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Republicans trying to deepen deficit

Posted: Jan 6, 2011

Health-Law Repeal Would Deepen Deficit, CBO Estimates

January 06, 2011, 10:33 AM EST

By Anna Edney

Jan. 6 (Bloomberg) -- Repealing the health-care overhaul law would deepen federal budget deficit by $145 billion from 2012 to 2019, the Congressional Budget Office estimates.

Individual insurance premiums would be “somewhat lower” than under current law, while coverage obtained through large employers would be “slightly” higher under an overhaul repeal, the CBO, the accounting arm of Congress, said in a preliminary analysis released today.

The overhaul President Barack Obama signed into law last March is projected to cost $938 billion during 10 years while resulting in a reduction in the annual budget deficit by slowing the growth in spending on health care, according to CBO. A repeal would deepen the deficit to $230 billion through 2021, according to the analysis released today.

Republican efforts to change the law passed under Democratic control of the chamber are originating in the U.S. House, where a vote to repeal the entire measure is scheduled for Jan. 12.


deficit - GOPmt

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Now this post should be under "The Comedy Stop". Truly funny. It appears you have swallowed the professional lingo hook, line, and sinker!

You think deepening deficit by $230 billion - is funny? nm

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Did YOU think deepening by trillions was funny??? - $230 billion is chump change

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compared to what Obama has done so far. The $230 billion is also "projected" but the trillions added by this administration are a fact.

It is amazing to me how Dems defended the trillions added to the deficit and now want to whine about "projected" 230 billion.

Credibility = out the window. LOL.

Diference from saving from the great depression--the sequel - and investing in future
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Rightttttt.......didn't buy your swamp then... - and not interested in it now.
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the first stimulus would have taken care of the "great depression." The second one that was supposed to add all those jobs (didn't) and cash for clunkers...don't think either of those were necessary and they obviously didn't do JACK for the economy.

Nobody is buying this anymore. Again...why whine about a projection when Dems piled on trillions in useless debt?

Credibility = SHOT.
Do you think the 230 billion for repeal of HCR is - all there will be?
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It appears so since you made the comparison to trillions.

Credibility = shot = zero.
So far at least this congress is talking about cutting.... - not spending.
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that puts them light years ahead of the Dems, who talked about nothing BUT spending and spending LOADS during the 2 years of the Obama admin.

The Dems have no credibility where the deficit is concerned. Remember the midterm shellacking? That demonstrated their negative credibility very clearly.

Guess you missed that....?? Credibility-shot-in the negatives.
I could say so so many things here, but let's - just
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go with...."don't count your chickens before they hatch." Republicans are really good at talking the talk. It's the walking they have a problem with.

We'll see.

Credibility = No need to comment on the status of something that has yet to exist.
Does not change the fact that the Dems had 2 years... - so their credibility is shot.
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Yes, the Republicans have to walk the walk. But at least they are talking the talk about cutting spending, and that is more than then Dems EVER did. Perhaps the Dems can cooperate with the cost cutting measures and get some of their credibility back...as you said, we shall see. Unless a leopard truly can change its spots, I don't see them changing. First you have to want to change, and second, you have to have an open mind and understand what the midterms really meant, and if they do the first two comes the hardest...to understand THEY are not in charge...they work for US, the American people. It is not about what THEY want, it is about what the majority wants. The majority spoke in the midterms. What the Dems, and the Republicans do with that will tell tale. At least the Republicans are talking and acting like they understood. The Dems (as a whole) are not, although there are a few who have stood up in the face of their party.

I think the third thing mentioned above is the hardest pill for the Dems (as a whole) to swallow.

The next 2 years will be very interesting.
Folks should get over themselves - - Continuing
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to boast about "the shellacking" and not focusing on today is grossly counter productive.

Get over it and focus on what is happening now.

The Republicans have a long way to go to keep their promises.
You are right....folks should get over themselves. - and admit that they had 2 years
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to fix what was wrong instead of make it worse. They didn't. Now they need to get over it, stop blaming past Presidents, and become part of the solution instead of part of the problem. At least the Republicans are right out of the box trying to keep their promises. Obama broke several right out of the box and has yet (after 2 years) to make good on several more.

