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Typical game by Beck - only tell part of the story

Posted: Oct 16, 2009

And then the part you DO tell, make it as inflammatory as you can.


Link to the full story in which he goes ballistic over Anita Dunn quoting Mao.  He conveniently neglects to mention the context in which she quoted Mao, OR the fact that many Republicans read Mao, too.




This is what I've learned about Beck - Hmmm

[ In Reply To ..]
You take him or leave him. I do like the topics he brings up. Stuff we would not know about if he didn't bring it up. But it's up to every audience member to do their own research. Beck can be animated, and yes he does get angry. Who wouldn't with the crap that's going on, BUT...he has some legitimate points. Today he had on a group of doctors. You know, the ones who actually KNOW what the new health care plan they are trying to cram down out throats will do. Unlike the audience on the white house lawn who were not doctors, but were handed white coats to make it look like they were doctors for the photo op he had. He has excellent guests on and he talks about topics that affect our lives every day.

Now...with that said...who do you think he works for? Murdock. You should research him. I don't trust that guy as far as I can throw him. I don't take everything Beck says to heart. But a lot of what he says is good information. Then I go out and read on my own what he talked about.

Also, people seem to think there is a media war between Fox and MSNBC. There is not. It's all a game put out to make the people think that Fox actually cares about us.

I'm sick of hearing "We're looking out for you" and if I hear one more time Mr. Insannity say "let not your hearts be troubled" I am actually going to have projectile vomiting at the TV. I've got it down pretty good. He usually says it around 6:37, so I have the mute ready - that is if he has an interesting guest on that I want to hear, but for the most part I don't watch him. He's just a little irritating. I wish Colmes was still on because at least he kept him in balance (or tried to). Now it's like he's been let lose and he constantly whines. Give me Beck any day over Hannity.

White coats - NJ

[ In Reply To ..]
I know white coats were handed out at that photo op. I think you might be mistaken that the people that were given the coats were not health care givers.

Giving out the coats for a photo op is trying to make the picture have more impact, maybe for those who don't do more than skim the news. I wish they hadn't done that.

Trying to make people who aren't health care givers look like health care givers is dishonest. As is saying it happened when it didn't.


Just read some more - correction to my post - Hmmm

[ In Reply To ..]
You are correct. I did misunderstand. I thought that all the people on the WH were not docs. I just read in several articles they were health care providers (including lab techs) and that the WH wanted it to appear that they were all docs so handed out the coats because it made a better photo op.

So I was mistaken about the background of the people invited, however, giving out white coats all for the purpose of a "photo op" is wrong. If that is what they think has to be done in order to give the "effect" they want....well Americans are smart enough to see through it. It's just dishonest. Obama should have started out his speech by saying I asked you all to wear your white coats, but looks like some of you forgot, and then turned it into a joke and I think that would have gone over better. This just made him look more dishonest.
Yah, I wish he had too - NJ
[ In Reply To ..]
That would have been a good line ^^

Opinion: I don't think it was Obama's idea to hand out the white coats. I think he might be too busy to get into those kind of pr details. Probably some staff member came up with it, and it was a bad idea. I like yours a lot better.
I agree.... - MTCO
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Excerpt from "The New York Times has revealed yet another double standard in covering political advocacy groups.

The Times was quick to condemn the Bush administration for conducting "too many photo-ops aimed at giving Mr. Bush and his fellow Republicans a short-term lift in the domestic opinion polls." But the Times didn't seem to have a problem with Obama "trying to use his platform to keep public attention on the effort."

Furthermore, the Times noted in an update to the aforementioned blog post, which appeared in print in today's paper (without the update), that Doctors for America, the group attended the Rose Garden photo-op, "appears to be working closely with Organizing for America," an extension of the Obama campaign.

Considering the Times claimed that Tea Party protests were organized by "some well-funded Astroturf outfits from the permanent lobbying class inside the Beltway," one would think they would mention this blatant connection to the White House in initially reporting the story. Handing out signs is comparable to handing out lab coats, after all."
Not dishonest - me
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He may very well not have known what the handlers were up if it *was* plain manipulation - or there could have been a miscommunication that they were supposed to dress in white coats.

