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The "Moment of Zen" was a riot, too, with that major loony, Victoria Jackson ... - NON-Anon
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proof positive that only the looniest of loons watch Glenn Beck! Birds of a feather and all that
Blah Blah. Call everyone a loon if you like. It still does - not make Obama competent.nm
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Do not say much for you, either. - Too bad for you, no sense
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of humor.
And it's programs like this, blogs, et al that continue to - Backwards Typist
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divide the country. I've been reading and researching for the past couple months. When you have radical blogs calling conservatives "lemmings", and other words that brand a group of people up to the point of violence, it's just NOT PATRIOTIC.
Please everyone, start reading the real news and forget the bloggers that push HATE against one party or the other. It divides our country more than you realize.
Excuse me - Jon Stewart is not a "radical blog" - sm
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He is considered one of the most respected liberal commentators. Why don't you get this righteously indignant about Beck, Palin, Limbaugh, Coulter? They have done more to push the hate and violence agenda and divide this country than anyone else, and they have used much more inciteful language than I have ever heard a liberal political pundit make!
Don't watch them very often. - Backwards Typist
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Don't read Ann Coulter. Tried, but after the first paragraph in her columns, I'm usually done. Can't hear Limbaugh because I don't own a radio. Don't watch Beck or listen to him for the above reason (radio), only on a Friday night when he has an audience, if then. Don't watch Palin except what I see on the news about her. Didn't know she had a 'program'.
How about the NBC, MSNBC, Maddow, Olberman, The Ed Show, Malloy, Sean Penn, among others. You probably watch/listen/read them every day, am I right? Correct me if I'm wrong. I'd love to hear who and what you watch/read/listen if not them.
I was specifically referring to conservatives who "stir the pot" - sm
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I don't really pay attention to bloggers -- the information is usually erroneous and/or distorted from the truth. As I said, Jon Stewart is not a blogger, and even though he is on the Comedy Channel, he has garnered great respect as a political commentator. I have heard him call out liberals as well as conservatives. I also watch Dylan Ratigan, Joe Scarborough (republican), The Ed Show, BBC to get a non-American perspective, and I read Politico, Huff Post (much hated on here), The Daily Beast, Talking Points Memo. I also force myself to watch Glenn Beck so I can confirm to myself how dangerous and disturbed he is. I can't take him for too long, and for the life of me, cannot understand how he "hypnotizes" the masses as he does. I liken him to the anti-Christ, especially given that he has encouraged people to leave their churches if they practice "social justice". As for Sarah Palin, she is supposed to be a representative of her party, as well as the various pub congress members, and I find the way they encourage, condone and even instigate a lot of the hatred and violence to be most reprehensible. I'm not saying the liberals are completely free of blame, here, but I have a friend in Scotland and he is shocked at how disrespectful these people are to the President of this country. He feels it makes us more of a target for terrorism, as it shows a sign of weakness in the very fabric of our democracy, and I have to agree with him.
Now, I'm sure I will get slammed for this post, but you asked nicely, and I wanted to oblige. I am a liberal, and I want to see this nation rise above all this garbage and come together, for I fear if we don't, "socialism" will be the least of our worries.
You admit you watch the same kind of opinion shows on MSNBC... - Anon
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that are shown on Fox News, yet only our shows are inciting violence? Get real. Olberman, Madcow, and Matthews are hyperpartisan, cynical, and sarcastic when discussing conservatives, which is more than 1/3 of the country.
Not to mention that they are contributing to the talking points memo of racism among the Tea Party members, even though there is absolutely no evidence that any incident of the sort even occurred. Isn't that called lying?
And as for your Scottish friend, doesn't he remember all the "Bush is a Nazi" signs or pictures of him with a bullet hole in his head? Funny how he comments NOW when there's a liberal in the WH.
So how do we "come together" when you admit you watch the same sorts of shows on the left as we do on the right? Who do you think is going to "give" here?
Can you site to me and provide links to the occasions - sm
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that MSNBC or HuffPost has out and out lied, or called politicians "fascists" or "communists" or "capitalist pigs", or shown misleading footage to an event, or encouraged people to "take up arms" or "start a revolution", or use any kind of violent rhetoric to spread hate, and speculate about how Republicans are "ruining this country", or threatening "death panels" or "concentration camps". Please make sure it refers to the present administration and not to past ones. Can you?
Which shows on the right do what you inferred? - Anon
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And comparable to the partisan sites you stated that you watch as follows:
Dylan Ratigan, Joe Scarborough (FYI, not a Republican), The Ed Show, BBC, Politico, Huff Post, The Daily Beast, and Talking Points Memo.
You're joking, right? - sm
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How about Glenn Beck, Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, Bill O'Reilly, Ann Coulter whenever she gets the chance, Sarah Palin with her "death panels", darn near all of the Republican leaders. In regard to your remark about things said about Bush, it was not every day, all day, and I don't remember any occasion where he was talked about hatefully by any of the Democrat leaders. I don't remember any liberal programs that built their whole concept around bashing, denigrating, fostering myths about Bush, like Beck and Limbaugh do. That's the way they make their fortunes -- appealing to the fears of the ignorant. Personally, I think you have a lot of nerve to even try to compare the two.
Nice post. Thanks. - ASmom
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Couldn't have said it better myself.
FYI, BT. Jon Stewart is every bit as likely to - bash a lib as a con.
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He, in his words, "looks for the absurdity" in our system and our politicians and he doesn't care at all whether they have a D or an R after their name. He is pretty funny while doing it so you have to have to be able to laugh at your own party as well as the other guys. If he is one you don't watch, you might want to try it.
That would be nice, but on this board, all I've seen are bashing the 'R' - Backwards Typist
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I'm not up when he's on, so I can't comment on the equality, but it gets so frustrating when all the clip references posted on this board point to bashing the pubs.
BT, we (liberals) don't post those, just as the cons - sm
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would never post a cons negative comment on one of their own. My experience has been that they always cover and make excuses for their own, even when they are are blatently wrong. Jon Stewart calls 'em as he sees 'em. His show is repeated during the day several times; you really should try to check it out sometime. Or go to dailyshow.com. I think you would appreciate his humor and intelligence.
Respectfully, BT I don't think you have watched - all of them because I
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have posted a number of them. Just so you can get an idea.
ROFL! Stewart does it again, as usual. (sm) - Nikki
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His "two-state" solution might work, though. 
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