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Ferguson Missouri - Michael Brown

Posted: Aug 14, 2014

The Ferguson police department must be stopped.  They are making the situation worse.  Why haven't they investigated the Michael Brown shooting?  Why haven't they released any information?  Why haven't they interviewed the witnesses?  Why did they leave the body in the street for so long?  Why did the Mayor take over 2 days to address the family.   It seems by their silence that they are condoning repeatedly shooting that man. 


There was a no fly zone issued over Ferguson, why?  And, they are arresting journalists (not holding them for long) just disrupting.  Twitter reports have been fascinating, even if just individual accounts and now it seems the national news outlets might begin camping out.  Maybe that will slow this down.

This all looks like intimidation tactics. 


There are no answers anymore. - sm

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We all thought race relations would improve with our current president taking office. Nothing could be more remote from the truth. Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson have to push their way into every situation and just inflame it more. Now the Black Panthers and Louis Farrakhan are involved.

I heard the Ferguson police chief address all of your questions last night and he made perfect sense. I'll just answer one of your questions. I'm not sure at which point, but he recused himself from the situation and turned it over to another law enforcement entity (sheriff?) so as to have an impartial investigation, which takes time, including leaving the body at the crime scene to gather evidence.

I personally don't have an opinion on any of this right now. I want to wait until the real story comes out. If it is race-related, I pray justice is served without more race riots, looting, etc. If it is not race-related, I pray justice is served without more race riots, looting, etc.

I don't think the Ferguson police chief - has answered anything

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He's danced quite a bit, but he has blissfully ignored the real issues.

Jay Nixon, Governor of Missouri, just addressing a group in Ferguson. Hopefully, there will be agreement at relieving some of the current police leadership of duty.

Nixon states "I don't care how respectful" protests are "they just need to be safe." I think that could go a long way in this community at this point.

If you wait for the real story, you are likely to miss it. That is exactly what they are hoping for, the typical complacency to make this just go away. The police department needs time to create the situation to their advantage.

Also, there hasn't been any looting since the original night of looting. For the most part, the protests have been very peaceful, until provoked by police with tear gas, rubber bullets and bean bag shots. There is, of course, a very poignant picture of a young man lobbing tear gas back at the police.

I have been very surprised that more of the crowd has not been armed. If interested, look at some of the #Ferguson twitter info for more perspective.

There should be answers - who shot him for starters

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Why did the police release photos of looters but not the name of the policeman who shot the teenage boy?

Why did they NOT interview any of the eyewitnesses who were with the victim?

Why did the police chief appear on Fox, and not a major network station?

The black panthers and Farrakhan? Really? Where did you hear that? Let me guess.

The real story is only not coming out because those trying to protect whoever shot that boy won't let it out. Why, I wonder?

And there is no hope for some of the responders of this post either. - sm

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I shouldn't be surprised anymore, but I am. Disgusted, too.

BTW, they should look beyond their Faux News bias to see reports of the BP and LF. They've been handing out propaganda and trying to fan the flames of racism. Typical and disgusting.

Oh, that's right. Blame this on President Obama. - Good grief.

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maybe they are trying to deal with the unruly - crowds first.

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Maybe if these people would stop rioting it would leave some time for investigations. Time for them to start acting as humans with minds and not reactive animals.

Um, the crowds are unruly BECAUSE - no explanation was offered

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A teenager gets shot and left dead in the road for a few hours with no explanation and eyewitnesses who say it was unsolicited and unjustified?

If he were your son, your friend, your neighbor, would you not be "unruly"?

No, I would not loot and set fires and trash other people's - property. What happened is

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wrong, but all this behavior is exactly what happened after Katrina. I've heard people on the radio in Ferguson who are afraid of the rioters.
nm - nm
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As a matter of fact I live in a Chicago - suburb, but I don't see
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what difference that makes.
thought maybe there was better coverage - locally
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I deleted post, cuz I didn't know if we were allowed to talk about locations and got to thinking about it, I probably just don't have enough radio exposure, a little in the car, when out, and then talk radio is very limited (unfortunately pretty conservative talky-talk, not very newsy).