But I don't see it as 'dishonest' per se - they *were* docs supporting the plan and the WH clearly wanted to make sure people looking at JUST the photo could tell that.
LOL! Putting on a white coat makes you a doctor. - watcher
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You are assuming that people who did not believe they were doctors by a captioned photo WOULD believe it if they saw the white coats....and THAT is why they did it?

More like david axelrod 101...put white coats on them and people will ASSUME they are doctors (and they were NOT all doctors...that has been established).

LOL. Geez, have you become explainer/apologist in chief? I thought that was Anita's job...or the white house press guy....? Or CNN, MSNBC....lol
The accounts I've read all - lm
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say 150 and all of them were physicians. They were asked to bring coats, but some did not. What source shows that it was established that not all of them were physicians?

Thanks for the chuckle - mute ready at 6:37 - Me

[ In Reply To ..]
That was really funny.

As to Beck having the occasional good point- even a broken clock is right at least twice a day...

And even if that's true, I could not be bothered to wade through the garbage to ferret out a point or two when there are so many better sources for information.

Entertainer? Sure he may be, but i just despise anyone who pretends to present facts to an audience when for the most part he is cherry picking facts to suite an agenda.

Just another charleton (sp ?) in my book.

if you like Beck - lilbelle

[ In Reply To ..]
You might also enjoy the books Ripley's Believe It Or Not. It has same sort of arcane trivia.

Why not rebut what he says if you can....instead of throwing.... - watcher

[ In Reply To ..]
condescending peanuts like "arcane trivia?" Perhaps because you can't?

Just askin.
where is lucinda now - latrina
[ In Reply To ..]
complaining about your stalking behavior? Are you ever NOT snide and a know-it-all.
Geez...typical. You like to condescend but let someone feed it back to you... - watcher
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and you act affronted. And I did not stalk you...I replied to one of your posts. You sought mine out and snided your little self like crazy.

I am not a know-it-all. I just don't understand why you and others want to just post hits on whoever whenever and when asked to back it up you never can. I do not just go and look for hit pieces on democrats or on Maddow or Olbermann or any of the other "entertainers." And if I did, I would certainly check it out first and make sure it was true or not, and see if the other side had done the same thing.

If you were in search of, or cared about, the real TRUTH, then the ISSUE would be the truth, not which side it came from, because 9 times out of 10, BOTH sides are guilty.

But for some reason, the left seems to be physically incapable of finding fault with anything the left does. WITH THE EXCEPTION OF NJ, at least one time I did see her post that she disagreed with something the white house did. GOOD FOR HER!!
stalk indeed - lucinda
[ In Reply To ..]
how MAGNANiMOUS of you to single out NJ as a beacon of truth. I am sure she will be so pleased. or not. You do think you are a know-it-all but you gather all your "information" from lunatics so you are nearly always wrong.
Geez...more from the peanut gallery. - watcher
[ In Reply To ..]
I did not single out NJ as a beacon of truth...lol. All I said was she was able to find fault one time with something the white house did...which several of you cannot. You included it would seem. Really quick to hunt down hit pieces on your opponents, while residing in denial castle when it comes to your own.

You sound like a jr high school girl..."you think you're a know it all, na na na na na na."

I would be real careful about throwing around the word lunatic. And if you are so bright, prove it by DISPROVING anything Beck said about the czars, about Ms Anita, about Van Jones...just PICK one.

Sure could not accuse you of being a know it all. You got that right.

Not as bad as Rick Sanchez, Olberboy, Maddog.... - MTCO

[ In Reply To ..]
Shultz, Dowd, Behar, Morning Joe, Matthews, and the list goes on. The whole lot of CNN, PSMNBC, HLN, ABC, NBC are jokes. I know I am forgetting some. No journalistic qualities at all. Just obsessive, ranting, jealous, foamers of the mouth.

