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Osteosarcoma in my beautiful golden. sm

Posted: Feb 4, 2010

My 12-YO Golden was dx'd by x-ray only with osteosarcoma in his back knee and the doc said she recommended comfort measures only with approx. 2 mo. survival. Heartbroken, searching the web. He is beautiful, alert and walks with a limp, does whimper from time to time, but good appetite. The tramadol makes him a little sleepy. Started him on 1 before upping it to 2 as he seems to be resting. The non-steroidal will start in a few days as he's been on aspirin. I can't see putting him through an amputation and chemo as she said it would only give him 3 more months and he may be affected with vomiting and bleeding from the chemo. This dog is almost human, intelligent, talks with his eyes, loves everyone. Did anyone else have this situation? I apologize as I know others on here have parents etc., with cancer and this is an animal, but I can't help being heartbroken. I am being strong as my husband is crying and vomiting, so I have to be the one who keeps it altogether. Sorry for the rant.


Prayers for you and yours - MoMT

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I'm so sorry you're going through this. My sister lost her beautiful rottie girl to osteosarcoma a couple of years back. She did go the amputation/aggressive treatment route, and it was torture for her and for the dog. Just take care of your beautiful boy and cherish every day. He'll let you know when it's time to let him go.
I believe you're doing the right thing, and I know how heartbreaking this is for you. When my husband and I lost our beloved border collie to cancer it was like losing a child. People who have special dogs know how much family they really are.

We Lost our Golden Retriever/Lab to nerve root cancer behind his neck between the shoulders - Backwards Typist

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This was at least 6 years ago and we still hurt. There was nothing that could be done for him. We had pain pills, but that was it. We could see the pain in his eyes and knew what we should do, but just kept hoping to no avail. I searched the 'net myself for some hope, but there was none. We tried our best to keep him comfortable but the time came when he could barely walk, couldn't/wouldn't eat, and started getting open wounds from lying around all day and knew we had to let him go. He was only 10.

I feel for you and your family. It's tough. I wish I could give you some hope, but I can't. Just love him and keep him comfortable, but don't let him suffer any more than necessary. It will only hurt more.

Lost our lab from lymphatic cancer - MT4ever

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We lost our yellow lab to lymphatic cancer 2 years ago and it still hurts. By the time he showed any symptoms and it was diagnosed we were told they could do nothing and that he probably had a couple months at most. We did our best to keep him comfortable but it developed rapidly and after 2 weeks we knew it was time. We could see the pain in his eyes and he stopped eating, etc. We too shed many tears over him so I completely understand what you're going through. We also have a 7-year-old golden who,like yours, is almost human. He's the sweetest,most intelligent dog and loves everyone and everything. Every day is made brighter by his presence in our lives. My heart goes out to you and your husband. It's horrible to go through something like this. I'm so sorry.

Thank you but still hoping she's mistaken sm - Gem

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Since it was only diagnosed by x-ray, I did ask about a biopsy to be sure and she said a biopsy would be complicated, require anesthesia and using their traveling ortho surgeon only to put the dog through too much. He is limping and whimpering. I give him one tramadol at a time although she prescribed two and my husband "doesn't want him doped up." I feel like I'm doing something wrong but I can see it in his face as he comes over to me and whimpers. Being 12 and with her saying it shows on x-ray I just have to believe she's right and give him extra treats and his meds. My kids say, "poor Dad," yet I'm holding it all together with the meds and extra petting and treats and not crying (yet). I can tell by his face something is wrong. I don't want to put him through the amputation at age 12. Sorry to go on so.

Hate to be mean to hubby, but he doesn't get a vote in how the dog feels. - Happy MT Robin

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If the vet says give him 2 tramadol, then give him 2. Your husband doesn't get a vote in this. The dog is telling you he is in pain and quite frankly, it is cruel of your husband to withhold pain medication for his own feelings. He's not being fair to the dog.

Your dog is telling you what he needs. If he still continues to whimper and show pain after being on the increased dose of tramadol, then you know what you have to do, as hard as it is. To do anything else and keep the dog alive and in pain and suffering is only doing it for you and you're not being a good pet caretaker at that point.

I've had to have pets put down and it's horrible, but sometimes it has to be done, and usually the animal will let you know when it's time. It sounds an awful lot like your dog is at that point.
Thank you but things have changed. sm - Gem
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We had a long discussion and much angst as we are owners of several past dogs who all lived to ages 16 and beyond. We are at a juncture where we understand each other and everything is in place. Everyone reacts differently and being in health care, I am apt to face the truth faster than most. The dog is being well taken care of. Thank you again!!! I think those of us who have worked in pathology, surgery, etc., etc., react faster than the norm. We all have different reaction times. Our dog never, ever suffered, I would not have it, absolutely. I have been over-treating with treats and it's partly my fault that the dog comes to me first. My husband's main concern was that he would not be able to lift a dog who weighs 100 lbs., since he himself is totally disabled and he didn't want the dog to be totally "out of it" to the point where he couldn't lift him. He had to be explained that tramadol is an "opioid" not heavy duty knock out drugs. It's only been a day since the diagnosis and we are understandably both devastated. Your comments are duly noted. It's only the second day. He's out now with his Master taking a ride to the park. Sorry I wore my heart on my sleeve. No harm done to the dog, believe me! I know better.
So sorry, Gem. In my experience with - having to deal with s/m
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the issue of having to decide when to let them go, it's a heart/gut thing. You will just KNOW. A person who is in tune with their dog (and you certainly seem to be) will know. Your dog will let you know if you have that connection. Do all you can to make your dog as comfortable as you can, cherish the time you still have. My heart hurts for you right now. Take care, Gem.

Do what makes your DOG feel better. If it were me, - sm - Zircon

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I'd rather be "doped up" and comfortable, than in pain. If you dog is whimpering at you, he's asking for some help. I was wondering about amputation, too, but at age 12, you're probably right about it being too much to put him through. Let you dog have his meds, and listen to his "dog-language" carefully, and he'll likely let you know when it's time to let him go. But with pain meds, he may have more quality time left. Also, isn't it true with people on chronic pain meds that after a while they no longer experience the "doped-up-ness", and just get the pain relief? Maybe that will be the case with your dog, too.

In any event, my heart goes out to you - I lost a cat to cancer once, and it sure isn't easy.

We just lost our 8 year old Golden to liver, spleen and - mlstoo

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pancreatic cancer about 4 weeks ago. What a shock. I had taken him to the vet because he wasn't eating and he was dxd with a sore throat. He rallied on antibiotic therapy and did much better, until day 7 when he refused to eat again and just looked listless. He also had real pale gums. I called the vet later that day he opened up the office (this was a Sunday). Needless to say, he had a mini stroke in the office and died at 2 am. My vet did an autopsy and the poor guy was literally loaded with cancer. His spleen was throwing out blood clots which caused the strokes. It was a total shock to us as he showed absolutely no symptoms whatsoever. The vet said cancer is common in Goldens for some reason or another and they don't know why. He was just as shocked as we were.

You are in my prayers - old mt

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You have my sympathies. Losing a dog is one of the worse things in the world. We had to have two dogs put down - one Corgi who herniated his disk (at 2-1/2 years) was in a lot of pain, and a 17 year old who had dementia. I think it is the hardest decision of your life - but sometimes their quality of life is important too. He's 12 years old and for a goldie I think that he has had a long and wonderful life. As long as he isn't suffering would be the main thing for me. You are in my thoughts and prayers. Please find a copy of Rainbow Bridge and read it!

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