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Michele Bachmann's Jobs Plan

Posted: Aug 27, 2011

She's is considering adjusting the minimum wage to make us more competitive with overseas. Yay! http://old.news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20110827/ap_on_el_pr/us_bachmann2012;

I think she is referring to possibly LOWERING...sm - oldtimer

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the federal minimum wage to lure companies back to the US. "Republican presidential candidate Michele Bachmann said Friday she wouldn't rule out changes to the federal minimum wage as a way to lower the cost of doing business and lure corporations back to the United States."

India's minimum wage is 115 Rs = $2.50 per hour. - Maybe she wants to undercut that rate!

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It wouldn't surprise me a bit. THAT, along with preserving their beloved tax shelters, is what regressives deem as "progress" toward competing with overseas business environments.

The only people Bachmann cares about are - the rich, so it's probably (sm)

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something favoring reducing costs of companies and putting the screws to the American citizen once again.

This is one of the reasons why I ask on this - board what SM

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the people who are so against Obama think is going to change if there is a republican in office. I am truly puzzled why anyone who is middle class, out of work, would think that republicans will make it better.

Absolutely repubs are not to you and me... - lka

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Never have been and are worse than ever. Take a look at their voting record when it comes to minimum wage... most if not all vote to lower minimum wage, certainly not to raise it.

It makes me so mad (and I can't believe people buy into this) when she says all of these big corps move overseas because we tax them to death........ hogwash.... they are just greedy. Do you honestly think they would hire any US people when they get 3rd world countries working like slaves? I think not. This woman is a fake with a gift to gab, but says nothing. It's great for her to say she is going to lower gasoline to under $2 gallon, but she doesn't say how, why you ask... because it cannot be done.
You dont know what you are talking about. They ARE - moving overseas to avoid taxes!
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Honestly, how do you think we are doing under Obamas economic plans? Horribly. It would be hard to do much worse.
Do you make over $250,000 a year.... why would you want her? - lka
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Obama does not have a chance with the republicans NOT wiling to work for the good of the people. They have their own agenda. You people that actually believe her are following someone who wants to destroy the country. She is all about HER, and not you, unless you are wealthy!!!! Get a grip.
I am a middle-class tax payer meaning when - tax returns are filed I owe
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money after all the deductions and money already paid in. Could you explain to me why exactly I should vote for Obama? What has he done for the middle class? In the past couple of years, it has been the worst for us. I am trying to figure out today how that we are going to make it with what is in the freezer until we get paid again. This is your picture of middle class today. No one cares about us. We just have to figure out how to make it. The difference is, is that we (most Republicans) expect nothing from the government in financial form. I am more sick of people who end up not even paying in taxes complaining about how the rich are taxed than the tax cuts themselves.
So a Bachmann salary cut will help you? - Go for it!
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Lucky for you there won't be any nasty government programs around to help you if you need it when you are trying will your freezer on $3.00 an hour.
I concur. You think Bachmann gives a fig about the middle class, - by all means, go for it.
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I'd be interested in anyone who can present a single shred of evidence that MB will protect MC interests. Just one. Evidence would consist of something you find in her abysmal record, not campign rhetoric ound ytes.
I actually don't think that any of them really see - what the middle class have
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been going through as they have not been in our shoes. As I do pay taxes, I vote for who I feel has the best plan to spend my tax dollars, not what my government can do for me. The Republican views just happen to align more with mine. I actually watch very, very little mainstream media.

As far as Michelle Bachmann, I do like her fine, but I do not want her to win the primaries as I do not feel a woman could take the presidency, nor do I really think I'm ready for a woman president.
OK. So which GOP policies do you feel better "align" with - middle nd working class interests?
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Or are we to continue to endorse the assertion that whatever trickles down to us from business on high (or right on out of the country and overseas) is the best we can hope for?
Where did you hear she is going to cut my pay? - that's a new one on me.
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Seriously? I actually don't want Bachmann to win the primaries as I do not feel a woman will be able to take the presidency, but please enlighten me on how she is going to cut my pay if she wins.
Recent MB quote: I would consider CHANGING minimum wage. - What her record tells us this means...
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More past MB quotes (before she decided to run) on minimum wage: 

"Literally, if we took away the minimum wage—if conceivably it was gone—we could potentially virtually wipe out unemployment completely because we would be able to offer jobs at whatever level." —Michele Bachmann, 1/26/05, Jobs, Energy and Community Development Committee, testifying against SF 3, a bill to raise the MN minimum wage and advocating the elimination of the minimum wage altogether..