PS: Hit and Run Ricky is in apologetic mode right now cause he lied.

Well no offense, but do you think - me

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that you would "recognize" 'journalistic qualities'?

Because for one thing, Beck IS NOT a journalist. He's an entertainer, a well-paid babysitter.

The list you gave appear to be 'commentaries' and as such they are expected to be opinionated. That said, if you did research on which in your list can substantiate what they say, versus Beck, Beck would come in dead last.

Name a few things Beck has said that are not true and... - watcher

[ In Reply To ..]
cannot be substantiated. The few times I have watched him he usually has video proof. Hard to refute the words coming right out of someone's mouth.

Like Anita's love for Chairman Mao...darn, there is that marxist communist thing again. Raising its pesky little head.

"If you want to know me, look at the people I surround myself with." Yessir, Mr. President. Some of us are doing that.
Name Glenn Beck Lies - Anon
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Here are just a few of his lies.
If you meant to post a link or something....I don't think it took..however..... - watcher
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in the interest of fairness and both sides of the story, why not post some of the things he said that were true. Like the Van Jones story...true. The Anita story...true. The backgrounds of the people Obama surrounds himself with...all true. And all not reported anywhere else.

Anybody who buys that Ms. Anita was beign "ironic" after viewing the video...come ON. lol. Why is it so hard to admit he is surrounded by Marxists? lol.
Glenn Beck - anon
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This is the man you think so highly of and base your political decisions for your family because he "tells you the truth?" The man who called a woman (his former friend's wife) and MOCKED her after her miscarriage?


Wow! You hate Obama. You make that known loud and clear. However, standing up for a recovering alcoholic and recovering drug addict and proclaiming his nightly "the sky is falling" views as being truthful and informative is very, very, very ignorant ... at best.

You are a real piece of work, there, anon.... - watcher
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but kindly do not put words in my mouth. Show me where I ever said I base any decision on what Glen Beck says or does not say. Unlike you, I don't look to ANYONE to tell me how to base any opinion. However, you seem to think Obama hung the moon and can do no wrong and base every decision on what he says or does not say.

The closest I have ever come to saying anything about Beck is that the FEW times I have listened to him, I got some good information, which I confirmed before posting any of it. And if you had been around long, you would know that I was posting about socialism/Marxism in the white house before Beck started talking about it. People here did not like it any better then than they do now. But it is still a fact. You can deny it, hide it, run from it, whatever you want...but the fact remains: your sainted Obama said "If you want to know my policies, look at who I surround myself with." I did...and I am not crazy about it. My right as an American. Apparently not so in your books. Thank you so much for your support of freedom of expression. Warms the cockles of my heart.

All of this stuff you posted here about Beck...frankly, could not care less about.

One thing you may not know...he dealt Bush as much grief as he is dealing Obama. A little research on your part (unbiased....if you can manage it) would have shown you that.

All that being said...I will say this again. I DO NOT hate Barack Obama. Hate is useless, wasted. I certainly don't like what he is doing to the country...and the road he wants to take it down. You got that right, definitely. But hate him...nope.

I didn't agree with about 75% of what Bush did either...did not hate him either.

HOwever...your statement about standing up for a recovering alcoholic and drug addict is a pretty cheap shot. In fact, a real cheap shot. You think there are no liberal recovering alcoholics/drug addicts??? Low blow, anon. REAL low blow.

Have a nice day.
One of many Glenn Beck lies. - Smitty
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Just Google "Glenn Beck lies" and you will find a myriad of examples. Here is an entertaining link showing just one of many Glenn Beck lies.

Glenn Beck Lies - anon
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Here are a few more:
Beck's excessive lying problem is so extensive that trying to get an accurate count is impossible. Here's a list compiled trying to answer this in the past. You can find all of this in about 5 minutes of searching.

1) 5/21/09 Beck is caught in an obvious lie, then his body language goes crazy, then he explains that he is not an investigative reporter, not a reporter, but a commentator who does not check facts at all. Those are Glenn Beck's words not mine. Why would someone go on air and smear someone for no good reason? What kind of jerk would do this?


