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Meltdown? Three reactors in Japan in danger.

Posted: Mar 14, 2011

At lunch time, I heard that one of the reactor's rods are fully exposed. The other two are still only partially exposed.  They are still working furiously on trying to keep the rods cool. Is it a loosing battle?  I hope not. After the explosion at the second plant, and now the third one in danger, it's worse than expected. 

They have had over 401 aftershocks and they are still continuing to have aftershocks up to 6.1.  I'm afraid for the people. There are over 200 people who were testing positive for radiation so far. 

This is one of the reasons I don't want the U.S. to build more nuclear plants here. In fact, they should disable the ones here. There's not enough known about the future of the radioactive waste generated from those plants and human error has always been the reason for accidents. TMI partial meltdown was a first warning. Chernobyl was another. They are comparing Japan's nuclear problems to TMI. No....it's worse.  They should be comparing it to Chernobyl although this was nature's doing. 


It is just terrible. I'm not smart enough to know what the answer is for our own country - Wish I knew the answer

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Everybody has all the answers and yet, they have no answer at all. Other sources of electricity can be dangerous as well and the difference with nuclear may be in how well they are contained. I don't want to live close to one though.

I have never wanted to go nuclear - sm

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for the simple reason that even if we never suffered something as horrible as Japan has....and I hope we don't....you still have a lot of radioactive waste to dispose of. I have never been a fan of nuclear because of that reason.

As to other fuel sources...we need to figure something out because this administration is he!! bent on lowering our dependency on fossil fuels. I would have no problem with that but my personal opinion is that it would be wise to find a feasible and affordable alternative before jacking up the prices of the only fuel we have. He won't let us drill here...although he gave billions of dollars to Brazil so they could drill there...which still baffles me. Wind is turning out NOT to be a great source...plus people complain about the windmills looking ugly.

So what is the answer? I have no clue but with the democrats wanting fuel prices to go higher so we use less of it....they just don't get how hurtful that is to people who aren't living the lifestyle they are.

Windmills don't just look ugly. They are noisy. - Backwards Typist

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Our mountains are being loaded up with windmills and people living in the valleys below are complaining about the noise, the dead birds, etc. caused by the windmills.

Clean coal is the way to go for now. There's enough for 100 years or more and at least it could be used temporarily until something better comes around. A local guy has built a power plant using the slag left from the coal without a lot of emission and he has also built a car using coal as the fuel which had no dirty emissions.

He also has the technology in place to turn coal into oil and has proven it to the government but they refuse to help him expand the operation. He's been trying for 10 years now to get them to listen to him. Why? Could it be that Biden doesn't want ANY coal? During the campaign, Biden stated he will shut all coal mines down. Why he hates coal, I have no idea. He grew up in coal country. Maybe he remembers only the old days about coal (ugly coal banks and slag piles, open pits and scarred land left behind, dangerous bootleg mines) and not that coal technology has graduated to safe and economical fuel.

Oh, well. We'll just wait another 100,000 years and then produce diamonds. LOL

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