People in glass houses should not throw stones (it is grossly counterproductive).
People should really get over themselves and stop needing - "admissions"
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A deep desire to have someone "admit" something over and over and over and incessant reminding of something that is in the past is counter productive and childish to say the least.

It's onward now. It's the pubs turn and just hope the Dems don't pull the pub's tricks.

Careful about that house of cards you live in.

The hot air coming from inside is going to collapse it!

Time to focus on today sista! Everybody knows about "the shellacking" in case you haven't noticed. That's been a while back. lol.
The shellacking HAS been awhile back... - but it obviously has not sunk in.
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I want to remember your own words about focus on today sista the next time the urge to blame Bush raises its ugly head.

My house is just fine because it is not built on a political party.

As to hot air...we have have had two long stretching years of hot air and nothing much else. The "pubs" as you call them could not possibly do worse...they have 13 trillion or so to spend to even catch up with the Dems much less top them for spending.

Admitting one's mistakes and learning from them is adult...and productive. Burrowing into denial of responsibility is childish and the incessant avoidance of said responsibility even more childish...to say the least.

The Dems house of cards already collapsed...aka shellacking. That is not awhile back. That is the reality now and for the next two years. Denial does not change that. Karma is a...well, you know.


Democrats got us into the mess, let the republicans try and fix it - see message

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Once everyone got over the "It's Bush's fault and Obama has to fix it" attitude and we learned that nobody fixed anything and everything is worse, then we were able to move on.

Now that the democrats have totally destroyed the economy people need to give the republicans a chance to get us out of the hole we have been driven in by the democrats.

Plus people need to give them some time. After all they can't fix things "overnight".
LOL! Why don't you say how long it will take? - Long enough for the Dems policies to take effect?
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Dem policies, my Aunt Fanny. LOL! Spend, spend... - and SPEND!
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The Republicans got the tax cuts extended and ALREADY unemployment dropped measurably...had NOTHING AT ALL to do with Dem policies. Geez, people! LOL. It is not rocket science. When businesses found out they were safe from Dems raising taxes for 2 years they immediately started hiring again. They could have done that 2 weeks after Obama took office, but oh no....let's add trillions to the debt instead, what a good idea.

Speaking of credibility or lack thereof..where did you hear that? - How did
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extending tax cuts for the rich and those making over 200,000 affect the unemployment rate?
It's not rocket science....who are the majority of... - employers in this country?
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The "rich" (business owners) and those making over 200,000 (business owners). If they know they are not going to get hit with high taxes again, they start to hire again.

Do you think the majority of employers and jobmakers in this country are not "rich" (rich being defined as those making over 200,000)?

LOL! That's not the point. Can't you answer the - question?
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Deflecting away from the question or just didn't understand it? Ah come on now.
Too difficult to grasp the answer was it? - You don't even know what...
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you asked. That appears to be the point.
No - sm
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No, Bush got us into this mess. You folks keep forgetting to say that. Bush was president when this country fell apart. It was his policies that destroyed us. It was he who invaded Iraq for personal reasons at our expense. You can all blame it on the democratic congress. I am willing to bet that if things don't get better while the republicans are in, it will be Obamas fault. You folks like to twist things to your advantage. Or, they will take credit for the things that Obama has already put in place and are helping, although it is slowly. He was supposed to fix Bush's mess overnight, but the pubs are supposed to be allowed time. Yeah, time to take credit for what Obama has already gotten started.

Anyway, they both need to stop fighting and get down to the business of getting this country back in shape instead of the power struggle they have going.
What YOU keep forgetting to say is... - Bush had 9-11 to contend with...
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and I am very comfortable saying that the economy could very well have collapsed when that happened, but it did NOT, and although I don't agree with everything Bush did, he handled that RIGHT. We needed a leader and he was one. I SHUDDER to think what would have happened if Dems controlled congress and Obama had been president. I mean SHUDDER.

Now that being said...another thing you fail to mention...Obama said we would be out of Iraq in 60 days. We are still there, and he has escalated the fight in Afghanistan. And a President CAN pull back troops any time he wants to, WITHOUT Congress. However, he CANNOT SEND troops without Congress. So if stopping the wars could have helped the economy, why the heck didn't he? Why do cash for clunkers and bail out GM??? And WE like to twist things to our advantage? COME ON. It is hard to believe that YOU believe what you have just typed here.

