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My part Siamese is Bonkers

Posted: Nov 30, 2011

My "black" (actually he's dark brown in sunlight) cat that I adopted from the animal shelter, Riley, is part Siamese. Had I known that most "black" cats are actually Siamese mixes I never would have chosen him.  Siamese cats are the #2 type left at shelters, and there are reasons for it.

Anyway, he is now 12 years old and loves me like his kitty mommy. :)  I love him too and would be eaten up with guilt if I gave him up.

There have been behavioral problems from the beginning:  He attacks my other cat when he wants to play and bullies her in general.  (They were adopted at the same time.)  I have to feed them separately so she can eat.  I utilized the services of a vet behaviorial specialist, and we exhausted all options.  My vet said that if these two were humans they would have divorced long ago.  Subsequently I have learned that Siamese cats DO NOT want ANY other cats around, just them and their owner.  My cats don't even cuddle up and sleep together like "normal" cats; he goes his way, she hers.

He scratches the carpet, even though there are cat scratchers all over the place.  My other cat has never done this; she uses the scratchers.  A girl I used to work with had a few Himalayans, and she always talked about how she was having problems with them scratching the carpet.  She was a renter like I am, so it's a big deal.  I bought some expensive deterrent and attractant sprays, which helped a little bit but the carpet here has been damaged, there's no question.

He has always been incredibly hyper and sleeps little.  Every morning I am awakened by his crying/yowling about 6 to 7 am --  he wants to play.  Siamese cats are described as "playful," which is a nice term for it. 

We went through a phase where I was being awakened by him repeatedly in the middle of the night, only I didn't know it was he.  I had this new weird abdominal pain, and I thought that the pain was disrupting my sleep.  It turned out my 19-lb. part Siamese was leaping onto my abdomen!

He can't just use the box -- he has to dig, dig, and dig to China.  He also covers the food, even when it's in the dish, with anything he can find nearby (plastic bag, etc.).  That is frantic, hurried, and incessant action just like the box "digging."

More recently he has begun walking around yowling for no apparent reason.  I don't know what his problem is.  He will not come to me when he does this, and if I go to him to try to pick him up he reisists.  Sometimes he will use the litter box after this yowling, sometimes the water dish.  He is completely healthy; the vet says that there is nothing wrong with him.  I have started ignoring it because I don't want to encourage this behavior, and it has subsided a little.

In addition to the above-mentioned sprays and the behaviorist I have also used the Feliway plug-ins which have helped somewhat, but they are expensive and I can't afford them right now, even at the discount price.

There is no hope of my ever having a serious relationship with this cat around, as I doubt anyone else would put up with all of this.  Also I can write off having a roommate with Riley in the picture.

Thanks for listening; I just had to vent, as this is all very frustrating.



sounds cute - like my Gouda

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I have a part siamese cat, dad was a big black long haired tom cat and mom was a beautiful siamese and out came my "Gouda" with long hair looking Himalayan except darker, and with big blue eyes. A huge howler, and used to be so very playful. He would attack my feet when I was working cause of my foot going up and down on the pedal.

Fast forward a few years, and I meet my new husband with his crazy cracker cat! They hate eachother, but thats ok. One sleeps with us, the other sleeps on the floor.

Cats are cats, they all have their own personality. My Gouda is getting up there in years, and does not play much, I have to shave his back because he is too chubby to clean himself anymore, and he really just sleeps, eats and uses the box.

I envy all the fun your kitty is causing you. SMILE!

Cats are cats? - Maddie

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Thanks for sharing your Gouda story.

You sound dismissive of my problem ("Cats are cats"). Yes, I am aware that all animals have unique personalities. I have been around animals -- and cats -- my entire life, just not Siamese cats.

These traits are not "cute" or "endearing" to me one bit.

I was hoping for some suggestions or at least some empathy, as I am in an emotionally tough spot. Is there any hope of getting that here on this board?