2) 7/13/09 This next clip is Beck talking about Judge Sotomayorテャテつ「テδッテつソテつステδッテつソテつスs first day of conformation hearings for the Supreme Court. Keep in mind that the first day of the hearing consisted of opening statements by each member of the Senate Judiciary Committee and NO actual questioning テャテつ「テδッテつソテつステモテつヲ Beck obviously didnテャテつ「テδッテつソテつステδッテつソテつスt know or care that was the case before he began his bashing:


3) 1/7/08 & 5/12/08 This next clip is HILIARIOUS! This is a funny look at Beck being anti-health care at CNN then at Fox, Beck, all of a sudden loves health care. What a hypocrite! Itテャテつ「テδッテつソテつステδッテつソテつスs funny how the clip is done. Enjoy this one テャテつ「テδッテつソテつステモテつヲ its funny.


4) 4/21/09 This is a clip from Beckテャテつ「テδッテつソテつステδッテつソテつスs radio show. In the midst of urging his listeners to cut down old trees for Earth Day, Glenn Beck argued that carbon dioxide is not poison. Beck asked, テャテつ「テδッテつソテつステδッテつソテつスHow can carbon dioxide be poison when it is naturally occurring and trees need it to grow?テャテつ「テδッテつソテつステδッテつソテつス
3 Steps to Prove that CO2 is Poisonous :
You will need a plastic bag, a role of tape, a friend (This test is also good for convincing your friends who don't believe that they need oxygen to survive).
1). Take the plastic bag, and put it over your head. (Note: Check the plastic bag for any holes before you place it over your head. The test will not work with a ripped or torn bag).
2). Have your friend securely tape the bag around your neck. (You could try to do this on your own, but it is much easier to have a friend do it for you).
3). Breathe normally.

5) 7/28/09 These clips show Beckテャテつ「テδッテつソテつステδッテつソテつスs racist comments against Obama... He has now lost over 40 sponsors because of these comments. Very Disturbing テャテつ「テδッテつソテつステモテつヲ how can some of you take this guy seriously or support him in these comments? The first clip is from a center right morning show (on MSNBC) and donテャテつ「テδッテつソテつステδッテつソテつスt even come with テャテつ「テδッテつソテつステδッテつソテつスthey are left wing loons.テャテつ「テδッテつソテつステδッテつソテつス The Morning Joe show is NOT a lefty show and the host, Joe Scarborough, who was not there this particular day, is a Republican and the panel is very bipartisan. The second clip is the entire interview on Fox and Friends. I love how Beck can contradict himself in less than 10 seconds テャテつ「テδッテつソテつステモテつヲ テャテつ「テδッテつソテつステδッテつソテつスIテャテつ「テδッテつソテつステδッテつソテつスm not saying that he doesnテャテつ「テδッテつソテつステδッテつソテつスt like white people テャテつ「テδッテつソテつステモテつヲ Iテャテつ「テδッテつソテつステδッテつソテつスm saying he has a problem テャテつ「テδッテつソテつステモテつヲ he has a テャテつ「テδッテつソテつステモテつヲ this guy is, I believe, a racist.テャテつ「テδッテつソテつステδッテつソテつス Nice.

6) 2/12/09 & 9/21/07 This is hypocrisy at its finest. In this clip Glenn Beck slams Jesse Jackson, saying that calling Barack Obama white is a "racist statement". Beck called Barack Obama "very white" on his radio show on February 12th.


7) 1/22/09 Glenn Beck lies about Obamaテャテつ「テδッテつソテつステδッテつソテつスs swearing in by saying, テャテつ「テδッテつソテつステδッテつソテつスI checked. We have never had a president sworn into office without a Bible.テャテつ「テδッテつソテつステδッテつソテつス The problem here is in 1901 Teddy Roosevelt did not use a bible, Lyndon Johnson used a Catholic missal aboard Air Force One after Kennedyテャテつ「テδッテつソテつステδッテつソテつスs assassination, and John Quincy Adams used a constitutional law book instead of the bible. In fact, reading up on the history of the Presidential oath reveals Beck a liar. First clip is Beckテャテつ「テδッテつソテつステδッテつソテつスs rant and the second link is on the history of the oath.