Oh, and HELLO CHICAGO. Lived there for a while, and miss it.
The looting is ongoing. I'm not trying to politicize - this. Someone mentioned "faux" news
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about, another attempt to politicize a tragedy. I don't have cable TV. I listen to the radio and read the internet.
Remember Steve Utash, the guy who was beaten - nearly to death by black
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males in Detroit? You hardly heard anything about that. No, he was not shot by the cops, but shootings happen all the time in Chicago.

I will point out that a woman stopped the beating and she was a black nurse.

I know there is evidence that this was not a justified shooting and perhaps criminal. Cops must obey the law...they must follow procedures. This act needs to be investigated.

So the end result is that the community is destroyed,a wedge comes between people and the chance of a fair and just investigation goes down the tubes.
How about the "knock out" game where blacks - randomly attack whites,
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there was a man in the Bronx who died as a result of it. The teen was charged with a misdemeanor.

I don't recall seeing riots after that. Now the knock out game is being "played" with a baseball bat.
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That the behavior you see is not representative of Saint Louis County. There are about 5 municipalities in this very small area and there have always been racial problems with the police. The Ferguson police turned the investigation over to the St. Louis Count Police which can in a sense be considered an extension of Ferguson. The Ferguson residents are represented by the peaceful demonstrations. We deserve for our children to be "served and protected" by the police just like any other community. http://northstlouiscounty.com/wp/wp-content/uploads/2013/03/mapoverview.jpg
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The individuals here doing it have not discriminated racially about their victims. They have attacked blacks, whites, Asians, young, old and any other stranger they encounter.
Exactly, you don't hear about it on the news - very much. NM
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It's like the version in 1984 by George Orwell of - "Two Minute Hate", here's
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an excerpt...

“The horrible thing about the Two Minutes Hate was not that one was obliged to act a part, but, on the contrary, that it was impossible to avoid joining in. Within thirty seconds any pretense was always unnecessary. A hideous ecstasy of fear and vindictiveness, a desire to kill, to torture, to smash faces in with a sledge-hammer, seemed to flow through the whole group of people like an electric current, turning one even against one’s will into a grimacing, screaming lunatic.”
Some of the "protestors" are coming from - revcom.us, this could
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get ugly.
Thank you........ - nana7
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I live in Michigan in a suburb of Detroit and watched the Steve Utash case closely. They beat that man to an inch of his life, and then 5 "people" that were prosecuted, 4 of them got 1 year or less in County Jail. The 5th got more time in prison because of his criminal record.

Did you see the white people go to Detroit and burn buildings or riot or cause issues. Where was Al Sharpton or Jessie Jackson when these "men" were sentenced? Why were they not charged with a hate crime. You know as well as I do if it was a black person this happened to and the white thugs were sentenced as lightly as these black thugs were Al Sharpton and Jessie Jackson would have been all over it like white on rice.

You call burning someones property and looting a correct way to handle the situation. What did those store owners do to cause this destruction? If those "people" want to be treated like people maybe they should act like people. If you act like an animal (and they are) then they get treated like an animal.

I am not in any way condoning the shooting and the taking of life, but what they are doing now is wrong. Do they think their actions will change the outcome of the investigation?

If I was one of those business owners in that area I would close up shop and move to a different area and never look back. Everyone of those looters pictures need to be plastered all over the TV and then prosecuted fully and made an example out of because this is not the answer.
Not to mention all the people in that community now out - of a job. Did you see the
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picture of QuikTrip? I fear more race riots are to come.

If not "unruly" as you say - sm

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This will get swept away. It has been considered acceptable behavior in many communities that the police always have a justifiable reason for their violence, their attitudes and their disrespect for people. I understand it can be a difficult job and they need to understand it may not be a life's job or a job for everyone, that it is going to take exceptional people to be policemen.