If your cat is 12, I doubt your gonna change him - just saying

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If he were a kitten, you could squirt him with a water bottle every time he scratches. If his howling is bothering you, wear ear plugs, if he is spraying, ask the vet what could cause it and how to stop it. Not trying to be dismissive of your problems. You obviously are having a bad day and I tried to cheer you up. Excuse me.
Urinary symptoms - cat lover
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Though siamese are very vocal and demand a great deal of attention, I would not dismiss male feline urinary obstruction if he is howling a lot and then uses the litter box. Just a thought because I had a cat with those symptoms years ago. It can happen periodically and when untreated it is very painful. If his howling sounds more painful than demanding or playful he may be suffering from a urinary obstruction.
I lost a cat to a urinary blockage. To this day, I - feel guilty because I didn't know - sm
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what the symptoms meant. He cried before using the litter box. Then he'd get in, and hardly any pee would come out. He started peeing next to the box, or on the carpet. I was away for a few days and had a pet sitter looking after him, and she called to tell me he was sleeping in his litter box, wasn't eating, and "seemed depressed". We were having a heat wave at the time, and I thought that was the problem. She asked if she should take him to the vet. I told her instead to turn on the fan in the apartment, and figured it was just cooler to sleep in the litter box than back in the bedroom.

That afternoon I was shopping with my sister, buying some shoes. While I was doing that, my poor cat, who was probably in HIDEOUS pain, fell unconscious on the floor in the hallway, which is where the sitter found him the next day.

It's been almost 6 years, and I still can't put those shoes on without feeling guilty about not paying attention to what my poor cat was trying so hard to tell me.
What a sad story! - Happy MT Robin
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I recently went through something similar with Lucky the Wonder Cat, although after $6k he's still alive and kicking. He had a blockage as well and after 10 days of trips back and forth to my regular vet (where he would be unblocked and then come home and then reblock and go back) and two weekend trips to the cat ER, he ended up having to have surgery to create a larger opening for him to urinate through.

Cats are pretty subtle creatures when they're sick and often times you dont' realize there is something wrong until it's just too late.

I'm sorry you and your kitty had to go through that.

My story (have a cat named Maddie) - MT

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I have 7 cats (count'em 7) and I have had all of those things you describe happen to me. 2 of them are 16, 1 is 8, and the rest under 2. My black 16yo is antisocial, has to be fed separately and is incessantly bullied by the others. The other 16yo is loud howler, yells before she drinks water and for no reason at all I can figure. The 8yo sleeps on top of me at night and climbs on top of my pillow and pulls my hair. She also tries to cover up her food like its poop. Another guy will only poop in the bathtub if the litter box isn't perfectly clean. Geez!

I know what you are going through. I also rent and when they were younger, they ripped the carpet too, but the water heater broke and flooded the apt, so no more carpet. Now they scratch on the couch and ottoman. Fun. Not to mention fleas, vet bills, etc. I do love them and could never imagine taking them to the shelter. I only had 3 to start with, the others were abandoned by my neighbor.

Just go with the flow, take a deep breath, and do the best you can. For the rug, I tried covering it with a plastic runner and then another throw rug over the top, anything to cover it up. I have to redo the screens myself due to little claws. I know it is frustrating at times, but I wouldn't change a thing.

black cats, my favorite - luckyladyinca

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I am sorry your cat misbehaves, but not all black cats are problematic. I have had black cats all of my life, who are the hardest to place. I have never had any problems with any of them and love them to death. Please consider adopting these gorgeous cats.

My Spike was Siamese - ERMT

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He lived to a ripe old age of 18. We had to put him down, basically from complications of old age in the spring.

When I brought him home, my husband told me that I would regret it, as his dad had 2 Siamese cats and they were terrible. Spike was THE best cat ever. He was patient with my girls when they were babies and loved them when they got old enough to love him back. We are thinking about possibly moving and my youngest daughter cried, saying we couldn't leave Spike. She wasn't worried about the house, she was worried about Spike who was in the back yard.