8) 9/12 rally Here Beck is on Fox and Friends quoting the university of テャテつ「テδッテつソテつステδッテつソテつスI donテャテつ「テδッテつソテつステδッテつソテつスt remember,テャテつ「テδッテつソテつステδッテつソテつス saying the 9/12 crowd was around 1.7 million people. Meanwhile all independent analysts, like the local fire department, put the crowd at the 9/12 Fox rally at around 50,000 to 70,000, which is more than generous. Beck is caught in another lie!


Again, you can find video evidence of beck being beck ... that's all you need!
yahoo answers only allow 10 links .... I had more!

My favorite Beck bash is done by Olbermann on countdown http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LzjS0Eufxテャテつ「テδッテつソテつステモテつヲ

Glenn Beck Lies - anon
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Actually, what he said about Van Jones was not 100% truthful.


New to this site and put the URL/Link in that box, but it did not appear.
beck lies - latrina
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to provide such a list would imply that this is a legitimate question rather than a rediculous one. I've had enuf of people politely responding to extremism as if it were anything other than nonsense. We should drown these people out with laughter instead of attempting to educate them.
another example of how much liberals (at least this one).... - watcher
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care about EVERYONE and want this country a better place for everyone.

You know, you really have no moral high ground to stand on with comments like your last condescending piece of prattle.

Nothing legitimate in this post. Have YOU ever told a lie, Latrina? Does that mean EVERYTHING you ever said was a lie? Talk about rIdiculous! I can point out several truths that Beck has told, but that would not matter, because you do not care about the truth. All you care about is what supports your agenda. There are not two sides to anything to you...well unless you count YOURS and YOURS.

This kind of condescending hoohah is what folks fall back on who cannot support their statements.

Point me to an entertainer, a journalist, a PRESIDENT, or anyone else who has not at one time or another lied about SOMETHING. An opinion is neither a truth NOR a lie...it is an opinion. However...everything he said about Van Jones was true, everything he said about good old Anita was true....everything he said about the czars' backgrounds was true...the fact that Obama has surrounded himself with Marxists as advisors is true.

I don't watch him all the time. But when I have, I have done the research. I'm sorry if it pains you that someone is pointing out what the white house wishes he wouldn't. TOUGH!
respectfully - lucinda
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I can make neither heads or tails out of this rant, so I cannot respond. Anita? czars? marxists? its like word salad.
When you run out of peanuts...that is assuming you ever will... - watcher
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If you knew what Beck was talking about, that would not be word salad, and if you don't know what he has been talking about, why do you post like you do?

Condescending stuff like this is obnoxious on the face of it, but acting intelligent and superior while making no point whatosever and posting about something you obviously have no insight into...does not even rise to word salad.

What does being a liberal mean to you anyway?
peanuts? - lucinda
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What are you talking about? What do peanuts have to do with anything? Lady, I think I've got your number . . .
Peanuts from the peanut gallery.... - watcher
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look it up and you will know exactly what I mean, although I think you already do.

And I have had your number from the start. lol.
The poster is telling you that you are heckling the performer which - Tim
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actually isn't very flattering to the poster and is probably very telling. lol
Going back to vaudeville days. No wonder (sm) - Nikki
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many people don't know what she's talking about. If her goal is to insult, she should update her repertoire by a few generations.

It's definitely NOT flattering to the poster but is very telling. LOL.
The origin of the saying is old.... - watcher
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but the saying itself is current. Just because the folks here have not heard it does not mean it is not used. The goal is to point out exactly what the post is...cannot rebut anything, just go down the list and throw peanuts.

Much like your post here. Though it is kinda juvenile to take shots at me through a post to someone else.

Not used to seeing this kind of snarky condescending post from you, though. Guess you have been assimilated back into the fold, yes?