I think it is time for Ferguson to try to explain, whatever the reason was, for the policeman to have shot him, even if it is simply emotions that got out of control. That policeman is going to have to take the punishment associated with his deed. That is all this would take is pursuing it normally.

Young lady on CNN, witness, interviewed last night said it well last night overkill. They "overkilled" him.

The protests have not been unruly in the past 3 days (since the big looting night) except when the police ordered people off the streets and lined up in battle formation, then they evoked more resistance. I still believe the police provoked the violence, in particular, last night, and the night before.

The crowds are full of thugs and criminals... not peaceful - protestors.. defeating their own purpose!! nm

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Many of them came in from cities and even states, - this may be coming to a town
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near you and me, especially if you live in a bigger city or inner city.
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"This may be coming to a town near you and me" What is the point of this post besides trying to make people afraid. And what is "this?" People protesting in the streets or the police killing an unarmed teenager?
Really? Did you hear what the Black Panthers - said?
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Sometimes, when politics come into the picture, - the "thugs" you describe are - sm
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actually "plants" to help the overly armed and zealous police force "justify" its actions. A good example: Oakland, California during the Occupy protests. The rent-a-thugs are the ones who did the trashing & vandalizing, and who set off the swat teams.

these people...them...animals - read me

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I guess that says it all for you. The circumstances under which police are allowed to respond with deadly force are few, they are expressly delineated by law, and they are unequivocal.

People who protest are not animals. The protests have been largely peaceful.

Let's say that law enforcement comes into YOUR town, and, by eye-witness accounts, shoots and kills a promising white teen walking down the street. Everyone knows his good character; his friend is composed and credible when telling his account. The police do not respond. You don't think you'd walk down the street to show your opposition to such an obscene miscarriage of justice?

Anyone else wondering why this was switched - from politics to gab board?

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Just my opinion, but not really something to gab about, definitely something with political overtones. There was an earlier thread that disappeared completely, now this one gets pushed to this board.

There is a difference between "fanning the flames of racism" and trying to discern exactly what happened and I just have to wonder why it seems so many people want to push this kind of thing under a rock when it really should be given a good dose of sunlight and healthy discussion.

There seems to be more than one thing going on - here, not just one unified

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meme. There’s the probably/improperly killed man, there’s the looting/burning/vandalizing opportunists who have nothing to do with the former, there’s the apologists trying to justify the latter as motivated by the former, there’s the sociopolitical opportunists and the peaceful protesters who are genuinely pissed off at any of the former and are expressing their dismay properly, etc.

It is much easier to observe and comment from - the comfort of your easy chair

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Those of us that live in the Saint Louis County area, i.e. Ferguson, Jennings, Dellwood, Country Club Hills, and the surrounding municipalities have to live this and with these "police" every day. You would feel different if it was your actual existence.
I am not really understanding - what you mean here
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Who would feel different?

You have to live with these "police" - do you mean you agree that they are overkill or you think they are doing something necessary?

Sorry, I just don't follow what you are trying to say here - obviously it is harder for people such as yourself living there, but it would be good to know the background from someone who lives there, if you don't want to explain that's fine too.

I just cannot for the life of me understand why anyone would want discussion shut down, and yes, I am not there, but if you can help us understand, please do. Thanks.
The local news is showing more pictures than the - national news, things like
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"the only good cop is a dead cop" painted on a sign, the QuikTrip that essentially has been burned down, many stores with bashed in windows and empty shelves, etc., liquor stores, tires stores vandalized...
Trending on Twitter, Palestinians helping rioters - in Ferguson. nm
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This was my original post - I don't agree with the destruction of propert
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But the citizens of Ferguson and surrounding St Louis County neighborhoods are tired and fed up with the treatment of the police officers "The behavior you see is not representative of Saint Louis County. There are about 5 municipalities in this very small area and there have always been racial problems with the police. The Ferguson police turned the investigation over to the St. Louis Count Police which can in a sense be considered an extension of Ferguson. The Ferguson residents are represented by the peaceful demonstrations. We deserve for our children to be "served and protected" by the police just like any other community."


