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Police investigating screams
Posted: Feb 4, 2014

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Kendarrious Chester
Kendarrious Chester (Clayton County Sheriff's Office)
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http://rawstory.com/rs/2010/0614/canada-investigating-us-officials-torture/ ...
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Except they had no intention of cooperating with the IG's investigation either. I guess they forgot to mention that.
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Police Retraining. (sm)May 12, 2015
Now let me see if I have this right.
There's no guidance or discipline in the home. The family situation is so unstable, 'Junior' doesn't even know where or to whom to send a Father's Day card. Junior gets dumped into the education system where he is socially promoted because the overwhelmed school district can't deal with the undisciplined whelp. Junior's major formative influences are 'gangsta' rap videos and a correspondi ...
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Meanwhile, someone is taking pot shots at people driving in Arizona. Oh, I am so glad guns are readily available to just about ...
Police Out Of ControlJul 25, 2017http://m.wmctv.com/wmctv/db_401748/contentdetail.htm?contentguid=AUdiWnEV
Will this ever end? Will the police be held accountable? ...
First The Boy Scouts And Now The PoliceJul 30, 2017This idiot president keeps making remarks that antagonize not just those here illegally but the Boy Scouts and police departments all over the country yet his supporters keep on making excuses for him. I hope for this country's sake that there is no national emergency because I cannot image how Ivanka and Jared will handle it. ...
NH Police Commissioner Resigns. May 20, 2014“I believe I did use the ‘N’ word in reference to the current occupant of the Whitehouse [sic],” Copeland wrote, as reported by WMUR on Friday. “For this, I do not apologize — he meets and exceeds my criteria for such.”Read more: http://www.politico.com/story/2014/05/robert-copeland-new-hampshire-police-chief-obama-106835.html#ixzz32Gi0hMMU ...
Why Did The Police Officer Do The U-turnJul 31, 2015that's before the turn signal issue. ...
No Arrests Made? What's Wrong With Those Police?Feb 28, 2011The Wisconsin protests have been going on for almost 2 weeks with NO arrests. Could it be that the only problems have been with the Koch brothers paid tea partiers that were bussed in? It would look kinda bad for Walker at this point, now wouldn't it? ...
ABC Police Surveillance Video Of Zimmerman Mar 28, 2012It was recorded when the officers brought him for questioning, immediately after he SUPPOSEDLY was punched in the face and got his nose broken, knocked to the ground flat on his back, wrestled around in the wet grass and was put in fear of his life.
He exited the squad car with ease despite being handcuffed, was balanced and standing up straight. The video shows NO blood or mark on the back of his head, NO grass or evident moisture on the back of his ...
Police State - 16 Year Old Questioned By FBI Re: (sm)Sep 13, 2012a video he made on how we are becoming a police state - FBI knocked at his door. Free speech will soon be gone......and the idiots chant, "Four More Years." Link ...
UN Backs Obama's Takeover Of The PoliceAug 04, 2016Justice has provided oversight and recommendations for improvement of police services in a number of cities with consent decrees. This is one of the most effective ways to reduce discrimination in law enforcement and it needs to be beefed up and increased to cover as many of the 18,000-plus local law enforcement jurisdictions.”
That was United Nations Rapporteur Maina Kai on July 27, a representative of the U.N. Human Rights Council, who on the tail-end of touring the U.S., endorsed a litt ...
G. Zimmerman Back In Police CustodySep 09, 2013Not much info available at this time. The article doesn't actually state whether it was Z who had the gun. Given the history, I would assume so, but of course I could be wrong.
Editing to add that police are now saying this is a possible "domestic battery."
George Zimmerman has been taken into custody in Central Florida after an incident involving a gun with another person at the home of his estranged wife's parents.
[WATCH LIVE: Sky ...
Targeted Attacks On At Least Seven Police Officers'Feb 03, 2017Whitestown, IN – Officers from up to seven agencies who live in an Indianapolis suburb had their homes and cars vandalized Wednesday night. The targeted attack happened in The Walker Farms and Harvest Park subdivisions just north of Indianapolis. Families in the area have been left shaken by the attack and searching for answers.
Walker Farms is a large subdivision that is home to many area first responders including firemen and police officers. According to Fox 59 law enforcement families ...
For The Real Circle Of Police And OffendersMar 06, 20151) If you live/work in a war zone (ghetto, drug lair, whatever you might call it), except to be attacked, possibly shot by either side. You're living where people are expected to be criminals.
2) If you are up against someone with a gun, regardless of which side they're on, it would be wise to be quiet, humble, keep your mouth shut and do whatever they tell you. Charges can be filed later against the police officer, security officer, etc., after the heat of the moment is over.
3) If ...
Cleveland Police -- Before Tamir RiceMay 23, 2015This has got to stop.
Police Associaion Endorses TrumpJan 10, 2016http://www.whdh.com/story/30721544/police-association-endorses-donald-trump-in-new-hampshire ...
German Police Call For Reinforcements...Jul 07, 2017inside her hotel as streets of Hamburg turned into a warzone with protestors throwing petrol bombs in violent clashes with police)
A police station has been firebombed and cars and buildings set alight in the German city of Hamburg, where world leaders are holding crunch talks today.
Police have called for reinforcements after tens of thousands of protesters descended on Hamburg, causing chaos.
US First Lady Melania Trump is reportedly trapped inside her hotel room and some world lea ...