I do not see a single thing that Obama has put in place that has helped anything, and if you can name one, please also name the COST of it. Another thing you do not mention is how he spent more in 2 years than Bush spent in 8...and he has not had a 9-11 during his term.

You can keep saying Bush's mess all you want, but Dems had control of both houses of Congress for Bush's last 2 years, so they have to take part of the blame for the mess. Yet you absolutely refuse to take any of it.

As to your last statement, when the Dems realize what the Republicans seem to have realized, that the majority of this country does not want the tax and spend mantra ruling the country anymore...then perhaps we CAN get something done.
Wow - sm
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Wow, you actually think Bush handled 911 right. That really is a joke. Osama Bin Ladin is who did that and he was in Afghanistan. Bush sent our troops there and before you know it he invaded Iraq under false pretenses and Osama Bin Ladin is still on the loose. That invasion is a lot of what has cost this country a lot of money. Don't try to justify his invasion of Iraq by saying it had anything to do with 911.

Another thing, the GM bailout and other bailouts were already started when Obama came to office.

I'm not saying that the democrats are good either, just getting your facts straight on 911.
So, we weren't safe after 911? Seriously? - Backwards Typist
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I think Bush did as best a job as he could. After all, we never, in all of history, were ever attacked on our own soil.

You also said, "Another thing, the GM bailout and other bailouts were already started when Obama came to office."

True, but he also voted for it and don't forget, those in power expanded it.

Yes, and thing are getting better now because of it - sm
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Iraq was a total waste of LIVES, time, money and energy. We could have just as well attacked the moon for all the good it did. And we probably wouldn't have half the world hating us now.
Half the world has always hated us so nothing has changed - Backwards Typist
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It started back in the '50s when our country was doing well. Korea and Viet Nam didn't help the radical countries love us any more then, and they love us even less today...yet those countries are the first with their hands out for help when needed, and we provide it, only to get stabbed in the back again.

Go figure.
Exactly!! Great post! - nm
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I stand corrected--75% hate us now - nm
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Yes, especially China, who the Dems have hocked us to. - ain't life grand?
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First, before you start lecturing others about - getting facts straight...
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My post did not try to use 9-11 to justify going into Iraq. I believe I said the economy could well have collapsed if we had not had a strong leader and I still believe that. That has nothing to do with the invasion of Iraq.

GM did receive some TARP money before Obama took office. However, Obama DID vote for TARP. He came back from the campaign trail to do just that. So he inherited what he voted for. HOWEVER, he was inaugurated on Jan 20, 2009. On June 1, 2009, GM filed for bankruptcy (in spite of having received the TARP funds) and Obama admin bailed them out to the tune of 30.1 billion, and the US became 60% owners of an auto manufacturing company. I believe THAT is the GM bailout that everyone remembers, and the one I was referring to, and Bush had nada to do with that one.

The only fact about 9-11 that I stated is that wall street shut down for a week and if we had not presented a strong front with a strong leader to the world our economy could have collapsed. It didn't. THAT is the part of 9-11 that Bush handled well.

As to why we invaded Iraq...the fact is we did because congress authorized the use of force because they believed the same intelligence that Bush admin did. Who was director of CIA at that time? George Tenet. Bush kept him over from the Clinton Admin. I am sure he lived to regret THAT.

Did you not watch any of those hearings? Tenet himself said yes he believed the intelligence at the time, as did Germany, France, Great Britain, which is why they joined us in the invasion. So if Bush is at fault, so are all of them, but I don't hear you condemning anyone but Bush.

Those wars are STILL costing this country a lot of money. Osama bin Laden is STILL on the loose. As I said, a president can't send troops by himself but he sure can bring them back by himself. Obama promised during his campaign he would do just that. Instead, he has escalated the war in Afghanistan and any troops that have left Iraq when to Afghanistan.


When are pubs going to get serious? - First tax cuts for rich and then HCR repeal defici

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Where is this budget deficit going now?

Unemployment dropped this month...amazing how - businesses will start to hire...