He never liked to be an only cat. We once had to rehome a female cat that we had and he walked through the house doing the loud Siamese yowl over and over until we got Ace that we have now. They had about a week's adjustment period where they got used to each other, but after that, all was good.

I will say that Spike always got along better with other male cats than females for some strange reason.

Good luck to you and Riley. Is he neutered?

If he's yowling before or after using the litter box, - get him to a vet, it could be serious.

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A UTI untreated can damage the kidneys. A blocked urinary tract can kill the cat.

Drinking excessive water can be a sign of trouble, too.

"Burying" food is a normal feline instinct. They do it in the wild to cover partially-eaten carcasses, so they can come back to them later.

Bullying another cat isn't just a "Siamese" trait. I have 2 Persians (one of the most docile breeds), and the younger one tends to push the older one around a bit. At feeding time, I lock the young one out of the kitchen and feed the old one first, letting her take her time. When she's done, the bully gets to eat next.

Never mind the digging; at least your cat USES a litter box! My younger Persian digs, digs, digs, too.... except then she pees on the floor.

My younger cat prefers to scratch the carpet rather than her scratching posts. Annoying, but not that big deal. Carpets are replaceable. I'm glad she has her claws. My older cat was declawed by her previous owners, and I feel so sorry for her because she KNOWS she has been handicapped by this procedure. She knows she can't defend herself if my younger Persian bullies her. I can't count the number of times she's jumped up onto a chair, or bed, or table, or such, and slipped and fallen off because she can't grab onto anything. Missing the tips of each toe (declawing means removing the distal phalanx of each toe!) has disrupted her balance to a certain extent. She avoids walking on anything that seems like unsure footing, such as thick comforters on the bed, deep-pile carpets, or my soft, cushy couch. When she plays, she gets frustrated because she can't hook the toy with her missing claws.

I'm a renter, too. For more reasons than just the cats, I put down big, oriental-looking area rugs over the existing carpet. The carpet in the apt. is off-white, and stains easily. The oriental rug is patterned and dark red, and vacuums/cleans up in a flash. A vomited hairball is easy to remove from the area rug; a pain to remove from the white, easy-staining rug. If the cat claws it, no big deal. If you live upstairs, an area rug also serves as more of a sound-buffer between you and your downstairs neighbor. And if the rug gets ruined, or no longer comes clean, you can replace it.

From another renter - mt3

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I have three cats. My favorite big old baby, Mickey, died a little about a year and a half ago. I still had Mario here but he seemed lonely. It still took months before my son convinced me to let him take me to the animal shelter to get another one...and I came home with two. I usually adopt older cats because nobody seems to want them but this time I got one older and one kitten because he was so cute and playful. They did take a while to get ues to each other. Bella (older cat) is still not very friendly when Mario or Bubba want to play with her but they get along okay most of the time. I do have all 3 of mine declawed. Bella was already that way when I adopted her. We had gotten Mario as a kitten and had him done not long after we got him. It took a little while to save money to do Bubba and in the meantime he shredded my box springs on my bed. My vet said it is better to declaw indoor cats because pet owners will keep them longer, less chance of them giving them away or turning them loose outside because they destroy the house. Of course I only had front done. They still have back claws as vet said they can use this to climb trees for safety in the event they were to get outside. I have not seen any bad effects from mine being declawed. They get around just fine and playfully wrestle with each other and apparently think they have claws, they just aren't inflicting any pain on each other or destroying my landlady's house. Another option is a scratching board. A friend of mine gets at the pet store. They just lay in the floor...maybe your cats would like something like that rather than scratching posts.

Cats are insane but we love them - crazycatlady

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Hi. I have 4 cats myself and I feel your pain. One of my babies scratches himself on his neck until he bleeds but vet says nothing wrong, he is just neurotic. They each have their own personality and quirks.
Watch some of these videos on Animal Planet with the cat behavioral specialist. He is really amazing.
Maybe you will find these useful.
Link below. Good luck! :)

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