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Did you ever find out things about dead relatives that shocked you, like....

Posted: Nov 10, 2010

you had an uncle that went to prison in the 1950s for a murder he did not commit.  His sister was being beaten by an abusive husband and when she defended herself, she killed him.  Her brother comes along and says he did it because his sister has 5-6 small children and he does not want her to go to prison so he says he did it.  A year or so later he successfully escapes from prison and is never seen or heard from again.  Pretty cool.

or, your parents married and you were born in the early 1960s.  They divorce, and he dies in the late 1960s.  Then 40 years later, you find out he had a previous wife in another state, WHO HE NEVER DIVORCED, and they had 3 somewhat grown children you never knew about!!  Yes, they had birth certificates, paperwork, and pictures that proved it, and sure enough - one of them looks just like you.  Crazy stuff. 

Do share.


i got nothing - except

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my daddy told me he taught Johnny Cash how to sing, and no kidding, I found out he lied!!!!


Ancestral Shockers - SillyRabbit

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I had a great, great grandmother who when angered at relatives or neighbors would poison their chickens with some kind of salty dough and ruin their crops or vegetable gardens.

What shocked me the most was discovering my - acestors can be traced back to the year 17 AD.

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This was in a very small country, where they keep very good records!

In my family tree I have g-g-g-grandfather who murdered - NKC

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someone during a political dispute in Kentucky and then went into hiding with relatives in the Ozark mountains in northern Arkansas. My great grandfather on my father's side was a bootlegger during prohibition. He actually was a milkman as his cover, but instead of delivering mild, he was delivering booze.

I also found a distant ancestor, in the 1700s, in North Carolina that was basically a loose woman who had several children that appeared on something known as a "bastard list." I kid you not. I never knew such lists existed!

I also I have a great-great grandfather on my mother's side who grew up in northern Arkansas and he decided he wanted to be a teacher. All he had to do was take a test and if you passed, you got a teaching certificate. How funny is that?!?! Basically, you just had to be able to read and write.

My mom's side of the family for several generations lived in the Ozark Mountains in Arkansas and they were basically hillbillies. From what I have traced earlier generations came from the Carolinas, settled in Kentucky for a time, and then ended up in Arkansas.

My father's side are from Missouri and Kansas and from Canada.

I have always loved geneaology. When my grandfather passed away in 1983, my father was given an old suitcase and inside was just a treasure trove of old, old photographs, many no one could identify who it was. So that is when I started researching. Back then it was a lot of leg work, visiting different libraries and county historical societies, talking to older relatives, writing letters and sending off for various documents, etc. The internet has really made researching so much easier. Ancestry.com is just awesome.

I could go on forever which I have...Sorry

not shocking but interesting - Mag

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Not shocking, but our family is descended from the House of Hasburg, King Philip the I, wife Elisabeth of Valois! I've got no land, no title and NO MONEY, but it's cool!

I've got an odd one here - cj

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This is not about someone who did die and then I found out...but definitely odd.

Many years ago, my uncle had a heart transplant and the night of surgery they were having trouble getting him to clot and finally stop bleeding. They kept giving him and blood and he kept bleeding. They told my aunt he wouldnt survive to see the morning. She went home and so did his children (yes, very odd that they left). In the early morning I got a call from her saying that my uncle passed away. I was very upset, especially that my mother (his sister) only passed away within the six months before that. So, the funeral home went to pick him up that morning from the morgue at the hospital only to discover that he wasnt in the morgue. My aunt had been calling all our relatives saying that my uncle died when he really didnt. She assumed that he died. No doctor ever called her to tell her that he died. I got a call back from her within the hour telling me he had not "expired". He went on to live about 12 more years with that new heart and died from something else a few years ago. This time he really passed away.

Until this day, that has to be the strangest thing I have ever been told. It was a very odd experience.

Guess she was in a hurry to put him in the ground- sm -

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very weird though, seems a bit uncaring for sure. When my mom was in the hospital after open-heart surgery they told us point blank she would be dead in 12 hours. She was still with us in the morning, then they said 24-hours...they stopped after that as she kept living. She did die in the hospital but not until 9 weeks later from an infection that attacked her repaired heart undoing all the surgeon's work basically. So never believe them when they tell you someone is definitely going to die. I think a lot has to do with that person's will to live, that and doctors just cannot say that someone is going to die with 100% certainty in many cases.

