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Sharron Angle on second amendment remedies.

Posted: Jan 8, 2011

During the 2010 midterm elections, Republican senate nominee Sharron Angle of Nevada said that "if this Congress keeps going the way it is, people are really looking toward those Second Amendment remedies."

Lest her reference be too subtle for dummies, she immediately added, "I'll tell you the first thing we need to do is take Harry Reid out."

In March 2009, Rep. Michele Bachmann (R-Minn) said she wanted the residents of her state "armed and dangerous" over President Obama's plan to reduce global warming through cap and trade legislation.

And who can forget Sarah Palin's U.S. map of targeted Democratic congressional districts that used rifle crosshairs.

Which brings us to Tucson, Arizona, January 8, 2011.  One of Sister Sarah's crosshairs hovered over the congressional district of Democratic Rep. Gabrielle Giffords, shot with others (including a federal judge, who died) at point blank range while holding a mid-morning, open-air town hall with constituents in a grocery store parking lot. Giffords barely beat a Tea Party-backed Republican to win reelection last November.

Words and imagery matter. The far Right increasingly makes use of these dangerous examples to get their most rabid supporters foaming at the mouth. Make no mistake: these politicians do it because it works. At the least it can win a nomination, and often enough a general election.

At the end of the day, it doesn't matter that the Arizona shooter is deranged. That goes without saying. Still, elected officials and candidates who engage in such provocative fan-flaming are planting seeds that encourage gun violence, and anyone with half a brain knows it.

It's time for the Sharron Angle's of this world, and her fellow travelers, to "man up."


Shame on you! - GOPmt

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I cannot believe you are trying to put a political angle on this tragedy. Shame on you. Have you no patriotism whatsoever??

Shame on you, GOPmt! - sm

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Get your head out of the sand. How can you say there is no political angle to the attempted murder of a congresswoman? Save your outrage for your despicable cohorts whose rhetoric helped incite this tragedy.

No, SHAME ON YOU!!! Please stop this garbage. - Frank

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You do NOT know yet. So far, it just looks like a rambling deranged soul did this. What you are spewing is sickening. You are only trying to start trouble. Bet you did the same thing in high school. Time to grow up!
Why doesn't the Tea Party stop this garbage? - sm
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The rhetoric the Tea Party is spewing is what is truly sickening. I am not trying to start trouble, I am only speaking the truth. You are the one making high school references. Apparently, you are the one who needs to grow up!
What I mostly see here is the usual left-wing hatred - and speculation they spew.
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You really enjoy dividing our country, dont you?
Your accusations are not worthy of a reply. - No Message
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Wow, how typically hypocritical of you!! Can you - not see it? Probably not.nm
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Huh? - nm
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Truth hurts, doesn't it? You use hate speech.... - yourself and do not even
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have the capacity to understand what you are doing.

Or perhaps you do, and if that is the case, makes you and your agenda more odious.
You need to quit accusing people of using hate speech - especially the ones that don't reply at all.nm
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If you are really concerned about hate speech... - you should join me in trying
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to STOP it.

You can't say that there was a political angle. - Zville MT

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Why does there have to be one? There wasn't when President Reagan was shot - he was trying to impress a woman.

This whole thing makes me so sad - to see how far our country is being torn apart, from the inside. Why can't we all stop the blaming and work together? What kind of a world are we leaving our children? It really scares me to see how ugly everything has become.

My thoughs and prayers are with everyone involved in this terrible tragedy. I hope everyone injured makes a quick recovery and that those who were killed may rest in peace.
It wasn't a 7-Eleven clerk that was shot. - sm
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The person targeted was a United States Congresswoman. It is naive and ignorant to say that there was no political angle. Our country is being torn apart by the Tea Party and their rabid hate for President Obama. They are the ones responsible for the ugliness.

Remember, it was the Republicans who refused to work with the Democrats and filibustered and blocked everything they could in an effort to bring the country to a standstill.