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again when they are sure their taxes are not going up for at least a couple of years. It was a no brainer...yet the Dems just could not wrap their minds around it. The mid terms accomplished what they could not accomplish in 2 years.

This sudden caring about the deficit on the part of Dems is ludicrous. They added to it like drunken sailors for 2 years, now all of a sudden it is major?

Earth to Dems...the American people woke up. We don't buy the talking points anymore. We are not listening to you anymore...we are WATCHING you. Biggg difference.

And Republicans, take note. We are watching YOU too. STOP thinking about party power and START thinking about the people you work for.
my 2 cents which is worth nothing these days. - mt
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The only reason unemployment is down is because companies that haven't gone under are operating on bare bones and can't get rid of anybody else.

When everyone says "oh yippee companies are hiring again", they won't tell you they are hiring offshore because it's cheaper.

Dems and Pubs crap, get over it already. Some people just love to argue. Same with this board. Love to argue and say absolutely nothing, everyone wants the last word.
All about CEO bonuses - Duh!
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It is all about corporations showing a profit on the books--there is no ethics or loyalty to our country anymore. Fake "headquarters" offshore to avoid taxes. Offshoring of jobs. Corporations were holding on to cash so they could show increased stock prices and cash balances so CEOs and boards could get their big bonuses. They wanted the Republicans to win so they can go back to "deregulation" so they can go back to their old ways of shady bookkeeping, polluting, unsafe products and working conditions. Yay! Republican victory!
Got that right - nm
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Excuse me but really....if you owned a business... - and your country charged
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the second highest corporate taxes in the WORLD, would you just take it on the chin off your bottom line or would you send some of your stuff offshore?

The ONLY reason the Dems whine about tax cuts is that is less income for them to redistribute from those who earn it to those who don't.

And they play the class warfare card because it works...this post case in point.

What if you were one of those CEOs? Would you take the bonus? Of course you would.

Reality Check: Repeal of Obamacare Will Not Increase the Deficit - Backwards Typist

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As the new Congress settles in, the House of Representatives prepares to vote on January 12 on a measure to repeal Obamacare. Proponents of the health care law claim that repeal would increase the federal deficit and that a vote to kill Obamacare without offsetting the âcostâ is hypocritical.

This couldnât be more wrong. For starters, Obamacare will not reduce the deficit. Though the Congressional Budget Office (CBO) projected that the health law would create $124 billion in savings, the CBO is required to make unlikely assumptions and disregard budget gimmicks included in the legislation. Taking this into account causes the cost of Obamacare to skyrocket.

First, Obamacare does not include the âdoc fixâ to prevent an automatic cut to physiciansâ reimbursement rates under Medicare. Earlier versions of reform included a fix, which made those proposals tip heavily into the red. Congress recently passed a one-year fix and will continue to prevent the cuts in the future, but it will still not solve the ongoing problem. Nevertheless, pretending it will not happen wonât reduce the deficit.
Obamacare also includes billions in double-counted savings. Over the next decade, Obamacare includes $529 billion in cuts to Medicare and $70 billion in revenue from the new CLASS program. CBOâs score assumes that these savings and revenues will offset the cost of new programs in the legislation. But Medicare savings are also pledged to extend the programâs solvency. Revenue from CLASS, a new long-term care insurance program, is the result of premiums collected to pay out benefits in outlying years and will not pay for new programs, either. Claiming that these dollars will pay for Obamacare is akin to trying to make a mortgage payment and buy a Macbook with the same paycheck: In the real world, you can spend money only once.

Obamacare also creates a new subsidy program for low- and middle-income Americans to purchase insurance. CBO predicts that 19 million Americans will benefit from this generous new entitlement program. But this doesnât take into account Obamacareâs huge incentives for employers to drop their insurance programs and allow employees to instead purchase taxpayer-subsidized coverage. Former CBO director Doug Holtz-Eakin points out that businesses, especially those with mostly low-income employees, could drop their health plan, raise wages to make up for the lost benefit, pay the Obamacare employer penalty for not offering insurance, and still come out ahead. These incentives, combined with the various new insurance rules that will increase premiums on employer plans, will cause the cost of the subsidy program to greatly exceed initial projections.