Not flattering to you, but very telling. Not amusing either. Too bad, actually.
That would make you the "entertainer," though, so you're really (sm) - Nikki
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demeaning yourself.

As far as your assertion that I "have been assimilated back into the fold," nobody assimilates me. I'm perfectly capable of forming my own conclusions and opinions. I believe I'm within my rights as an American citizen to do so. There were even a few times when I agreed with you, and I posted in agreement with you, but as soon as someone disagrees with you, you call them names or resort to your "peanut gallery" comments.

I've seen posts by you in the past when you were whining and playing the victim card whenever anyone disagreed with you. Your "peanut gallery" comments are nothing but an extension of that, and, by definition of "peanut gallery," you are an "entertainer," not to be taken too seriously.
I have formed my own conclusions...yet you seem to think while you... - watcher
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have a right as an American to state yours, I have no right to assert mine. Your posts HAVE changed, go back and read yours of the past and yours now. But..as you so "kindly" state, that is your right.

I do not whine people do not agree with me. I do not need pack-like piling nor do I need anyone agreeing with me or to be part of the clique or the crowd...

It does not matter how much you try to avoid the fact...you are not interested in the truth or you would seek it wherever it takes you. You excuse things that have actually hurt this country and instead go viciously after a commentator. When Frank tanked the economy (pass), the white house seeks to stifle freedom of speech (pass)...these things do not matter to you.

And this post is so much better than a peanut post? Not so much. And sorry if it bothers you....I couldn't care less whether you take ME seriously or not...but one would wish you would at least take a search for the truth seriously.

You have been infected with GBDS. Want to put up a facebook page to see how many people want to kill HIM? Sigh.

Another peanut....thanks, Tim. - watcher
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Heckling does it for you?
Your practice of throwing peanuts at peanuts isn't much of a grand finale - Tim
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isn't much of a grand finale for your performances. Needs a little work.
hush, Tim. - vapor
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The lomotil might be working.
Well Lucinda/Latrina - MT
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You go on and laugh with the rest of the clowns. It is what you do best, since you cannot verify anything you say.

Was she being ironic about Mother Theresa as well? - MTCO

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Funny how you can see when the other side only tells part of the story...LOL. - watcher

[ In Reply To ..]
I saw the Anita video. She was not being ironic. Just like Van Jones was not being a communist.

Gimme a break.

I think CNN lost a little credibility when it fact-checked Saturday Night Live. LOL.

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Have you heard about the video game they're putting out where you can be the terrorist killing other people (I didn't catch the name)?  I think it's disgusting.  My husband thought I was joking when I told him.  I think they ought to ban it.  Terrorists have bombed our naval vessels (USS Cole, I believe), the WTC garage, flew planes into the WTC towers and have done countless other things against us.  And some ________ (we're not allowed to swear so I ...

Game Change On HBOMar 12, 2012
I watched this film on HBO last weekend.  Somebody obviously does not like Sarah Palin!!!  They certainly made her to appear very ignorant and stubborn with campaign manager, Steve Schmidt.  Evidently John McCain did not like they way they portrayed Palin on film either.  He says he does not plan on viewing this film, as it is an assault on her character.  I am certainly not a fan of Sarah Palin, but feel disturbed after watching this.  This just tears her apart -- ...

Game Of Thrones Anyone???Jul 02, 2012
Anyone into the HBO series or reading the books. I am on the third book in the series. I really am not into fantasy-type reading, but this series is incredible. Just wondering if anyone else is into it. ...

Yuletide Game!Dec 06, 2012
I'll start... ...

Thought Of A New GameSep 16, 2013
How about coming up with possible aliases inspired by MT'ing?   BillyRubin gave me the idea.  Your turn! ...

Glenn Beck TonightNov 23, 2009
Just had my monthly Beck dose.  He was agreeing that conservatives were creative and growers while progressives (communists, really, he said) are oppressing all the poor people!!!! Beck has got some money-making scheme where his loyal followers can go to a movie theatre and watch his LATEST installment of redemption via the Christmas sweater book he is milking for all its worth.  In the preview, he looks just like an evangelist standing there in the spotlight. The interviewee mentione ...

