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If the Easter Bunny was real, he would bring me....(please try to keep it upbeat)
Posted: Apr 7, 2012

a husband who helps me and doesnt mock me when asking - for help
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an Easter Basket full of green stuff... - wheres_my_job
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...and I don't mean coconut dyed green :)
(feeling a little pinched at the moment - want to buy strawberries to make a strawberry pie - but can't afford it!)
oh well.....
I want strawberries to give them to you - :)
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Sorry you cant make that pie.
thanks for saying that. :) - wheres_my_job
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...there'll be more strawberries, and dollars to afford them, later in the summer...
could be "plastic in a basket" too - wheres_my_job
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...all those gift cards available here, there and everywhere - just think about that! :)
a....Champion. (a very, very wealthy Champion) - nm
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