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TN Dept of Safety and Homeland Security revoked James Yeager's

Posted: Jan 11, 2013

after the raving lunatic posted a call-to-arms YouTube video stating his intent to "start killing people" if any gun control measures are passed.  Evidently, the TDSHS was none too impressed with his "pack Your Bags Part 2" video that was supposed to be a walked back "apology."  Here's a heavily edited transcript of that rant.  I have to wonder what good 2nd Amendment apologists think this kind of Alex-Jones-inspired rhetoric does for their cause.  Keep in mind, this is the "calmed down" version of James Yeager.  I also find it comical that this guy thinks the video he posted on YouTube video is HIS property.

“Hey, everybody.  James Yeager of Tactical Response.

Stirred up a lot with the Pack Your Bags video so number 2 here.  Um, I was mad when I said it. Um, and uh probably allowed my mouth to overrun my logic. I don't retract any of my statements.  Now I have edited my video and I took off the end where I said I'm gonna start shooting people.  First off I don't need the hundreds of people that have emailed me to give me legal advice that aren't lawyers.  I didn't ask you for your ******* opinion I didn't ask you to clog up my ******* email.  I don't need anybody to ever email me or text me or call me or smoke signal me over anything that's going on on the internet because I don't care.

Now I realize there are unedited videos that people have stolen from me.  If you're one of the people that have stolen my video and put it on your site please take it down.  It's my property.  MY property.  Take it down.

But let's get to the reality people keep calling me I've had a flood of calls from alumni thousands of messages I mean it’s just overwhelming what's been going on today.  It's the 10th this is the day after.  It's been overwhelming visits the store and all over the place asking me what they should do.  I don't know but I did tell you to load your mags, make sure your gun's clean, and pack a backpack.  If you haven't done that then don't call me and ask me what to do next because you haven't even done the first thing I asked you to do.

And people are saying stuff like it needed to be said but you shouldn't have said it.  Well look around, who else is going to say it.  Who else is gonna say it.  All you ******* fair weather second amendment people that are telling me that I'm doing an *******disservice to the gun community by saying that I'm not going to stand for the tyranny, **** ***.  Our country wasn't founded by ******* fairweather *******.  Either you're in or your out and if you're out don't call your self a ******* second amendment advocate.  It ******* pisses me off.  If you're not prepared to go all the way then you're not prepared to go anywhere.

Now.  I don't condone anybody doing anything rash.  I don't condone anybody committing any kind of felonies up to and including aggravated assaults or murders...UNLESS IT’S NECESSARY.  Right now it is not necessary.  And I understand that my video was very volatile.  You have no idea how many people that send me emails and text and calling me and were like right on.  My ****’* clean, my bag's packed.  You tell me when and where.  You have no idea how quickly I accidentally assembled an army.  I assure you a quite formidable army.

But now's not the time.  It's not time yet.  It is time to get ready.  Start working out.  Start stretching.  Start practicing. Start talking with your friends; coordinating on a local basis.  I don't really know what to say to do next.  I have a wait and see attitude about the whole thing.  But I stand fast with my message.  I have drawn my line in the sand.  Not one more inch.”




I figure if the idiots keep talking - ANY sane person

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will hopefully swim to the surface before they drown with them.


Down the road to N. Korea we go. - Didn't see it coming? Wake up.

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Totalitarian state.

To be clear, are you saying you endorse - this guy's behavior?

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You think it's OK to "start shooting people" if things don't go your way? You do realize the State of Tennessee, not exactly a bastion of communists/socialists/liberals, decided this jerk was too unstable to be trusted with a gun, don't you?

Folks like this are the best and most effective ammo gun control advocates have when arguing for universally enhanced background checks for every phase of gun ownership, from license to weapon acquisitions to return ammo purchases.

Threatening an entire civilization - Fanatical Hypocrite

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has consequences. Who would have guessed. I rarely side with Homeland Security, but Yeager is a madman. A guy like that shouldn't be out on the street with a gun in the same way my best friend's mother shouldn't have a car anymore (she's run over four pedestrians now.)

It's a shame that there are so many cowards like Yeager out there. People so consumed with fear that they can't find any rest or shelter from their own paranoia. Patriots like Yeager go on and on about how much they hate suicide bombers and the 9/11 hijackers and school gunmen and don't see that they are those people. The target's different, but the methodology, the psychology, the justification and underlying philosophy are the same. "Someone has hurt me and I think they will keep hurting me, so I'm going to make someone pay." It's one of the most primordial emotions and easiest to understand. A combination of our base instincts of fear, anger (fear turned outward) and justice (the external human conscience) blended together. None of these emotions are bad in and of themselves, but when they consume a person like they have this poor man, the results are typically terrible for the initial victim and everyone around them.

I often wonder how much our ultra-reactionary, fear-based, us against "them", doomsday national mentality influences the rate of mass shootings. If a parent tells their kids that violence is wrong and they should follow the rules, then mommy and daddy go back to the panic room to count their ammo, complain about every authority figure in the world and wait for one apocalypse or another, what message does that really send?

I'm reminded very much of the movie "The Assassination of Richard Nixon." An interesting movie based on a real would-be assassin of Nixon. It shows the assassin as a person I think most people can relate to. He's down on his luck, the administration/economy isn't making it any easier for him and Nixon is well-known as a sweaty, filthy liar, so he focuses all his hate on him (how best to avoid introspection?). The real man, Samuel Byck, tried to hijack an airline to crash into the White House while Nixon was inside, but all he did was shoot a police officer, the pilot and co-pilot, and then was shot himself. They didn't even leave the terminal. These gunslinger fantasies of martyrdom always end in real life tragedies and never accomplish their original, often convoluted goal.