Finally, repealing Obamacare does not need to be offset under pay-as-you-go rules (PAYGO). To the contrary, repeal is in keeping with the spirit of PAYGO, which exists for the purpose of long-term deficit reduction. Moreover, PAYGO only requires deficit neutrality over a 10-year budget window, so a program could create savings in one decade but run trillions in deficits the next and still meet PAYGO requirements.

This fact was not lost on the 111th Congressâthe costliest provisions do not go into effect until 2014, so the CBO 10-year score includes only six years of spending. Experts agree that the CLASS program alone will be bankrupt by its second decade of existence, emphasizing the importance of considering a policy beyond one decade. Heritage budget expert Brian Riedl writes, âNonsensically, repealing CLASS would violate the âpay as you goâ law against expanding budget deficits. This is because âpay-goâ focuses only on the 10-year $70 billion âcostâ of repeal and ignores the trillions of dollars that would be saved thereafter.â The same applies to Obamacare in its entirety.

PAYGO merely âprovides lawmakers with a convenient talking point and taxpayers with a false sense of security on budget reform,â as Riedl puts it. If Congress is really serious about reducing long-term deficits, the best path forward is to set aside PAYGO in favor of real budget process reform. In the meantime, repealing Obamacare is a good first step toward reducing the federal deficit.

Also on this site:

Heritage Foundation Talking Points - The CBO is the CBO

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I won't insult you by posting Media Matters, why do you insult us by posting Heritage Foundation and Ann Coulter?

I chose the Ann Coulter article because - Backwards Typist

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how the dems can ALSO talk out of both sides of their mouths.

Someone on this board had posted a lot of Media Matters articles. What?...I can't post insulting articles but others can?

I apologize if I insulted you. If this group insults you, then what can I say?  I just chose the first article I came across about the government shutdown. I checked their "About" page on the Heritage Foundation before posting the article and this is what was stated:

"The Heritage Foundation is a unique institution-a public policy research organization, or “think tank”.   We draw solutions to contemporary problems from the ideas, principles and traditions that make America great.

We are not afraid to begin our sentences with the words “We believe,” because we do believe: in individual liberty, free enterprise, limited government, a strong national defense, and traditional American values.

We want an America that is safe and secure; where choices (in education, health care and retirement) abound; where taxes are fair, flat, and comprehensible; where everybody has the opportunity to go as far as their talents will take them; where government concentrates on its core functions, recognizes its limits and shows favor to none. And the policies we propose would accomplish these things.

Our expert staff—with years of experience in business, government and on Capitol Hill—don’t just produce research. We generate solutions consistent with our beliefs and market them to the Congress, the Executive Branch, the news media and others. These solutions build on our country’s economic, political and social heritage to produce a safer, stronger, freer, more prosperous America. And a safer, more prosperous, freer world.

As conservatives, we believe the values and ideas that motivated our Founding Fathers are worth conserving. And as policy entrepreneurs, we believe the most effective solutions are consistent with those ideas and values.

We believe that ideas have consequences, but that those ideas must be promoted aggressively.  So, we constantly try innovative ways to market our ideas.  We are proud of our broad base of support among the American people and we accept no government funds.


The source needs to be identified for what it is. - sm
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So, I guess Media Matters is as high-minded as any conservative propaganda site.

About MM: Media Matters for America is a Web-based, not-for-profit, 501(c)(3) progressive research and information center dedicated to comprehensively monitoring, analyzing, and correcting conservative misinformation in the U.S. media.

Launched in May 2004, Media Matters for America put in place, for the first time, the means to systematically monitor a cross section of print, broadcast, cable, radio, and Internet media outlets for conservative misinformation â news or commentary that is not accurate, reliable, or credible and that forwards the conservative agenda â every day, in real time.

Using the website mediamatters.org as the principal vehicle for disseminating research and information, Media Matters posts rapid-response items as well as longer research and analytic reports documenting conservative misinformation throughout the media. Additionally, Media Matters works daily to notify activists, journalists, pundits, and the general public about instances of misinformation, providing them with the resources to rebut false claims and to take direct action against offending media institutions.
...and is funded by George Soros. (nm) - Backwards Typist
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Now that is funny--Good ol' George controls it all. - How 'bout Rupert and the Chamber? nm
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No, not everything....but Media Matters certainly... - and he has made no secret...
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he gave them a mil and said sic Fox News and like well paid little minions that became job one. Hard for George to push his agenda when Fox keeps calling him on it.