Gypsies, tramps and thieves, lol! - Oh yeah

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I found out my 76-year-old mother is a direct immediate descendent of an infamous "Gang" from back in the day (she has their maiden name but I had thought it was coincidence...NOT, she's the real train-robbing deal).

On my father's side, I found out my great-great-uncle is a very infamous criminal known for going "outlaw" with his girlfriend. TV movies and folklore abound about the 2 of them.

There's more, and I'm kinda surprised looking at it that my siblings and I never knocked over a bank or anything. Talk about "in the blood," lol!

Okay, my story... - 41

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I am a direct relative of Lizzy Borden - She was my grandfather's cousin. Also, somewhere on my mother's side I am related to Hannah Parsons who is reported to be a famous witch.

my grandmother was killed by.. - dad went to orphanage

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I grew up with the belief that my grandparents died before I was born. I heard they were abusive and had lots of kids (gmom had 20 kids, gdad had at least that many). I heard gm died in childbirth with baby #20, then gd sent all the kids to an orphanage, married another woman and had more kids.

Turns out that 2 of my aunts were trying to learn to drive the car, pregnant gmom came out of the house to get them out of the car, they decide to run her over...and they DID! The baby was taken by C section a week later (stillborn) and gmom died a week later of complications of childbirth and injuries.

Gdad died when I was 8 years old. My dad grew up in the orphanage and his older brothers got him out when he was old enough. Wish I had known some of this before I went to a half dozen therapists trying to figure out why my dad was abusive towards me and why his brother tried to r*pe me when I was a kid.

My shocker - NE

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Wow - that's something for your family history books. LOL

I found out after my mom died that she had another child after the 3 of us and gave him up for adoption in a different state from where we were born and raised. Come to find out he was not my fathers son.

My grandmothers uncle was the mayor of a town in England (found pics of him - pretty neat).

Found out I had a great great aunt who died of some disease you get from being permiscuous with men, yet she was a virgin. This disease affected her mentally and she ended up in a mental institution.

A g.g.g.g. uncle was a famous outlaw. Stole horses and murdered people.

Not my family. But my husband's family.... - Backwards Typist

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lived in England were supposedly rich but after his gggrandfather died, the ggandfather (I'll call him John) lived with an uncle, a professor of one of the ancient universities over there, wrote a lot of books, etc., and spent almost every dime of John's inheritance.

in the '50s, my husband's father received a letter from England telling him he was mentioned in the will of one of the relatives. He scraped together the money to go to England (they were not rich) and came home with the equivalent of $10.

In the 1800s, a brother to his ggggrandmother turned into a slave trader and finally got caught and lived the rest of his days in the penal colony now known as Australia.

LOL at the equivalent of $10 - Sorry

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I'm sorry, I realize that must have been so frustrating, but that really made me LOL because I could see the same thing happening to me the way my financial luck runs!

I'm related to the Dalton gang, the James gang, and Clyde Barrow, as I eluded to above. Good thing I didn't inherit the criminal mentality that grows on my family tree. I always remind my parents they're lucky we kids didn't form our own little posse and terrorize the population, what with the way the genes on BOTH sides of the family run wild.

Gee, I would be kinda proud to have your background - Backwards Typist

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The way the economy is, it could come in handy if the genes passed down. LOL

In researching my father's side, it's been hard because they were not very talkative about black sheep. There were a few chief of police and regular patrolmen and a few congressmen and a senators, but only distantly related.

I did find a murder committed by a woman married to someone with the family name who killed her doctor because they had an affair and he treated her like dirt. I couldn't tie her into the family because they never gave her husband's name, so it doesn't count yet.

One great grandmother came up missing.. - Kendra

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Although her children ranged from 3-8 when she disappeared and the great grandfather had been married to her for several years, nobody can seem to remember what her name was. The family belief is that he killed her and buried her in the back yard. The place where the records were stored burned down in the 60's. Doubt we will ever really know who she was and what happened.

My great grandmother whom I knew (the only grandma I ever really had) revealed something before she died, after she became senile. She had lost a baby right before my father (whom she raised) was born. She told us that she thought that God was punishing her because during the depression, when they already had 4 kids and were dirt poor, she borrowed money and had an illegal abortion, about which she never told my great grandpa.

