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Romney picking up in swing states
Posted: Aug 23, 2012

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Trump has promised to repeal and replace Obamacare, but Hillary Clinton has vowed to make the Obamacare exchanges work. Some say the way she would do that is through raising taxes.
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The GOP's campaign for strict voter ID laws is affecting another voting bloc.
—By Dana Liebelson
| Tue Oct. 29, 2013 3:00 AM PDT
Kheel Center/Flickr
Women have been allowed to vote in the United States since 1920, after the passage of the 19th Amendment. But fast-forward to 2013, and plenty of states' laws have a provision that makes it harder for women who are married or divorced to cast a ballot.
When Americans all over the country ...
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I'm glad....that was a stupid law that did more harm than good IMO. ...
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Republican/Lean 40.4%Democrat/Lean 43.7%Conservative 39.8%Moderate 36.2%Liberal 20.3%Obama approval 46.8%Obama disapproval 45.7%
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"TPP Not Only Trade, 83% Is Fascists Controlling Our Daily Lives - Once We're In, We're Stuck Forever" Julian Assange
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Sen. Pat Toomey, R-Pa., who crafted a proposal with Sen. Joe Manchin, D-W.Va., to extend background checks to firearms purchased at gun shows and online, said the measure failed to win the 60 votes it needed to win passage due to Republican ...
We Should Let The Red States Secede From Obamacare!Oct 08, 2013I like the article (link below) and think it has merit. Let the residents who so dislike the Affordable Care Act continue with the current system of full insurance company control and denial and exclusions and ridiulously unaffordable premiums and strain on emergency rooms, etc. They can have it! Talk about death panels! Try getting coverage for pre-existing illnesses, especially if you've been laid off or have switched companies!
My state would really like the single-payer option ...
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Recording in link. His guest implies there may be reason to distrust the government because man in Dallas died. Nevermind that he didn't receive proper healthcare when he reported to the hospital, hydration, blood transfusion, and received drugs just too late.
Hannity is promoting fear-mongering and further destabilization and distrust of government. How much more dest ...
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50 States, 50 Sites To Explore!Mar 27, 2015Gosh, if only we made enough as MTs to actually take a vacation. I think I'd pick New Mexico or Arizona. Nebraska even looks interesting! ...
10 Most Prosperous States Voted For....Dec 18, 2016https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VvpmmFeMQrI
People are leaving the Hillary-supporting states in droves.
When I say the blue states are in a depression, I don’t mean the collective funk they are in because they lost the election to Donald Trump.
I’m talking about an economic depression in the blue states that went for Hillary. Here is an amazing statistic. Of the 10 blue states that Hillary Clinton won by the largest percentage margins — California, Massachusetts, Vermont, Hawaii, ...
Ten States Where Green Jobs Thrive....smApr 01, 2012Starting at #10 down to #1. Wow! Vermont is #1! ...
A Tale Of Two States: California And Texas..Jul 12, 2012will show how ACA works. See link. ...
47 States Recede. Have The Blues Move To The Nov 14, 2012Just kidding!
http://www.examiner.com/article/citizens-47-states-sign-petitions-to-secede-from-united-states ...
States Decline To Set Up Exchanges For Insurance,Nov 18, 2012
Georgia, Ohio and Wisconsin joined more than a dozen other states on Friday in saying they would not establish health insuranceexchanges, while a handful of other states said they would take advantage of an extra month allowed by the Obama administration to make decisions.
The exchanges — online markets where consumers can shop for private insurance subsidized by the federal government — are a centerpiece of President Obama’s health care law.
&n ...
Remember When Discussing Law And Justice In Our 50 StatesJul 17, 2013I guess we still have 49 left. ...
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Doug Mills/The New York ...
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