Stewart Rips Obama SOTU
Posted: Feb 14, 2013
Jon Stewart took on last night’s State of the Union, and in the midst of a series of hydration gags mocking Marco Rubio‘s sip of water, Stewart was alarmed that President Obama has only just now alerted Americans to the fact that there are thousands of structurally deficient bridges in the country. Stewart also slammed Obama for claiming that he has been transparent in providing Congress details about the controversial drone program.
Stewart first took on Obama laying out the grim realities facing the nation today, remarking “who’s running this shithole, right, people?” He said Obama laid out an America that resembles an “Applebee’s-laden dystopic hellscape.”
But what really set Stewart off was Obama’s declaration that there are “70,000 structurally deficient bridges” in the United States. Stewart demanded to know why he didn’t just open with that and just shout right off the top, “THE BRIDGES ARE DEATH TRAPS!” On Obama’s three questions that every American should ask themselves in the morning, Stewart came up with questions of hiw own: “Which of the 70,000 bridges of death are near my house?”, “Are the tunnels okay?”, and “How did he meet their mother?”
During one of the hydration gags, Stewart applied some chapstick that he quipped made him look like an “aging French whore.” He also found the 102-year-old woman Obama introduced to be “the most adorable woman” ever; so adorable, in fact, that she should be a Monopoly token.
But one thing Stewart couldn’t let go was Obama’s claim that he has been open with Congress about the controversial drone strike program. Stewart called him out, saying that last week members of Congress were requesting quite a bit of information that the administration has yet to provide.;
So someone is actually surprised that Jon Stewart, same as with Rachel Maddow, - is not an ''Obamabot''?
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"seeing the light," are you also RoadtoSurfdom from the comments section at Mediaite? Hee, "you people" crack me up when this kind of thing happens and you are so surprised by it.
Little hint: Libs are _not_ like the followers of Faux News. We actually can and do criticize those on "our" side as well. Oh, and thanks for the recap of a show I already watch. :/
I love Jon Stewart! - *almost* makes me want cable
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He can mock Obama any day--I still have enough love in my heart for both of them!
You can watch him online. And Colbert too. - sm
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These don't stream all that well for me, so I use other online sources, but these are totally legit and may work well for you.
LOL at the dislike. Why??? I just can fathom "you people's" minds sometimes. - nm
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LOL - "you people"
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I remember back when it used to be "we, the people," before it was changed to "you people." ;)
I just disliked it too... just tryin' to be like the cool kids. - VP
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I was involved in a thread a few days ago where someone disliked a poster's post that simply gave the correct spelling of the Spanish word "vamonos" since that's what we were discussing. It was probably disliked simply because she was not only responding to a dirty lib without negativity, but had the NERVE to be helpful lol.
Anyhow, I disliked your positive helpful post in a desperate attempt to fit in.
In contrast, - I sometimes "like"
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posts that are so bad, they're good.
They usually involve someone losing their senses and going on some kind of rant.
I call it a "pity like."
lol... I just disliked my own post... just to confuse myself - VP
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I prefer to dislike the rants in the hopes of fueling more rants because, yes, they ARE so bad they're good.
Anyhow, back to work for me. Please hit dislike after reading this.
Stewart and Colbert are the best - Fanatical Hypocrite
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While I read a lot of different sources online (try to get a nice mix of news and red/blue propaganda so I know what's going on and also what everyone thinks is going on), they have become the last televised news shows I watch. Sadly, America's fake news has become far more trustworthy than its real news.
I love that they've never been afraid to take on Democrats when they do something really stupid. When Obama messes up, they are all over him.
Plus, when the 9/11 first responder support bill was being held up in Congress for no decent reason, he kept bringing it up again and again for months so that people wouldn't forget that while the real news had moved on it was still happening. People who risked their lives and became American heroes were being left to die because our politicians stopped caring about human beings decades ago.
Satire is such an important part of the political process. I think when we watch the news it just sort of washes over us. We mumble along with the talking heads and just kind of accept the information at face value. By taking that step back and seeing how ridiculous something is, we have to actually think about it. It's when we take everything too seriously that information turns into belief.
"Everything is changing. People are taking their comedians seriously and the politicians as a - joke."
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courtesy of...

Dense - Fairminded
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Really starting to wonder if some obamahaterposters are actually dense... because this post seems to believe that supporters of Obama *don't see* or *don't know* how flawed some of his policies actually are.
Does it occur to you folks, for even a New York second, that people like Stewart, and for example *myself* are fully aware of contradictions, flaws, and flat out dead wrong policies of this administration? Seriously, does it ever occur to you?
It is an ASSUMPTION to believe that merely supporting Obama, or, NOT hating every single thing about him equates to 100% support and blind followship.
So give it a rest. Because had Romney or any other pseudo-human GOPper won the presidency this time around you would see Stewart et al going for the jugular versus merely taking on the Obama administration for what it deserves to be called on.
(so now you don't like stewart?) - sm
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No where in her message did she say whether she liked him or not or whether she used to like him or not.
Your messages adds nothing to the conversation. You didn't comment on the content of the post, only posted to ridicule the poster.
Whether or not anyone likes Stewart doesn't matter. Liberals are starting to see the light. Even Bill Maher said "Democrats viewpoint on Obama seems to be God what he does would be awful if he was a Republican"
The fact of the matter is the dictator's SOTU speech was filled with lies. Even at that he is a very poor liar. Glad to see some have the backbone to come out and say it like it is.
I think dems are just more willing - to criticize their own party.
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It has nothing to do with "seeing the light," but more just being realistic.
That really would be a switch - they usually just circle the wagons
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no matter what. Must be up for reelection.
I continue to like him... - doe
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I was not ridiculing the poster, and I did indeed comment on the post's content.
The poster did reveal her opinion. I know you know that, since you echo it quite colorfully in your final paragraph.
INFORM us about our 40-year-old crumbling infrastructure crisis?! - In the 1980s an engineer friend told
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us what bridges in our area to avoid after even small earthquakes.
Now, the MSM is lax, for sure, but newspapers like the L.A. and New York times, magazines like Time and Newsweek, and all the TV networks pointed this out every single time there was a failure big enough to kill or inconvenience enough people to be noticed. Like at least a few times every year?
"What we need is smaller government and lower taxes." Maybe you remember that mantra, instead then. Is where we are now the reason pubs don't talk about themselves as the party of responsibility any more?
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