I also found out that before I knew that same great grandpa whom I loved dearly and who was a wonderful old man, while my dad was growing up, he used to chase my dad and great grandma with a shotgun when he was drunk. I guess he would drive very slowly up and down the road with a spotlight, while they hid in the ditch. My dad swears that he wouldn't really have killed them, but then I wonder why would they lay in the ditch? It's amazing how a person can change over a lifetime. I would not have ever guessed anything like that about my grandpa, but I also never knew him when he drank.

Love this stuff. Asumme it is all true since we are anonymous. - Secrets of the dead! No message

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Followup to first post. - New Info

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I was told by one of the nephews that he was 5-6 at the time. He remembers the uncle coming to their house in the middle of the night (another sister) and his mom gave him food, clothes, and money. The next morning he was gone.

This all happened in Virginia. About 30 years later he showed up at a family reunion in Michigan and was using a different name. The sister who committed the murder had died by then, but her children were there and they said it was him. Wow.

Who was the poster related to Clyde Barrow? - Question

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I remember reading that Clyde and Bonnie were never married, and that they never had sex because he was impotent.

I also read that Bonnie and the gang did all the killing because Clyde could not stand the sight of blood.

Any of it true? Do you have any other unpublicized details?

I'm the Barrow relative - See message

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That's me related to all the outlaws, lol!

Apparently my great-great Uncle Clyde is not talked about openly in the family. Even my dad didn't know he was very close in the family tree. I stumbled across it on a copy of my family tree that my father's brother sent to me, and I was both fascinated and shocked, to say the least.

My mom's maiden name is Dalton and she's never made a secret of her roots. In fact, the little foothill town my parents now live in has a Dalton Mountain, which is where my mother's uncle and other members of the gang apparently hid out because they had a view of the entire valley from their lookout point. When word got around a real "Dalton" had moved into the area, the community rolled out the welcome wagon for my mom and gave her a book a local "celebrity" had written about the Daltons and their connection to the area. What made it really amusing is that my mom, like me, is definitely not a history buff and she had no clue her family was so (in)famous in the area. It all came as quite a shock to her to find out the Dalton gang were such local celebrities there.

The James boys are on my dad's side, along with great-uncle Clyde.

Like I said, with all the criminal element in my family tree, it's just amazing to me that my siblings and I didn't inherit some rogue aspects of our personalities and follow a similar path, lol!
So cool! - Thanks
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re: cool? - whatever
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What\'s \"cool\" about Bonnie and Clyde? Theives, killers, outlaws. I do not understand why killers and thieves are glorified in our society. Cool...
I bet the families who lose loved ones at the hands of these dregs would not think it\'s so cool.

That the poster is RELATED is irrelevant. It\'s just an old relative. I\'m sure we\'ve all got relative skeletons in our closets. I would like to believe that we all don\'t BRAG about it as if it\'s an aspect of our blood lines to be proud of.
Wow, take a chill pill. Just asking questions. - Shoulder chip?
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It was just an expression!! Good grief. Now do you feel better that you have bashed the whole posting section. Some people find this history interesting, as you can see, as many shared, not so much bragging as you say. These things are past facts and can not be changed, no matter what we think of them.

It is quite obvious that you were just looking for a post to insult. Maybe you should find a better one. Or better yet, GET A LIFE!
re: chip - OMG
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Wow, I guess you could say "hello pot, I'm kettle" in this instance.

For what it's worth, I agree it's not "cool" at all to glorify the acts of criminals, but I also agree that our ancestors lives are interesting.

Our family keeps our murderous cousin's name out of any coversation. What he and his hippie friends (hint hint) did was horrible, nothing for us to be proud of or want to use as an ice breaker in conversation. Nothing whatsoever.

Now, not to sound like a broken record, but this forum allows for all opinions, so "whatever" is entitled to theirs. The one who is obviously the basher here is YOU, Chip.

The cool was for info previous poster was able to provide, not about killing or thieves, DUH! - If you find it so deplorable then why hang out you
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This statement does not mean it is cool to kill or steal. - Didn't think it would take a genius to know.
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re: genius - s/m
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Good thing, there is obviously a shortage here!

