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Posted: Jan 4, 2012

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// -1) {document.write('April 15, 2010 -- Updated 2227 GMT (0627 HKT)');} else {document.write('April 15, 2010 6:27 p.m. EDT');}
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April 15, 2010 6:27 p.m. EDT
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Going To A Wake Tonight. Need Opinions On Sympathy Card Etiquette.Nov 05, 2009We're going to a wake tonight for a friend who died unexpectedly. He leaves behind his wife and two small children.
I was thinking of writing out a check to include in the card but everything I've read lately says this is a no-no. I know his wife doesn't make much so I'd really like to help out any way I can but I don't want to offend anybody.
I was wondering what others normally do with sympathy cards at a wake.
Thanks. ...
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Report Card on Health Care Reform
Published: March 23, 2013 182 Comments
Republican leaders in Congress regularly denounce the 2010 Affordable Care Act and vow to block money to carry it out or even to repeal it. Those political attacks ignore the considerable benefits delivered to millions of people since the law’s enactment three years ago Saturday. The main el ...
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