"I got God on my side
I'm just trying to survive
What if what you do to survive kills the things you love
Fears a powerful thing
It can turn your heart black you can trust
It'll take your God filled soul
Fill it with devils and dust." -Bruce Springsteen, Devils & Dust

Now that's stretching it a bit - sm

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First, I don't agree with the guy. I think he's a loon big time, but he's not threatening an "entire civilization". Sounds like just the ones who want to take his guns away.

BTW, I was just curious about your viewpoint on this. Do you think its necessary (not sure necessary is the right word, maybe just more of a what do you think), about the millions of rounds of hollow point ammunition they are stockpiling at the same time they are starting the process of taking peoples guns away. Again, just curious as to what you think about that. Looking for an honest answer.

No one, I repeat, NO ONE, wants to take - people's guns away. SM

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Stop listening to the NRA or whoever else is feeding you this nonsense. To be clear, the NRA is a front group for gun manufacturers, who only care about profit from selling as many guns as possible. A ban on assault weapons is a step in the right direction, although probably won't happen. However, universal background checks on gun sales, closing down gun shows, and restricting clips is very doable. Reasonable thinking people agree with this. Do you object to this? Don't play the "slippery Slope" card, it is not applicable here.
That's right. Only more than half of them. - LeonaG
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Bills are being introduced to not only ban "assault weapons," whatever they are, but all semi-automatic handguns and rifles. This would effectively ban over half the guns in the U.S. - many of the rifles, and most of the handguns.
Yes, Leona, there are certain types we want to take guns away - from. And we are going to, we being most people. n
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You don't take away from types of people by - banning types of guns. n/m
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Sure we do. But we're mostly banning types of guns, as well - as types of people, because it's necessary. n
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Replying to your question - Fanatical Hypocrite

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Well, first I'd like to say that I stand by what I said about him threatening civilization. Have you ever been in a country where a group of radical militants murdered the elected government (regardless of any pre-existing problems with said government), started a bloody civil war between the populace itself, and dismantled all the laws and institutions necessary to keep the peace? I haven't, but from what I've seen and read, it's no picnic. If he fails, he would be a gunman for a new mass shooting. If he succeeds, he plunges our union into civil war once again and tens or even hundreds of millions will die in the streets for it. Everything civilized about us would perish. Thus, he threatened all of civilization. Not that he would succeed of course. Way more likely to show up at the capital alone and be another sad statistic for suicide by cop. Still, he made the threat to us all nonetheless.

As for your question about the stockpiling of bullets by DHS and the subsequent gun round up, I've always had a soft spot in my heart for a good conspiracy. Big X-files fan:) Examining this one, I find it's logic flawed. The DHS has been mandated to keep a certain amount of bullets on hand within a certain time frame. They decided to order most at once rather than waiting and then stockpile them.

Many people bring up the fact that they are hollow point bullets. I will give kudos to the ultra right wing websites I visited who actually mentioned the Geneva Convention. While it warms my heart that they care so deeply about the Geneva Convention, the truth is that many, many law enforcement officers and agencies employ hollow point bullets. The benefit of this is that the bullets don't pass through the perp and into innocent bystanders behind him.

How do I know the government isn't planning to kill every American citizen in order to... to... do something? I don't, but at some point we all have to actually live our lives and in so doing we risk death, dismemberment and general unpleasantness. I have a question for you: Did you honestly believe the government didn't have enough bullets in a normal year to kill everyone if they so chose? If the DHS is looking to conquer America, why would they give bullets to the IRS, SSA, etc.? Why not keep it all in office? Is the Social Security Administration actually trained and sympathetic to a takeover of the country? If there's a war and the whole system breaks down, what keeps those random agents from random agencies from just walking off the job with their new supply of ammo? I've seen interoffice conference calls break down into anarchy, ever seen a pointless war between shadow organizations and random bystanders?

They may also be rightfully concerned about riots, massacres and other breakdown of the peace. All governments throughout time have been concerned about these things, especially in times of economic trouble.

Even the NRA says this conspiracy theory is nuts. The NRA! Whose members no doubt also have enough bullets to kill every American citizen. Come to think of it, why do they need so many bullets...?

Don't worry too much about being outgunned by the American government, you already are. Should we legalize private ownership of nukes, engineered viruses, nerve gas, Apache helicopters, nuclear submarines, Abrams tanks and everything else they might be able to throw at us? You ever try to take down a F16 with an assault rifle? I wouldn't recommend it.

Well, I believe what they say, which is they are preparing to - protect government agencies from

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future attacks on those agencies. Whether by rioting citizens in a period of civil unrest or by domestic or outside terrorists.

As one who believes hard times are very possible, for instance following a devastating disease outbreak that cripples the food, power, water, and information delivery systems we can't live without, I support this. Government's first duty is to keep functioning so it can serve its people.

There's all the difference in the world between planning to protect the basic structure and functioning of our country against those who would destroy it and planning to murder large numbers of law-abiding hardworking, taxpaying patriotic Americans because of (insert paranoid delusion here).

BTW, I lived in Southern California. A blistering hot desert holding 13 million people with less than a week's food in their homes and dependent on water that's brought in from hundreds of miles away. Here in Georgia, every time we have a big power outage in winter masses of people refugee FROM their homes because they have no way to keep warm.

The possibility of mass riots by people too improvident and unimaginative to plan for trouble ahead of time and foolish enough to attack symbols of authority in a fit of mindless anger is very real.

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