I don't think anyone agrees with the destruction - of property but chicken and egg?
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The nasty anti-police comments were not always there, right? Just after this incident, and the police have acted with extreme violence and extremely badly in this situation.

Could they not even have allowed the boy's uncle to view his body without threatening him, maybe explained why his nephew was lying there dead for hours, instead of just chasing him away. I mean, why is that okay?

Do they think they don't have to explain anything? Why would that be the case?

Peaceful demonstrations seem to be what were going on last night, so why then did the police shoot rubber bullets and throw molotov cocktails? Why did they confiscate cameras and detain reporters?

Nobody says everyone isn't entitled to protection from vandals and looters, but I also think the police have been extremely negligent when it comes to justifying in any way the incident that sparked all this, and yes they do have to justify it. We still do not seem to know what happened or why they are hiding the officer.
Ditto to everything you said - I coundn't have said it better
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I have lived in this community for 35 years and have never seen anything like this.
Chris Hayes is on now live in Ferguson - showing a very peaceful scene
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Apparently, the intimidating police presence was the issue according to the residents he is talking to, who are holding signs about Peace, Love, We Want An Investigation, etc.

It seems like it is a lot better than last night anyway. Here's hoping things only get better now that the highway patrol is in charge.

I wondered where to put it when I started it - I rejected gab as sort of light

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for race relations. But it isn't REALLY politics, in the strictest sense of Rep. or Democrat, but then neither is Israel-Gaza, except it is, and so is Ferguson-Brown. I brought it up because it had been ignored for 4-5 days, which I also thought odd.

My point was to bring it to light. There have been a lot of good posts from people with some direct experience and similar experiences in other cities.

I found myself having a discussion with my 13-year-old and asked him what he felt about the black pastor in Ferguson, crying on the radio, saying that he had had to have a talk with his 13-year-old about how to deal with the police while being black. I asked him if he had any feelings at all as to how black people feel in many communities, being afraid, and not feeling safe with the police. I didn't expect any answer, but I did expect thought.

That's what I expected here also, and to some extent I think it was achieved.

There was a thread a couple of days ago - which abruptly just disappeared

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I guess people get uncomfortable, but if they do I think they should just bow out, why should it not even be open for discussion?

I definitely feel it is politics myself. Until we get laws with teeth that force media to tell the truth or get off the air, there are well moneyed elements that love to stoke racial tension because it suits them to have us all fighting amongst ourselves down here in the cheap seats - don't pay attention to the man behind the curtain!

What you did with your son was brilliant, good to ask kids to think, not to tell them what to think.

Just watching the eyewitness Tiffany in Ferguson describe what happened. She is extremely well spoken and credible. It is hard to imagine what that young man could have done to elicit that response from the policeman who killed him by her account.
The truth will get lost or won't matter like so many - things these days. nm
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No doubt the Good Ol' Boys Ferg PD is just as upset as the - protesters

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They had their "animals" (their words, not mine) under control until this out of control cop murdered one of them.

Demographics of Ferguson is over 90% black. Police dept has 50 white, 3 black officers. They had everything under control (as in who knows what tactics they used to accomplish this) until one of their own had to go and ruin their control utopia. I'm sure they are all out of sorts about this.

Poor stupid cops. And they thought they could even control the press. They were in their own world, their own glass house, their own echo chamber. And now their world is shattered because they had been so used to controlling the "animals" they thought they had supreme power. Falling hard, they are.

State police called in. Buh bye good ol' boys POlice department. Let this message echo all over this country. These little good ol' boy pockets are everywhere. Time to flush them out.

I was puzzled when the police chief seemed to - be best buds with Hannity

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Giving him the only true interview. Not saying that Fox News is racist, but as it said on the Simpson's blimp:

"Not racist, but #1 with racists."

Was that really a wise choice, sir?

Good old boys indeed. About time they are forced to face the truth about their prejudices and stop criminalizing innocent people because of the color of their skin.

another Trayvon Martin - situation...nm

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