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How to Burn a Quran

Posted: Sep 7, 2010




Burning the Quran is an act of war as far as I am concerned - sm

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TEHRAN: Iran said on Tuesday that plans by a Florida church to burn the Quran on the ninth anniversary of the September 11, 2001 attacks in the United States could lead to an uncontrolled Muslim response.

“We advise Western countries to prevent the exploitation of freedom of expression to insult religious sanctities, otherwise the emotions of Muslim nations cannot be controlled,” foreign ministry spokesman Ramin Mehmanparast told reporters.

The Dove World Outreach Centre of Gainesville, Florida, said on its Facebook page that it will hold an “International Burn a Koran Day” on September 11.

The Quran burning plan has already triggered threats from Islamist groups, warning the move will trigger a rise in hate crimes.

Mainstream Muslim groups have also denounced the plan and lamented the sentiments promoted by the Gainesville church.

Since the announcement, the Dove church’s Facebook site has been rife with threatening messages and rants against Islam in response. – AFP

So is building a mosque at ground zero, as far as I am concerned. - GB

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Building a mosque at ground zero is an exploitation of the victims and heroes of 9/11 and burning the Quran would be, in my opinion, an appropriate and effective protest! I for one hopes Pastor Jones does not back down. If I could, I would fly to NYC just to be there to stand in agreement with him!

Says the person whose husband is not.... - Kendra

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serving the military unarmed in a predominantly Muslim country. Is that how it really works? They do something wrong and that gives us the motivation and go ahead to do something just as wrong? didn't our mothers teach us better than that. I, for one, had a mother who said, "Two wrongs don't make a right." Jones is a nutcase who wanted, and got, his 10 minutes on the 6 o'clock news. I wish the news had just ignored him.

As a Christian.... - Trigger Happy

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I find the burning of the Quran to be extreme and uncalled for. There is no reason for this to take place ever. How can I ask Muslims to respect my religion when I'm burning their holy book?

That is wrong in so many ways - see message

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Whoever came up with that one deserves whatever they get. This is what was happening during the Hitler times, and similar to the nuts who were burning Harry Potter books. Some people are extremists and I read that someone called for the death of those who do it. They need to think before they act. Would they want the bible burned? Probably not.

What ever happened to accepting and tolerating others. The world is filled with so many people of different backgrounds. We should respect others the same way we want to be respected.

Burning any book in my opinion is high on the list of really bad ideas (no matter what book it is), and I'm sorry but whatever happens to the person who decided to come up with this idea will have consequences to face. I have very little tolerance for people with no tolerance.

The really sad and scary thing is that - :(

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the extremists who retaliate to the burning of the Quran won't just go after the nut jobs who did it. We all will be lumped into this category and God knows who will literally have to pay the price for these morons and their actions. No holy book should be burned whether it is your religion or belongs to the religion of another. And you are most definitely right when you say they would not like it if the Bible was being burned. I just do not understand the actions of some people. This is truly an ignorant thing to do. Burning the Quran is like holding up a big target to terrorists and saying...na na na na boo boo...you can't hit me.

re: burning - rights or wrong

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I do not like the way so many extremist people in our country and others take their \"rights\" and twist them to meet their ugly needs. Freedom of speech; we can cuss out anyone any way we please. Pornography is freedom ofexpression! freedom of religion: we can disrespect others and demand respect for us. If you become a \"legal\" online minister and \"found\" your own religion and church, you can say that using dope is part of your religious practice and get away with it! freedom to bear arms: carry a gun into a school and stores...

I am a proud American. Navy brat, mom of an actively serving airforce man. I think sometimes we have too many \"rights\" that are just plain wrong..

This shouldn\'t even be an issue. It should just be your GOD GIVEN common sense. Why would anyone poke the bear when our children are sitting on his lap??

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