Ol George should be your enemy anyway, right? He's one of the evillll rich. lol. Made most of his millions on that evillll Wall Street. Media Matters sure likes his money though. LOL.
Good ol' George controls a lot of media - Backwards Typist
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What does Murdoch control? A news/commentary station plus some good programming on other stations.

Big deal. At least he's not undermining the country....and Good Ol' George is credited for He was dubbed "the man who broke the Bank of England."

He was accused and convicted of insider trading by France.

He supports dissidents (sp) in countries that try to bring down the government.

He hated Bush and gave over $23 million to 527 groups just so they could defeat Bush which, we all know didn't happen.

He believes in a One World Government.

Not a nice fellow by a long shot.
List of Rupert's/NewsCorp assets - see list--are you on it?
[ In Reply To ..]
Film20th Century Fox
Twentieth Century Fox Español
Twentieth Century Fox International
Twentieth Century Fox Television
Fox Searchlight Pictures
Fox Studios Australia
Fox Studios Baja
Fox Studios Los Angeles
Fox Television Studios
[edit] Television[edit] Broadcast/Production assets20th Century Fox Television
20th Television
Fox Broadcasting Company
Fox International Channels
Fox International Channels Italy
Fox Kids (1990â2002)
Fox Sports Australia
Fox Telecolombia
Fox Television Stations
Fox Television Studios
Imedi Media Holding
Latvijas NeatkarÄ«gÄ TelevÄ«zija
TV5 RÄ«ga
British Sky Broadcasting
[edit] Cable AssetsBig Ten Network (49%)
Fox Business Network
Fox College Sports
Fox Movie Channel
Fox News Channel
Fox Soccer Channel
Fox Sports Enterprises
Fox Sports en Español
Foxtel (25%) -
Fox Sports Net
FX Networks
Fox Reality Channel
National Geographic Channel (50%)
National Geographic Channel UK (50%)
Speed Channel
LAPTV (Latin America â co-owned with Paramount Pictures/Viacom, Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer/MGM Holdings and Universal Studios/NBC Universal)
Telecine (Brazil â co-owned with Globosat Canais, Paramount Pictures, MGM, Universal Studios and DreamWorks);
[edit] Direct broadcast satellite AssetsBSkyB [United Kingdom] (39.1%)
Sky Deutschland (39.96%)
SKY Italia
SKY Network Television [New Zealand] (43.65%)
Foxtel [Australia] (25%)
Star TV [India & Greater China] (100%)
Tata Sky [India] (20%)
[edit] InternetFox Interactive Media
News Digital Media
Slingshot Labs
Authonomy via HarperCollins
[edit] Magazines and InsertsAll titles sourced from News Limited - NewsSource: Magazines on 15 October 2010.

