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A Progressive Deficit Reduction Plan....sm

Posted: Nov 29, 2012

A Progressive Deficit Reduction Plan

  1. Repeal all of the 2001 and 2003 Bush tax breaks for the top two percent.  Repealing the 2001 and 2003 tax breaks for the top two percent would reduce the deficit by about $1 trillion over the next decade.  After President Clinton increased taxes on the top two percent, the economy added over 22 million jobs.  After President Bush reduced taxes for the rich, the economy lost over 600,000 private sector jobs. 
  2. Create an emergency deficit-reduction surtax on millionaires.  Enacting a 5.4 percent surtax on adjusted gross income of more than $1 million would raise over $383 billion over 10 years, according to the Joint Tax Committee.  According to a February 2011 NBC News/Wall Street Journal poll, 81 percent of the American people support the creation of a millionaires surtax to reduce the deficit.
  3. End tax breaks and subsidies for big oil, gas and coal companies.  If we ended tax breaks and subsidies for big oil, gas, and coal companies, we could reduce the deficit by more than $113 billion over the next ten years.  The five largest oil companies in the United States have earned about $1 trillion in profits over the past decade. 
  4. Establish a Wall Street speculation fee of 0.03 percent on the sale of credit default swaps, derivatives, stocks, options, and futures.  Both the economic crisis and the deficit crisis are a direct result of the greed and recklessness on Wall Street.  Establishing a speculation fee would reduce gambling on Wall Street, encourage the financial sector to invest in the productive economy, and reduce the deficit by $350 billion over 10 years without harming average Americans. 
  5. Eliminate tax breaks for companies shipping American jobs overseas.  Today, the U.S. government is actually rewarding companies that move U.S. manufacturing jobs overseas through loopholes in the tax code known as deferral and foreign source income.  During the last decade, the U.S. lost about 30% of its manufacturing jobs and over 56,000 factories have been shut down.  If we eliminated these tax loopholes, the Joint Tax Committee has estimated that we could raise more than $582 billion in revenue over the next ten years.
  6. Prohibit abusive and illegal offshore tax shelters.  Each and every year, the United States loses an estimated $100 billion in tax revenues due to offshore tax abuses by the wealthy and large corporations.  The situation has become so absurd that one five-story office building in the Cayman Islands is now the "home" to more than 18,000 corporations.  The wealthy and large corporations should not be allowed to avoid paying taxes by setting up tax shelters in Panama, the Cayman Islands, Bermuda, the Bahamas or other tax haven countries.  Cracking down on offshore tax shelters could reduce the deficit by as much as $1 trillion over the next decade.
  7. Establish a currency manipulation fee on China and other countries.  As almost everyone knows, China is manipulating its currency, giving it an unfair trade advantage over the United States and destroying decent paying manufacturing jobs in the process.  If we imposed a currency manipulation fee on China and other currency manipulators, the Economic Policy Institute has estimated that we could raise $500 billion over 10 years and create 1 million jobs in the process.
  8. Tax capital gains and dividends the same as work.  Taxing capital gains and dividends the same way that we tax work would raise more than $730 billion over the next decade.  Warren Buffet has often said that he pays a lower effective tax rate than his secretary.  The reason for this is that the wealthy obtain most of their income from capital gains and dividends, which is taxed at a much lower rate than work.  Right now, the top marginal income tax for working is 35%, but the tax rate on corporate dividends and capital gains is only 15%. 
  9. Establish a Progressive Estate Tax.  If we established a progressive estate tax on inherited wealth of more than $3.5 million, we could raise more than $300 billion over 10 years.  Sen. Sanders introduced the Responsible Estate Tax Act that would reduce the deficit in a fair way while ensuring that 99.7 percent of Americans who lose a loved one would never see a dime of their loved one's estate paid in federal estate taxes.
  10. Reduce unnecessary and wasteful spending at the Pentagon, which now consumes over half of our discretionary budget.  Much of the huge spending at the Pentagon is devoted to spending money on Cold War weapons programs to fight a Soviet Union that no longer exists.  Sen. Tom Coburn (R-OK) and Lawrence Korb, an Assistant Secretary of Defense under Ronald Reagan, have estimated that we could achieve significant savings of around $100 billion a year at the Pentagon while still ensuring that the United States has the strongest and most powerful military in the world. 
  11. Require Medicare to negotiate for lower prescription drug prices with the pharmaceutical industry.   Requiring Medicare to negotiate drug prices, similarly to what the VA currently does, would save more than $157 billion over 10 years. 
  12. Eliminate waste, fraud, and abuse within every federal government agency.  Virtually everyone agrees that there is waste, fraud, and abuse in every agency of the federal government.  Rooting out this waste, fraud, and abuse could save between $150 billion and $200 billion over the next 10 years.

Some of those should be done, regardless. - RC

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#s 4, 5, 6, 8, 11 and 12.

For sure. Taxing Warren Buffet's dividend checks lower than our paychecks? - Who thought that up?

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Not him, of course, and not us. The excuse was to encourage savings and investment, but if that were the case it would have been limited to the less affluent 80% of us or so. Wealthy people have so much left over after they buy everything they could possibly want that they have no choice but to invest it, unless they want to burn it or give it away.