My thoughts and prayers are with everyone involved in this terrible tragedy, too. However, that does not change the fact that it was a politically motivated event!
Spew all you want, the point is you DONT KNOW. - But you LOVE to start trouble.nm
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If starting trouble means not agreeing with you... - guilty as charged!
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No one is forcing you to read my messages.
This was a mentally deranged motivated event. - He was called left
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and quite liberal by his classmates. It is not just on tweets now, they have been interviewed. We KNOW this about him and very little else. So as far as evidence goes, it appears he is very far from a tea partier. This is irresponsible, ignorant hate speech as bad as the person you accuse (Sarah Palin).

COngresswoman Giffords was a moderate blue dog Democrat....need I remind you how the left of your party attacked the blue dogs as "selling out" and voting with the Republicans on the tax cuts bill....called them sellouts, called them wimps, even called President Obama a wimp and a wussy.

You have far left wingnuts in your party too, and it is not out of the realm of possibility that THAT is why he targeted her.

However, you do not see me making post after post after post accusing the left of turning on themselves and shooting those they are displeased with. That is as much a possibility, more even at this point, than tea party connections based on EVIDENCE.

SHAME on you for using this shooting, the death of a 9-year-old girl, to further ANY political agenda.

Why do you even want to engage in this kind of hate speech when you do not know in fact? Why have you not studied what we know about this shooter? Why are you not blaming the person, or even discussing the person, who did the actual shooting? If he was out to get her, why shoot the other 17 people?

Please, stop this baseless hate speech. You are no better than those you accuse...in many ways worse.

I agree with everything you have said OP. - However, until we S/M

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have more information on why this happened, we have to be careful pointing fingers. I do believe that these politicians, however, know exactly what they are doing when they use this rheteric and imagery. We are becoming an increasingly "dumbed down" country. Do you remember that older woman at one of John McCain's rallies who claimed that Obama was Muslim? He corrected her I believe because he had to at that particular time, but where do you suppose she got that idea?

Great post. You took the words out of my - mouth.nm

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I don't understand why the Republicans/TP did not put a stop to their hate rhetoric - Condoning and encouraging

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Even when something like this happens, people on this board and through the country do not seem to understand that rhetoric such as "aiming, reload, second amendment remedies, calling people Nazi's/Marxists" inflames the nutcases to violence. When are you going to get it?

When you are going to stop accusing and start - being part of the solution

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and not part of the problem? This man was mentally deranged. What sets them off comes from INSIDE them and this kind of trying to gain political points from a tragedy is tasteless. And I would be saying the same thing if it had been a Republican being shot people here accusing the entire Democratic party. You have escalated it now from tea party to the entire Republican party. That is irresponsible and hate speech (targeting an entire group of people over the acts of one)...you now fit that profile. Do I think you are going to go out and start shooting Republicans? No, because one hopes you are not deranged.

The more that comes out about this man proves that, and again the system failed. Pima County College called the police out on him 5 different times, finally sending a letter to his house in the hands of the police telling him he could not come back to classes until it was proven he would not be a danger to himself or others.

Some of his favorite books were communist manifesto, animal farm....those are not right wing publications. So perhaps it was THOSE who inflamed him...does that mean the left is responsible for what he did?

THINK about what you are doing. You are verbally placing a target on the heads of the entire republican party and the entire tea party based on what one deranged person did. That is the personification of hate speech.

Can we please stop it and put the blame on the man who pulled the trigger? Ultimately that is a personal choice, right? No one but he pulled the trigger. I did not see any targets on the faces of the nine-year-old girl and the other 18 people he randomly shot and the 6 he killed.

THINK. Please stop spreading this irresponsible rhetoric. It does not help.

Oh c''mon, people read a variety of books, not necessarily because the agree, but to learn - nm

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THE POINT WAS.....that would "seem" - to indicate that the shooter
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was more motivated by the left than the right. That is more "proof" that he was, in addition to his classmates describing him as "left and quite liberal." The POINT IS...he did not shoot those people because he was liberal or conservative...he shot all those people because it is NUTS, and all this irresponsible hate speech trying to focus people's emotions on a certain person or certain party that is being done on this board is hate speech and targeting at its WORST and does not reflect well on those who are engaging in it, nor the party or ideology they represent. PERIOD.