Australian Football Weekly
Australian Golf Digest
Australian Good Taste (with Woolworths)
Australian Parents (with Woolworths)
Best of the Gold Coast Magazine
Big League
Country Style
delicious. (with the ABC)
donna hay
Gardening Australia (with the ABC)
GQ Australia
Inside Out
Lifestyle Pools + outdoor design
Live to Ride
MasterChef Magazine
Modern Boating
Modern Fishing
News America Marketing
Overlander 4WD
Super Food Ideas
Truck & Trailer Australia
Truckin' Life
Two Wheels
Two Wheels Scooter
Vogue Australia
Vogue Entertaining + Travel
[edit] Newspapers and Information Services[edit] United KingdomNews International
The Sun
News of the World
The Times
Sunday Times
thelondonpaper (a free newspaper which closed in September 2009)
[edit] AustraliaNews Limited
[edit] Metropolitan newspapers, magazines and news distribution channels[edit] NationalThe Australian including weekly insert magazine The Deal and monthly insert magazine (wish) [1]
The Weekend Australian including insert magazine The Weekend Australian Magazine [2]
Australian Associated Press (45%)
www.news.com.au National online news website
[edit] New South WalesThe Daily Telegraph [3]
The Sunday Telegraph including insert magazine sundaymagazine [4]
mX (Sydney) [5]
[edit] VictorianHerald Sun [6]
Sunday Herald Sun including insert magazine sundaymagazine [7]
mX (Melbourne) [8]
[edit] QueenslandThe Courier-Mail including weekly insert magazine QWeekend [9]
The Sunday Mail [10]
Brisbane News [11]
[edit] South AustraliaThe Advertiser including the monthly insert the Adelaide* magazine [12]
Sunday Mail [13]
[edit] Western AustraliaThe Sunday Times [14]
[edit] TasmaniaThe Mercury [15]
The Sunday Tasmanian [16]
[edit] Northern TerritoryNorthern Territory News [17]
Sunday Territorian [18]
[edit] Community suburban newspapers[edit] SydneyCumberland/Courier (NSW) newspapers [19]
Blacktown Advocate
Canterbury-Bankstown Express
Central Coast Express Advocate
Fairfield Advance
Hills Shire Times
Hornsby and Upper North Shore Advocate
Inner West Courier
Liverpool Leader
Macarthur Chronicle
Mt Druitt-St Marys Standard
North Shore Times
Northern District Times
Parramatta Advertiser
Penrith Press
Rouse Hill Times
Southern Courier
The Manly Daily
The Mosman Daily
Village Voice Balmain
Wentworth Courier
[edit] MelbourneLeader (Vic) newspapers [20]
Bayside Leader
Berwick/Pakenham Cardinia Leader
Brimbank Leader
Caulfield Glen Eira/Port Philip Leader
Cranbourne Leader
Dandenong/Springvale Dandenong Leader
Diamond Valley Leader
Frankston Standard/Hastings Leader
Free Press Leader
Heidelberg Leader
Hobsons Bay Leader
Hume Leader
Knox Leader
Lilydale & Yarra Valley Leader
Manningham Leader
Maribyrnong Leader
Maroondah Leader
Melbourne Leader
Melton/Moorabool Leader
Moonee Valley Leader
Moorabbin Kingston/Moorabbin Glen Eira Leader
Mordialloc Chelsea Leader
Moreland Leader
Mornington Peninsula Leader
Northcote Leader
Preston Leader
Progress Leader
Stonnington Leader
Sunbury/Macedon Ranges Leader
Waverley/Oakleigh Monash Leader
Whitehorse Leader
Whittlesea Leader
Wyndham Leader
[edit] BrisbaneQuest (QLD) newspapers [21]
Albert & Logan News (Fri)
Albert & Logan News (Wed)
Caboolture Shire Herald
Caloundra Journal
City News
City North News
City South News
Ipswich News
Logan West Leader
Maroochy Journal
North-West News
Northern Times
Northside Chronicle
Pine Rivers Press/North Lakes Times
Redcliffe and Bayside Herald
South-East Advertiser
South-West News/Springfield News
Southern Star
The Noosa Journal
Westside News
Wynnum Herald
Weekender Essential Sunshine Coast
[edit] AdelaideMessenger (SA) newspapers [22]
Adelaide Matters
City Messenger
City North Messenger
East Torrens Messenger
Eastern Courier Messenger
Guardian Messenger
Hills & Valley Messenger
Leader Messenger
News Review Messenger
Portside Messenger
Southern Times Messenger
Weekly Times Messenger
[edit] PerthCommunity (WA) newspapers [23] (50.1%)
Canning Times
Comment News
Eastern Reporter
Fremantle-Cockburn Gazette
Guardian Express
Hills-Avon Valley Gazette
Joondalup-Wanneroo Times
Mandurah Coastal / Pinjarra Murray Times
Melville Times
Midland-Kalamunda Reporter
North Coast Times
Southern Gazette
Stirling Times
Weekend-Kwinana Courier
Western Suburbs Weekly
[edit] DarwinSun (NT) newspapers [24]
Darwin Sun
Litchfield Sun
Palmerston Sun
[edit] Regional and rural newspapers[edit] New South WalesTweed Sun'
[edit] VictoriaEcho
Geelong Advertiser
The Weekly Times
[edit] QueenslandAyr Advocate
Bowen Independent
Cairns Sun
Gold Coast Bulletin
Gold Coast Sun
Herbert River Express
Home Hill Observer
Innisfail Advocate
Northern Miner
Port Douglas & Mossman Gazette
Tablelander - Atherton
Tablelands Advertiser
The Cairns Post
The Noosa Journal
Townsville Bulletin
Townsville Sun
[edit] TasmaniaDerwent Valley Gazette
Tasmanian Country
[edit] Northern TerritoryCentralian Advocate

