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47 states recede. Have the blues move to the
Posted: Nov 14, 2012
Just kidding! 
I like how people - RC
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are signing the petitions to get OTHER states to secede. LOL
I kinda like how just anyone can petition Washington to - secede. (And not be arrested either.) :) nm
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correct - we are not a communist state - sm
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When the secessionists figure this out, heads will explode nationwide.
Hahahaha. I had to much wine to drink to calm - my nerves. You know I meant secede.
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Hahahaha. At least you guys caught the mistake.
It's now up to all 50 states! - backwards typist
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Of course, it won't go anywhere, but I really liked this paragraph:
William A. Jacobson, associate clinical professor at Cornell Law School, reminded readers of his blog that in 2004, liberals like MSNBC's Lawrence O'Donnell called for blue states to secede from the Union.
"Speaking on 'The McLaughlin Group' the weekend after George W. Bush’s victory, panelist Lawrence O’Donnell, a former Democratic Senate staffer, noted that blue states subsidize the red ones with their tax dollars, and said, 'The big problem the country now has, which is going to produce a serious discussion of secession over the next 20 years, is that the segment of the country that pays for the federal government is now being governed by the people who don’t pay for the federal government,'” Salon reported in 2004.
Then I looked it up. Here's the link:
The logic being if they can't win or steal the election, - proceed with the dissolution of the union so
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there's nothing left of the democratic nation, so-called "patriots" claimed to love so much a little over a week ago, for our duly elected president to govern. This is childish, hate-driven lunacy. Maybe I woke up on the cranky side of the bed this morning, but I fail to see the humor in that.
I don't think I'm the only one who is really tired of and beyond disgusted with these extreme minorities' domination of our political dialogues and legislative agendas. It's been a week now. It's enough time to devote to coddling those who are throwing these childish fits over their self-inflicted "disappointment." IMO, what needs to take place is social and political isolation of these utterly destructive forces (NOT permission to secede) to their rightful place on the fringes where they can learn their lessons the hard way.
Every day we choose to play into these silly games and fixate on vapid scandals, is another one lost focusing on jobs, the economy, the debt, balancing the budget, immigration reform, voters' rights, campaign and election finance reforms, national security and the rest of the whole nine yards we don't find nearly as "amusing."
Not a single thing will happen in the lame duck Congress - backwards typist
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I hope I'm wrong but from what little I could stand from Harry Reid's press conference, he will still block everything that comes from the House. He already is regurgitating his hate speech for the Republican party.
Not so. He's setting the tone as MAJORITY Leader - where every single incumbent democrat
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is returning alongside two newcomers from Massachusetts and Indiana and a third who replaced independent Joe Lieberman. Some minority GOP senators are flying by the seat of their pants, either by virtue of their thin marginal local election victories or simple dumb luck that their terms did not come up for re-election in 2012. Reid is also putting disgraced, filibustering obstructionists on notice by making it clear who's job it is to blast themselves out of their protracted recalcitrance and shift themselves from off-the-chart extreme right back toward the center.
By contrast, SOH Boehner, whose office is on the line every two years, and who also represents the House majority, was notably much more conciliatory than Reid (at least superficially), when setting the tone for that side of the Hill. Vocal GOP leaders, such as Bobby Stop-Being-The-Stupid-Party Jindal and Bill It-Won't-Kill-The-Country-To-Raise-Taxes Kristol, are obviously taking their cues from Speaker Boehner. Looks like they've been reading the same tea leaves as the tan man.
The logic being if they can't..... - fedupMT
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In response to your post I sooooo agree with you!!! What happpened to "one nation under God"? We are doing our country more harm with these childish temper tantrums than if we all pull together as a "nation" and work for the good of all. To all the cryers and whiners who didn't get the one they voted for I say it's time to get OVER it. Look at good ole' George Bush (son, not father) how he had a FIT and fought for a recount in Florida?? How disgraceful is that?? If we become a nation divided then the old saying "united we stand, divided we fall" will surely come to fruition!!
Clarification is in order. - see message
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CITIZENS of 47 states have signed petitions to SECEDE. Forty-seven states have not officially petitioned to SECEDE. Some fringe right-wing malcontents stamping their feet and throwing a fit because the election didn't go their way is not a movement that will gain any momentum. Hopefully they will RECEDE into obsolescence, where they belong.
just intolerant of the posted disinformation - ...
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I'm not the poster you are responding to, but should we blithely tolerate disinformation? Or is it tolerable when it suits your party?
It's not foot stamping and throwing a fit ... - sm
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What it is, is people see the last four years' writing on the wall and don't want four more years of it. And it's not "fringe." Government is TOO BIG for it's own good anymore. Why shouldn't Texas secede? It's balanced it's budget for 15 years! Why let the rest of the country bring them down because those states can't get it together, especially California! I'm all for it. I would move to Texas tomorrow if they succeed in seceding. I an also a realist and know that it won't happen, but hey people are standing up for OUR country - it's not the government's country - it's We The People's! ALL OF US. I am totally pro revolution and overthrow our government - all of it! Especially ousting Reid, Pelosi and the guy who just got re-elected. I live in Nevada. I was behind Mr. Reid in a 7-11 buying coffee and he couldn't even count money correctly! He could not understand the concept of addition and subtraction. He asked the clerk to help him - and he is making decisions for us? I THINK NOT!!!
Off topic but did you notice...sm - VTMT
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that in order to comment on the topics on this website you have to sign in to Facebook? Odd.
You mean like receding gums..... - fedupMT
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Just a note to "nm"....you often post very nasty remarks on here and seem to love goading people into a debate with you. Who died and made you God? Are you such a smart person that you never, ever make a mistake?? You need to take a look in the mirror and check yourself because I can only imagine what you LOOK like on the inside.....
Secession - Clueless coder
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It wasn't 47 states, it was 7, it's in the news this morning (Thursday)
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