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Planning a vacay to Maine - Any Mainesters here who can give me tips

Posted: Aug 11, 2011

Trying to spend a couple of weeks, stay at a little B&B in Bangor area for a week, then go coastal with a little beachside rental for a week. 

Does anyone have any connections or recommendations on places to go see or places to stay, etc.? 

Still in the baby steps of planning but just getting started planning it (after having had no vacation in 10 years) is REALLY exciting!


Maine vacation - Rainy

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I am not from Maine, but was there a couple years ago on vacation. We rented a house in Stonington, a couple hours' drive from Bangor Airport. A very quiet town with a bunch of small shops and really not a lot of "entertainment." It was perfect for me. Walked to the docks where the lobsters were unloaded from the boats. Seriously fresh stuff. The area was so peaceful. There was a ferry docked there that could take you to Nova Scotia. Not a short trip, I think 4 hours, so we did not go. We went to Acadia Park--loved it! Bar Harbor was touristy, with lots of shops, but quaint and we enjoyed it. They have whale- and puffin-watching boat tours available there. If you go, I highly recommend trying the blueberry ice cream. Next time I go, I am planning on flying into Boston and driving up, just to take in more sights, and would love to see more historic areas. I hope more people write in with ideas because I would be interested, too.

Rainy - This sounds PERFECT (see message) - RubySoho

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This sounds absolutely perfect. Being in CA, I guess I was in err to say on the ocean, but what I really was referring to was just what you referred to, the docks with the fresh lobster (had I been born a man, I seriously would have been a fisherman of some sort and love docks, as does my husband). The little town of Stonington sounds perfect, too. We're looking to get away but not be TOO far away from everything.

Would you mind emailing me if you have a chance and telling me how you went about finding your house in Stonington and details about how you went about renting it, places you found to eat, what you found you needed to take/purchase, etc?

Thanks so much to everyone who posted. Having not had a vacation in so long (and having only been out East to see Lancaster [Amish] country for a day), I'm really excited about getting away to someplace entirely new and different.

Have a great day, everyone!

Some info, but not much. - Rainy

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I will be little help to you with planning as the friends I met there vacation in Maine yearly and made the arrangements. They use local real estate agents/firms for lists of rental homes (check online, too), then send a down payment. I got there first and picked the key up at the real estate office. The house had utensils and cooking supplies, bedding. As I recall, I took very little other than clothing. Just make sure you bring enough to layer. Even in August it got cool at night. We just ran to the grocery store for anything we needed.

Mostly my friends took me to their favorite restaurants, and I do not remember names. There was one place on the way to Acadia we tried out called Trenton Bridge Lobster Pound. Not fancy at all, but good food. As "Have Fun" posted, Freeport is supposed to have good stores. I did not go, but my friends always stop there on their drive back to PA. I agree with checking out TripAdvisor for other ideas.

A tip if you have access to a freezer: I bribed a friend to cook up a few lobsters (I can't do it!), I froze them a couple days, then packed them in a thermal bag with a couple bags of frozen cauliflower. They were still frozen when I got back to Seattle.

Hope this helps a bit.

Maine vacation - I always use...sm

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Tripadvisor.com ..go to forums...and follow the options.

When I travel I always use tripadvisor for recommendations on food and activities/tours. I checked it quickly before posting this, I saw a thread on blueberry ice cream and several on Bar Harbor.

I worked in Bangor on a contract for a couple of months, but it was during the winter. I found out the hard way that the East Coast is totally different from the West Coast. I had a weekend off and decided, since the weather and roads were clear, I would drive to Bar Harbor to at all the shops and have lunch. When I got there the harbor was frozen and all the stores were closed with signs that said "See you next season". In SoCal nothing ever closes in the winter, LOL.... live and learn. I was a pretty drive.:)

maine vacation - have fun!

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I'm with the poster above! We go to Acadia National Park every year. Bar Harbor has lots of great places to eat and stroll.

There are B&Bs, hotels, all kinds of places to stay.

Bangor is about 40-ish minutes outside of Bar Harbor, as I recall.

There's not a lot of beach, per se, but there are many locations that are oceanside or harborside.

If you're coming from the south, it's fun to stop in Freeport. There are great shops and outlets (LL Bean, Gap, etc.)

Have a lovely time!

Vacationland - RLee

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I live in Bangor, Maine. Born and raised in Maine. A lot of the tourist head for the Bar Harbor area and Southwest Harbor. I personally like the Rockland, Maine area which includes the towns of Belfast, Camden, Rockport. Freeport is on the same coastline. All these small quaint towns are loaded with small shops in which some are unique. These areas are filled with rental cottages, bed and breakfast, etc. They are all located on the coast and have a little bit of everything for everyone. The Bar Harbor area is known more for the outdoors like Acadia National Park and hiking trails. If you are going to Maine for a week or so I would suggest trying both the Bar Harbor area as well as the Rockland area, both are very nice. Bar Harbor is about a 45 minute drive from Bangor and the Belfast/Rockland area is the same distance from Bangor only in a different direction.

Another option - RLee

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Maine has a little bit of everything for everyone; it just depends on what you are into. There is the coastline as I mentioned in my prior post. If you are into the outdoors western Maine is also nice in the fall. You have Sugarloft which is a ski resort, and is a popular place to see the fall foliage, and then there is the Greenville area. The Greenville area has a Kathadin cruise which is popular during the fall foliage as well. Hope you enjoy your time in Maine!!!!!!!

I love Maine! - Rock hopper

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I mostly hike and camp on vacations, and have been to Acadia several times. I agree with RLee about the Rockland, Camden area. Bar Harbor gets crowded, but it's certainly worth a visit. If you like to ride bikes, rentals in Bar Harbor are affordable. You can get the free bike transport to Acadia NP and ride the carriage roads. Had a lovely time last September doing just that. Had a good tip to call ahead for a lunch reservation at Jordan Pond House, which was fun and seemed to be the thing to do in Acadia. Rode our bikes all the way back into town at the end of the day. I think the rental was only $25 for the entire day. (We reserved bikes the day before and got a discount.)

the only other comment I have about Maine is that people really do observe the speed limit. We were joking about how no one but tourists ever speeds along. I'm sure if I lived in Maine, I would have a different state of mind and wouldn't be rushing anywhere either! Enjoy!

I have never received a speeding ticket - RLee - now that you mention it

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LOL, I'm sure you haven't gotten a ticket. - I love Mainers

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My traveling companion and I, after being stuck in two long lines of traffic moving at EXACTLY the speed limit offered up a new motto for Maine. "Come to Maine where everyday's a parade!" All in good fun, too.

It also seemed like every third car had a kayak on the roof, too. Made me wish I had brought mine to join in the fun!

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