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Think it is nasty about Obamacare

Posted: Jun 19, 2017

Okay, try all of us seniors and those who came before after SS fund was raided by our wonderful Congress. No one paid that back. Think of how many people died when they were taken off their good insurance and put on Obamacare eons ago. No one talks about that either. If Democrats want to continue to fight about everything the Republicans want to do to Obamacare to either get rid of it or fix it. What do millions of Americans do till both decide to work together. So instead of blaming older folk for sponging on them (they earn the money, yet we paid into it and also paid for our parents' SS) then go ahead. It is not true though no matter who says it which are usually younger generations. Think in 20-30 years of how much good Republicans and Mr. Trump did as opposed to what the Democrats never accomplished. They have no platform as we all know, so it is time we just have Republicans or Independents and totally leave out the Democrats. They stopped being a good party after Kennedy was assassinated. Would not be surprised if his party the Democrats didn't have something to do with that. People seem to be killed a lot when around the Democrats, i.e. Hillary and Bill. Just think a while instead of badmouthing this post. I would urge you to search for the truth on line. Take the time.;

speaking of searching for the truth: - hawtmk

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Please cite your sources regarding all the people who died being taken off regular insurance and put on Obamacare. Thanks.

Okay, there are no facts yet. - anonie

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No one has asked in any media about those who had to give up their good insurance for Obamacare. Thus, that is why I have no sources.

All of you who answered were nasty in your remarks. I did not act nasty in my comments. I was merely suggesting that you find the truth, not be willing to listen to all the fake news who have no sources but anonymous and yet you all post that fake news here.

If you admit you have no sources.... - hawkmt

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then you admit you are just making it up. Or it's just "your opinion" - supported by no facts whatsoever. As are your comments regarding Democrats killing JFK and the Clintons killing people. If you want people to take your political posts seriously, you will have to back them up with some facts. Any facts..
She is just advising us to think about this and - research it
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if we're interested in getting to the truth. I think it's a unity message, but people like you are just itching to fight, fight, fight all the time. This meanness must stop!
Unity message? - ?
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I'm an aisle dweller, agree and disagree with both sides, but even I took exception to the following quote:

"They have no platform as we all know, so it is time we just have Republicans or Independents and totally leave out the Democrats."
Does not sound like a unity message to me. Do agree with you that the "meanness must stop," but on both sides.

Pretty one-sided - wouldn't you agree?

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I am almost SS age and will count on it to be there - I have only EVER heard republicans talking about privatizing or changing it to stop old people sponging off the system. I was able to get medical insurance, finally, because of Obamacare, so have nothing but good things to say about it. The only states that made their people suffer with Obamacare were the ones who refused medicaid expansion - Red states!

No one will be saying anything good about Trump in 20-30 years let alone 20-30 minutes because of what he is doing or will do (he is clueless and greedy like all politicians).

The ridiculous conspiracy theories of the Clintons killing people is not worth responding to - I don't like the Clintons, but I don't buy into those types of stories.

Now question to you - What about the Senate HIDING their supposed replacement to Obamacare:? How do you feel about that? They all screamed bloody murder when the democrats did that with Obamacare, but now is it okay for them to do it? Would love to know your opinion of that. I urge you to search for the truth of that online and research if you need to...

Shhh! - lisa

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I don't believe anyone wants us to talk about the health care bill, just vote YES. At least there were public hearings back with the last healthcare plan. Eventually, we will all know if it is good or bad, happy or sad.

Not only were there hearings, Obama continually asked for suggestions - sm

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I recall hearing Obama continually saying "if you have an idea let us know." I recall the Republicans pretending to go along with the health care bill and then suddenly all they did was obstruct and complain and then rewrite history. The Democrats were forced to go ahead without them. Go back to some of the original reporting if you want to do some research, not the rose-colored glasses version Pubs are pushing now.

Exactly. Then when republicans said they would not vote...sm - VTMT

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for a bill that included a public option, it was removed. After all that, not a single republican voted for the ACA. I believe that a public option would have made all the difference.
It was Democrats who blocked the public option - sm
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Republicans weren't going to vote for it regardless. There was no public option because the Democrats didn't have the votes from their own party.

Of course, you remember the kickbacks and special deals that some Dems demanded for passage of the bill as it was.

The article cited below is from the Huffington Post.
No. Republicans were lock-step against Americans having affordable care. - nm
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You asked me to think... Hope you enjoy. - sm

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"If Democrats want to continue to fight about everything the Republicans want to do to Obamacare to either get rid of it or fix it. What do millions of Americans do till both decide to work together."

The people will either decide to stop Trump, by voting in more Democrats. Or decide to help him by voting in more Republicans. That goes for state seats as well as federal. As it stands now, the Republicans are only a few states away from being able to unilaterally amend the Constitution. Assuming they can agree on something.

Personally, I think they'll help Trump, but it will ultimately come down to whether they see Democrats and the investigations as obstructionist. It's likely that confirmation bias will keep Trump voters on his side for a little while at least.

"So instead of blaming older folk for sponging on them (they earn the money, yet we paid into it and also paid for our parents' SS) then go ahead. It is not true though no matter who says it which are usually younger generations."

It is true. Even worse, it's all about voting blocks. People under 55 now make up the largest voting block. They also realize they won't get any SS benefits. That's why they've been paying into 401k's. That 401k means they got their retirement. When push comes to shove, they'll vote to remove the SS entitlement. Why keep it?

Don't forget:
--The seniors put SS in place for themselves.
--The seniors voted against changes that would make it sustainable.
--The seniors are spending more in entitlements than they paid in, forcing the young to pay for them.

"Think in 20-30 years of how much good Republicans and Mr. Trump did as opposed to what the Democrats never accomplished. They have no platform as we all know, so it is time we just have Republicans or Independents and totally leave out the Democrats."

I don't think you can say that Democrats have no platform. Bernie sure had/has one. Hillary, not so much. Don't forget she was trying to rebuild Obama's coalition and she couldn't do that and criticize him (and his economy) at the same time. She thought trashing Trump, and his supporters, would be enough. It's funny. Sometimes I think Bernie really could have won. If only the DNC, the superdelegates, and the media weren't conspiring to make Clinton the nominee.

"They stopped being a good party after Kennedy was assassinated. Would not be surprised if his party the Democrats didn't have something to do with that."

When I first read this I thought it was the craziest thing in your post. After thinking about it, it starts to make sense. Oswald was a communist. Bernie is a socialist. Look at what's happening on college campuses. How many Bernie supporters have lost it and killed people? Two so far, counting the racist train guy in Oregon and the baseball shooter. I wonder how many Bernie supporters are in the antifa riot gangs.

It would be interesting if the Bernie faction did take over the Democratic party. Or maybe he already has...

Does anyone remember when Chris Matthews asked the DNC chair what the difference was between a Democrat and Communist and she couldn't answer?


Train guy in Oregon is a Trump supporter. nm - FYI

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The Democrats literally locked the Republicans out of the - health care hearings during obamacare

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but the media never reported that.

Another example of Alternative Facts. nm - VTMT

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Yes they did, I - remember old

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McConnell and Boehner squawking into the cameras on NBC, CNN, MSNBC, CBS, ABC about the unfairness of it all and that is not how government works, etc... They need to watch their old footage now and grow up!

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