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Clinton makes another ($1 million) "mistake" failing to disclose

Posted: Nov 4, 2016

That Hillary. She's a caution, ain't she? Never met an ethical issue that she didn't screw up...and, oddly enough, screw it up in favor of her bank account. Donation from Qatar, made on the heels of a request for a meeting. Not disclosed to State. Foundation "declined to say" whether the meeting took place...which is as close to "Well, Hell yes it did" as you're going to get from these twisters. Darn it. Another "mistake." Oh well. At this point, what difference does it make? Oh, and by the way...the source isn't one of those flaky fake news sites. It's Reuters. ;

If access to SOS is worth $millions, how much will favors from - the President net her?

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$Hundreds of $million$?? $Billions$? It staggers the imagination (as if what she's already done doesn't do so...which is probably why some people just don't seem to get the enormity of it.)

I can't wait for the country to be auctioned off to Hillary's global pals. I'm old enough that I probably won't have to watch this once-great nation sink forever beneath the waves.

probably the same amount Trump avoided paying in taxes - Not on the Trump Train..nm

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Taking advantage of the tax law is not avoiding paying taxes. - Do you tax advantage of the mortgage

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deduction? That's a so called tax loophole.

Give it a rest.
All the socialists should know that Australia has mandatory savings rather than - SS. They also have a required financial
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class before graduation.
Australia's system..sm - VTMT
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in detail. See link. They also have a Medicare for all system and sensible gun laws.
"Sensible" gun laws? They don't have a constitution with a - second amendment.
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Everything we try to privatize SS here the left starts scarring the elderly.
We already have over 25,000 sensible gun laws. We don't - need anymore. The problem isn't with
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guns - it with people.

Have you noticed a rise in violent crime since we took God out of everything?
GWB wanted to do this but the left started scaring - senior citizens, so I don't ever
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see this happening here.
Trump avoided it alright for 13-18 years - Not on the Trump Train
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I didn't say it was not legal. He just didn't pay and he's to chickensh*t to produce his tax returns. That is all.

George Soros keeps his money offshore. Now that's - not paying taxes. He's a resident of NYC

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Soros Holdings Limited was incorporated in the British Virgin Islands. Soros Capital in Bermuda. And Soros Finance Inc. was set up in Panama. It's there that the law firm Mossack Fonseca helped the rich and powerful avoid taxes and hide their wealth.

He is a wealthy political donor to HRC and BO.

So Clinton's main donor is offshoring money. So... he’s hiding his wealth from the IRS, all the while telling the rest of us how to run the country - by paying huge taxes into the democrats’ pet projects.

How come the little suck-ups in the press don’t question Soros’ ill-gotten and hidden money? Why? Because he’s on their side...

Most of the Clinton Crime Family Slush Fund money is off-shore ALSO!!

Now, I know the leftists here will say "he's not running for president." Well, he's financing Clinton.
And Trump's manufacturing is not in the US - so what
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the law must allow Soros to do what he's doing. Go Soros!

Trump still grabs women by the genitals! He's a racist and in bed with Russia. His campaign is run by white nationalists and the KKK endorsed him.
Questionable conclusion, cloudy with meatballs. - Go Soros? Hypocrisy?
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You're okay with his offshore money, so this is pure politics.

Money and politically correct politics game the system.

Hillary sure has friends in high places.
I am as okay with the offshore money as you are with Trump - grabbing women by the genitals
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Trump being a racist
Trump being a misogynist
Trump not paying taxes for up to 18 years while filing bankruptcy to stiff the small companies that actually did work for him while he lived high off the hog
Trump being disrespectful and just down right nasty to women.

So if you are okay with all that, heck yea I'll say go Soros! keep your money offshore!

If you use the tax law as it's written and you end up not - paying much in taxes, that legal.

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Legal means following the law.

Now, let's discuss Hillary selling foreign policy. Legal?

Yeah me too - anonie

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For those of us who remember this country at its best, it hurts tremendously to watch this horror show.

This war baby doesn't want to have to stay around if she is in office.

I recently heard on TV that people with heart problems, they are telling not to watch the elections. Many of them are having heart pain and problems because of the stress. You see if Hillary cared about all of us with heart problems, me too, instead of just her own health and hiding it, we might like her a bit better, though, not much.

Just proves what I am saying, she only cares about herself. She can talk all she wants. She speaks with forked tongue.

Tonight most TV is talking about her winning the election (the stupid electoral college, which should have been outlawed a long time ago). Darned I hate that. It negates the individual's vote in favor of what the elites cast them as in each of our states.

Why even vote if the electoral college is all that matters.

Maybe they're - turning off the TV

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to avoid listening to that bumbling idiot Trump. He's the only one that yells at everybody, insults everybody, threatens everybody and the list goes on. Like it or not, the electoral college is what we have. I don't really see it being a problem this time because Hillary will win by popular vote also, unlike when Gore had the popular vote and the electoral college picked Bush.

Electoral college, why even vote? - Trump supporters can always stay home

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Nobody is forcing you to vote for Trump.

why bother? just stay home. watch a movie or something.

Have you noticed an uptick lately saying posts are not true - and the sources are bogus?

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I've noticed that on just about every post that isn't pro Hillary.

Even if she wins on Nov. 8, she is still going to be under criminal investigation. I guess all the left has is to try and discredit those prosecuting her.

and Trump has a child rape case going to court in December - and that fraud case in November

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so what.

people need to stop posting fake stories from bogus sites.

Bogus Trump rape case - It's a sham

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This woman had her first CIVIL suit dropped by the court of California because she was found to have been openly planning this and refusing to use her real name. The case was filed as anonymous. One of the case organizers has a past of frivolous lawsuits like these against celebrities. December is not a court date for rape, it's a status conference. This is the part where parties are encouraged to settle out of court, or the case is dropped or moved forward. In California it went to the status conference and the woman never showed up because she wanted to remain anonymous, but without her the case couldn't go past that point, so it was dropped. She filed in New York, and it was again dropped because the address for her was a foreclosed home. It was dropped yet another time in New York because the statute of limitations for a civil suit for rape is over. It's withstanding right now because of a special plead on civil rights, but she's failing to prove that (a reason it was dropped earlier). It's a sham.
Yes it is a court date for a status conference and it is not a bogus case - source Huffington Post
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read about it for yourself

He repeatedly raped this 13 year old at parties thrown by Jeffrey Epstein and there are 2 witnesses

Definitely not a bogus case.
Jeffrey Epstein - mt
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Bill Clinton is the one associated with Jeffrey Epstein. He visited his "island" many times, sometimes with Secret Service, sometimes not.
Trump was associated with him too- thats where he raped the 13 year old - nm
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Just because you say it doesn't mean it's true. In FACT - it is NOT true.
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No proof, no go.

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