good reason. Not only were they doing just that, but they were enforcing a policy that was illegal.
I did not defend the call. I stated that no bomb was found and the guy was released, which they wound not have done if they believed he posed any imminent threat.
Now, answer my question. Do you really think in your heart of hearts this is an appropriate way for a GOVERNOR, an elected official, to be handling his opposition, an assemblyman who is also an elected official? Is tackling this man, throwing him down on a marble floor and manhandling him the proper way to ask him for an ID? Is this what YOU are defending? Really?
No One is Above the Law - sm
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The rep was not going to work, he wanted to retrieve some belongings. However, the capitol was CLOSED to clean up the lib infestation left behind.
You can take your foot out of your mouth now.
That would include Gov Walker, wouldnt it? - Capitol was open to all employees and
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people with appointments on Friday. It does not matter whether Milroy was there to work or pick up clothes. He is an employee with an office there and should not have been tackled, thrown to the ground and roughed up by Walkers Gestapo after clearly stating that he is in the state assembly.
The fact that you continue to defend this action speaks volumes about your ringing endorsement of these brutal state tactics, just as long as they are being practiced against people with whom you have political disgreements. This is not the way we do business in the United States.
No matter how hard you try to spin this, the entire lockdown, boltdown, ID check thing was, according to the judge, IMPERMISSIBLE, in violation of the law, not sanctioned by the state Constitution and exemplifies abuse of authority at its worse by a bullying baby throwing a tantrum because he cannot get his way by employing such novel adult concepts as debate, compromise and representing the will of Wisconsin citizens.
He is outnumbered on his collective bargaining decree 2:1. He has a balanced budget sitting on his desk being ignored. Not only are voters gearing up for his recall, but they are taking a long hard look at the other pubs in the assembly and senate who are trying to ramrod this much hated bill through. He has been exposed as the charlatan that he is and is now threatening to lay off workers despite the fact that all financial concessions have been made. Aint. Gonna. Fly.
or maybe - sm
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he is representing the will of the citizens of Wisconsin. you know, the ones who elected him after he ran on a platform promising to clean up the budget deficit and balance the budget? Those citizens who actually live in WI and are not being bused in from all over the country to make a big political show in favor of the unions. Come on, more than half of this protest isn't wisconsin at all. your 2:1 statement still doesn't fly and you have still not provided any facts to back it up. Do you live in Wisconsin and know many Wisconsin residents? Get the opinion of the people who actually live there. I actually live in the same city as the walker family did before the move to madison. actually his family remains there now so his kids can finish out the school year there without switching midyear. I know what the WI residents are thinking.
Check out this poll from Wisconsin Policy Research Institute - Conservative think tank
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Disgusting - mbmt
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We, the people of Wisconsin, own the capitol building. We all have a right to be in that building and especially an assemblyman who works in that building should be allowed in that building. If this had happened to a Republican, there would have been a storm on this messageboard, as I can tell the messageboard leans heavily that way. I personally thought what happened to the assemblyman disgusting.
Milroy statement - sm
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Um, it seems like Milroy admitted to being aggressive with the police in a statement he released.
"Last night, I was aggressive in attempting to re-enter the Capital..."
It would seem he said a whole lot more than you were willing to post. - Unlike you, he was fair and balanced
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hiding information - sm
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Paranoid much? I posted the link to his entire statement. Don't worry, it's not part the vast right-wing conspiracy.
We all know how he feels about Gov Walker and the voters of Wisconsin.
My comment was related to his statement about his admission that he was aggressive. No need to lecture me on the fair and balanced aspects of my posts. So, I can now hold the leftist posts to that fair and balanced rule? That's awesome!
I almost had a itty-bitty-teeny-tiny bit of respect for the guy in that he sorta-kinda apologized for acting disrespectful to the police. In a way, I guess he's lucky he wasn't yelling, "Don't taze me bro" to the officers. That would have made him a real folk hero for the progressives, wouldn't it?
These guys are so arrogant and are making themselves look absolutely foolish with their bullying tactics. Teaching the kids of Wisconsin that if you get a take-down by the police you can become a hero is just simply pathetic. He should be ashamed of himself.
You should have quit when you were behind. - sm
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You just can't resist putting words in the guy's mouth while omitting others. Words like apology and disrespectful are yours, not his.
You took one line out of context and attempted to portray the exact opposite message that was being conveyed in the statement. This entire piece reads nothing like an apology. Milroy laid blame squarely where it belongs, on Walker, not the police. His exact words were that the armed palace environment created by Walker has everyone feeling tense and emotions are running high. Before stating he had aggressively tried to enter the capital and the police had aggressively tried to keep him out, he spoke at length of the measures Walker had taken and gave examples of their results. Once put into context, it becomes clear that the aggression was on the governor's part and the results were its natural consequences.
If you dont like getting lectured about your posts, kindly refrain from taking things out of context and misrepresenting information. Calling someone down for doing this is a 1st amendment exercise, not paranoia. Spare us your concern for the kids of Wisconsin. The only real lesson they need to take away from this incident is that abuse of authority, illegal lockdowns/shut-outs, utter disregard for the state constitution, swearing out baseless warrants to arrest lawmakers, threating to engage bounty hunters and lay offs, and other such tactics behind issuing dictatorial decrees HAVE NO PLACE in the governance of any state in this country.
Aggressive - mbmt
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Note how he said he was aggressive. Aggressive can mean vigorously energetic and boldly assertive, not necessarily a negative thing and not necessarily disrespectful.
vigorously energetic - sm
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Just so we are clear, when we are describing Tea Party rallies and we hear from the Daily Kos or MSNBC that they were "aggressive," it's now going to be considered a good thing.
I can't wait to hear Matthews, Schultz and Eugene Robinson describing the rally as people who are vigorously energetic! I'm really looking forward to that news clip! ROFL
funny - sm
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You know when you confirm your post and enter the code on MTStars? On my previous post, I just had to enter a code that was 1 letter short of being pornographic! 
Compared to the rest of this situation, I don't think this was a big deal - on the list of Walker horrors
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There are so many more serious problems with Walker that I don't even think this one makes the list. In fact, he has done so much harm to the Republican party that it's going to take them years to recover.
People don't like bullies. Bullying tactics backfire. Walker has picked the wrong fight and the wrong way to accomplish his goals.
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