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bring some troops home from Iraq
Posted: Nov 13, 2010
From Mitch McConnell's home town newspaper.

Did not need this article to tell me they all bearing watching.... - sam
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Because this just puts McConnell right in the boat with President Obama...why does HE place greater value on purely political goals than on American citizens' well being?
The election we just had is a referendum on Obama the same as the one described here was a referendum against Bush.
So...they ALL bear watching, whatever party they are in. Americans need to become Americans again and shake off those political party chains.
No. I think President Obama is doing what - he feels is safest for our country
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and our troops. If he could go back in time, I am sure we would have directed our efforts otherwise. But given the situation he was put in, he is dealing with it in a way that he feels is best.
The way a president should.
BO is just doing what he is told to do - anon
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He has no control over this. He has his bosses and they tell him what to do. He isn't doing "what he feels is safest" (or best for the troops). He most likely has no opinion of it. He just does what he is told to and reads the scripts that are written for him.
If you think he's all sugar and spice and everything nice, and the poor guy is just doing "what he feels is the best" - awwww how sweet (and naive).... you really need to do some real research on who is running the show (and who The One really is).
Perhaps that IS why the President did not... - sam
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bring the troops home as he promised he would during his campaign. I am not absolutely sure why he didn't.
But that was not the issue I spoke about. This past election should have been a wakeup call to him that he should not push things through when the majority of the country did not want them...foremost being Obamacare when polls showed the majority of the country did not want it (and to have a majority it has to include Republicans, Independents, and some Democrats). This past election was about ignoring the majority of the country and doing what he personally politically wanted to do.
And, with all due respect, I do NOT think that is what a good President does.
What the polls show is that the misinformation - campaign seemed to work
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There are just as many, if not more, people who want the health care reforms. Many of the people are not 100% happy because the reforms did not go far enough. Why aren't the pubs pushing for repeal the very first thing? Because it is more important to to them to extend the Bush tax cuts for the rich and increase the deficit.
My guess the pubs think the economy needs to be righted first.... - sam
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And if you had listened to the reporting from the exit polls, you would know that many Americans DO want health care reform..just NOT Obamacare. How can you say the pubs are more interested in extending the Bush tax cuts and increasing the deficit, when Obamacare by itself would increase the deficit by billions if not trillions, and for years to come!
Besides, think about it. If they spent a lot of time on that and managed to get a repeal sent to the white house, you know who is going to ignore the will of the people yet AGAIN and veto it. All that time wasted, for nothing. We need to get the economy back on track before we add ANY more spending, and that INCLUDES Obamacare.
Extending the Bush tax cuts will allow ALL levels of Americans to retain more of their income. That includes owners of small businesses who can then maybe at some point hire more people and put a lot of us back to work.
I never could understand why the Democrats think the people who already pay 90% of the taxes paid in this country should pay still more, and the taxing of businesses until they have to offshore and then blaming them for offshoring...sigh.
And I do not agree with there are just as many people who did want the reforms...apparently not enough to get out and vote, or the "pubs" as you call them would not have won 60 seats in the House, a few in the senate and a LOT of governorships in states that are heavily Democratic. Surely you can see that. It took more than "pubs" to make that happen.
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