"Many teenagers that come in should be paying the employer because of broken dishes or whatever occurs during that period of time. But you know what? After six months, that teenager is going to be a fabulous employee and is going to go on a trajectory where he's going to be making so much money, we'll be borrowing money from him." —Michele Bachmann, 1/26/05, explaining why teenagers should PAY EMPLOYERS FOR THE PRIVILEGE OF WORKING instead of receiving minimum wage.  With this in mind, MB used 64 "teams" of home-schooled kids to pass out flyers and make more than 6000 phone calls in 2006, and again in 2008.  The kids reported that, "some of them swore at us, but others were nice."    Hopefully, she at least deigned to pay them with a soda pop or some such thing for their efforts.  My guess is tht they got a nice shining red-white-and-blue campaign button for their efforts instead.  From what I recall, they missed school to supply her cmpaign with the free labor.      

"If we allow businesses to be prosperous and accrue capital, they’ll be giving their employees more than they can even begin to imagine. But when we continue to tie cement blocks on businesses (like the minimum wage) and constrain them, they can actually do less than their employees."  —Michele Bachmann, 1/26/05, testifying against SF 3, a bill to raise the MN minimum wage and explaining why it actually keeps wages and benefits lower.  Could someone please explain the logic behind this statement?  If the puny minimum wage CONSTRAINS business, how on earth can one make the leap that, if left to their own devices, corporations would shun bigger profits and pay "more than we can begin to imagine" when prospering?  Imagine is the key word here.   

"I was wondering, if most employers are already doing this anyway, isn’t minimum wage really just superfluous? Why do we even have one?" —Michele Bachmann, 1/26/05, Jobs, Energy and Community Development Committee, testifying against SF 3, a bill to raise the MN minimum wage, and advocating the elimination of the minimum wage altogether.  Yep.  Eliminating minimum wage on top of exploiting teenagers nd school kids for free labor. 

"If raising the minimum wage to $7.00 an hour is a good idea, that why dont we just raise it to $20.00 an hour, that must be even better." —Michele Bachmann, 1/26/05, Jobs, Energy and Community Development Committee, testifying against SF 3, a bill to raise the MN minimum wage, evidently a lame attempt at being facetious.  

I trust this sufficiently answers your question about where folks "get the idea" that MB is not talking about RAISING minimum wage when she talks about being willing to consider changing it.  We get it straight from the horse's mouth.     


I realize her stance on minimum wage, and there again, - how is she cutting my pay?
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I already said I end up paying taxes, so obviously I am not making minimum wage and haven't since I was maybe 16. I work 2 jobs, and I know for a fact that no one there makes minimum wage, so no worries if they change it. The other job is of course transcription, and the company pays well. My pay will not be changed based on minimum wage. So, no, you did not answer my question on how that she is going to cut my pay.

I didn't really agree with raising the minimum wage as much as they did, but I don't think they will be able to lower now after the fact. But, to say to the middle class that she is going to cut our pay is just not correct.
That's because you're not paid on an hourly basis. - DUH! nm
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I'm glad you know how I get paid. My predominant job - I do get paid by the hour
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I keep 2 jobs, for one because we need the extra and also not to keep all my eggs in 1 basket.
See message. - sm
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"The other job is of course transcription, and the company pays well. My pay will not be changed based on minimum wage."
Wow. Suddenly this thread is all about you and only you. - Check out the first original post.
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Notice where it talks about MB jobs programs and minimum wage. This may come as quite a shock to you, but the soundness of fiscal policies are not judged based on whether or not they only impact YOUR pocketbook. It would be a really refeshing change if just once thread contributions would simply remain on task.
Since you blame Obama, precisely which taxes they are allegedly running from - did Obama levy?
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Please supply references for this baseless claim.
Dead silence and no substantiation? - Just one question.
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Now who doesn't know what they're talking about?

