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"Though I often disagree with Republicans,

Posted: Sep 6, 2012

the way the far right that now controls their party seems to hate President Obama and the Democrats. "

This statement directly correlates with another point Bill Clinton made in his speech, which helps explain why the conservatives' approach to their DNC comments on this forum has been so acidic and apolitical, not to mention their BLARING avoidance of (a) talking about their own policies, and (b) expressing enthusiasm about their own candidates, who have scarcely gotten mention, not even during convention week. 

"In order to look like an acceptable alternative to President Obama, they couldn't say much about the ideas they have offered over the last two years. You see they want to go back to the same old policies that got us into trouble in the first place: to cut taxes for high income Americans even more than President Bush did; to get rid of those pesky financial regulations designed to prevent another crash and prohibit future bailouts; to increase defense spending $2 trillion more than the Pentagon has requested without saying what they'll spend the money on; to make enormous cuts in the rest of the budget, especially programs that help the middle class and poor kids. As another president once said— there they go again."




Clinton fixed the last four years - with his speech...

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...or so the libs think. No, his ramblings only contrasted his administration with Obama's, intentionally or not.

I doubt seriously you heard the speech. - If you did,

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you could never make this statement with a straight face. His fact-packed "ramble" was about re-electing President Obama, not tooting his own horn. It was about choice between a post-Obama versus post-Romney America....a case he laid out simply, concisely, in terms easily understood and in its entirety....which accounts for the length of the speech, since he had so much policy and campaign material to cover. It would have been a lot shorter had he not been forced to address Romney/Ryan lies.

He believes the Republicans are "honorable" and committed - to carrying out those same old policies,

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too. Of course. Gotta keep that money flowing up to the 1% of the 1% who mostly pay their way into office and allow them to stay if they produce. As he said, "Here we go again!."

An honest crook is one who stays bought, but an honorable politician is one who both stays bought and manages to convince himself corruption is actually honorable.

What was my question? Oh, yes. What happens to a person who spends years feeding herself satisfying lies and avoiding unpleasant truths?

The concept of compromise and working together - for the good of the country

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sure seems to draw some awfully hostile fire from those who think deliberate sabotage of a president and obstructing every bill that moves through Congress is going to win elections. If I were in their shoes, I too would resist any and all efforts to discuss my own party's unelectable policies, records or candidates.

As for your question, you seem to be the one with all the answers and imminently qualified to speak to that issue from first-hand experience.

Likewise, though Republicans disagree with Democrats - We too don't hate a man - sm

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The way the far left now controls their party they seem to hate Mitt Romney and the Republicans. - See I can do that too.

Here's the thing. Nobody "hates Obama". Find me one post here that says "I hate Obama". You won't find one. What posters do not agree with is his policies. That is what is being said over and over and over and I cannot understand why that is so hard for democrats to understand.

You see, here in this country we have more than one party. There is a reason for it. If you'd like I can post you some links regarding why there are more than one party. In short it's called check and balance.

If you are going by what Bill Clinton, said that might explain it all. I voted for him the first time, learned my lesson within the first 4 months. Mr. Clinton is a pathological liar. There is nothing he says that anyone can take as law.

If you want to point out acidic and apolotical comments, sure there are comments strongly against democrats and the DNC on this board, but you also need to read down and read the hate-filled comments towards Mitt Romney, Paul Ryan, the RNC, Clint Eastwood, and anyone who is republican. So easy to throw around the "hate" word, but yet you don't admit the same hate-filled words are coming from democrats too.

Is your last paragraph what Bill Clinton said? If so, that explains it all. Here, let me break it down.

There is a very good acceptable alternative to Obama. His name is Romney. And a way so much better alternative to Biden. His name is Ryan. You see, Romney and Ryan are future thinkers. They want to lead us in a new direction to get us out of this long dark tunnel we have been in for so many years. They don't want to go back to the same old polities that got us into trouble and the same politicies that Obama and his administration has been continuing with. They don't want to cut taxes for the high income Americans that Obama has been doing. They want to lead us in a better direction than Obama and President Carter have. Bill Clinton and Obama and other democrats lying about Rommey & Ryan. Well as another president once said - "there they go again".

Anytime you want to post a link to a poster here that said "I hate Obama" I'll be waiting (p.s. - this does not include something like "I hate the policies of Obama" That would be an entirely different thing.

Oh, please. I had to stop at the challenge to find a post - that says "I hate Obama."

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Credibility just went down the tubes.

Oh please, only with liberal that don't want to know the truth - Challenge is still out there - annieb

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What? You don't want to take on the challenge? Gee, wonder why. I can hear the gong bell now.

Nobody's credibility went anywhere. Just cos you don't like a post doesn't mean its not credible. Get a grip.

See my Foot and Mouth disease post above! (nm) - backwards typist

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