On tracing our family tree, on my maternal - sm

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grandmother's side, we had an indentured servant sent over to the US by England. The man she was indentured to was a big tobacco plantation owner in Virginia and eventually married her. On my dad's side, we are descended from a Lord who served in teh court of King Henry II. On my ex-husband's side, he is related to a famous general of the Civil War who actually has a "battle" named after him.

secrets - annie

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I grew up thinking my grandparents were the most loving, perfect couple. Grandpa had worked hard all his life to provide for his 6 kids and Grandma was the best homemaker ever. Totally devoted to each other and, well, perfect.

A couple of years before my grandpa died, (grandma was in a nursing home with Alzheimer's) he shared with my aunt, who then shared with my mother, who then shared with me, a shocking secret. When grandpa came home from WW II to his wife and 3 kids, he found his wife pregnant - with his brother's baby. Grandma lost that baby and grandpa buried it in the back yard. They had 3 more children after that. My grandma was so very proper, I never would have dreamed she could do such a thing.

Family secret that did not stay secret. - Big Sis

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My parents divorced, and when my brother was 11 he went to live with my father. He was hurt in a football injury and it was revealed to my father by the doctor that this could not be his biological child. My father suspected it all along but never said anything to anyone. My mother had an affair with my dad's uncle, whom she later married and he later died, and this was the uncle's child. My father raised my brother and my brother never found out until after my father died. He has never been close to my mother since. He worshiped our Dad.

Another family mystery. My grandmother's sister - sm

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was found dead in her and her husband's backyard and a moneybelt she was reported to always wear was gone. She apparently had just milked the cows and a bucket of milk was found at her head, so it was apparent she did not just "fall." Her next-door neighbor was suspected, but no one was ever charged. Her husband never spoke about the subject and apparently the kids who were home at the time have never to this day talked about it or her. It is almost like she never existed.

my g.g.g. gf took a new family name after immigrating - as an adult

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My ggg grandfather was Hungarian and immigrated to the US in the 1880s. I never understood why I could not find his name on the passenger lists. Since I now have access to my grandmother's family photos and documents, I have come to find out why.

He came with his mother who was in a second marriage. He had one sister born in Hungary who came and one sister born shortly after arrival. At the same time these sisters were born, he and his own wife (my ggg grandmother) started having children. When his mother died, the mother's husband asked my grandfather to take his family name so it would not die out as he had no sons.

So, that grandfather came here with one name, but took another name. I have never known of anyone who took an "adopted" parent's name as an adult. By the way, both names were shortened on arrival to the US as officials said they were too difficult and old world. None of my family has used the pre-adoption name, but grandchildren of the sisters do. Huh!

Somewhat of a shocker... - sm

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My aunt was tracing our family tree on my mother's side...she found out that she and another sister have different fathers (they thought they had the same one). My mother and 2 other sisters have the same father, plus my grandmother had a son (her first child) by yet another man...the son died in infancy/early childhood. So in total, my grandmother had 6 children by 4 different men! Ha, no wonder she never wanted us girls to have boyfriends or date! My grandfather never knew about this child, never found out about him! Also, my grandmother (same one!) lied about her age so much that before she died, she didn't even know how old she was, so they had to guess on what year to put on her marker!

our story - Norma

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My sister and I have always been close, like twin close. She married a man who started to beat on her shortly after. She put up with it for 12 long years and eventually came home to me. Her husband stalked us, harrased us, assaulted us, and would not leave us in peace. They dragged the divorce along for years, (dysfunctional to say the least).

Well, you all know how much we make in this MT job. Sis is on disability now for back problems, mental issues and because she turned to alcohol during that dark time in her life (sober now for 3 years), but her health has suffered. She used to be a nurse and financially we were good when she was able to work, now we were hurting.

Ex went on with his worthless life and we heard through the grapevine that about 4 years ago he had sued his work for an on the job injury (he was assaulted in the prison that he worked at by a prisoner and wound up with a lot of injuries) and landed a hefty settlement. Fast forward about 9 months ago, sis gets a call from a lawyer saying that they need to talk. The divorce was never finalized! She is entitled to some of the settlement as well, so he can close out his suit and collect his money! Sis says she didn't even know they weren't divorced!

It is going to be a pretty sizeable check and she has already promised to sign it over to me since I take care of her and handle her bills. It is seriously going to help us out so much!

The ex is furious (so what), I believe sis is entitled to it for all the humiliation, hurt and damage he did to her. Nothing could ever compensate for it, but it does make it a little better.

Guess not a shocker, but it's our story!

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