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Rep. Lisa Brown barred from speaking...

Posted: Jun 18, 2012

Michigan legislator Lisa Brown was barred from speaking on the house floor last week after using the word "vagina" in a statement about proposed abortion regulations. If you haven't heard about it, the story can be found in any of the major news outlets. I particularly enjoyed this tongue-in-cheek piece: http://www.slate.com/articles/double_x/doublex/2012/06/the_word_vagina_it_s_time_to_regulate_against_it_.html;

Even as an MT and hearing the word all the time - I am offended

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When it is spoken in public. Kind of like watching tampon commercials where they have guys standing right next to the girl smiling while she's talking about tampons. Just kind of an icks factor for me.

I understand, but it sounds like you were more uncomfortable - than offended. sm

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I, old and from a different era, get uncomfortable too. However, a body part is not a bad word unless used in a degrading way. If she had said "you mind your penis and I will mind my vagina" that might have been a little over the top but probably appropriate. We all know how men have a problem with that! Old white men just cannot accept the fact that women will no longer be told what to do or not do by them. Back in the day I didn't burn my bra or do anything radical, but I totally support Lisa Brown's entire speech on the house floor.

wondering if you were "offended" when male - lawmakers were using SM

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the word "vaginal" as in vaginal probe.

Yes I was - poster above was correct though should have been - uncomfortable, not offended

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does it make you uncomfortable that legislators concern themselves with private health matters? - how is that different?
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Yes that does too. I don't undestand what all your points are - see message
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Don't know if you are all the same poster asking me the same questions or different or what kind of answer you are wanting from me.

Here goes. I am uncomfortable and embarrassed when the word vagina or penis are said in public around strangers. I don't even say the word to my husband though we have different words. Call me old fashion (I'm 58) I just don't feel comfortable saying or hearing the words. It does not matter whether a man or women says it. It doesn't matter whether a black or white person says it and it doesn't matter if a democrat or republican says it. In fact I don't even know what party this lady belongs to. I read the first 2 lines and that was all I needed to read. Kind of figured out the rest of what happened. It's uncomfortable if it comes out a a human being's mouth (except my doctor). I don't want any lawyer or politician interfering with my health care and don't want to hear him or her say breast or penis in public. It's embarrassing and its offensive. Maybe more embarrassing then offensive but when spoken it just gives me an "ick" feeling.

Yes, it was embarrassing what she said, yes it's embarrassing when lawmakers say it with probe, yes it makes me uncomfortable with what you said (too long to write it down) and if you ask me any more questions about anything making me uncomfortable my answer will be yes, so you need not ask me. I don't know if you expect to get a different answer from me when you ask the same questions or what the motive is of asking me the same thing over and over.

The answer to all of it is - yes it all makes me uncomfortable and offended (sometimes offended, depending on the context). Does that answer your question?
my apologies - tlf
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I posted only this question - other posts were from other posters. In no way did I mean to question your discomfort, as it is totally understandable to me.

I guess it was more of a rhetorical question for all of us to consider, i.e., if our legislators feel the subject is too personal to discuss (and it is), why do they feel it is within their purview to legislate it? Rather than posting under you, I should have just added to the thread at large. It was my intention to hold lawmakers under the microscope - not you. Again, my apologies.
Thanks for your post - not a problem - sm
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I guess I was assuming on my part someone was trying to trip me up thinking it's okay for one party to say the word over the other. I guess I don't really know why I am offended/embarrased by the words. They are part of our everyday vocabulary typing, but saying it out loud in front of strangers is just embarrassing to me. I understand times have changed since I grew up, younger and younger kids are having sex/babies, so things are changing. But still, I think the lady could have used other language. I thought I read that they banned that language, so don't know why she felt she had to repeat it over and over.

Thanks for the apologies. I'm not mad or anything I just wasn't quite sure who or how many posters was asking what and why I was being asked it.

I understand your discomfort - tlf

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...but she used the word in response to legislation that would seek to limit reproductive freedom.

I just think it's funny that the same predominantly male house that concerns itself with what goes on with a woman's vagina would be offended by use of the word. It's dichotmous. On the one hand, they appear to feel that the word should not be used in polite company, though it doesn't occur to them that this same level of decorum should extend to the actual body part.

The proposed legislation she was commenting on - uses the word three times!

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What's up with that? Vagina can be controlled and written into the law, but female reps cannot utter the word? Really?

Also, how does that justify their censuring her and Barb Byrum from speaking on other issues at hand, such as voter suppression and education? Byrum had attempted to introduce an amendment to the abortion regulations bill banning men from getting a vasectomy unless the sterilization procedure was necessary to save a man's life. Obviously, she must be punished.

I like the way you said "controlled" - but not uttered - tlf
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let's hear from the dislikes - tell us why

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The "dislikes" seem to suggest that there are women out there that think it's okay for men to limit our reproductive freedoms, but not okay for women to talk about their own vaginas.

Why? - sm

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Some people want to be able to disagree or agree without having to explain why.

What you wrote is an assumption of why people disliked the post. I didn't dislike it or like it. I read the article and that is not the impression I get when people dislike that post. Probably just didn't near to hear the lady say the "v" word a half a dozen times, especially that it is in their rules not to use that language.

People should be able to disagree with a post without having to explain why.

The obsession with posters here and the "dislike" button would be funny if it wasn't so sad.

no explanation needed - I was just interested in other opinions - no harm, no foul

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I say if it makes lawmakers uncomfortable... - Zville MT

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more people should use it and more often. They spend so much time talking about things concerning it (birth control, abortions, etc),I think they try to forget what it is and that there's an actual person attached to it. Maybe they also need to spend more time talking about penises - this might reduce the need for so much talk about birth control and abortions.

I can see it now - members of the US Congress reduced to giggling school girls by the use of the word penis. I knew our government was becoming a joke, but I didn't realize how far they'd gone.

I say if it makes lawmakers uncomfortable... - tlf

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it should signal to them that they are overstepping their bounds. This is an issue for a woman and her healthcare provider - not legislators.

I liked your post.

Me too! - Conservative

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Vagina Monologues - Go Girls!!

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Mittster's Michigan bus tour will swing by Dewitt today - just 8 mi north of the Capitol Building

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a straight shot up MLK Blvd. IMO, 5000 turning out in a relatively small town like Lansing for the V-jay-jay Monologues on a 2-day notice is pretty impressive. I sense a pending train wreck is in the native Michigander's near future, but am confident his protective undergarments will bring him through his ordeal with flying colors. Hopefully, the "Vagina-Vasectomy-Vote" chants won't totally drown his message out, seeing as how the GOP breathlessly hangs on his every word. I'd bet my next paycheck he won't have a clearly definitive response prepared when the inevitable questions about the censure of female elected officials come his way, but by now he should be able to demonstate his ability to order chocolate donuts without grappling with a prolonged word search while refraining from disssing the chocolate chip cookies during his stopover at DeWitt's Sweetie-licious Bakery Cafe.

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