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The Walking Dead

Posted: Jul 30, 2016

Going through the time till they start up again is driving me nuts. Have followed this since it began in 2010. Love it, love most of the characters. Anyone have any theories on who got the bat? LOL


Walking Dead - DiggerMT

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I love, love, love TWD also. I cannot wait for it to start again! Hmmm... not Rick, not Carl... certainly not Darryl.. not Maggie, not Glen.. I think anyone else is in jeopardy. The best show ever!

Walking Dead - noname

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I like most of the characters, but had to stop watching the show after the 1st half of last season. I just can't stand to see anymore of the original group or my favorites get killed off.

I was told that in the TWD comics, Glen is the one who gets the bat. I for one will not be watching this next season. My daughters will just have to tell me what happens each week.

I would love, love, love to meet the actors one day though!!!!

TWD - RubySoho

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Oh, mercy, I love this show to a ridiculous degree. I make it through the off season by occasionally marathoning one of the previous seasons I have on DVD.

I think Abe met Lucille up close and personal. Maybe Glenn, too.

Have you see the preview trailer for season 7? My favorite quote courtesy of Carol:

"I have no idea what the hell's going on in the most wonderful way."

Now, if only October would hurry up and get here before I wear out my DVDs!

The Walking Dead - Granny

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Agree with you. I think Glen and Abe too. Yes, it's addictive. I pull out the DVDs and marathon too. I love the old-fashioned way the family love story between Michonne and Rick and Carl unfolded since season 3.

I think it's Glen and I hate it! It's been a while - TWD Obsessed

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since they killed off one of the originals. I think Beth was the last one and that nearly killed me! If it is Glen, I will spending my Sunday evening in tears!

But man do I love this show!

TWD Obsessed - Rusty

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Every Sunday my daughter and I are in front of the TV at 10 minutes before, just waiting. I have Googled season 7 trailers and I find something different in every one. The first one I could clearly hear Maggie screaming Glenn's name. Damn. Then I saw where they made a rubber dummy of Aaron, soooo. But when I think about it logically, it has to be my big, bad Abe, who is in my opinion the biggest threat. I could live without Rosita and Eugene. Then I also read that Dania (Michonne) has a new TV show, so is that it? I have no idea who was Lucilled, but I do know I can't stop watching. I just can't see them killing Glenn, Maggie has lost so much including possibly the baby. I read Nicotero's website and he said the person who died will change the entire season whatever that means. Supposedly Abe and Glenn have not been seen on set yet, but who knows. We will all find out in October.....

It's going to be........ - Walker1

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Abraham. Another poster commented on something Carol said, I liked that comment too.

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