[edit] Papua New GuineaPapua New Guinea Post-Courier
[edit] FijiThe Fiji Times No longer [[1]]
[edit] United StatesNew York Post
Community Newspaper Group
The Brooklyn Paper
Courier-Life Publications
TimesLedger Newspapers
Bronx Times Reporter Inc.
[edit] InternationalDow Jones & Company

Consumer Media Group
The Wall Street Journal - the leading US financial newspaper.
Wall Street Journal Europe
Wall Street Journal Asia
Barron's - weekly financial markets magazine.
Marketwatch - Financial news and information website.
Far Eastern Economic Review
Financial News
Enterprise Media Group
Dow Jones Newswires - global, real-time news and information provider.
Factiva - provides business news and information together with content delivery tools and services.
Dow Jones Indexes - stock market indexes and indicators, including the Dow Jones Industrial Average.
Dow Jones Financial Information Services â produces databases, electronic media, newsletters, conferences, directories, and other information services on specialised markets and industry sectors.
Betten Financial News â leading Dutch language financial and economic news service.
Local Media Group'
Dow Jones Local Media Group (formerly Ottaway Community Newspapers) - 8 daily and 15 weekly regional newspapers.
Strategic Alliances
STOXX (33%) - joint venture with Deutsche Boerse and SWG Group for the development and distribution of Dow Jones STOXX indices.
Vedomosti (33%) - Russia's leading financial newspaper (joint venture with Financial Times and Independent Media).
SmartMoney (50%)
FiLife.com (50%)
[edit] BooksHarperCollins
HarperCollins India (40%) joint venture with India Today Group
Zondervan Publishing
Youth Specialties â organisation helping youth workers worldwide through training seminars and conventions, resources and the internet.
Inspirio â religious gift production.
[edit] MiscellaneousNational Rugby League (NRL) (50%)
Ansett Australia, Until 2000 (50%)
Fox Music
Jamba! - Mobile Entertainment/Mobile Handsets Personalisation/Games.
Maximedia Israel (67%)
Mosgorreklama (50%) - Russia sign and marketing material manufacturer
NDS Group (49%) - DRM and conditional access company.
That is one HUGE echochamber - nm
[ In Reply To ..]
Gee, wish I was. Then I wouldn't be broke..LOL - Backwards Typist
[ In Reply To ..]
Seriously, though. You did your research, but do any of them try to take down a government? Does Murdoch use the stock market to create crices?
you really need to watch this to get rid of that Soros phobia - it can be cured - see video link
[ In Reply To ..]
So what? It is what it is just like FOX is what it is. - Naturally
[ In Reply To ..]
people will fund and support media that agrees with their own agenda. It doesn't mean there isn't some truth and insight to be gleaned from each by a discerning public.
"Progressive" being the operative word.... - one heard progressives...
[ In Reply To ..]
referred to as Marxists in the closet.


NOW you are worried about the deficit.... - lololol

[ In Reply To ..]

I assume that laughter is directed towards Bush - trashing the economy?

[ In Reply To ..]

ROFL. Blame it on Bush....when all else fails. - THAT does not hold water.

[ In Reply To ..]
and even so, Obama and the Dems did not have to make it 3 times worse in his first 2 years, yet they DID.

Get real. LOL.

Another prefect example of party line BS - sm

[ In Reply To ..]
No one denies that Bush's administration spent money. However, you Bush haters seem to forget just how much money the Obama administration has spent in such a short time with little to no improvement in our economy. Get a clue...both parties like to spend and they have both screwed us on various occasions. Stop blaming one side and look at your own party for some of the blame because they certainly are not guilt free either.

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