As long as the Republicans/Tea Partiers continue to spew their - hatred, they will be defended here.nm

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And as long as people like you try to make this - a Repub vs Dem thing

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and not a mentally deranged individual thing, and promote hate speech instead of fighting against it, this country will remain divided. You are engaging in hate speech and using a tragedy to put forth your political agenda with absolutely NO proof that anything like what you describe motivated this shooter.

SHAME on you for using this tragedy in that manner. All it does is prove that the character of some on the left is NO BETTER than the character of those they accuse.

That's right. This guy was only obeying what the - Tea Partiers told him to do. nm

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Hate speech. Stop it. There is no proof of that. - You are no better than...

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those you criticize. You bring shame on your entire party with this classless, tasteless tripe. Just when I start thinking maybe there is some human kindness left in people, stuff like this comes out, for purely political purposes, using a tragedy including the death of a 9-year-old to further a political agenda. I won't say shame on you...you obviously have NONE.

That guy had an excuse...he was crazy as a loon. What, pray tell, is your excuse?

Stop your own hate speech. - nm

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Typical response. What in anything I have... - posted is hate speech?
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where have I accused a single person or worse yet an entire group of people as being responsible for what this nutjob did? Nowhere. I have said and I will continue to say, NO ONE is responsible for what was done here but the individual who pulled the trigger.

No you honestly in your heart of hearts think Sarah Palin or the tea party,based on what we know about the shooter, had anything at all to do with this shooting? Do you feel that all these rantings against an entire group of people is justified with absolutely no proof of any connection at all with either of them and the shooter?

COME ON. Seriously??
Since you asked... - no1joe
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"what in anything I have posted is hate speech?" the only thing I've heard so far that could come close to hate speech is the term "nutjob" and the like being thrown around. That would be a slur against people with a disability, in this case a mental one, equivalent to a variety of descriptives anyone could think of to denote someone of a certain race, religion, physical disability, etc., etc. Something to think about before we all start being PC thugs and throwing around the hate speech thing.

Sharron Angle is from Nevada, Not Utah - but no less a Looney Tooney

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Fox gave her a national voice - nm

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What about the first ammendment do you not... - understand?

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MSNBC lets their "commentators" put hate speech out there on a regular basis. Oh wait...you think that's FUNNY.

No, I don't watch any hate commentators - You don't yell "fire" in a theater.
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I am informed, though, and I recognize inflammatory hateful speech when I hear it. Aim, reload, armed and dangerous, 2nd amendments remedies and cross hairs, name calling such as nazi, and ugly signs are all upping the level to violence. It doesn't take half a brain to see this, but apparently when these people want publicity, it doesn't matter.
Okay...Bill Ayers (Obama's friend)..and - Weather Underground.
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Read the literature. Proposed the violent overthrow of the government. Bombed police stations. He was and is uber left and a Democrat. Does that mean I think Obama is guilty by association. And get this...Bill Ayers perfectly sane and made a conscious decision to do what he did. Does that mean I am going to condemn everyone on the left and all Democrats and say they all condone the violent overthrow of the government? No. Because I still have a sense of fairness and I KNOW better.

What were some of those other left slogans from the past? "Kill the pigs..." hmmm. Now THAT's inflammatory.

Some of the left wear pics of Che Guevara on their T-shirts. Big time murderer. Proponet of violent overthrow of the government.

Obama used Marxist teachings in his community organizing.

Does that make me come on here and say all Democrats are socialists and Marxists? No. Because I KNOW better.

And you should KNOW better than to do what you are doing to.
Fanning the fire and pretending you aren't. - nm
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Here comes the nonexistant linkages and lies again. So predictable. You need a new theme.
Sigh - LOL
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Sigh ;) LOL!

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