I think there should be a sales tax on luxury imported goods. nm - oldtimer

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Some i agree with, some I don't - backwards typist

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7. Will NEVER pass. They've already tried this to do this. All it would do is make China more furious and up the U.S. import fees to their country.

8. I don't agree with the capital gains/dividends tax because everyone that has a 401K or IRA would have to pay this tax. It would be a double tax because you would be taxed on the gains or dividends yearly and when you took money out, you would be taxed again.

9. I don't agree with the estate tax. Why tax the family farmer who leaves his property to his family? Do you realize how much that would hurt? Heck, any family that owns property would be hurt by this tax.

They've also tried to end subsidies on big oil, gas, etc. Didn't pass.

Now I really have to go.

Read the one about estate tax again. only - over 3.5 million NM

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Check some taxes on a family farm with 150 acres - backwards typist

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Without taxing the house and other outbuildings, with the land worth $35K an acre, it already takes them over that $3.5 million.

Am I right, or am I wrong? What is the percentage of tax a farmer pays for their land? I know there is some type of deduction they can qualify for IF they never sell to a developer (at least in this state), but I don't know what that percentage is.

I'll try to get back to you on that for this state, but what would it be in other states as well?

If you have 150 acres at 35K per acre - You can afford taxes. nm
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Not if you're a farmer and living off what you produce - backwards typist
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I'm not talking about the large corporate farms. I'm talking about family farms-you know, mom, dad, the kids.

Farming and making a profit depends on the weather. Bad year = low to no income but you still have to pay the taxes on the land or lose it.

Farm Aid statistics show that 330 farmers leave their land every week. From the 1980s until 2 years ago, I gave money every year to Farm Aid to try to help the family farmers. They deserved the help.

If Obama's estate tax goes through, many more will lose. Good thing we have NAFTA so we can get our food from South America, Central America and Canada.
Family farmers are the ultimate welfare recipients, after - from Fanatics wealthy, of course. We
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pay them and pay them and pay them to help them stay in business. We're losing the battle to save much of our farmland, though, not because I voted for Obama but because of climate changes, disappearing water supplies, and other disasters that are turning what was once viable farmland into something that can't even be sold.

Much of the west right on through the what we call the heartland is heating up and drying up and burning up. When we start wishing we could afford to buy the kind of food we used to, we might also remember the moment we each individually admitted our own hand in creating this horrible catastrophe. Including destroying all those family farms.
You also have to blame the current government/court for what is - backwards typist
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happening out west with the water supply. Wasn't there a court case where farmers out there were being denied a decent supply of water because the big cities needed it - and didn't the farmers lose?

I just hope that case is remembered when we have to buy all our food from places that don't have as restrictive pesticide controls like the USA.

Again, look at how many toys from China they just confiscated at a port today because of lead paint. I know, not food, but an example of how our other countries don't follow our laws with regards to imports.
I have been a farmer, some of my family farms - sm
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Any farm worth 3.5 million can afford estate taxes. There is a reason it is worth 3.5 million.
where is 35k/acre farmland? Hawaii? - nm
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Point by point - Voter

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The China currency deal - - wasn't that something that Romney was campaigning on? I am surprised that you think that WOULD NEVER pass if it was a Romney position.

Why would anyone having capital gains/dividends in a 401K or IRA have to pay tax? My earnings in my retirement accounts are not taxed until I withdraw, which I do not plan to do until I quit working and my income drops. I also have a non-IRA account and I believe I should be taxed on what I earn in that account.

If someone's estate is worth more than 3.5 million, they can afford to pay tax.

Just because big oil subsidies were not ended before, why not now? The voters have spoken, and the voters do not want this.

I heard someone say that Boehner should be the Speaker of the House, not the Speaker of the Republican Party. Very good point.

Dig a little deeper and do a little more thinking on capital gains/dividends - backwards typist

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I just have this feeling that we will be expected to report those items every year as it will be considered income whether you withdraw any of it or not. If that is the case, everyone loses. Both those items are on your Form 1040. It's just a matter of changing the amounts to report.

The voters wanted the subsidies, not only on big oil, to end before and spoke loudly on that, but Congress still voted against it. I won't hold my breath that it will happen now, either because
Congress works for themselves and not for us. It doesn't what party they belong to - re-election is always in the back of their mind, as are the big bucks they get from the businesses.

Have you ever added up your net worth? Most people think it just means their real estate, but it's more than that. Try it sometime. You might be surprised at how much you're really worth. It includes all property you own: vehicles, personal property including any collectibles, your pension/401K/IRA, cash, life insurance, etc. That's all considered in determining your net worth and it doesn't take long to add up.

Family farms need to be preserved. Do you really want to rely on Con-Agra and the like that ply our food with rBGH in cattle (used for milk production and growth), or the 3 genetically modified crops by Monsanto? I sure don't. I want my food to be safe, and that is usually guaranteed by the small family farms.

Simpson-Bowles - old and burned out

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I don't know if this is from Simpson-Bowles or not but it was a well-considered, bipartisan list of recommendations which, by the way, recommended resuming the pre-Bush area tax rates for the wealthy. It should be adopted.

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