The current economic conditions did not start on Jan 22 2009. In the US, one single person does not have the power to make economic policy. There are forces in Congress, whose sole purpose has been to undermine the president from the get go, who have used and abused fillibuster, cloture and a variety of other procedural obstructive tactics to grind legislative process (and the economy along with it) to a screeching halt. They have even rejected THEIR OWN PROPOSALS when the president has tried to give them what they say they want on more than a few occasions. These are the finaglers who have brought us to where we're at now, pure and simple.
Thank you. I wish I could vote to "like" your post 10 times. - nm
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Include me in that as well. - NM
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Did you give them a chance to respond? - The person could be gone you know - nm
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Exactly what I was thinking. Maybe they don't - get a lot of time to hang
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out on chat forums through the work week. Wouldn't assume anything.
Well, since you are here now, why not substantiate this - for your MIA compadre?
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Because it can't be substantiated, THAT'S why.
Still dead silence and no substantition after 3+ days.. - How much more time do you think
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is needed?
Do you really think if they lowered corporate - tax rate, the jobs would SM
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return? Ha ha. Actually, it is so screwed up it isn't funny at all. All corporations care about is making as much profit as possible. They have no allegiance to our country. They work through politicians to stop unions from protecting American workers from lower wages, etc. At this point, even having a college education means nothing in this country anymore. The middle class is being wiped out, and the rich and powerful do not care. If you are not unemployed, underemployed, your wages are stagnant or being cut, and the cost of living is rising.

Really? Have you talked to her? LOL. Most of her - supporters are middle class.nm

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...and she is hoodwinking those gullible - "middle-class" supporters. nm

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The middle class of today are the poor of - tomorrow. nm
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LOL. Have you? - Her record speaks for itself.nm

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Her words speak for themselves. - nm
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The record does not fabricate, have a forked tongue or - talk out of both sides of its mouth.
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It is what it is.
No, but the candidate does. - nm
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Yup. Glad to see we are on the same page. - nm
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Let's talk about records... - hmmm
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If Obama is such a great President, why is his approval rate down to 38%?


If he is such a job creator, why has the unemployment rate for Blacks risen from 5.4% in 2000 to 12.3% in 2009 (most recent comparative data I could find)?


Why do 28% of Democrats want to replace Obama as their party's candidate in 2012 if he is such a great President?


Let's set the record straight.
Bait and switch not my thing. MB record is - the issue at hand.
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Slamming O does nothing to address her voting and rhetorical records. This dodge only emphasizes how bankrupt tpots are when it comes time to defend their golden girl.
LOL! - hmmm
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How quickly you liberals jump to the name-calling - a sign of a weak argument.
Setting the record straight.... - hmmm
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Missed Votes

Michele Bachmann missed 278 (7%) of 4,221 roll call votes since Jan 4, 2007.

Barack Obama missed 314 (24%) of 1,300 roll call votes since Jan 6, 2005.

Lets lower their pay to India wages. Then maybe they will be worth their paychecks - sick of these politicians or should I say crooks!

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Maybe what we ought to do is see what politicians make in India and require all of our politicians to lower their wages to that level of pay. Maybe then they would shut the #$# up. I am so sick of their power trip. I can't think of any good politician anymore. They make the mob look like saints.

Now you got me going - lets turn the tables on them

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I googled what politicians make in India and converted their money into US money. They just voted themselves a raise from 12,000 rupees to 16,000 rupees which converts to $347.45. I don't know if this is a year, a month or a week. I would be happy with our crooked politicians work for that a week even though I don't believe they are worth that much. Lets see if they push the idea with us then. They need to practice what they preach.

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