Some Observation About Beck And An ArticleNov 25, 2009
I'll be the first one to say if you don't like someone (Beck, O'Reilly, Olberman or Mathews, etc), just turn the channel.  I don't like to see anyone shut down because I don't like them, but came across this article I found interesting. I do watch him (not every day, but I do catch his show if I'm not working), but today I think about did it for me.  Like I say I have nothing against him, and I am glad that he is getting some of the information he shares ...

Out Of The Mouth Of Glenn BeckApr 09, 2010
 "I could give a flying crap about the political process." "We're an entertainment company."     ...

Glenn Beck The Televangelist Con ManApr 24, 2010
Glenn Beck has really gone off the deep end.  He is taking advantage of the most gullible members of society and laughing all the way to the bank! ...

Colbert Countering Beck?Sep 03, 2010
I have to admit I think this would be funny. lol Internet Petitions Stephen Colbert To Hold 'Restoring Truthiness' Rally At Lincoln Memorial Huffington Post | Katla McGlynn A grassroots campaign has begun to get Stephen Colbert to hold a rally on the steps of the Lincoln Memorial to counter Glenn Beck's recent "Restoring Honor" event. The would-be rally has been dubbed "Restoring Truthiness" and was inspired by a recent post on Reddit, where a young woman wondered if the ...

Jon Stewart On Glenn Beck-----Right On Jun 05, 2010
http://www.thedailyshow.com/watch/thu-june-3-2010/glenn-beck-airs-israeli-raid-footage ...

Typical TrumpJan 14, 2017
This is typical Trump. ...

I Didn't Know We Had A Game Board!Dec 31, 2011
. ...

Economic Conspiracy Con-Game.......Apr 21, 2010
-- ...

Favorite Non-electronic Game As A KidJul 22, 2013
xxxx ...

Android Game SuggestionsJan 26, 2014
I have an android tablet and am looking for suggestions for games to play while traveling - I am going to be flying long distances and sitting in airports, so I would like something to pass the time.  Any suggestions?  I like board games, solitare soduko, etc., I would like to try something different - I am intrigued by the "escape" kind of games, but have not downloaded any.  I could like a miniature golf in HD maybe?  Any suggestions would be welcome. ...

Leapster2 Game SystemFeb 27, 2014
I ended up with a working Leapster2 game system in a box of stuff I got from an abandoned storage unit auction, but just my luck there were no games in the box.  I've been trying to find my son some games for it, but I have yet to find any games marked as compatible with the Leapster2 system.  I don't have much idea myself.  Any help would be appreciated. ...

Retro Candy Game SmFeb 09, 2015
  Remember those old time candy favorites?  Name one of your favorite 50's, 60's, 70's or80's candy memories!  Mine is the Necco Sky Bar.  The chocolate bar with 4 separate pouches of different fillings in 1 candy bar!   ...

Mixed Metaphor GameMar 19, 2015
I see them all the time on this site.1.  Pass the mustard, a combination of cut the mustard or pass muster.2.  Die in the wool.  Not really mixed but should be dyed in wool.  Anyone got anymore they've seen on this site? ...

Another Big Game Hunter In TroubleAug 03, 2015
In my local paper, "Zimbabwe says 2nd American illegally hunted lion." This time identified as Jan Casimir Seski of Murraysville, Pennsylvania.  Apparently, he is an oncologist/gynecologist who directs the Center for Bloodless Medicine and Surgery of Allegheny General Hospital in Pittsburgh.  Would venture to say he is not "bloodless" after all.  This has NOTHING to do with Planned Parenthood whatsoever!     ...

A Third Of NFL Viewers Are Boycotting The GameOct 06, 2016
The alarming fall in NFL TV ratings this season is partly because of fan anger over on-field protests by Colin Kaepernick and other players of the American flag/national anthem, according to pollster Rasmussen Reports. ...